Is Snopes a Left-Wing Mouthpiece?

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It is true Obama knew Ayers. But the asinine claims by rubes like you that he supported Ayers' terroristic activities is bogus. Thus, "partly true".

Did you even bother to read your own link, or did you clamp your hands over your eyes to prevent any risk to your idiotic hack beliefs getting disturbed?

Since no one made such a claim (Obama would have been a child) we have to rate your post as "completely false," Comrade.
They certainly seem to be biased that way.
Absolutely. The founders are far left. You didn't know that?

Meet "snopes".
David and Barbara Mikkelson.
They have no experience, no qualifications, no research teams - it's a husband and wife team and they are highly over rated. imo.

I have to remove that photo - they look so satisfied to be getting away with this scam. No press for them.

One of them is supposedly a Canadian citizen - both are said to be far left socialists - Obama puppets - there were rumors that George Soros funded them. If you investigate some of their fact checking you'll find they have claimed true stories to be false and false to be true. Obama must be so proud. I would never use their website for fact checking. Ever.

Snopes was started in 1995, when Clinton was president, and occupies itself mostly with debunking urban legends.


David Mikkelson has said that the site receives more complaints of liberal bias than conservative bias,[23] but insists that the same debunking standards are applied to all political urban legends. FactCheck reviewed a sample of Snopes' responses to political rumors regarding George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, and Barack Obama, and found them to be free from bias in all cases.

FactCheck noted that Barbara Mikkelson was a Canadian citizen (and thus unable to vote in US elections) and David Mikkelson was an independent who was once registered as a Republican. "You'd be hard-pressed to find two more apolitical people," David Mikkelson told them. - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Poor Righties, they simply bitch about everything under the sun. Fun!!!
Poor lefties, they actually believe everything in Wikipedia.
Snopes does the same kind of research you do, they check the leftist hate sites and the party media, if a story conforms then it is is confirmed. If it does not and it works against the right, they "debunk" it. If it does not and it works against the left - it is removed from the site and never again mentioned.
You have no clue as to what snopes or I do. Your "insight" is just a knee-jerk reaction to something you don't like.
It is true Obama knew Ayers. But the asinine claims by rubes like you that he supported Ayers' terroristic activities is bogus.
Since no one made such a claim (Obama would have been a child) we have to rate your post as "completely false,".
This epitomizes how little thought you put into your positions. Obama's age when the activities occurred is irrelevant because his support could have come after the fact.
Yes, it's certainly a left leaning organization...only when they can't spin their way out of a lefts falsehood, will they stand up for what the right you can see when they call a connection between Bill Ayers and the obomanation...PARTLY TRUE! Barack Obama and Bill Ayers
It is true Obama knew Ayers. But the asinine claims by rubes like you that he supported Ayers' terroristic activities is bogus. Thus, "partly true".

Did you even bother to read your own link, or did you clamp your hands over your eyes to prevent any risk to your idiotic hack beliefs getting disturbed?

Are you REALLY this stupid? ....Yes, once a subversive, you NEVER recover, like being a fact MOST subversives are dopers! I do like the way he SPUN it at the end of the interview, ....first book was a excellent write, second book was HACK POLITICIAN job! How OBVIOUS does one have to get with you pond scum?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

"Bill Ayers claims he wrote Barack Obama's Autobiography Dreams of My Father. He said this in front of over 100 people at a Students for a Democratic Soctiety (SDS) event on March 24, 2011 at Montclair State University in New Jersey."

How about Fast And Furious, Comrade? How about the IRS missing mail? How about the felony extortion racket run by Obama/Holder known as "Operation Choke Point."

Be more specific. You do understand what Snopes does, right? You need to provide a rumor or false news story or mass email that was questionable. That is what Snopes debunks or verifies.

Here's a Fast and Furious related email which Snopes confirmed as real: Ex-FBI Agent s Epic Open Letter to Eric Holder Stuns Administration

Because we're supposed to believe that not a single 1 of 300,000,000 Americans has provided question concerning the aforementioned to ??? Sounds like selective omission.
This epitomizes how little thought you put into your positions. Obama's age when the activities occurred is irrelevant because his support could have come after the fact.

No one suggested that Obama had "supported Ayers terroristic activities."

That was a lie cut from whole cloth that you oddly thought added authority to your sycophantic rambling. Though I do give you credit for following in Snopes style and substance....

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy.....

The fact that they don't have a single concrete article of the F&F scandal is a travesty. You cannot deny that.

Nice deflection attempt.

As opposed to you just flat out lying that Snopes declared that Fast and Furious was a 'phony scandal'.....

Yeah.....Snopes not doing what you wanted them to have done.....I can see how that would piss you off.

There's a famous saying by Pullitzer:

"If it ain't in the paper, it didn't happen."

That how snopes covers for Obama.
I prefer the Washington Post to Snopes for fact checking. Of the 13 ads or statements that got 4 Pinochios in 2014, 7 of them were awarded to Republican or right wing sources while 5 were given to Democrats and 1 to Putin. Of the five Democrats getting this award, Obama led with three.
So here is an example of some right wing manufactured bullshit: Obama used his personal funds to keep a Muslim museum open during the government shutdown. This incredible bullshit was run on the air by Fox News.

Here is Snopes debunking it: Obama Uses Own Money to Open Muslim Museum Amid Government Shutdown

Funny how they have time to debunk such frivilous claims (that no one in this thread even mentioned), yet they never have had time to debunk Fast and Furious.

Thanks for proving the point of the OP's title.

So- here is my challenge- show us where you saw Snopes declare that "Fast and Furious" is a phony scandal.

If you can't- well then you have just showed yourself as less reliable than Snopes.

It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy.....

The fact that they don't have a single concrete article of the F&F scandal is a travesty. You cannot deny that.

Nice deflection attempt.

As opposed to you just flat out lying that Snopes declared that Fast and Furious was a 'phony scandal'.....

Yeah.....Snopes not doing what you wanted them to have done.....I can see how that would piss you off.

There's a famous saying by Pullitzer:

"If it ain't in the paper, it didn't happen."

That how snopes covers for Obama.

And there is a famous saying by me- if 2nd Amendment makes a claim about Snopes, best check that claim since he has shown he is fine with lying about Snopes.

Yes, Snopes spends a great deal of bandwidth smearing Bush.

How about you entertain us with some cases where snopes has gotten it wrong,

and, while you're at it,

prove that they've gotten it wrong.

In response instead of providing evidence of wrong doing they simply complain about the facts and ask silly ass questions like "Is Snopes Infallible?"

Which begs a better question: What or Who IS Infallible?
So finding out the truth is liberal? Just because people have actual proof that your narrative is false doesn't mean they are a "left wing mouthpiece," they are trying to find the truth.

That's the ultimate issue with the radical right. No matter what, the narrative is truth. Even if it's been clearly debunked (Benghazi), it's a massive CONSPIRACY.
My blogs

About me
Gender Male
Industry Science
Occupation Physicist
Location Connecticut, United States
Introduction Warmongering neo-conservative; NRA life member; and (former) professional laser-weapon designer... Supporter of nuclear power, the militarization of Space, and Microsoft's Freedom to Innovate(tm).... In other words, I'm a Classical Liberal!

another totally objective source from unhinged 2008.. next!

You cannot counter the information, so demagogue the source. ;thup;

Wazza Commie to do?

Why are you misquoting me?
he does that.. when his ass is being handed to him.
btw that's my quote.
It's called omission. It's more intellectually dishonest than lying.

How could a scandal of the notoriety of F&F NOT be snopes? Is there something they are hiding?

Molon Labe.
right......the old because they didn't say it has to true ploy.....

The fact that they don't have a single concrete article of the F&F scandal is a travesty. You cannot deny that.

Nice deflection attempt.

As opposed to you just flat out lying that Snopes declared that Fast and Furious was a 'phony scandal'.....

Yeah.....Snopes not doing what you wanted them to have done.....I can see how that would piss you off.

There's a famous saying by Pullitzer:

"If it ain't in the paper, it didn't happen."

That how snopes covers for Obama.

And there is a famous saying by me- if 2nd Amendment makes a claim about Snopes, best check that claim since he has shown he is fine with lying about Snopes.

if Snopes was around when the 2nd was being penned I want to know who had the computer ..
So finding out the truth is liberal? Just because people have actual proof that your narrative is false doesn't mean they are a "left wing mouthpiece," they are trying to find the truth.

That's the ultimate issue with the radical right. No matter what, the narrative is truth. Even if it's been clearly debunked (Benghazi), it's a massive CONSPIRACY.

Thats how far they've sealed themselves in their bubble.

They say its not true until you prove it to them
Then they say its not proof because its from a "left wing site"
Then they neglect to say how its not proof.
Even if its proven they go to their last 2 defenses

1. Say its a conspiracy or
2. Use their "intentions detector" to tell you what the words "really mean" by reading....between the lines
They certainly seem to be biased that way.
Absolutely. The founders are far left. You didn't know that?

Meet "snopes".
David and Barbara Mikkelson.
They have no experience, no qualifications, no research teams - it's a husband and wife team and they are highly over rated. imo.

I have to remove that photo - they look so satisfied to be getting away with this scam. No press for them.

One of them is supposedly a Canadian citizen - both are said to be far left socialists - Obama puppets - there were rumors that George Soros funded them. If you investigate some of their fact checking you'll find they have claimed true stories to be false and false to be true. Obama must be so proud. I would never use their website for fact checking. Ever.

Snopes was started in 1995, when Clinton was president, and occupies itself mostly with debunking urban legends.


David Mikkelson has said that the site receives more complaints of liberal bias than conservative bias,[23] but insists that the same debunking standards are applied to all political urban legends. FactCheck reviewed a sample of Snopes' responses to political rumors regarding George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, and Barack Obama, and found them to be free from bias in all cases.

FactCheck noted that Barbara Mikkelson was a Canadian citizen (and thus unable to vote in US elections) and David Mikkelson was an independent who was once registered as a Republican. "You'd be hard-pressed to find two more apolitical people," David Mikkelson told them. - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Poor Righties, they simply bitch about everything under the sun. Fun!!!
Poor lefties, they actually believe everything in Wikipedia.
It's their "group think."

Look at all their avatars. You know they all got their marching orders from someone to all pick a conservative and do the same thing with their picture.

Not an original thought among the entire group. Just a pathetic little bunch of followers, sheeple, pajama boys, bubble heads... all connected with GROUP THINK.

And how is it do you think they can all spend day and night here on this board in their little gang of group thinkers spewing their progtard garbage non stop? Exactly, not a one of them has a JOB either... FREEBAGGERS.
Poor lefties, they actually believe everything in Wikipedia.

LOL...Poor cons cant even point out the errors but they swear there are some...Loads of them.
So here is an example of some right wing manufactured bullshit: Obama used his personal funds to keep a Muslim museum open during the government shutdown. This incredible bullshit was run on the air by Fox News.

Here is Snopes debunking it: Obama Uses Own Money to Open Muslim Museum Amid Government Shutdown

Funny how they have time to debunk such frivilous claims (that no one in this thread even mentioned), yet they never have had time to debunk Fast and Furious.

Thanks for proving the point of the OP's title.
"Debunk Fast and Furious". Be more specific.
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