Israel – America’s Biggest Frenemy


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
God save America, because Israel is the kind of enemy that has destroyed our image in the World supporting the snake in the grass friend that would make chameleons blush...

Israel America s Biggest Frenemy Veterans News Now

For decades the Israelis have lived off our largesse without having to offer anything of value in return – unless Israeli interference in American politics is considered of value. We’ve handed them over $3 billion a year in tribute, stood by while they subjected their Palestinian helots to conditions not seen since South Africa’s apartheid, and smiled tolerantly, as one would at an obstreperous child, while they noisily spat in our faces at every opportunity.
And what have we gotten in return? Insults, interference, and outright threats – not to mention one of the most effective (and obnoxious) spying operations conducted on our soil by a foreign power.

by Justin Raimondo
To be fair, its not America's 'Image' which is the problem.
It's what America IS.

If it were otherwise, all that would be needed would be a rebranding and relaunch, New Improved America.
But Israel has changed what America is, because America was drawn in by the honey it saw in the cuckoo state.

Oil was one incentive.
Unlicenced killing of lesser and browner people, of course. In a land which was seen as just the playground of Empires.
A seat in one of the Big Games. Messing with the European powers, Russia and Africa all at the same time.

The chance for big corporate money to make more big corporate money has been too tempting.

And what does Israel give back?
Training for USA police forces. How appropriate.
Political funding. Lots of unregulated political funding.
A demand for more weapons from oil-rich countries.
A outlet for bible-bashing evangelical fuck-wits, and racial supremacists.

So, yes, Israel has a corrosive, corrupting effect on the USA, but the USA was drawn in, not pulled in.

Of course, as America's poor are disenfranchised and Palestinianised, America's poor are victims of the alliance.
But when did the poor ever matter?
To be fair, its not America's 'Image' which is the problem.
It's what America IS.

If it were otherwise, all that would be needed would be a rebranding and relaunch, New Improved America.
But Israel has changed what America is, because America was drawn in by the honey it saw in the cuckoo state.

Oil was one incentive.
Unlicenced killing of lesser and browner people, of course. In a land which was seen as just the playground of Empires.
A seat in one of the Big Games. Messing with the European powers, Russia and Africa all at the same time.

The chance for big corporate money to make more big corporate money has been too tempting.

And what does Israel give back?
Training for USA police forces. How appropriate.
Political funding. Lots of unregulated political funding.
A demand for more weapons from oil-rich countries.
A outlet for bible-bashing evangelical fuck-wits, and racial supremacists.

So, yes, Israel has a corrosive, corrupting effect on the USA, but the USA was drawn in, not pulled in.

Of course, as America's poor are disenfranchised and Palestinianised, America's poor are victims of the alliance.
But when did the poor ever matter?
I want to personally thank you for such cutting accuracy!

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