Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

Israel is not defending itself. An occupational force cannot claim self defense. Israel is the aggressor.

How is shooting at Gazan fishermen self defense?

How many times do I half to repeat myself? The blockade was punitive punishment for the results of Gaza's 2006 elections.

And that blockade punishes all 1.5 million Gazan's. That's collective punishment; which is a crime against humanity.

You're not expected to absorb anything. You're expected to get the fuck off land that isn't yours.

Western Sahara isn't using Palestinian slave labor.

How about a country that has borders that look like sun spots!

If that country would end its occupation, their children won't be throwing rocks at you.

You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.

Bullshit. You drop 2000 pound bombs that take out entire neighborhoods. You shoot at people fishing. You shoot at people farming.

You're being stabbed in the streets, because Palestinian's are sick of your disgusting occupation making their lives a living hell for the last 60 years. The occupation is the reason for the violence. Stop blaming others for the shit you cause.


None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world. Your comments are only justifications for holding Israel to different standards and false accusations and appeals to emotion (slavery? really?).

I'll touch on just one. And that is the idea that a nation has no right to protect its citizens from harm (aka defend its citizens). Nations not only have the right to do so, but are morally obligated to do so.

Slavery? Haha. Palestinians get paid.
Not the same as Israelis,and their in lies you problem
Because Isrselis aren't the ones attacking? Israel enforces its laws and those who violate it are punished, Palestinians on the other hand idolize mass murderers and terrorists.

You want to say that again?

Yeah, nobody is attacking anybody, the Palestinians attacked them and they took revenge on the attackers, and the Israeli authorities are reprimanding them for taking the law into their own hands.

Israel is a law unto have some sort of bias law for Jews,Settlers etc., BUT to all others bastardry.......the world look on with distaste and disgust.............Settlers violate,Jews burn Palestinian 15 year olds to death, do their homes get bulldozed??????Fcuk do they

You are the Worlds Phriaras................
My comments specifically addressed your comments.
But you didn't address the standard. Which was the point of the question. You provided justifications for why the standard should not apply to Israel.

What is the standard with respect to naval blockades? Are they generally considered "collective punishment" or is that a charge leveled only at Israel?

What is the standard with respect to labeling goods from occupied territories?

What is the standard for defending citizens against belligerent attacks?

What is the standard for making treaties say the exact opposite of what they actually say?

What is the standard for GA resolutions?

What is the standard for accessing one's holy sites?

What is the standard for law enforcement actions?

What is the standard for ethnic cleansing?

Name one false accusation I made.

Something about Palestinians being slaves.

And that 2000 lb bombs take out entire neighborhoods. From what I understand, and this is not my area of expertise, the typical Mk84 takes out a crater about 50 ft in diameter. No where near a neighborhood.

And the Palestinian's have a right to live free from oppression.
Sure they do. But you need to ask yourself what is oppressing them. Its their own actions. They have a responsibility not to indiscriminately and illegally attack Israeli citizens. THAT is what is causing their "oppression".
Silly Boy....Palestinians have ALWAYS BEEN OPPRESSED so your point ignorant that it was......IS?
LOL now Billo is actually suggesting that the Israeli's are enslaving the Arab Muslim colonists.

See post 196. Which is completely off topic by the way.

Wow. Now I've heard it all.

Israel's policy of home demolitions is entirely within the confines of martial law.


III Geneva convention Arts. 82, 84
Prisoners are subject to the laws of their captors and can be tried by their captors’ courts. The captor shall ensure fairness, impartiality and a competent advocate for the prisoner.
Where does it say their famillies' homes may be demolished?
None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world.

The Zionist Paradise holds itself to a higher standard than the rest of the world, so the rest of the world judges it by it's own standards, i.e. IDF= "The most moral army in the world"
None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world.

The Zionist Paradise holds itself to a higher standard than the rest of the world, so the rest of the world judges it by it's own standards, i.e. IDF= "The most moral army in the world"
I think the word is "IMMMMMMMMORAL" actually Challenger
No matter what population you examine, from a cultural aspect, there is something that separates one from another.

Correct. Palestinians from Lebanese, Egyptians, Syrians, Turks, Egyptians, Eurpean Jewish colonists....

No Arab country in the entire Mediterranean or Gulf Region was rated higher than Israel in the composite statistical comparison of life expectancy, education, and income per capita indicators.

This is your measure of "superiority"? Ah, of course, the "White Man's Burden"

Now if the Palestinians had been working to build a nation since the 1949 Armistice, then they might have a complaint. But the facts are --- that they were not.

Difficult when every attempt is thwarted by your Zionist occupiers.
None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world.

The Zionist Paradise holds itself to a higher standard than the rest of the world, so the rest of the world judges it by it's own standards, i.e. IDF= "The most moral army in the world"
I think the word is "IMMMMMMMMORAL" actually Challenger
Sorry no, you have too many 'M's...:D
Even paying with his-own blood and death did not satisfy the Israeli Authorities as enough punishment for his suicidal attack, Israel still needed more blood in the form of demolishing his innocent families home. No trial just revenge, revenge that never heals the pain for either Jew or Muslim...End the occupation.

Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers
Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

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Comments 202
JERUSALEM — On Oct. 13, Ala’a Abu Jamal, a Palestinian Israeli employed by Israel’s national telephone company, rammed his company car into a Jerusalem bus stop, got out and stabbed to death a 60-year-old rabbi. Abu Jamal was shot dead at the scene.

A week earlier, Israeli military forces blew up the home of Abu Jamal’s neighbor and cousin, Ghassan, who, with another relative, had attacked a Jerusalem synagogue in November 2014, killing six Israelis.

Abu Jamal, a 33-year-old father of three, tried to stop the soldiers from destroying his cousin’s home but instead was beaten and humiliated, said his father, Daoud.

“They broke his ribs and bruised him badly,” he said. “He took sick leave from work and that was when he decided to carry out the attack.”

Abu Jamal’s explanation for his son’s violent act challenges a recently revived Israeli government policy of demolishing the homes of Palestinian assailants to deter future attacks.

[Israelis are calling attacks a ‘new kind of Palestinian terrorism’]

More than three months of violent assaults by Palestinians against Israelis show no signs of abating. Twenty-four Israelis have been killed; more than 140 Palestinians have been killed carrying out attacks or were shot by Israeli forces during clashes.

Now, Israel appears to be stepping up its punitive response by fast-tracking the demolition of homes where the attackers lived. In the past two weeks, three Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank have been destroyed by the military. Many more have been

I can only imagine if that happened in the US.
Even paying with his-own blood and death did not satisfy the Israeli Authorities as enough punishment for his suicidal attack, Israel still needed more blood in the form of demolishing his innocent families home. No trial just revenge, revenge that never heals the pain for either Jew or Muslim...End the occupation.

Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers
Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

The inside track on Washington politics.

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You’ll receive free e-mail news updates each time a new story is published.
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Comments 202
JERUSALEM — On Oct. 13, Ala’a Abu Jamal, a Palestinian Israeli employed by Israel’s national telephone company, rammed his company car into a Jerusalem bus stop, got out and stabbed to death a 60-year-old rabbi. Abu Jamal was shot dead at the scene.

A week earlier, Israeli military forces blew up the home of Abu Jamal’s neighbor and cousin, Ghassan, who, with another relative, had attacked a Jerusalem synagogue in November 2014, killing six Israelis.

Abu Jamal, a 33-year-old father of three, tried to stop the soldiers from destroying his cousin’s home but instead was beaten and humiliated, said his father, Daoud.

“They broke his ribs and bruised him badly,” he said. “He took sick leave from work and that was when he decided to carry out the attack.”

Abu Jamal’s explanation for his son’s violent act challenges a recently revived Israeli government policy of demolishing the homes of Palestinian assailants to deter future attacks.

[Israelis are calling attacks a ‘new kind of Palestinian terrorism’]

More than three months of violent assaults by Palestinians against Israelis show no signs of abating. Twenty-four Israelis have been killed; more than 140 Palestinians have been killed carrying out attacks or were shot by Israeli forces during clashes.

Now, Israel appears to be stepping up its punitive response by fast-tracking the demolition of homes where the attackers lived. In the past two weeks, three Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank have been destroyed by the military. Many more have been

So basically, all the Israelis are allowed to do is be stabbed, and say "Amen".

You know what? f*** the Palestinians, f*** the sympathizers, and **** you too.

No have a trial and sentencing.
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

I hope their "culture" wasn't similar to those of the 1.x billion surrounding neighbors.
Fact are a bitch, ain't they?
Actually the Palestinians are by far the best educated and liberal Arabs in the ME and most tolerant.

They must have learned that from their cousins
I agree, the Palestinians are more than Jewish cousins, genetically they have proven to be closer to the original Jews than the new arrivals like you.

You can also find a 99% similarity with Chimpanzees but I wouldn't claim that chimps deserve a homeland in Meca. Would you ?

My bet is you have absolutely no clue about how to consider genetic analysis in regards to ethnicity or cultural identity.
My guess is that you are a despicable cross breed Nazi genetically and that you come to these boards to express your master race views which is the core of ZioNazi views. Chimps in Mecca, you are one sick dude. Your attitude will someday destroy Israel.
Last edited:
Because Isrselis aren't the ones attacking? Israel enforces its laws and those who violate it are punished, Palestinians on the other hand idolize mass murderers and terrorists.

You want to say that again?

Yeah, nobody is attacking anybody, the Palestinians attacked them and they took revenge on the attackers, and the Israeli authorities are reprimanding them for taking the law into their own hands.

Israel is a law unto have some sort of bias law for Jews,Settlers etc., BUT to all others bastardry.......the world look on with distaste and disgust.............Settlers violate,Jews burn Palestinian 15 year olds to death, do their homes get bulldozed??????Fcuk do they

You are the Worlds Phriaras................

Yeah, but we all know that Palestinians are a symbol of justice, law and order...right....riiiiight!
None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world.

The Zionist Paradise holds itself to a higher standard than the rest of the world, so the rest of the world judges it by it's own standards, i.e. IDF= "The most moral army in the world"
Sorry, nobody can compete with the Palestinian Islamist paradise of 72 virgins for every Jihadi terrorist.
I hope their "culture" wasn't similar to those of the 1.x billion surrounding neighbors.
Fact are a bitch, ain't they?
Actually the Palestinians are by far the best educated and liberal Arabs in the ME and most tolerant.

They must have learned that from their cousins
I agree, the Palestinians are more than Jewish cousins, genetically they have proven to be closer to the original Jews than the new arrivals like you.

You can also find a 99% similarity with Chimpanzees but I wouldn't claim that chimps deserve a homeland in Meca. Would you ?

My bet is you have absolutely no clue about how to consider genetic analysis in regards to ethnicity or cultural identity.
My guess is that you are a despicable cross breed Nazi genetically and that you come to these boards to express your master race views which is the core of ZioNazi views. Chimps in Mecca, you are one sick dude. Your attitude will someday destroy Israel.
Only in your dreams of course. How far has your attitude taken the so called Palestinians? Oh I'm sorry, another terrorists home gets bulldozed.
None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world.

The Zionist Paradise holds itself to a higher standard than the rest of the world, so the rest of the world judges it by it's own standards, i.e. IDF= "The most moral army in the world"
I think the word is "IMMMMMMMMORAL" actually Challenger
Sorry no, you have too many 'M's...:D
You can never have too many M and M's Challenger
Because Isrselis aren't the ones attacking? Israel enforces its laws and those who violate it are punished, Palestinians on the other hand idolize mass murderers and terrorists.

You want to say that again?

Yeah, nobody is attacking anybody, the Palestinians attacked them and they took revenge on the attackers, and the Israeli authorities are reprimanding them for taking the law into their own hands.

Israel is a law unto have some sort of bias law for Jews,Settlers etc., BUT to all others bastardry.......the world look on with distaste and disgust.............Settlers violate,Jews burn Palestinian 15 year olds to death, do their homes get bulldozed??????Fcuk do they

You are the Worlds Phriaras................

Yeah, but we all know that Palestinians are a symbol of justice, law and order...right....riiiiight!

Roudy,There is much to be required on both sides........but so much more is needed from the Zionists/Israelis and all,as you know really...just sayin..steve
LOL now Billo is actually suggesting that the Israeli's are enslaving the Arab Muslim colonists.
Israel is using Palestinian's like prison labor. What do you think started the BDS movement?

See post 196. Which is completely off topic by the way.
If I was off topic, then the post I was responding to was off topic, because I specifically addressed each one of his points.

Wow. Now I've heard it all.
In the words of the Virgin Mary, "Come again?"

Israel's policy of home demolitions is entirely within the confines of martial law.
Martial law, in itself, is wrong.

III Geneva convention Arts. 82, 84
Prisoners are subject to the laws of their captors and can be tried by their captors’ courts. The captor shall ensure fairness, impartiality and a competent advocate for the prisoner.
Are you saying the entire population of Palestinian's are prisoners?

And how fair is it to bulldoze down the house of a relative that has committed no crime?
Because Isrselis aren't the ones attacking? Israel enforces its laws and those who violate it are punished, Palestinians on the other hand idolize mass murderers and terrorists.

You want to say that again?

Yeah, nobody is attacking anybody, the Palestinians attacked them and they took revenge on the attackers, and the Israeli authorities are reprimanding them for taking the law into their own hands.

Israel is a law unto have some sort of bias law for Jews,Settlers etc., BUT to all others bastardry.......the world look on with distaste and disgust.............Settlers violate,Jews burn Palestinian 15 year olds to death, do their homes get bulldozed??????Fcuk do they

You are the Worlds Phriaras................

Yeah, but we all know that Palestinians are a symbol of justice, law and order...right....riiiiight!

Roudy,There is much to be required on both sides........but so much more is needed from the Zionists/Israelis and all,as you know really...just sayin..steve

As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
But you didn't address the standard. Which was the point of the question. You provided justifications for why the standard should not apply to Israel.
This thread is not about your bullshit myth of Israel being held to higher standards. The truth is the opposite. The standards are lowered in Israel's case to the point where they can get away with murder.

What is the standard with respect to naval blockades? Are they generally considered "collective punishment" or is that a charge leveled only at Israel?
A navel blockade can only be legal when its done in a declared war against a nation state. Gaza is not a nation state and this is not a war.

What is the standard with respect to labeling goods from occupied territories?
When Israel is using cheap Palestinian labor, much like the use of prison labor in this country, those exports need to be labeled so people can choose not to buy them.

What is the standard for defending citizens against belligerent attacks?
If you're the one initiating the violence, then you're not the one defending its citizens.

What is the standard for making treaties say the exact opposite of what they actually say?
WTF are you talking about?

What is the standard for GA resolutions?
The UN Charter.

What is the standard for accessing one's holy sites?
You don't go pray with a military escort.

What is the standard for law enforcement actions?
You do not punish someone who's committed no crime.

What is the standard for ethnic cleansing?
Now you're getting ridiculous.

Something about Palestinians being slaves.
I didn't say they were slaves, I said they were treated like slave labor.

And that 2000 lb bombs take out entire neighborhoods. From what I understand, and this is not my area of expertise, the typical Mk84 takes out a crater about 50 ft in diameter. No where near a neighborhood.
If it's not your area of expertise, then why are you commenting on it?

Sure they do. But you need to ask yourself what is oppressing them. Its their own actions. They have a responsibility not to indiscriminately and illegally attack Israeli citizens. THAT is what is causing their "oppression".
It's not their actions, its yours. You're the ones maintaining an occupation for the last 60 years. You're the ones deliberately trying to make their lives a daily hell. You're the ones in violation of over 100 UN resolutions.

You're the ones shooting at people fishing. I mean, who does that? Who shoots at people while they fish? YOU DO!

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