Is Snopes a Left-Wing Mouthpiece?

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So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.

You made the claim- so you just admit you make this crap up?

Snopes may get something wrong- but at least they look things up before they make BS claims like you did.

As always- the critics of Snopes show themselves to be less than reliable in their criticism- they just make up crap.

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy.....

The fact that they don't have a single concrete article of the F&F scandal is a travesty. You cannot deny that.

Nice deflection attempt.

As opposed to you just flat out lying that Snopes declared that Fast and Furious was a 'phony scandal'.....

Yeah.....Snopes not doing what you wanted them to have done.....I can see how that would piss you off.

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy.....

The fact that they don't have a single concrete article of the F&F scandal is a travesty. You cannot deny that.

Nice deflection attempt.
of course I can... but there is nothing to deny .....go yell at the tv...

Then shouldn't Snopes reveal that there is nothing to the scandal, isn't that their supposed mission, to fact-check? You're telling me that snopes.come fact checks via omission? That's rich.

Uncensored2008 CrusaderFrank Edgetho

Tear this guy a new asshole, my lunch break is over.


How's the application to the Air Force Academy coming along? Have you secured your nomination yet?
It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy.....

The fact that they don't have a single concrete article of the F&F scandal is a travesty. You cannot deny that.

Nice deflection attempt.
of course I can... but there is nothing to deny .....go yell at the tv...

Then shouldn't Snopes reveal that there is nothing to the scandal, isn't that their supposed mission, to fact-check? You're telling me that snopes.come fact checks via omission? That's rich.

Uncensored2008 CrusaderFrank Edgetho

Tear this guy a new asshole, my lunch break is over.


How's the application to the Air Force Academy coming along? Have you secured your nomination yet?

"Is Snopes a Left-Wing Mouthpiece?'

That Snoops often exposes conservative dogma to be false because that dogma is for the most part predicated on lies and myths doesn't make it 'leftwing.'
They certainly seem to be biased that way.
A lot of modern day piss guzzling rubes who think they are "conservatives", who believe and parrot anything which fits into their biased belief system, think exotic things like "facts" and "reality" are some kind of toxic communist plot.

"Fact check this story about Hagel being a card carrying member of the Friends of Hamas? Why would I do that? It's obviously true!"

"Fact check this story that Obama paid to keep a Muslim university in Mississippi open with his own money during the government shutdown? Why would I do that? It's obviously true!"

"Fact check the Benghazi stand down order? Why would I do that? It's obviously true!"
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exactly what does an opinion of snopes have to do with politics?
Snopes is used to 'debunk' a lot of political issues.

Asking if Snopes has a political bias is a political question.

...and yes, Snopes has a liberal bias.

If Bullshit Manufacturer A manufactured 3 tons of bullshit, and Bullshit Manufacturer B manufactured 869 tons of bullshit, and Snopes shoveled away all 872 tons of bullshit, would you say Snopes has a bias against Bullshit Manufacturer B?

Or does Bullshit Manufacture B just manufacture so much bullshit that it takes a lot more work to clean up Bullshit Manufacture B's bullshit than it does to clean up A's?
"Is Snopes a Left-Wing Mouthpiece?'

That Snoops often exposes conservative dogma to be false because that dogma is for the most part predicated on lies and myths doesn't make it 'leftwing.'

Saul, I find you barely able to string two thoughts together, but you have again unwittingly stumbled across a fact. (Not that you know what to do with it.)

Snopes indeed exposes conservative chain letters and memes - what they do NOT do is offer the same level of exposure to leftist chain letters and memes. Snopes is entirely one sided.

What Snopes does is support the confirmation bias of the left, that is the primary purpose of the site.
If Bullshit Manufacturer A manufactured 3 tons of bullshit, and Bullshit Manufacturer B manufactured 869 tons of bullshit, and Snopes shoveled away all 872 tons of bullshit, would you say Snopes has a bias against Bullshit Manufacturer B?

Or does Bullshit Manufacture B just manufacture so much bullshit that it takes a lot more work to clean up Bullshit Manufacture B's bullshit than it does to clean up A's?

The problem Comrade, is Snopes turns spotlights on the 3 tons, ignores the 869 tons, and we're all supposed to see them as authoritative.
Great thread.

Let's start listing cases where Snopes has defended conservatives or called BS on liberals.

If we post 100 such cases....will the OP admit that his thread is stupid? Will it take 200 cases? How many?

You do grasp that you have to come up with such a case first, right?
Go ahead and provide an example of some liberal manufactured bullshit and then let's see if Snope debunked it.
When I saw this topic this morning, I laughed out loud because I just knew the RW professional victims would whine about the Great Liberal Conspiracy.

You guys never disappoint.
Go ahead and provide an example of some liberal manufactured bullshit and then let's see if Snope debunked it.

How about Fast And Furious, Comrade? How about the IRS missing mail? How about the felony extortion racket run by Obama/Holder known as "Operation Choke Point."

Snopes exists to prop up the confirmation bias of leftists.
According to Snopes, IRS, Bengazhi, Fast and Furious, NSA, NDAA, GMO, etc are all phony scandals.

What does that tell you?
It tells me you get your info from biased sources. At least snopes does research. The scandalmongers just parrot whatever someone living in the same echo chamber tells them.
So now the ball is in Uncensored's court to name some really crazy liberal manufactured shit on the level of the Muslim museum thing so we can see if Snopes debunked it.
How about Fast And Furious, Comrade? How about the IRS missing mail? How about the felony extortion racket run by Obama/Holder known as "Operation Choke Point."

Be more specific. You do understand what Snopes does, right? You need to provide a rumor or false news story or mass email that was questionable. That is what Snopes debunks or verifies.

Here's a Fast and Furious related email which Snopes confirmed as real: Ex-FBI Agent s Epic Open Letter to Eric Holder Stuns Administration
It tells me you get your info from biased sources. At least snopes does research. The scandalmongers just parrot whatever someone living in the same echo chamber tells them.

Snopes does the same kind of research you do, they check the leftist hate sites and the party media, if a story conforms then it is is confirmed. If it does not and it works against the right, they "debunk" it. If it does not and it works against the left - it is removed from the site and never again mentioned.
Yes, it's certainly a left leaning organization...only when they can't spin their way out of a lefts falsehood, will they stand up for what the right you can see when they call a connection between Bill Ayers and the obomanation...PARTLY TRUE! Barack Obama and Bill Ayers
It is true Obama knew Ayers. But the asinine claims by rubes like you that he supported Ayers' terroristic activities is bogus. Thus, "partly true".

Did you even bother to read your own link, or did you clamp your hands over your eyes to prevent any risk to your idiotic hack beliefs getting disturbed?
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