Is it me, or will the Dems face a GOP landslide this year??

If Scott Brown is an indication of the kind of Republican who will be able to unseat Dems this November y'all are pipe dreaming about getting rid of "progressives."

And if you think 'all of us think' that candidates like Scott Brown, (what I'd call a Northeastern Republican), is a bad thing, you're wrong.

Don't you rail on things like cap and trade and national health care?

I am against cap and trade, so is Mark Kirk, now. ;) I want health care reform, just not the monster called Obamacare. What was passed in the House in the fall and Senate, Christmas Eve are not acceptable. That's what the majority of Americans have been screaming for months.
I dunno about a landslide, but it looks like they will lose some key seats; things are not looking good on the economic front and Obama has shown no lsadership at all. He's looking more and more like an empty suit who has surrounded himself with even more empty suits.

"It's the economy stupid"
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40 Seats in the House and 11 in the Senate

Neither will happen. Republicans will pick up some seats. Dems will still control both houses and the White House for the forseeable future
Dems can only counter the inevitable loss by moving further Left and trying to pass ObamaCare, Cap & Trade and funding a civilian military to go into peoples house to check their thermostats
The country is playing in the key of C (for Conservative) and Dems are not only playing in C#, but they're scraping a nail file along the strings and making the neighbor cats howl.

Also, the Devil totally kicked Johnny's ass in "the Devil Went to Georgia"
If Scott Brown is an indication of the kind of Republican who will be able to unseat Dems this November y'all are pipe dreaming about getting rid of "progressives."

He's not perfect, but he's far more conservative than John Kerry. He'll be more conservative than Coakley would have been. Hell, He's already stopped Obamacare cold! That is better than anything the morbidly obese dipsomaniac who held the seat before him did in 47 years.


Obamacare and all of its smoke-filled backroom dealings, union kickbacks, exemptions, and bribes is dead. Scott Brown did that, just by being elected. No Kool Aid needed. Is he the perfect conservative? Probably not. But when he announced he would be the vote that stopped Obamacare, he had me at hello......:rofl:
Hey Art, Brown doesn't support cap and trade, I didn't think so:

[ame=]YouTube - Scott Brown on Cap & Trade Legislation[/ame]
1994 is going to look like the Good Ole days

Good chance Dems lose every Senate seat and about 100 House seats

Prediction bookmarked.

Here's another one: Obama wont even finish out his first term, the job is too small and he's bored, he's going to the UN to be King of the World


He'll finish, not to return though. He will become nothing but a footnote about the guy who's collossal fuckups and misteps ushered in the conservative movement.
Hey Art, Brown doesn't support cap and trade, I didn't think so:

YouTube - Scott Brown on Cap & Trade Legislation

Brown also backed away from his support for a cap-and-trade system for trying to contain greenhouse gases. In 2008, he voted with the Legislature for Massachusetts to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a pact among Northeastern states requiring power plants to reduce emissions or to buy credits from cleaner industries.

“Reducing carbon dioxide emission in Massachusetts has long been a priority of mine,’’ Brown said in a news release at the time. “Passing this legislation is an important step . . . towards improving our environment.’’

Scott Brown showcases his more conservative leanings - The Boston Globe
Hey Art, Brown doesn't support cap and trade, I didn't think so:

YouTube - Scott Brown on Cap & Trade Legislation

Brown also backed away from his support for a cap-and-trade system for trying to contain greenhouse gases. In 2008, he voted with the Legislature for Massachusetts to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a pact among Northeastern states requiring power plants to reduce emissions or to buy credits from cleaner industries.

“Reducing carbon dioxide emission in Massachusetts has long been a priority of mine,’’ Brown said in a news release at the time. “Passing this legislation is an important step . . . towards improving our environment.’’

Scott Brown showcases his more conservative leanings - The Boston Globe

I care how they vote. I was going to work on Kirk's campaign, even had signed up. Then he voted yes on cap and trade. Shot off letter saying, 'Don't bother.' He sent a letter a couple months ago, apologizing for the vote. That's why I did vote for him today.
"Reducing carbon dioxide emission in Massachusetts has long been a priority of mine."

If Scott Brown is an indication of the kind of Republican who will be able to unseat Dems this November y'all are pipe dreaming about getting rid of "progressives."


I like SCOTT BROWN!!:razz:
If Scott Brown is an indication of the kind of Republican who will be able to unseat Dems this November y'all are pipe dreaming about getting rid of "progressives."


I like SCOTT BROWN!!:razz:

I like him too but I'm not guzzling the kool aid like some of our "principled" conservatives are here either.

I like Scott Brown, just like Kirk. If they represent my point of view on economics, I'm fine with them. That they may think differently than they vote? Not my problem.

Personally I consider myself fiscally conservative. On social issues I'm quite tolerant, just not for legislating morals, one way or the other. When it comes to race, religion, sexual orientation, etc., I'm certainly not 'far right.'
I was going over some of the polls for the upcoming elections and , well, if you are a lefty, do not pack your bags for D.C.

It Looks as if the GOP/conservatives/Libertarians/Tea Partiers (or whatever the right is calling themselves these days) have regrouped and are making a very enthusiastic and highly energized campaign to rid America of "Progressivism"

I am starting to think that the Democrats are facing a mighty hard fall. How did this happen? Was it UHC?? Was it the cigerette Tax?? Was it Glen Beck??

Will the Republicans capture the entire Congress? What do you think?? I am a little flabbergasted at how a political party that was in the dumpster just a year ago came back with such vigor.

It is as if George W. Bush never occured!! What are your thoughts??

Well, let's see what the selling points of Democrats are:

Class Warfare.
Union Deals.
More Spending.
Vote Selling.
Voter Intimidation.
Giving criminal trials to foreign terrorists.
Cramming unpopular "comprehensive" legislation down the American people's throats.
Calling them foul names if they don't like it.
And more spending.
Illegal immigration.
Ginormous Deficits
Unfunded Liability SO BIG it can never be paid off.
Ceding Air Superiority to Russia.
Ceding Space Exploration to China.
And yet more spending.
Aborting sweet little babies.
Gay marriage.
Gay military personnel.
Individual mandates.
Medical records theft.
Creating a bribery exchange to "cap" CO2.
Partisan politics.
Oh... and MORE SPENDING. :rolleyes:

There are LOTS of reasons. And none of them have much of anything to do with Republicans or G.W. Bush. It's Obama's house now. And he's allowed Nancy Pelosi to make his bed.

Democrats have done this to themselves... through overreach, bad policies, and bad manners.
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