Is Paper Currency On It's Way Out?


Active Member
Aug 11, 2020
Both WalMart and Meijers have self check out areas. For some time now, those lines stopped taking cash. Instead, you have to use a card. I doubt if this is because the coronavirus has made it more difficult to move money around. After all, if you drive an armored car moving cash around, there isn't much chance for infection. So maybe cash is on its way out.
Both WalMart and Meijers have self check out areas. For some time now, those lines stopped taking cash. Instead, you have to use a card. I doubt if this is because the coronavirus has made it more difficult to move money around. After all, if you drive an armored car moving cash around, there isn't much chance for infection. So maybe cash is on its way out.
I suspect part of it is due to the current coin shortage we are having. Since most purchases are not rounded to the nearest dollar.
there is a few people working on the idea of making cash obsolete. The idea is it is that It is getting simpler to make fake money.
Both WalMart and Meijers have self check out areas. For some time now, those lines stopped taking cash. Instead, you have to use a card. I doubt if this is because the coronavirus has made it more difficult to move money around. After all, if you drive an armored car moving cash around, there isn't much chance for infection. So maybe cash is on its way out.
Start of the NWO. The robber barons have stolen and taken over anything that matters using fiat currency that they create from nothing. 97 percent of all "money" is simply digits on a ledger. Once cash is eliminated, they will be able to track every fucking purchase you make.
A buddy of mine owns a pawn shop. He buys and sells a lot of gold and silver. The prices he quotes to customers when he's selling are cash prices. If they use a card it's an additional 4%.

If you were buying $10,000 worth of gold, would you want to pay an additional $400 just so you could use your Visa card? I sure wouldn't.

Cash isn't going anywhere...
Nah cash will still be around as it is really not the systems business whether I spend 2 bucks on tampons or whatever. I'm pretty certain most normal people feel that away. In India they tried to force all card and no cash and the people just ignored it and kept using rupees.

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