Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

LOL now Billo is actually suggesting that the Israeli's are enslaving the Arab Muslim colonists.
Israel is using Palestinian's like prison labor. What do you think started the BDS movement?

See post 196. Which is completely off topic by the way.
If I was off topic, then the post I was responding to was off topic, because I specifically addressed each one of his points.

Wow. Now I've heard it all.
In the words of the Virgin Mary, "Come again?"

Israel's policy of home demolitions is entirely within the confines of martial law.
Martial law, in itself, is wrong.

III Geneva convention Arts. 82, 84
Prisoners are subject to the laws of their captors and can be tried by their captors’ courts. The captor shall ensure fairness, impartiality and a competent advocate for the prisoner.
Are you saying the entire population of Palestinian's are prisoners?

And how fair is it to bulldoze down the house of a relative that has committed no crime?
AWW BOOHOO! It's not fair?! How about the totally innocent victims' family that a Palestinian terrorists murder in cold blood? Maybe they should think about those things before. Personally, bulldozing their homes isn't enough, there needs to be more compensation, Israel should also hold the govt's and leaders liable.

You want to say that again?

Yeah, nobody is attacking anybody, the Palestinians attacked them and they took revenge on the attackers, and the Israeli authorities are reprimanding them for taking the law into their own hands.

Israel is a law unto have some sort of bias law for Jews,Settlers etc., BUT to all others bastardry.......the world look on with distaste and disgust.............Settlers violate,Jews burn Palestinian 15 year olds to death, do their homes get bulldozed??????Fcuk do they

You are the Worlds Phriaras................

Yeah, but we all know that Palestinians are a symbol of justice, law and order...right....riiiiight!

Roudy,There is much to be required on both sides........but so much more is needed from the Zionists/Israelis and all,as you know really...just sayin..steve

As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.

You are trying to INCITE ME,I also understand you were banned because of it.......You are a SHALLOW MAN and PATHETIC with it.steve
As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
Your posts are demolishing this thread.
He got banned for it,the prick
But you ALLOWED it.
And if he or she is the type of person you associate with, then I can understand your postings on any given topic concerning Israel.
By the way, how does an Individual using YOUR account get banned?
Yeah, nobody is attacking anybody, the Palestinians attacked them and they took revenge on the attackers, and the Israeli authorities are reprimanding them for taking the law into their own hands.
Israel is a law unto have some sort of bias law for Jews,Settlers etc., BUT to all others bastardry.......the world look on with distaste and disgust.............Settlers violate,Jews burn Palestinian 15 year olds to death, do their homes get bulldozed??????Fcuk do they

You are the Worlds Phriaras................

Yeah, but we all know that Palestinians are a symbol of justice, law and order...right....riiiiight!
Roudy,There is much to be required on both sides........but so much more is needed from the Zionists/Israelis and all,as you know really...just sayin..steve

As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
You are trying to INCITE ME,I also understand you were banned because of it.......You are a SHALLOW MAN and PATHETIC with it.steve
My postings were not nearly as inflammatory or racist.
Israel is a law unto have some sort of bias law for Jews,Settlers etc., BUT to all others bastardry.......the world look on with distaste and disgust.............Settlers violate,Jews burn Palestinian 15 year olds to death, do their homes get bulldozed??????Fcuk do they

You are the Worlds Phriaras................

Yeah, but we all know that Palestinians are a symbol of justice, law and order...right....riiiiight!
Roudy,There is much to be required on both sides........but so much more is needed from the Zionists/Israelis and all,as you know really...just sayin..steve

As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
You are trying to INCITE ME,I also understand you were banned because of it.......You are a SHALLOW MAN and PATHETIC with it.steve
My postings were not nearly as inflammatory or racist.
I've been advised to tell you to FCUK OFF and not respond to thee
Last edited:
Yeah, but we all know that Palestinians are a symbol of justice, law and order...right....riiiiight!
Roudy,There is much to be required on both sides........but so much more is needed from the Zionists/Israelis and all,as you know really...just sayin..steve

As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
You are trying to INCITE ME,I also understand you were banned because of it.......You are a SHALLOW MAN and PATHETIC with it.steve
My postings were not nearly as inflammatory or racist.
Ive been advised to tell you to FCUK OFF

By your friend.
And you spelled the "F" work incorrectly; like your friend spelled everything incorrectly.
Back to the Thread...Your opinions of Israel, based on the company you keep, no longer surprise me.
It seems to me you are merely a more "polite" version of venomous.
As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
Your posts are demolishing this thread.
He got banned for it,the prick
But you ALLOWED it.
And if he or she is the type of person you associate with, then I can understand your postings on any given topic concerning Israel.
By the way, how does an Individual using YOUR account get banned?
Roudy,There is much to be required on both sides........but so much more is needed from the Zionists/Israelis and all,as you know really...just sayin..steve

As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
You are trying to INCITE ME,I also understand you were banned because of it.......You are a SHALLOW MAN and PATHETIC with it.steve
My postings were not nearly as inflammatory or racist.
Ive been advised to tell you to FCUK OFF

By your friend.
And you spelled the "F" work incorrectly; like your friend spelled everything incorrectly.
Back to the Thread...Your opinions of Israel, based on the company you keep, no longer surprise me.
It seems to me you are merely a more "polite" version of venomous.
WHATEVER,I'm sure you are right..LOL
As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
Your posts are demolishing this thread.
He got banned for it,the prick
But you ALLOWED it.
And if he or she is the type of person you associate with, then I can understand your postings on any given topic concerning Israel.
By the way, how does an Individual using YOUR account get banned?

Sure, that's why your initial response was the "F" word.
At least now we know where you are REALLY coming from in spite of your attempts to APPEAR rational.
As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
Your posts are demolishing this thread.
He got banned for it,the prick
But you ALLOWED it.
And if he or she is the type of person you associate with, then I can understand your postings on any given topic concerning Israel.
By the way, how does an Individual using YOUR account get banned?

Sure, that's why your initial response was the "F" word.
At least now we know where you are REALLY coming from in spite of your attempts to APPEAR rational.
Your posts are demolishing this thread.
He got banned for it,the prick
But you ALLOWED it.
And if he or she is the type of person you associate with, then I can understand your postings on any given topic concerning Israel.
By the way, how does an Individual using YOUR account get banned?

Sure, that's why your initial response was the "F" word.
At least now we know where you are REALLY coming from in spite of your attempts to APPEAR rational.

Is your friend putting you to sleep?
As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
Your posts are demolishing this thread.
He got banned for it,the prick
But you ALLOWED it.
And if he or she is the type of person you associate with, then I can understand your postings on any given topic concerning Israel.
By the way, how does an Individual using YOUR account get banned?

Sure, that's why your initial response was the "F" word.
At least now we know where you are REALLY coming from in spite of your attempts to APPEAR rational.
As a slight but important diversion Indie.....Why is it that the Israeli Government don't have the Balls to Extradite a School Principal of the Orthodox Adass Israel College in Melbourne,the infamous "Malka Leifer" who SEXUALLY MOLESTED over 70 young female students over a 20 year period,who was squirreled out of Australia 15 months ago????? helped to evade justice by the Orthodox School Board,who employed her.

For 12 months now the Australian Government have been trying to extradite her to face 110 SEXUAL ABUSE charges,this woman is presently living in Bnei Brak an Ultra Orthodox enclave in central Israel under house arrest.......Everytime she is requested to attend the Jerusalem District Court,she feins sic PANIC ATTACKS or on other occasions,mental health issues (This serial sex offender/Paedophile,thought nothing of the anguish of her victims of course).

The victim advocates(both Israeli and Australian) have called on the court to hear the application at Ms Leifer's home or via video link to avoid "THE STRESS" of appearing in a court room........all to no avail,as this woman and others just exploit legal loopholes to avoid extradition........

Head of the Israeli National Council for the Child,.....Yitzhak Kadman warned that Israel could become a haven for Jewish Paedophiles fleeing authorities in other jurisdictions if the Leifer extradition is thrown out of court.The J.D.Court will decide on the extradition next month.!!!!

This woman well Paedophile actually......amazingly has 8 children of her own !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We will await how the JDCourt performs on this theOrthodox School Board of Directors and others cannot leave the country(BIG SMILE) and will be dealt they were all knowing of the situation.....they hopefully receive long prison sentences.........but we want "Leifer" back so the Orthodox Girls can have justice in what is a fairly closed community,.......steve
As a matter of curiosity, was your friend who was posting on your account typical of those Arabs whose homes get demolished?
If so, the demolition is more than justified.
Your posts are demolishing this thread.
He got banned for it,the prick
But you ALLOWED it.
And if he or she is the type of person you associate with, then I can understand your postings on any given topic concerning Israel.
By the way, how does an Individual using YOUR account get banned?

Sure, that's why your initial response was the "F" word.
At least now we know where you are REALLY coming from in spite of your attempts to APPEAR rational.
Who said I was rational......I will take that as a personal Insult Indie.............In you there is a spark of cleverness.........improve on that and lower the crap level and things could change for the better.......steve
None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world.

The Zionist Paradise holds itself to a higher standard than the rest of the world, so the rest of the world judges it by it's own standards, i.e. IDF= "The most moral army in the world"
Sorry, nobody can compete with the Palestinian Islamist paradise of 72 virgins for every Jihadi terrorist.
Another Rude-ee myth.
None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world.

The Zionist Paradise holds itself to a higher standard than the rest of the world, so the rest of the world judges it by it's own standards, i.e. IDF= "The most moral army in the world"
Sorry, nobody can compete with the Palestinian Islamist paradise of 72 virgins for every Jihadi terrorist.
Another Rude-ee myth.
No myth, mentally challenged sock of Monte. They like all Islamic terrorist's believe in the 72 virgins. Besides, why worry about your home being bulldozed when you have all these virgin Virginians Mohammad promised you in paradise?

None of the above support the idea that Israel is held to the same standards as the rest of the world.

The Zionist Paradise holds itself to a higher standard than the rest of the world, so the rest of the world judges it by it's own standards, i.e. IDF= "The most moral army in the world"
Sorry, nobody can compete with the Palestinian Islamist paradise of 72 virgins for every Jihadi terrorist.
Another Rude-ee myth.
No myth, mentally challenged sock of Monte. They like all Islamic terrorist's believe in the 72 virgins. Besides, why worry about your home being bulldozed when you have all these virgin Virginians Mohammad promised you in paradise?

Yeah, that proves you know nothing about Islam or Arabic. Here's Lesley Hazelton giving an unbiased talk for the widely respected TED organisation.

Watch and listen, you might learn something, but I won't hold my breath.
Last edited:
Even paying with his-own blood and death did not satisfy the Israeli Authorities as enough punishment for his suicidal attack, Israel still needed more blood in the form of demolishing his innocent families home. No trial just revenge, revenge that never heals the pain for either Jew or Muslim...End the occupation.

Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers
Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

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Comments 202
JERUSALEM — On Oct. 13, Ala’a Abu Jamal, a Palestinian Israeli employed by Israel’s national telephone company, rammed his company car into a Jerusalem bus stop, got out and stabbed to death a 60-year-old rabbi. Abu Jamal was shot dead at the scene.

A week earlier, Israeli military forces blew up the home of Abu Jamal’s neighbor and cousin, Ghassan, who, with another relative, had attacked a Jerusalem synagogue in November 2014, killing six Israelis.

Abu Jamal, a 33-year-old father of three, tried to stop the soldiers from destroying his cousin’s home but instead was beaten and humiliated, said his father, Daoud.

“They broke his ribs and bruised him badly,” he said. “He took sick leave from work and that was when he decided to carry out the attack.”

Abu Jamal’s explanation for his son’s violent act challenges a recently revived Israeli government policy of demolishing the homes of Palestinian assailants to deter future attacks.

[Israelis are calling attacks a ‘new kind of Palestinian terrorism’]

More than three months of violent assaults by Palestinians against Israelis show no signs of abating. Twenty-four Israelis have been killed; more than 140 Palestinians have been killed carrying out attacks or were shot by Israeli forces during clashes.

Now, Israel appears to be stepping up its punitive response by fast-tracking the demolition of homes where the attackers lived. In the past two weeks, three Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank have been destroyed by the military. Many more have been

They know the law and what will happen if they engage in terrorist military action. Israel is carrying out the punishment allowed by the Geneva conventions and so are within the bounds of International law. The Palestinians are making propaganda out of these actions as if they are illegal or against international law, and you are fanning the flames of RACISM and INTOLERANCE by making the same claims.

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