Israel has Iran over a barrel and can bitch slap the Persians without fear of retaliation

Isreal would not exist unless it was God’s will

Coming from the secular world libs cannot understand that

US support is vital, but not the cause of the miracle that is modern Israel
God, in the sense you appear to be using the term, is another lie the rich tell. A hundred years ago, rich Brits wanted a "little loyal Jewish Ulster..." at the headwaters of their Suez Canal; this was also seen as a partial answer to Europe's "Jewish problem."

After WWII and especially after 1967 the US took over as chief paymaster for its "unsinkable aircraft carrier in the Middle East."

Over the past thirty years religious fundamentalists have taken over the Israeli government, and their racist belief in Jewish supremacy is about to end their apartheid state, and there's nothing the US can do to prevent its well-deserved demise.

The influential rabbi who wants to turn Israel into an Iran-style fundamentalist state

"The Influential Rabbi Who Wants to Turn Israel Into an Iran-style Fundamentalist State."

"The radical theocratic vision of Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh aims to uproot secular Zionism, crush the courts, subjugate the army and, in general, bring down the State of Israel as we know it, warns Prof. Motti Inbari, a scholar of Jewish fundamentalism."
God, in the sense you appear to be using the term, is another lie the rich tell. A hundred years ago, rich Brits wanted a "little loyal Jewish Ulster..." at the headwaters of their Suez Canal; this was also seen as a partial answer to Europe's "Jewish problem."

After WWII and especially after 1967 the US took over as chief paymaster for its "unsinkable aircraft carrier in the Middle East."

Over the past thirty years religious fundamentalists have taken over the Israeli government, and their racist belief in Jewish supremacy is about to end their apartheid state, and there's nothing the US can do to prevent its well-deserved demise.

The influential rabbi who wants to turn Israel into an Iran-style fundamentalist state

"The Influential Rabbi Who Wants to Turn Israel Into an Iran-style Fundamentalist State."

"The radical theocratic vision of Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh aims to uproot secular Zionism, crush the courts, subjugate the army and, in general, bring down the State of Israel as we know it, warns Prof. Motti Inbari, a scholar of Jewish fundamentalism."
Israel cannot be defeated by Islam


You couldnt do it in 1948 to prevent the creation of Israel

Or in any of the wars since then

Each attack by the jihad has left Israel stronger and with more territory than before

When are you guys gonna learn?
During and after the 1948 war many Pals unwisely abandoned their land because they expected a quick arab victory

The Jews did take advantage of that

The same goies for the occupied territory acquired after each Jewish victory in subsequent wars

But the same ir worse would have happened to the Jews if Israel had lost just one of those wars
The majority of displaced Arabs did not leave their families, homes, and businesses voluntarily. Zionists began their ethnic cleansing of Palestine decades before 1948:

The Theft of Palestine: The Case of Palestinian Refugee Property

"Did Palestinian refugees leave out of their own will?


"The origin of the Palestinian refugee issue is a direct consequence of Zionist plans rather than a result of the 1948 war alone.

"The Zionist ethnic cleansing plans of Palestine included committing terror attacks, war crimes, and crimes against humanity to force out the vast majority of the Palestinian population.

"Among these attacks were dozens of massacres, such as Deir Yassin, which took place before the end of the Mandate and Tantoura, and terrorist attacks, such as the bombing of the Semiramis Hotel in Jerusalem and the market in Jaffa.

"As documented, such plans aimed at the expulsion of Palestinians from the coastal areas, borders with Lebanon and Syria, and the road between Jerusalem and Jaffa.

"Known as the 'Dalet Plan[3],' this plan included 13 large military operations, 8 of which took place in territory not assigned to the Zionist entity according to UNGA Resolution 181."
But the same ir worse would have happened to the Jews if Israel had lost just one of those wars
Would the Middle East be a more peaceful place today if Israel had lost in 1967 or 1973?

Would the US have invaded Iraq in 2003 without Israeli instigation?
Israel cannot be defeated by Islam


You couldnt do it in 1948 to prevent the creation of Israel

Or in any of the wars since then

Each attack by the jihad has left Israel stronger and with more territory than before

When are you guys gonna learn?
Jews in Israel are self-destructing again; their rabid, racist, religious fanatics are turning global opinion against their state-sponsored terror; good riddance:

New Polling Shows How Much Global Support Israel Has Lost

"Net favorability—the percentage of people viewing Israel positively after subtracting the percentage viewing it negatively—dropped globally by an average of 18.5 percentage points between September and December (2023), decreasing in 42 out of the 43 countries polled."
The majority of displaced Arabs did not leave their families, homes, and businesses voluntarily. Zionists began their ethnic cleansing of Palestine decades before 1948:

The Theft of Palestine: The Case of Palestinian Refugee Property

"Did Palestinian refugees leave out of their own will?


"The origin of the Palestinian refugee issue is a direct consequence of Zionist plans rather than a result of the 1948 war alone.

"The Zionist ethnic cleansing plans of Palestine included committing terror attacks, war crimes, and crimes against humanity to force out the vast majority of the Palestinian population.

"Among these attacks were dozens of massacres, such as Deir Yassin, which took place before the end of the Mandate and Tantoura, and terrorist attacks, such as the bombing of the Semiramis Hotel in Jerusalem and the market in Jaffa.

"As documented, such plans aimed at the expulsion of Palestinians from the coastal areas, borders with Lebanon and Syria, and the road between Jerusalem and Jaffa.

"Known as the 'Dalet Plan[3],' this plan included 13 large military operations, 8 of which took place in territory not assigned to the Zionist entity according to UNGA Resolution 181."
You are repeating the myth of Zionists stealing all the land from the lovable but helpless Palestinians by forcing them off their land

It was a war where a handful of Jews defeated the british-trained armies of 5 or 6 arab nations

The Pals were advised to abandon their land till all the Jews were run into the sea

The Pals left, arabia lost the war, and refugees have been pounding sand ever since
Jews in Israel are self-destructing again; their rabid, racist, religious fanatics are turning global opinion against their state-sponsored terror; good riddance:

New Polling Shows How Much Global Support Israel Has Lost

"Net favorability—the percentage of people viewing Israel positively after subtracting the percentage viewing it negatively—dropped globally by an average of 18.5 percentage points between September and December (2023), decreasing in 42 out of the 43 countries polled."
Globalist support for Israel can fall to zero and it wont change the fact that the Jews are God’s chosen people and Israel is their homeland

You cant win
Globalist support for Israel can fall to zero and it wont change the fact that the Jews are God’s chosen people and Israel is their homeland

You cant win
This is theologically incorrect. The covenant between God and Israel no longer exists, that's why the veil in temple was torn. That's why Paul preached to the gentiles. No longer is man under the laws of the Torah, man can now interceded directly with God. I'm pro-Israel, but not because of what westernized Christianity 'preaches' about israel, and what Darby espoused in his dispensational hermeneutics that westernized Christians have adopted.
This is theologically incorrect. The covenant between God and Israel no longer exists, that's why the veil in temple was torn. That's why Paul preached to the gentiles. No longer is man under the laws of the Torah, man can now interceded directly with God. I'm pro-Israel, but not because of what westernized Christianity 'preaches' about israel, and what Darby espoused in his dispensational hermeneutics that westernized Christians have adopted.
Like the man said, you pays your money and takes your chances

God promised the Holy Land to the Jews and that never changed

Logically Israel against all odds should not exist today

But it does
here are several ways to answer that

The best is that Israel is not engaged in genocide
Do you have any evidence to support that claim (lie)

Gaza genocide - Wikipedia.

"Experts, governments, United Nations agencies, and non-governmental organisations have accused Israel of carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people during its invasion and bombing of the Gaza Strip in the ongoing Israel–Hamas war.[23][24]

"By mid-August 2024, after nine months of attacks, Israeli military action had resulted in over 40,000 confirmed Palestinian deaths—1 out of every 59 people in Gaza—averaging 148 deaths per day.

"Most of the victims are civilians,[25][26] of whom at least 50% are women and children,[27][28] and more than 100 journalists.[29][30][31]

"Thousands more dead bodies are thought to be under the rubble of destroyed buildings.[26][32"
Do you have any evidence to support that claim (lie)

Gaza genocide - Wikipedia.

"Experts, governments, United Nations agencies, and non-governmental organisations have accused Israel of carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people during its invasion and bombing of the Gaza Strip in the ongoing Israel–Hamas war.[23][24]

"By mid-August 2024, after nine months of attacks, Israeli military action had resulted in over 40,000 confirmed Palestinian deaths—1 out of every 59 people in Gaza—averaging 148 deaths per day.

"Most of the victims are civilians,[25][26] of whom at least 50% are women and children,[27][28] and more than 100 journalists.[29][30][31]

"Thousands more dead bodies are thought to be under the rubble of destroyed buildings.[26][32"
Actions have consequences. Don't perform a sneak attack, killing 1200 innocents and raping, torturing and kidnapping more and these things won't happen. Return the hostages and denounce Hamas and it all stops.
Hamas brutally attacked defenseless Jews from their sanctuary in Gaza

They use civilians as human shields

In that case civilians will die

Thats war
Keep in mind there are millions of civilian Jews whose military uses human shields to maintain its illegal occupation in Palestine; it's not war, it is war crimes.

The Use of Palestinian Civilians as Human Shields by the Israeli Occupation Forces
Actions have consequences. Don't perform a sneak attack, killing 1200 innocents and raping, torturing and kidnapping more and these things won't happen. Return the hostages and denounce Hamas and it all stops.
You're right.
Actions have consequences.
When racist Jews inflict an illegal military occupation on the West Bank and Gaza for generations, their victims will strike back at the source of terror.
On October 7th Hamas struck IDF bases in a legitimate response to their collective punishment in Gaza.
Jews responded as they always do by murdering civilians while lying about human shields:

Israeli forces in Gaza ‘use civilians as human shields’ against possible booby-traps

"Israeli soldiers are using Palestinian civilians as human shields in Gaza to enter and clear tunnels and buildings they suspect may have been booby-trapped, a leading Israeli NGO and newspaper have reported.

"The practice was so widespread across different units fighting in Gaza that it could in effect be considered a 'protocol', said Nadav Weiman, the executive director of Breaking the Silence, a group founded by Israeli combat veterans to document military abuses."

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