Is there anybody trump hasn't threatened?

The answer to my question is zero murders. So on that day 5 people died. Only one was a homicide, which was a government agent killing an unarmed woman. 4 officers died over the next two weeks, but none had anything to do with injuries sustained on J6. 140 got boo-boos as they attacked peaceful protesters.
1/6 was a treasonous insurrection and rightwing domestic terrorist attack resulting in death and destruction.

Thankfully the right’s attempt to destroy democracy and lawlessly overturn a fair, accurate election failed.

That conservatives continue to defend the 1/6 treasonous insurrection and rightwing domestic terrorist attack further documents the fact that conservatives are enemies of democracy.
Trump has made loads of accusations claiming illegal activity. None of them met the credibility standard. They were nothing more than a child slinging false accusations. Remember all those cases he tried to bring claiming the election was stolen? All laughed out of court.

1/6 was a treasonous insurrection and rightwing domestic terrorist attack resulting in death and destruction.

Thankfully the right’s attempt to destroy democracy and lawlessly overturn a fair, accurate election failed.

That conservatives continue to defend the 1/6 treasonous insurrection and rightwing domestic terrorist attack further documents the fact that conservatives are enemies of democracy.
1/6/25 will be a different ballgame. Lessons learned.
Are you going back to the middle east on Nov. 6? If so, mission accomplished.

You call yourself a "concerned American", but your attitudes towards "freedom of religion" and "freedom of speech", tell us that you are prepared to jetison all of the foundational freedoms upon which your nation was founded, in order to ensure "white Christian nationalism" reigns in America. You want to become White South Africa for the 21st Century.

That's really hasn't worked out well economically for South Africa, now has it???? You already have have white police officers feeling free to murder black men in your streets, and Trump calling for an end to counting ballots in predominently black cities.
, I have no doubt that he will try to carry out all the threats he has made. We can't afford to have someone as petty and vindictive as him as our president.

The Deep State consists of many layers and totals millions
And then there are Enablers like you who have no real idea what is going on . .

Nothing petty and vindictive about removing scum from the pond.
The Deep State consists of many layers and totals millions
And then there are Enablers like you who have no real idea what is going on . .

Nothing petty and vindictive about removing scum from the pond.
How pathetic does your life have to be before you grab on to all those conspiracy theories just so you can justify your screwed up life?
The four officers who died over the next few weeks died, a direct result of the attacks on January 6. The 140 who were injured sustained. serious career, ending injuries in many cases.

The fact that you’re siding with the insurrectionists over the police officers, the injured and killed, speaks volumes for your morality. Especially given that the attack was based on trumps lies of a stolen election.
This country was founded by insurrectionists. Would you have a loyalist, hunting them down and turning them over to the British for execution?
Trump is vulgar, stupid, and uneducated - as are his supporters.

Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

For these and scores of other reasons, Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.
Name calling feels exhilarating to non thinking name callers
You go Girl!!
The four officers who died over the next few weeks died, a direct result of the attacks on January 6. The 140 who were injured sustained. serious career, ending injuries in many cases.

The fact that you’re siding with the insurrectionists over the police officers, the injured and killed, speaks volumes for your morality. Especially given that the attack was based on trumps lies of a stolen election.
The insurrection that was never declared one except in the wishes of lib loons
Trump started out small, just threatening to jail Hillary, but soon expanded to Obama, Bill Clinton, and a host of other Democratic politicians. Next came the generals who didn't support him, election workers, his own personally chosen staff members, and even his vice president of four years. Now he has again expanded the list of those he intends to imprison to include lawyers, political operatives, donors, voters that he personally determines to be illegal, and what he calls corrupt election officials. Ostensibly, his claim is that all these enemies are guilty of what he calls unscrupulous behavior. The reality is all these threats are nothing more than his attempt to intimidate those that don't fully support him in his bid for the presidency. If elected, I have no doubt that he will try to carry out all the threats he has made. We can't afford to have someone as petty and vindictive as him as our president.
Has he threatened you? If so, please post the proof. If you can't post any then obviously your thread is in serious error.
Of course you haven't considered the bird flu epidemic that wiped out millions of chickens and reduced the supply. You might want to consider the greed of the sellers too. The average cost of a dozen grade A eggs was 3.08 in July. Walmart has always raised prices and gouged customers after they put all the smaller mom and pop stores out of business. As far as fuel, we are now producing more oil than has ever been produced. Supply isn't the reason gas costs so much.
WHY are major corporations raising prices, While making over the top profit $$$$$. Do none of them want Americans too do well?
OR only the Billionaires like them self's?
I was there four days ago and that is exactly what they are. Great Value Extra Large White Eggs, 18 count, $6.22. Argue with them.
WHY would you complain about the price of eggs, & then buy the most expensive of all the eggs they sell in the store.
Nothing wrong with buying them, But posting it, just to support a political view?

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