Israel has Iran over a barrel and can bitch slap the Persians without fear of retaliation

They don't throw injured Palestinians off West Bank roofs!
The only case of throwing bodies from high places that
I know involved a muzzie terrrorist who had ripped an
Israeli apart. They did shoot injured hostages in the
head for the glory of allah and his perverted bbf
When did that happen?

Infographic: America's War On Terror Displaced 37 Million People
World War I.

Your memory seems awfully selective.
She doesn’t know anything about that. She does believe Muslims throw gays off roofs everyday.
"she does believe"----NOPE----I know that muslim terrorists ripped an israeli apart and threw him from a high window. In fact I know lots----from muslims---and also from hindus of South east Asia and christians of Nigeria and even muslims from today's Bangla Desh. My very own husband is a survivor of a shariah shit hole----feel free to ask questions

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