Is Snopes a Left-Wing Mouthpiece?

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That's the difference between "Conservative and Liberal" and "Radical Right and Radical left."

Conservatives and Liberals get the facts and then decide where they stand.

The radical right and the radical left make up their minds and then decide which facts they want to ignore.
And there's a rumor that Snopes is a 'secret tool of the democratic party to promote Barack Obama'.....but no evidence.

Here's the evidence: According to snopes, IRS, Bengazhi, NSA, GMO, F&F, NDAA, arming syrian jihadists (Al Nusra and ISIS), afghan opium trade, obamacare website, Cash for Clunk, Solyndra, Wall Street bailouts are all "phony scandals."

Keep drinking your flouride kid, despite the Harvard studies that warn against it, because snopes says flouride is good for you.
They certainly seem to be biased that way.

According to Snopes, IRS, Bengazhi, Fast and Furious, NSA, NDAA, GMO, etc are all phony scandals.

Drink your flouride, snopes said it's good for you.

What does that tell you?
that their right and assholes like you will swallow anything.

Thanks for proving the point Obamabot.

Edward Snowden is a figment of rightwingers' imagination. NDAA only suspends Habeus Corpus in Never-Never-land and Ambassor Stevens is alive and kicking.

GMO doesnt' give cancer to rats, the Harvard professors forged scientific evidence for flouride consumption causing drain bramage.

No federal agents were shot by Eric Holder's smuggled firearms. Mass shootings don't occur in gun free zones. The AP was never wiretapped and Obama is a saint.

K thx for proving the point. Really. Thank for proving the thread's title.
They certainly seem to be biased that way.

According to Snopes, IRS, Bengazhi, Fast and Furious, NSA, NDAA, GMO, etc are all phony scandals.

Drink your flouride, snopes said it's good for you.

What does that tell you? I used Snopes to check on your claims:
"Fast and Furious"
7 articles with that phrase in the article- of those only 3 refer to the ATF scandal. Of those articles- 2 include 'fast and furious' in quotes that Snopes was addressing- and only one article- this one: House Republicans Schedule Obama Impeachment Hearings
discusses the issue at all- but doesn't in anyway declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
They certainly seem to be biased that way.

According to Snopes, IRS, Bengazhi, Fast and Furious, NSA, NDAA, GMO, etc are all phony scandals.

Drink your flouride, snopes said it's good for you.

What does that tell you?
that their right and assholes like you will swallow anything.

Thanks for proving the point Obamabot.

Edward Snowden is a figment of rightwingers' imagination. NDAA only suspends Habeus Corpus in Never-Never-land and Ambassor Stevens is alive and kicking.

GMO doesnt' give cancer to rats, the Harvard professors forged scientific evidence for flouride consumption causing drain bramage.

No federal agents were shot by Eric Holder's smuggled firearms. Mass shootings don't occur in gun free zones. The AP was never wiretapped and Obama is a saint.

K thx for proving the point. Really. Thank for proving the thread's title.
right! it's you who's proving that stereotypes are true with every post....

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy....appeal to authority

Appeal to Authority
An appeal to authority is an argument from the fact that a person judged to be an authority affirms a proposition to the claim that the proposition is true.

Appeals to authority are always deductively fallacious; even a legitimate authority speaking on his area of expertise may affirm a falsehood, so no testimony of any authority is guaranteed to be true.

However, the informal fallacy occurs only when the authority cited either (a) is not an authority, or (b) is not an authority on the subject on which he is being cited. If someone either isn’t an authority at all, or isn’t an authority on the subject about which they’re speaking, then that undermines the value of their testimony.

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy.....

The fact that they don't have a single concrete article of the F&F scandal is a travesty. You cannot deny that.

Nice deflection attempt.

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy.....

The fact that they don't have a single concrete article of the F&F scandal is a travesty. You cannot deny that.

Nice deflection attempt.
of course I can... but there is nothing to deny .....go yell at the tv...

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy.....

The fact that they don't have a single concrete article of the F&F scandal is a travesty. You cannot deny that.

Nice deflection attempt.
of course I can... but there is nothing to deny .....go yell at the tv...

Then shouldn't Snopes reveal that there is nothing to the scandal, isn't that their supposed mission, to fact-check? You're telling me that snopes.come fact checks via omission? That's rich.

Uncensored2008 CrusaderFrank Edgetho

Tear this guy a new asshole, my lunch break is over.

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy.....

The fact that they don't have a single concrete article of the F&F scandal is a travesty. You cannot deny that.

Nice deflection attempt.
of course I can... but there is nothing to deny .....go yell at the tv...

Then shouldn't Snopes reveal that there is nothing to the scandal, isn't that their supposed mission, to fact-check? You're telling me that snopes.come fact checks via omission? That's rich.

Uncensored2008 CrusaderFrank Edgetho

Tear this guy a new asshole, my lunch break is over.
there are no shoulds....just facts ,fact is you're an ignorant delusional asshole.
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Gender Male
Industry Science
Occupation Physicist
Location Connecticut, United States
Introduction Warmongering neo-conservative; NRA life member; and (former) professional laser-weapon designer... Supporter of nuclear power, the militarization of Space, and Microsoft's Freedom to Innovate(tm).... In other words, I'm a Classical Liberal!

another totally objective source from unhinged 2008.. next!

You cannot counter the information, so demagogue the source. ;thup;

Wazza Commie to do?

Why are you misquoting me?
Great thread.

Let's start listing cases where Snopes has defended conservatives or called BS on liberals.

If we post 100 such cases....will the OP admit that his thread is stupid? Will it take 200 cases? How many?
you're confusing with the truth.

it's not their fault that everyone has a crazy uncle (most of them post on here, it would seem) that can't pause for two minutes an do a little research before passing along the right-wing chain email de jour.
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