Is Scott Pruitt Part Of The Swamp?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

I just want to ask Trump supporters a serious question and I would like to see if they can answer it without doing the following:

a. Blaming Obama
b. Mentioning the words "...but Hillary"
c. deflecting to Missing emails
d. throwing a hissy fit and saying "Trump won, deal with it libs!!"
e. Any other answer that doesn't relate to the question

Now that the ground rules are set -- Here are the questions.

1. Is Scott Pruitt part of the swamp Trump talked about draining?
2. Is what he is doing an example of corruption or cronyism? Or since corporations have backed him, you are OK with what he does???
DAMN Biff - your best post to date!

Yes, Scott Pruitt IS the swamp - And the hits just keep on comin'.


I just want to ask Trump supporters a serious question and I would like to see if they can answer it without doing the following:

a. Blaming Obama
b. Mentioning the words "...but Hillary"
c. deflecting to Missing emails
d. throwing a hissy fit and saying "Trump won, deal with it libs!!"
e. Any other answer that doesn't relate to the question

Now that the ground rules are set -- Here are the questions.

1. Is Scott Pruitt part of the swamp Trump talked about draining?
2. Is what he is doing an example of corruption or cronyism? Or since corporations have backed him, you are OK with what he does???

Yes, he is the true swamp.

I just want to ask Trump supporters a serious question and I would like to see if they can answer it without doing the following:

a. Blaming Obama
b. Mentioning the words "...but Hillary"
c. deflecting to Missing emails
d. throwing a hissy fit and saying "Trump won, deal with it libs!!"
e. Any other answer that doesn't relate to the question

Now that the ground rules are set -- Here are the questions.

1. Is Scott Pruitt part of the swamp Trump talked about draining?
2. Is what he is doing an example of corruption or cronyism? Or since corporations have backed him, you are OK with what he does???

No, Pruitt is not part of the EPA's Swamp.
In fact it's the Swamp that has been generating anti-Pruitt News stories.
The EPA is full of far left wingers.
In Far Left economics the government “owns the means of production”. But, the new Progressive way to do the same sort of thing is through over regulation and taxation.
The EPA’s people are trying to rebel against Pruitt’s changes.

I just want to ask Trump supporters a serious question and I would like to see if they can answer it without doing the following:

a. Blaming Obama
b. Mentioning the words "...but Hillary"
c. deflecting to Missing emails
d. throwing a hissy fit and saying "Trump won, deal with it libs!!"
e. Any other answer that doesn't relate to the question

Now that the ground rules are set -- Here are the questions.

1. Is Scott Pruitt part of the swamp Trump talked about draining?
2. Is what he is doing an example of corruption or cronyism? Or since corporations have backed him, you are OK with what he does???
Why not address the emails? Rather important topic. You realize she actually broke the law, right? The left will lie and giggle and claim she didn't.

Obama is the reason race relations deteriorated and it was a concerted deliberate effort. The last thing the democrats want is to ever have their robotic mentally enslaved believe they are "free at last." Hence, the reason for the full court press on race division during his black presidency. That was the one thing that they needed to establish and that is the blacks felt like they were MORE VICTIMIZED by righty whitey. Notice how BLM was established. Any and all incidents that happened that matched the COLORS for instance was hyped beyond belief. Oh, how the media thought a guy named "Zimmerman" was a whitey. Oh, how they were disappointed that he was Spanish. Oh, how they needed to whiten his skin in the broadcasts. Then the Ferguson deal. Making it ALL seem like suuuuch an epidemic in this country, when the factual statistics indicate it is far from any epidemic. However, even though blacks have never had it better at any time history than any place on the planet, they are made to believe things have never been worse. I mean they were not even nominated for an Oscar a few years ago!!!! Can you imagine how baaaad it is for them here?!?!

The only ones throwing hissy fucking fits is the fucking left you piece of shit..
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The "swamp" is generally described by Trump supporters as useless and often redundant programs that no longer work which are supported by cowardly RINO republicans who are afraid to buck the establishment and who vote for their own interests and usually side with democrats. Pruitt doesn't fit the definition regardless of unfounded allegations of cronyism.
Pfssst. He is a Swamp unto himself. Rivals the Atchafalaya. But everyone in the Retrumplican Party is the Swamp. Most Corrupt Administration in History.

I just want to ask Trump supporters a serious question and I would like to see if they can answer it without doing the following:

a. Blaming Obama
b. Mentioning the words "...but Hillary"
c. deflecting to Missing emails
d. throwing a hissy fit and saying "Trump won, deal with it libs!!"
e. Any other answer that doesn't relate to the question

Now that the ground rules are set -- Here are the questions.

1. Is Scott Pruitt part of the swamp Trump talked about draining?
2. Is what he is doing an example of corruption or cronyism? Or since corporations have backed him, you are OK with what he does???

As one of the largest and most corrupt of bureaucracies, the EPA needed somebody like Scott Pruitt to rein them in. Yes, he has had some missteps and errors in judgment, but overall he is doing some very good things for us all.

Most of the ugly stuff in the media is generated by the fake news gang intent on demonizing anything and everybody associated with the Trump Administration. They report rumors from 'anonymous sources' of course as actual news, blow the most minor things out of all proportion, and refuse to report anything good or significant that is actually happening.

I was ready to ask for Pruitt's head on a platter when I thought he was seriously abusing his position. But after doing some research, I wasn't able to verify anything other than a few insignificant things and had to chalk the rest up as fake news.

I really appreciated this recent piece in USA Today:
Scott Pruitt should stay at EPA
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I just want to ask Trump supporters a serious question and I would like to see if they can answer it without doing the following:

a. Blaming Obama
b. Mentioning the words "...but Hillary"
c. deflecting to Missing emails
d. throwing a hissy fit and saying "Trump won, deal with it libs!!"
e. Any other answer that doesn't relate to the question

Now that the ground rules are set -- Here are the questions.

1. Is Scott Pruitt part of the swamp Trump talked about draining?
2. Is what he is doing an example of corruption or cronyism? Or since corporations have backed him, you are OK with what he does???
Why not address the emails? Rather important topic. You realize she actually broke the law, right? The left will lie and giggle and claim she didn't.

Obama is the reason race relations deteriorated and it was a concerted deliberate effort. The last thing the democrats want is to ever have their robotic mentally enslaved believe they are "free at last." Hence, the reason for the full court press on race division during his black presidency. That was the one thing that they needed to establish and that is the blacks felt like they were MORE VICTIMIZED by righty whitey. Notice how BLM was established. Any and all incidents that happened that matched the COLORS for instance was hyped beyond belief. Oh, how the media thought a guy named "Zimmerman" was a whitey. Oh, how they were disappointed that he was Spanish. Oh, how they needed to whiten his skin in the broadcasts. Then the Ferguson deal. Making it ALL seem like suuuuch an epidemic in this country, when the factual statistics indicate it is far from any epidemic. However, even though blacks have never had it better at any time history than any place on the planet, they are made to believe things have never been worse. I mean they were not even nominated for an Oscar a few years ago!!!! Can you imagine how baaaad it is for them here?!?!

The only ones throwing hissy fucking fits is the fucking left you piece of shit..
^^^ Him mad ^^^

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