Debate Now Is It A Problem For Women to Use The Men's Restroom?

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
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The only rules are stay on topic and no trolling. I find it completely strange and unnatural for a woman to use the men's restroom, but is it actually a problem if she wants to?

Although I realize that women can be sexual predators too, unfortunately for the most part unless she looks like this woman she would more likely be the one getting raped, but if she wants to gamble and take that chance to me it would be her own fault.

Tagging OhPleaseJustQuit, JGalt, Thunk, and toobfreak to see what they think about this and see whether or not they agree with me but anybody can participate. I'm just more concerned about keeping men out of women's restrooms than vice versa because women are the innocent victims in that situation and didn't have any control over it before President Trump took office.

It is generally not a problem, but some males might experience what is sometimes called, "bashful kidneys" if the woman in question is lurking around.

I believe that Amendment 1.37 of the U. S Constitution gives every American - even males - the RIGHT not to be made uncomfortable. Ever.

But here is an argument FOR ladies in the men's room: In many venues, at intermission (halftime, etc.) there is a horribly long line at the ladies' restroom while the men are moving in and out with no delays whatsoever. Under those circumstances, I have no problem with a few women availing themselves of vacant toilet cubicles.
Where I worked we a had a female upon birth wanting to use the men's restroom. We even had to have a stupid meeting over it.

I said that I care less and was more offended that I was called into a stupid meeting. I thought though if you are going to go there, use the urinal. They didn't.

I'm okay with a biological woman using the men's room. I've known a woman or two who did when in a situation where the lines for the ladies' room were just too long.

I've even seen a woman squat at one of the old school style urinals, like in the below image, facing away from the wall. She was wearing a full enough skirt that any modesty was not compromised.


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The only rules are stay on topic and no trolling. I find it completely strange and unnatural for a woman to use the men's restroom, but is it actually a problem if she wants to?

Although I realize that women can be sexual predators too, unfortunately for the most part unless she looks like this woman she would more likely be the one getting raped, but if she wants to gamble and take that chance to me it would be her own fault.

Tagging OhPleaseJustQuit, JGalt, Thunk, and toobfreak to see what they think about this and see whether or not they agree with me but anybody can participate. I'm just more concerned about keeping men out of women's restrooms than vice versa because women are the innocent victims in that situation and didn't have any control over it before President Trump took office.

You've obviously never been to Vegas. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The answer is. I care little. As I have seen this happen more than once. It gets a shrug from me.
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I sort of did it myself when the women's restroom was locked but somebody was standing outside the door guarding it and I was quick. It also was a one seater. There were also times when I was a kid I went in the boy's restroom at school because I wanted to see what it was like but that's just kid stuff. Then there were the times that I accidentally went in the wrong restroom.
It is generally not a problem, but some males might experience what is sometimes called, "bashful kidneys" if the woman in question is lurking around.

I believe that Amendment 1.37 of the U. S Constitution gives every American - even males - the RIGHT not to be made uncomfortable. Ever.

But here is an argument FOR ladies in the men's room: In many venues, at intermission (halftime, etc.) there is a horribly long line at the ladies' restroom while the men are moving in and out with no delays whatsoever. Under those circumstances, I have no problem with a few women availing themselves of vacant toilet cubicles.
I believe the law in CA has allowed women to use men's restrooms on such occasions for a few decades now. I see no problem with it.
I've always noticed at most venues the line at the women's bathroom is always super long, so if they really have to go I'd have no issue with it.

Just don't tie up the sink area primping and preening....Piss/crap-wash-n-go. ;)

LOL.....Remember this "art"?


Ever been in the ladies' room at a drag event?

At least they'll usually step aside for a real woman in this case.

LOL, I once had to use the restroom in a restaurant in San Diego. I went to the only one I saw and on entering though it looked a bit foo foo for a men's room but it was San Diego. I came out of the stall and a woman was at the wash basin. I apologized profusely as I was a bit embarrassed at my faux pas. She shrugged and acted as if nothing was out of hand.
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