Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

Yeah, send in the Marines from planet Claire or whatever planet you live on! Cause US marines on planet earth will be 150% in support of the Israelis, not the 9-11 dancing Palestinians.

Now, here on planet earth, if the Palestinians don't want their homes to be introduced to the newest model of retrofitted made in USA Caterpillars, they better think twice about committing terror attacks on Israelis.
Fuck you and your "terror attack" bullshit. Shove that crap up your lying ass.

They're bulldozing the families of people resisting the occupation by force.

The ones resisting, they kill.

Now go fuck yourself, you little bitch!
No. They're bulldozing terrorist's homes. What you call resistance the world calls terrorism.

Gentlemen, start your dozers.....
Yeah, send in the Marines from planet Claire or whatever planet you live on! Cause US marines on planet earth will be 150% in support of the Israelis, not the 9-11 dancing Palestinians.

Now, here on planet earth, if the Palestinians don't want their homes to be introduced to the newest model of retrofitted made in USA Caterpillars, they better think twice about committing terror attacks on Israelis.
Fuck you and your "terror attack" bullshit. Shove that crap up your lying ass.

They're bulldozing the families of people resisting the occupation by force.

The ones resisting, they kill.

Now go fuck yourself, you little bitch!
No. They're bulldozing terrorist's homes. What you call resistance the world calls terrorism.

Gentlemen, start your dozers.....
if it's such a deterrent why doesn't israel bulldoze the homes of israelis that attack palestinians?
...While you are laughing, you might take a moment to consider that the wheel of history turns, empires rise and fall, treaties are made (and unmade or ignored). Over those 123 years, Polish people suffered occupation, repression, attempts to eradicate them as a people, yet they prevailed; whatever makes you think Palestinians are any diffferent?
The Poles are a distinct People, with their own unique and substantively identifiable language, culture, history, national identity, etc.

The Palestinians have none of those things.

They will eventually drift away to neighboring regions where they will be virtually indistinguishable from their new hosts within a single generation.

Palestinians are a distinct People, with their own unique and substantively identifiable language, culture, history, national identity, etc. Despite all the Zionist Hasbara to the contrary.

The Zionists have been saying the same thing for 69 years, and they're still there, fighting back as best they can, and in the background the wheel continues to turn inexorably...

"Palestinians are a distinct people"-------> Ha ha ha ha!

Not for the last 700 years of Ottoman rule!

Israel is here to stay. You commit terrorism, you get your home bulldozed.

See how that works, Achmed?
Yeah, send in the Marines from planet Claire or whatever planet you live on! Cause US marines on planet earth will be 150% in support of the Israelis, not the 9-11 dancing Palestinians.

Now, here on planet earth, if the Palestinians don't want their homes to be introduced to the newest model of retrofitted made in USA Caterpillars, they better think twice about committing terror attacks on Israelis.
Fuck you and your "terror attack" bullshit. Shove that crap up your lying ass.

They're bulldozing the families of people resisting the occupation by force.

The ones resisting, they kill.

Now go fuck yourself, you little bitch!
No. They're bulldozing terrorist's homes. What you call resistance the world calls terrorism.

Gentlemen, start your dozers.....
if it's such a deterrent why doesn't israel bulldoze the homes of israelis that attack palestinians?

Because Isrselis aren't the ones attacking? Israel enforces its laws and those who violate it are punished, Palestinians on the other hand idolize mass murderers and terrorists.
Yeah, send in the Marines from planet Claire or whatever planet you live on! Cause US marines on planet earth will be 150% in support of the Israelis, not the 9-11 dancing Palestinians.

Now, here on planet earth, if the Palestinians don't want their homes to be introduced to the newest model of retrofitted made in USA Caterpillars, they better think twice about committing terror attacks on Israelis.
Fuck you and your "terror attack" bullshit. Shove that crap up your lying ass.

They're bulldozing the families of people resisting the occupation by force.

The ones resisting, they kill.

Now go fuck yourself, you little bitch!
No. They're bulldozing terrorist's homes. What you call resistance the world calls terrorism.

Gentlemen, start your dozers.....
if it's such a deterrent why doesn't israel bulldoze the homes of israelis that attack palestinians?

Interesting question but you won't like the answer.

Starting with the Arab League declaration of war, May 15 1948 any hostile Arab forces within the war zone are legally under martial law. Israeli's on the other hand in the same zone who are not actively engaged in the war are under civil law.

Penalties under each type of law may differ ;--)

In a nut shell the Israeli's think the Arab Muslim colonists nothing more than fleas on the ass of life. While the Arab Muslim colonists might continue to act like they are at war, and be treated as such; the Israeli's have normalized their own condition as much as possible
Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.
"slow motion genocide"? Is that a new term to make up something that doesn't exist?
Funny you asked. Apparently I coined a new term: Slow Motion Genocide...when asked for some support for my view by the Boston Finagler, I found this;maybe this will help you bigoted zionuts.

Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.

This kinda pure horse pucky is exactly why Wiki isn't a great source. Any fool can post anything on there and unless someone with an actual education comes along and decides its worth their time. It quoted by the unwashed masses as if its fact.
Oh no! Wicki is not a great source? You are one despicable piece of shiite Finagler! Wikipedia is a wildly used source for unbiased truth you sick ZioNazi!
Unless it provides facts that disprove your claims, then it's considered a "Hasbara site". Ha ha ha.
Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

I hope their "culture" wasn't similar to those of the 1.x billion surrounding neighbors.
Fact are a bitch, ain't they?
Actually the Palestinians are by far the best educated and liberal Arabs in the ME and most tolerant.

They must have learned that from their cousins
I agree, the Palestinians are more than Jewish cousins, genetically they have proven to be closer to the original Jews than the new arrivals like you.

Does all of this matter? No it doesn't. Israelis are in charge, and defending themselves against genocidal Palestinian savages. One of the techniques used is bulldozing the mud huts of terrorists.
Yeah, send in the Marines from planet Claire or whatever planet you live on! Cause US marines on planet earth will be 150% in support of the Israelis, not the 9-11 dancing Palestinians.

Now, here on planet earth, if the Palestinians don't want their homes to be introduced to the newest model of retrofitted made in USA Caterpillars, they better think twice about committing terror attacks on Israelis.
Fuck you and your "terror attack" bullshit. Shove that crap up your lying ass.

They're bulldozing the families of people resisting the occupation by force.

The ones resisting, they kill.

Now go fuck yourself, you little bitch!
No. They're bulldozing terrorist's homes. What you call resistance the world calls terrorism.

Gentlemen, start your dozers.....
if it's such a deterrent why doesn't israel bulldoze the homes of israelis that attack palestinians?

Interesting question but you won't like the answer.

Starting with the Arab League declaration of war, May 15 1948 any hostile Arab forces within the war zone are legally under martial law. Israeli's on the other hand in the same zone who are not actively engaged in the war are under civil law.

Penalties under each type of law may differ ;--)

In a nut shell the Israeli's think the Arab Muslim colonists nothing more than fleas on the ass of life. While the Arab Muslim colonists might continue to act like they are at war, and be treated as such; the Israeli's have normalized their own condition as much as possible
no, i understand. it's one set if rules for israelis and another for Palestinians.
Yeah, send in the Marines from planet Claire or whatever planet you live on! Cause US marines on planet earth will be 150% in support of the Israelis, not the 9-11 dancing Palestinians.

Now, here on planet earth, if the Palestinians don't want their homes to be introduced to the newest model of retrofitted made in USA Caterpillars, they better think twice about committing terror attacks on Israelis.
Fuck you and your "terror attack" bullshit. Shove that crap up your lying ass.

They're bulldozing the families of people resisting the occupation by force.

The ones resisting, they kill.

Now go fuck yourself, you little bitch!
No. They're bulldozing terrorist's homes. What you call resistance the world calls terrorism.

Gentlemen, start your dozers.....
if it's such a deterrent why doesn't israel bulldoze the homes of israelis that attack palestinians?

Interesting question but you won't like the answer.

Starting with the Arab League declaration of war, May 15 1948 any hostile Arab forces within the war zone are legally under martial law. Israeli's on the other hand in the same zone who are not actively engaged in the war are under civil law.

Penalties under each type of law may differ ;--)

In a nut shell the Israeli's think the Arab Muslim colonists nothing more than fleas on the ass of life. While the Arab Muslim colonists might continue to act like they are at war, and be treated as such; the Israeli's have normalized their own condition as much as possible
no, i understand. it's one set if rules for israelis and another for Palestinians.

Yes but do you understand why ?

The Arab Muslim colonists have brought it entirely on themselves. Israel is merely defending land intended for the creation of a national Jewish homeland
The rules are you mess with the Israelis you will pay for it.

I heard Caterpillar is coming out with a turbocharged bulldozer specially designed for Israel.
Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

I hope their "culture" wasn't similar to those of the 1.x billion surrounding neighbors.
Fact are a bitch, ain't they?
Actually the Palestinians are by far the best educated and liberal Arabs in the ME and most tolerant.

They must have learned that from their cousins
I agree, the Palestinians are more than Jewish cousins, genetically they have proven to be closer to the original Jews than the new arrivals like you.

Hamas is an Islamic terrorist organization with zero respect for international law, which rules Gaza with an Iron fist dufus.

Zionist Israel is a terrorist state with zero respect for international law, which rules Gaza with an Iron fist ...dufus. There, corrected it for need to thank me. :)

You did nothing. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the US and many Western nations, Israel is not. Israel does not rule Gaza. There, I clarified it for you.
might makes right.
Right what? Turn?
Hamas is an Islamic terrorist organization with zero respect for international law, which rules Gaza with an Iron fist dufus.

Zionist Israel is a terrorist state with zero respect for international law, which rules Gaza with an Iron fist ...dufus. There, corrected it for need to thank me. :)

You did nothing. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the US and many Western nations, Israel is not. Israel does not rule Gaza. There, I clarified it for you.
might makes right.
Right what? Turn?
Make a Ralph or a Louie? He's just upset that Israelis are doing a good job handling Palestinian terrorists. Ogre wants Israelis to hand roses over to the terrorists instead of punishing them.
Israel is not defending itself. An occupational force cannot claim self defense. Israel is the aggressor.

How is shooting at Gazan fishermen self defense?

How many times do I half to repeat myself? The blockade was punitive punishment for the results of Gaza's 2006 elections.

And that blockade punishes all 1.5 million Gazan's. That's collective punishment; which is a crime against humanity.

You're not expected to absorb anything. You're expected to get the fuck off land that isn't yours.

Western Sahara isn't using Palestinian slave labor.

How about a country that has borders that look like sun spots!

If that country would end its occupation, their children won't be throwing rocks at you.

You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.

Bullshit. You drop 2000 pound bombs that take out entire neighborhoods. You shoot at people fishing. You shoot at people farming.

You're being stabbed in the streets, because Palestinian's are sick of your disgusting occupation making their lives a living hell for the last 60 years. The occupation is the reason for the violence. Stop blaming others for the shit you cause.


None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world. Your comments are only justifications for holding Israel to different standards and false accusations and appeals to emotion (slavery? really?).

I'll touch on just one. And that is the idea that a nation has no right to protect its citizens from harm (aka defend its citizens). Nations not only have the right to do so, but are morally obligated to do so.
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Israel is not defending itself. An occupational force cannot claim self defense. Israel is the aggressor.

How is shooting at Gazan fishermen self defense?

How many times do I half to repeat myself? The blockade was punitive punishment for the results of Gaza's 2006 elections.

And that blockade punishes all 1.5 million Gazan's. That's collective punishment; which is a crime against humanity.

You're not expected to absorb anything. You're expected to get the fuck off land that isn't yours.

Western Sahara isn't using Palestinian slave labor.

How about a country that has borders that look like sun spots!

If that country would end its occupation, their children won't be throwing rocks at you.

You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.

Bullshit. You drop 2000 pound bombs that take out entire neighborhoods. You shoot at people fishing. You shoot at people farming.

You're being stabbed in the streets, because Palestinian's are sick of your disgusting occupation making their lives a living hell for the last 60 years. The occupation is the reason for the violence. Stop blaming others for the shit you cause.


None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world. Your comments are only justifications for holding Israel to different standards and false accusations and appeals to emotion (slavery? really?).

I'll touch on just one. And that is the idea that a nation has no right to protect its citizens from harm (aka defend its citizens). Nations not only have the right to do so, but are morally obligated to do so.

Slavery? Haha. Palestinians get paid.

None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world. Your comments are only justifications for holding Israel to different standards and false accusations and appeals to emotion (slavery? really?).
My comments specifically addressed your comments. If you make a claim, I'm going to take you to task on it. But instead of addressing my comments specifically, you just pin a label on the whole thing and move on to another subject.

Name one false accusation I made.

As far as slavery, what do you think started the BDS movement?

I'll touch on just one. And that is the idea that a nation has no right to protect its citizens from harm (aka defend its citizens). Nations not only have the right to do so, but are morally obligated to do so.
Nations don't have rights, people do. And the Palestinian's have a right to live free from oppression.

Israel has no right protecting its people when it deliberately (and illegally) moves them into harms way. Their insurgents in the West Bank are not only human shields, they're bait.

And it's not self defense when you're the one initiating the violence.
LOL now Billo is actually suggesting that the Israeli's are enslaving the Arab Muslim colonists.

See post 196. Which is completely off topic by the way.

Wow. Now I've heard it all.

Israel's policy of home demolitions is entirely within the confines of martial law.


III Geneva convention Arts. 82, 84
Prisoners are subject to the laws of their captors and can be tried by their captors’ courts. The captor shall ensure fairness, impartiality and a competent advocate for the prisoner.
Because Isrselis aren't the ones attacking? Israel enforces its laws and those who violate it are punished, Palestinians on the other hand idolize mass murderers and terrorists.

You want to say that again?

Yeah, nobody is attacking anybody, the Palestinians attacked them and they took revenge on the attackers, and the Israeli authorities are reprimanding them for taking the law into their own hands.
My comments specifically addressed your comments.
But you didn't address the standard. Which was the point of the question. You provided justifications for why the standard should not apply to Israel.

What is the standard with respect to naval blockades? Are they generally considered "collective punishment" or is that a charge leveled only at Israel?

What is the standard with respect to labeling goods from occupied territories?

What is the standard for defending citizens against belligerent attacks?

What is the standard for making treaties say the exact opposite of what they actually say?

What is the standard for GA resolutions?

What is the standard for accessing one's holy sites?

What is the standard for law enforcement actions?

What is the standard for ethnic cleansing?

Name one false accusation I made.

Something about Palestinians being slaves.

And that 2000 lb bombs take out entire neighborhoods. From what I understand, and this is not my area of expertise, the typical Mk84 takes out a crater about 50 ft in diameter. No where near a neighborhood.

And the Palestinian's have a right to live free from oppression.
Sure they do. But you need to ask yourself what is oppressing them. Its their own actions. They have a responsibility not to indiscriminately and illegally attack Israeli citizens. THAT is what is causing their "oppression".

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