Is the devil a virus?


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
The devil acts like a virus, keys on your features, usurp them, then uses them to consume your resources.

In biology, viruses are a result of failed cell division. Can it be that God's creation wanted to divide but failed, so it's outer element its skin (covering stone, ezekiel) became the devil? A corrupt and inverted version of itself, yet remaining compatible enough to infect it. So, what do we do for virus killers?
The Devil isn't a virus, he's a bacteria...

Satan isn't a virus, but he can certainly use one at his pleasure. He isn't what you want him to be. He is a very specific entity. With a specific beginning and an eternity to look forward to in the Lake of Fire.
In the Lord's prayer, God in Heaven has 3 things mentioned. The kingdom, the power, and the glory. Those are the three things Satan tempted Christ with, here on earth.
To tempt someone with something, you have to possess that thing you are tempting them with, to be taken seriously. Satan does possess all three. To the extent that if not for the return of Christ, he would bring about the complete destruction of life on this planet. But his time is limited.
Matthew 8:29 “What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”
Does the devil really bother yous guys at all or is it just another figment of yer imagination. I tried to find this Satan for years and was never able to bump into him.
The devil acts like a virus, keys on your features, usurp them, then uses them to consume your resources.

In biology, viruses are a result of failed cell division. Can it be that God's creation wanted to divide but failed, so it's outer element its skin (covering stone, ezekiel) became the devil? A corrupt and inverted version of itself, yet remaining compatible enough to infect it. So, what do we do for virus killers?

Coincidentally I wrote a sci-fi/space opera novel about this very concept. After it is published perhaps I'll share it. In my novel future scientists attempt to remove sin from human beings by engineering a virus from the remains of Lucifer excavated by a team of archaeologists. The idea being that if they can genetically bond human DNA with Lucifer's then over generations mankind will develop a tolerance to the devil's influence. Of course, it all backfires to horrible results in their faces, but I find the concept fascinating.

Speaking about real life? No, I do not believe the devil's influence over mankind is a physical virus but perhaps it is a metaphor for a spiritual one?

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