Israel has Iran over a barrel and can bitch slap the Persians without fear of retaliation

Do you have any evidence to support that claim (lie)

Gaza genocide - Wikipedia.

"Experts, governments, United Nations agencies, and non-governmental organisations have accused Israel of carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people during its invasion and bombing of the Gaza Strip in the ongoing Israel–Hamas war.[23][24]

"By mid-August 2024, after nine months of attacks, Israeli military action had resulted in over 40,000 confirmed Palestinian deaths—1 out of every 59 people in Gaza—averaging 148 deaths per day.

"Most of the victims are civilians,[25][26] of whom at least 50% are women and children,[27][28] and more than 100 journalists.[29][30][31]

"Thousands more dead bodies are thought to be under the rubble of destroyed buildings.[26][32"
The UN is full of shit

Unless you want to accuse the Allies in WWII of genocide for bombing Nazi Germany you have no case against Israel

But since there are lib revisionists who do consider FDR and Churchill war criminals I would not even put that past you

The IDF has done everything possible to reduce civilian deaths in Gaza
"Israeli soldiers are using Palestinian civilians as human shields in Gaza to enter and clear tunnels and buildings they suspect may have been booby-trapped, a leading Israeli NGO and newspaper have reported.

"The practice was so widespread across different units fighting in Gaza that it could in effect be considered a 'protocol', said Nadav Weiman, the executive director of Breaking the Silence, a group founded by Israeli combat veterans to document military abuses."
That is unfortunate and I suppose some IDF soldiers may be doing it without permission

So i cant give you a blanket denial

But its not enough to stop the war against Hamas that the arabs themselves began with the cold-blooded massacre of Jews oct 7
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The UN is full of shit

Unless you want to accuse the Allies in WWII of genocide for bombing Nazi Germany you have no case against Israel

But since there are lib revisionists who do consider FDR and Churchill war criminals I would not even put that past you

The IDF has done everything possible to reduce civilian deaths in Gaza
The IDF targets civilians in Gaza and everywhere else it fights:

Gaza genocide - Wikipedia

"By June 2024, over 500 healthcare workers in Gaza had been killed.[33]

"As of August 2024, only 17 of Gaza's 36 hospitals were partially functional;[34] 84% of health centers in the region have been destroyed or suffered damage.[35]

"An enforced Israeli blockade heavily contributed to starvation and the threat of famine in the Gaza Strip, while Israeli forces prevented humanitarian supplies from reaching the Palestinian population, blocking or attacking humanitarian convoys.

"Early in the conflict, Israel cut off water and electricity supply from the Gaza Strip.

"Israel has also destroyed numerous culturally significant buildings, including 13 libraries housing thousands of books,[36][37] all of Gaza's 12 universities and 80% of its schools,[38][39] dozens of mosques, three churches, and two museums."
That is unfortunate and I suppose some IDF soldiers may be doing it without permission

So i cant give you a blanket denial

But its not enough to stop the war against Hamas that the arabs themselves began with the cold-blooded massacre of Jews oct 7
Israeli apartheid began the conflict in Palestine, and that won't end until the racist, apartheid Jewish state goes the way of White South Africa:

Israeli apartheid - Wikipedia

"Israeli apartheid is a system of institutionalized segregation and discrimination in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories and to a lesser extent in Israel proper.

"This system is characterized by near-total physical separation between the Palestinian and the Israeli settler population of the West Bank, as well as the judicial separation that governs both communities, which discriminates against the Palestinians in a wide range of ways. Israel also discriminates against Palestinian refugees in the diaspora and against its own Palestinian citizens."
The IDF targets civilians in Gaza and everywhere else it fights:

Gaza genocide - Wikipedia

"By June 2024, over 500 healthcare workers in Gaza had been killed.[33]

"As of August 2024, only 17 of Gaza's 36 hospitals were partially functional;[34] 84% of health centers in the region have been destroyed or suffered damage.[35]

"An enforced Israeli blockade heavily contributed to starvation and the threat of famine in the Gaza Strip, while Israeli forces prevented humanitarian supplies from reaching the Palestinian population, blocking or attacking humanitarian convoys.

"Early in the conflict, Israel cut off water and electricity supply from the Gaza Strip.

"Israel has also destroyed numerous culturally significant buildings, including 13 libraries housing thousands of books,[36][37] all of Gaza's 12 universities and 80% of its schools,[38][39] dozens of mosques, three churches, and two museums."
Again, Hamas hides in hospitals and schools

So thats where the war is bring fought
Israeli apartheid began the conflict in Palestine, and that won't end until the racist, apartheid Jewish state goes the way of White South Africa:

Israeli apartheid - Wikipedia

"Israeli apartheid is a system of institutionalized segregation and discrimination in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories and to a lesser extent in Israel proper.

"This system is characterized by near-total physical separation between the Palestinian and the Israeli settler population of the West Bank, as well as the judicial separation that governs both communities, which discriminates against the Palestinians in a wide range of ways. Israel also discriminates against Palestinian refugees in the diaspora and against its own Palestinian citizens."
There is no apartheid within Israel

Except for being exempt from the draft, muslim citizens of Israel are treated the same as Jews

The west bank is different

It is not part of Israel but rather occupied territory

As long as the arabs refuse to live in peace they must be treated like the enemy
There is no apartheid within Israel

Except for being exempt from the draft, muslim citizens of Israel are treated the same as Jews

The west bank is different

It is not part of Israel but rather occupied territory

As long as the arabs refuse to live in peace they must be treated like the enemy
Jews of Israel never had the slightest intention of living in peace with Palestinians

Their racist, apartheid state, Israel, is defined as a Jewish supremacist state.

That official status is maintained through apartheid, collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. (4/24)

"Three conditions necessary to establish the crime of apartheid

"A careful analysis of the documents reveals three decisive elements necessary to define the crime of apartheid and its paradigms:

"1) the implementation of a system of separation or segregation based on race, creed, or ethnicity designed with the intent to maintain domination by one racial group over anotheris the first element that makes up the crime of apartheid;

"2) the use of legislative measures to enforce separation and segregation, essentially legalizing separation from within its own legal system;

"3) the commission of inhumane acts, human rights violations, denial of freedoms, and forced ghetto-ization,i.e., the practices used to impose and enforce separation within its regime."

Israel meets all three of these conditions, and it shows no sign of learning from its past mistakes.

"With Israel’s 2018 passage of its Nation State Basic Law, Israel defined itself solely as the state of the Jews, not the state of all its citizens.

"What Palestinians living in Israel experienced as de facto discrimination became discrimination de jure.

"Moreover, there are approximately 63 laws granting privileges to Jews and that are not granted to Palestinian Arab citizens of the state."
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In 1948 Jews accepted the UN peace compromise and the Pals didnt

On oct 7, 2023 Hamas attacked Israel, not the other way around
Jews were engaging in acts of terror before, during, and after 1948.

European Jews who began the Zionist project knew the only way to transform Palestine from a 10:1 Arab majority territory to one with a Jewish majority was through ethnic cleansing, collective punishment, and other forms of organized terror.

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia

"In the pre-state period (1920s-1940s), Zionist paramilitaries like the Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach engaged in violent campaigns against British authorities, Palestinian Arabs, and internal Jewish dissenters to advance their political goals.

"Targets included security personnel, government figures, civilians, and infrastructure.

"After Israel's establishment in 1948, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other state security forces continued to employ violence against Palestinian and neighboring Arab populations during the 1948 war, subsequent Arab-Israeli wars, and the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip."
Gaza has a southern border with Egypt. Why has Egypt not supported them? Hmmm.
Because the Egyptian government is composed of US puppets willing to follow orders from DC; that is not the case for the vast majority of Egyptians both civilian and military.

Both Egypt and Jordan are on the edge of revolution according to this source.
On oct 7, 2023 Hamas attacked Israel, not the other way around
October 7th was a legitimate response to an illegitimate Israeli occupation.
War crimes were committed that day by Hamas and other victims of Israeli terror, but those are individual transgressions that pale in comparison to the crimes committed by Jews against Arabs.
Jews were engaging in acts of terror before, during, and after 1948.

European Jews who began the Zionist project knew the only way to transform Palestine from a 10:1 Arab majority territory to one with a Jewish majority was through ethnic cleansing, collective punishment, and other forms of organized terror.

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia

"In the pre-state period (1920s-1940s), Zionist paramilitaries like the Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach engaged in violent campaigns against British authorities, Palestinian Arabs, and internal Jewish dissenters to advance their political goals.

"Targets included security personnel, government figures, civilians, and infrastructure.

"After Israel's establishment in 1948, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other state security forces continued to employ violence against Palestinian and neighboring Arab populations during the 1948 war, subsequent Arab-Israeli wars, and the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip."
The Jews settled for less than they wanted

But they did agree to the UN partition and the arabs foolishly rejected it
October 7th was a legitimate response to an illegitimate Israeli occupation.
War crimes were committed that day by Hamas and other victims of Israeli terror, but those are individual transgressions that pale in comparison to the crimes committed by Jews against Arabs.
Not legitimate

Hamas murdered men, women and children in the most brutal fashion imaginable

On oct 6, no IDF troops were in Gaza and no bombs were being dropped on the Pals
Not legitimate

Hamas murdered men, women and children in the most brutal fashion imaginable

On oct 6, no IDF troops were in Gaza and no bombs were being dropped on the Pals
Hamas had a legal right to resist an illegal occupation by Israeli Jews:

Hamas says October 7 attack on Israel was a ‘necessary step’

"The Palestinian group Hamas has said there were 'faults' in the October 7 attack it led on southern Israel, but claimed its fighters only targeted Israeli soldiers and people carrying weapons.

"In a 16-page report titled 'Our Narrative' and published on Sunday, Hamas, which governs Gaza, said it wanted to 'clarify' the background and dynamics of the surprise attack it calls Operation Al-Aqsa Flood."
Hamas had a legal right to resist an illegal occupation by Israeli Jews:

Hamas says October 7 attack on Israel was a ‘necessary step’

"The Palestinian group Hamas has said there were 'faults' in the October 7 attack it led on southern Israel, but claimed its fighters only targeted Israeli soldiers and people carrying weapons.

"In a 16-page report titled 'Our Narrative' and published on Sunday, Hamas, which governs Gaza, said it wanted to 'clarify' the background and dynamics of the surprise attack it calls Operation Al-Aqsa Flood."
The lies of 10/7 will continue to be believed by fools and bigots forever. No amount of evidence and proof of IDF being responsible for mass murder of many of their citizens will change these people. Nor will the outright lies about Hamas’ actions that day. Their ignorance and bigotry prevent them from accepting the truth.
Hamas had a legal right to resist an illegal occupation by Israeli Jews:

Hamas says October 7 attack on Israel was a ‘necessary step’

"The Palestinian group Hamas has said there were 'faults' in the October 7 attack it led on southern Israel, but claimed its fighters only targeted Israeli soldiers and people carrying weapons.

"In a 16-page report titled 'Our Narrative' and published on Sunday, Hamas, which governs Gaza, said it wanted to 'clarify' the background and dynamics of the surprise attack it calls Operation Al-Aqsa Flood."
Hamas can say the moon is made of green cheese but that dies not make it a fact

It is a sub human terrorist group sponsored by Iran

They are savages and the IDF is going to wipe them out
The lies of 10/7 will continue to be believed by fools and bigots forever. No amount of evidence and proof of IDF being responsible for mass murder of many of their citizens will change these people. Nor will the outright lies about Hamas’ actions that day. Their ignorance and bigotry prevent them from accepting the truth.
Zionist behavior in Palestine over the past century should provide some possible answers to the question of why Jews have been the victim of vicious persecution over the past 3 thousand years :

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

"The first clear examples of anti-Jewish sentiment can be traced back to Alexandria in the 3rd century BCE.[6] Alexandrian Jewry were the largest Jewish community in the world and the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, was produced there.

"Manetho, an Egyptian priest and historian of that time, wrote scathingly of the Jews and his themes are repeated in the works of Chaeremon, Lysimachus, Poseidonius, Apollonius Molon, and in Apion and Tacitus."

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