Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

pbel, et al,

Is that exactly how it works. Is it all subject to Article 68 of the Geneva Convention?

A lot of words, a true Finagler's weapon. Simply put, if some is suspected of collusion you have a trial, before you punish.

Get it?

Are the laws governing this process the same in every Arab Country?
Are the laws governing this process the same in every Occupied Region?

Most Respectfully,

Yes, under Geneva IV. You said it yourself.
You might want to check precedence in international law on that suspicion of collusion thing and just what the implications are when persons knowingly assist in any actions against a state either in war time or in peace time. The geneva conventions clearly state that protected persons who engage in such activities forfeit their protected status.

Ex-Auschwitz medic, 95, to stand trial on February 29

Hubert Zafke was a medical orderly at the camp from August 15, 1944 to September 14, 1944. During this time, 14 trains carrying prisoners -- including the teenage diarist Anne Frank -- arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau where many would eventually be killed in the gas chambers.
Ahead of proceedings due to begin February 29, prosecutors said Zafke was "aware of the purpose of the Birkenau camp as an extermination camp" as well as of its structure.
"Given his awareness, the accused lent support to the organisation of the camp and was thereby both involved in and advanced the extermination," said prosecutors in an earlier statement as they charged Zafke for complicity in the "cruel and insidious killings of at least 3,681" people.
End Quote

So as can very easily seen even medical personal can lose their protected status and be treated as a combatant. The Geneva conventions clearly also define medical personal as protected persons. Here we have a case where the suspect didn't actively participate in the crime, however knew it existed and lent aid by virtue of his lending support to the organization involved.

Israel can very easily claim that the families of terrorists lent aid through their support.

Another interesting example would be those who voted for Hamas. Which is a terrorist organization dedicated to the destruction of the state. The precedent above could be used to declare all who support Hamas as having forfeited their rights as protected persons.

You might want to check precedence in international law on that suspicion of collusion thing and just what the implications are when persons knowingly assist in any actions against a state either in war time or in peace time. The geneva conventions clearly state that protected persons who engage in such activities forfeit their protected status.

Ex-Auschwitz medic, 95, to stand trial on February 29

Hubert Zafke was a medical orderly at the camp from August 15, 1944 to September 14, 1944. During this time, 14 trains carrying prisoners -- including the teenage diarist Anne Frank -- arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau where many would eventually be killed in the gas chambers.
Ahead of proceedings due to begin February 29, prosecutors said Zafke was "aware of the purpose of the Birkenau camp as an extermination camp" as well as of its structure.
"Given his awareness, the accused lent support to the organisation of the camp and was thereby both involved in and advanced the extermination," said prosecutors in an earlier statement as they charged Zafke for complicity in the "cruel and insidious killings of at least 3,681" people.
End Quote

So as can very easily seen even medical personal can lose their protected status and be treated as a combatant. The Geneva conventions clearly also define medical personal as protected persons. Here we have a case where the suspect didn't actively participate in the crime, however knew it existed and lent aid by virtue of his lending support to the organization involved.

Israel can very easily claim that the families of terrorists lent aid through their support.

Another interesting example would be those who voted for Hamas. Which is a terrorist organization dedicated to the destruction of the state. The precedent above could be used to declare all who support Hamas as having forfeited their rights as protected persons.
A lot of words, a true Finagler's weapon. Simply put, if some is suspected of collusion you have a trial, before you punish.

Get it?

A lot of words you apparently have no legal refutation for.

My view is taken directly from the Geneva conventions, yours apparently is nothing more than baseless opinion.

Unless you can show some supporting evidence that Israel DIDN'T follow A judicial process in determining what homes were to be demolished.

But since Israel does follow judicial review prior to demolitions then you're either simply mistaken or lying, the later of which seems to be common among racists and bigots.
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The Geneva conventions are extremely clear on this one. Combatants are not refugees, nor is anyone suspected of assisting in any way combatants. And under the Geneva conventions it is perfectly legal to deport combatants to either a neutral third country, or to their nation of origin, in this case Jordan
The Boston Finagler is at it again, Finagling that innocent civilians are combatants.

  1. com·bat·ant
    [kəmˈbatnt, ˈkämbədənt]

    1. a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war.
      synonyms: fighter · soldier · serviceman · servicewoman · warrior ·

    late Middle English (as an adjective used in heraldry to describe two lions facing one another with raised forepaws): from Old French, present participle of combatre ‘to fight’ (see combat).

    combatants (plural noun)

    Translate combatant to

    No translation found.

    Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press
    Translations, word origin, and more definitions
Wow, how interesting! Palestinians intentionally target Israeli civilians, while hiding behind their own, how come there isn't any whining about that?
Even paying with his-own blood and death did not satisfy the Israeli Authorities as enough punishment for his suicidal attack, Israel still needed more blood in the form of demolishing his innocent families home. No trial just revenge, revenge that never heals the pain for either Jew or Muslim...End the occupation.

Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers
Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

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Comments 202
JERUSALEM — On Oct. 13, Ala’a Abu Jamal, a Palestinian Israeli employed by Israel’s national telephone company, rammed his company car into a Jerusalem bus stop, got out and stabbed to death a 60-year-old rabbi. Abu Jamal was shot dead at the scene.

A week earlier, Israeli military forces blew up the home of Abu Jamal’s neighbor and cousin, Ghassan, who, with another relative, had attacked a Jerusalem synagogue in November 2014, killing six Israelis.

Abu Jamal, a 33-year-old father of three, tried to stop the soldiers from destroying his cousin’s home but instead was beaten and humiliated, said his father, Daoud.

“They broke his ribs and bruised him badly,” he said. “He took sick leave from work and that was when he decided to carry out the attack.”

Abu Jamal’s explanation for his son’s violent act challenges a recently revived Israeli government policy of demolishing the homes of Palestinian assailants to deter future attacks.

[Israelis are calling attacks a ‘new kind of Palestinian terrorism’]

More than three months of violent assaults by Palestinians against Israelis show no signs of abating. Twenty-four Israelis have been killed; more than 140 Palestinians have been killed carrying out attacks or were shot by Israeli forces during clashes.

Now, Israel appears to be stepping up its punitive response by fast-tracking the demolition of homes where the attackers lived. In the past two weeks, three Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank have been destroyed by the military. Many more have been

So basically, all the Israelis are allowed to do is be stabbed, and say "Amen".

You know what? f*** the Palestinians, f*** the sympathizers, and **** you too.
Challenger, et al,

I don't agree.

I thought that someone would eventually bring this up...

Well it's taken you over 830 words to say what I did in 10, but I think we broadly agree on this. :)

I believe that the Israelis have a military necessity defense and that is not up to the Palestinians.

We find that punitive house demolitions lead to fewer suicide attacks in the month following the demolitions. The effect is significant and sizable — a one standard-deviation increase in punitive house demolitions leads to a decrease of 11.7% in the number of suicide terrorists originating from an average district. In contrast, precautionary demolitions (which are not related to activities of the houses’ owners and occupants) are associated with more suicide attacks. Our estimates show that a standard-deviation increase in precautionary house demolitions leads to a 48.7% increase in the number of suicide terrorists from an average district.
Are Voters Sensitive to Terrorism? Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate on JSTOR
Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate

Most Respectfully,
Palestinian suffering at the hands of Israelis far outweighs any harm they have caused israel
The Geneva conventions are extremely clear on this one. Combatants are not refugees, nor is anyone suspected of assisting in any way combatants. And under the Geneva conventions it is perfectly legal to deport combatants to either a neutral third country, or to their nation of origin, in this case Jordan
The Boston Finagler is at it again, Finagling that innocent civilians are combatants.

  1. com·bat·ant
    [kəmˈbatnt, ˈkämbədənt]

    1. a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war.
      synonyms: fighter · soldier · serviceman · servicewoman · warrior ·

    late Middle English (as an adjective used in heraldry to describe two lions facing one another with raised forepaws): from Old French, present participle of combatre ‘to fight’ (see combat).

    combatants (plural noun)

    Translate combatant to

    No translation found.

    Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press
    Translations, word origin, and more definitions
Wow, how interesting! Palestinians intentionally target Israeli civilians, while hiding behind their own, how come there isn't any whining about that?
israel intentionally targets civilians while hiding behind advanced weaponry and the united states
I see our palestinian apologists have abandoned the claim that Israel's demolition policy doesn't follow a judicial process.

Thats good, we're making progress.
You might want to check precedence in international law on that suspicion of collusion thing and just what the implications are when persons knowingly assist in any actions against a state either in war time or in peace time. The geneva conventions clearly state that protected persons who engage in such activities forfeit their protected status.

Ex-Auschwitz medic, 95, to stand trial on February 29

Hubert Zafke was a medical orderly at the camp from August 15, 1944 to September 14, 1944. During this time, 14 trains carrying prisoners -- including the teenage diarist Anne Frank -- arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau where many would eventually be killed in the gas chambers.
Ahead of proceedings due to begin February 29, prosecutors said Zafke was "aware of the purpose of the Birkenau camp as an extermination camp" as well as of its structure.
"Given his awareness, the accused lent support to the organisation of the camp and was thereby both involved in and advanced the extermination," said prosecutors in an earlier statement as they charged Zafke for complicity in the "cruel and insidious killings of at least 3,681" people.
End Quote

So as can very easily seen even medical personal can lose their protected status and be treated as a combatant. The Geneva conventions clearly also define medical personal as protected persons. Here we have a case where the suspect didn't actively participate in the crime, however knew it existed and lent aid by virtue of his lending support to the organization involved.

Israel can very easily claim that the families of terrorists lent aid through their support.

Another interesting example would be those who voted for Hamas. Which is a terrorist organization dedicated to the destruction of the state. The precedent above could be used to declare all who support Hamas as having forfeited their rights as protected persons.
A lot of words, a true Finagler's weapon. Simply put, if some is suspected of collusion you have a trial, before you punish.

Get it?

A lot of words you apparently have no legal refutation for.

My view is taken directly from the Geneva conventions, yours apparently is nothing more than baseless opinion.

Unless you can show some supporting evidence that Israel DIDN'T follow A judicial process in determining what homes were to be demolished.

But since Israel does follow judicial review prior to demolitions then you're either simply mistaken or lying, the later of which seems to be common among racists and bigots.
The Boston Finagler should answer why if it is that the UN and many others condemn these actions as illegal and immoral? A racist Israeli apartheid POS calling me a bigot!


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  1. UN condemns Israel over destruction of Jordan Valley homes
    Israel has come under fire from the UN humanitarian coordinator for the Palestinian territories over the demolition of 36 homes in the Jordan Valley.

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    • [URL='']UN slams Israel's demolition of Palestinian homes | Al ...
    • [URL='']House demolition in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict ...
    • [URL=',_Palestine,_and_the_United_Nations']Israel, Palestine, and the United Nations - Wikipedia, the ...
    • [URL='']List of United Nations Resolutions against Israel.
    • [URL='']US condemns shelling of UN school in Gaza but restocks ...
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This is good, we're making progress, you do seem to have given up the claim that Israel's home demolition policy is extrajudicial in some way. So lets review ;--)

There is no difference between what a court might impose as a punitive measure in the US than in Israel. Fines and other penalties are to be expected when criminals are punished. However in the case of this conflict its also a measure of whats covered by the Geneva conventions. In which case combatants, suspected combatants civilian or otherwise enjoy no rights as protected persons. Israel is well within its rights to deport the families of terrorists to a neutral or agreed upon third party and demolish their homes.,d.cGc 2015-11-13 01:03:04

JERUSALEM, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli Supreme Court gave the green light on Thursday to demolish the homes of Palestinian militants who executed attacks against Israelis in recent months.
Supreme Court Justice Miriam Naor rejected appeals filed by human rights groups objecting to the punitive measure that are used by the Israeli authorities to deter Palestinians from carrying out attacks.
Last edited:,d.cGc 2015-11-13 01:03:04

JERUSALEM, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli Supreme Court gave the green light on Thursday to demolish the homes of Palestinian militants who executed attacks against Israelis in recent months.
Supreme Court Justice Miriam Naor rejected appeals filed by human rights groups objecting to the punitive measure that are used by the Israeli authorities to deter Palestinians from carrying out attacks.

But these Judges are Lefties!
Now some people here won't like Leftest Jews!
The bottom line is that people who pose a danger to human life are getting away with simply having their homes demolished and probably being compensated as well.,d.cGc 2015-11-13 01:03:04
JERUSALEM, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli Supreme Court gave the green light on Thursday to demolish the homes of Palestinian militants who executed attacks against Israelis in recent months.
Supreme Court Justice Miriam Naor rejected appeals filed by human rights groups objecting to the punitive measure that are used by the Israeli authorities to deter Palestinians from carrying out attacks.

But these Judges are Lefties!
Now some people here won't like Leftest Jews!
The bottom line is that people who pose a danger to human life are getting away with simply having their homes demolished and probably being compensated as well.

Oh they are compensated. Its not the topic of this thread but yeah, the Arab Muslim nations send mountains of aid and support for the colonists. Much of it through the UN.

But the point is that the demolisions follow a carefully constructed judicial process and are legal under Israeli law. Since international law is an extension of state law, well it gets messy when two states have two different laws.

Fortunately the ICC is refusing to get involved until the matter of palestine statehood is settled. Without palestine being a state the ICC has no jurisdiction.


also see
How American taxpayers are funding Palestinian terrorism

In another case, terrorist Sa’id Ibrahim Sa’id Ramadan went to a busy Jerusalem street around 2:30 p.m. on January 22, 2002, and began randomly shooting passers-by. Two people were murdered: Sarah Hamburger, 79, and Orna Sandler, 56. Dozens of others were injured. Police shot and killed Ramadan at the scene.
Just five days later, on January 27, 2002, Ramadan’s case was reviewed by the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Social Affairs for martyrdom status and to determine the financial benefits that would accrue to the family. That review was conducted by the Martyr’s Families and Injured Care Establishment, a little known organization originally created in 1969 by the Palestine Liberation Organization to systematize financial benefits to those wounded or killed in terrorist attacks deemed acts of “martyrdom.”
“Martyrdom Establishment” compensation is dispensed worldwide, wherever the terrorist act takes place, according to a 2010 Palestinian Authority Social Ministry report. The report states that by 2009, more than 288 million shekels were paid in the program, of which more than 97 million went outside Israel and the Palestinian region to reward international terrorism.
End Quote
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...Fortunately the ICC is refusing to get involved until the matter of palestine statehood is settled. Without palestine being a state the ICC has no jurisdiction...
By the time that happens, Rump Palestine will consist of 10 acres of land on the extreme southern tip of Gaza, with 1000 people, 2 gas stations, 2 grocery stores, a Presidential Palace, 900 tents, and a Ministry of Jew Hating...

Watching the so-called Palestinians trying to cobble together a state from the crumbs left to them is embarrassing, rather like watching somebody piss themselves and not even realize it...

Not exactly the brightest crayons in the box...

It's time for them to close-up shop, pack up, and get the hell outta Dodge...

It's over...
The Geneva conventions are extremely clear on this one. Combatants are not refugees, nor is anyone suspected of assisting in any way combatants. And under the Geneva conventions it is perfectly legal to deport combatants to either a neutral third country, or to their nation of origin, in this case Jordan
The Boston Finagler is at it again, Finagling that innocent civilians are combatants.

  1. com·bat·ant
    [kəmˈbatnt, ˈkämbədənt]

    1. a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war.
      synonyms: fighter · soldier · serviceman · servicewoman · warrior ·

    late Middle English (as an adjective used in heraldry to describe two lions facing one another with raised forepaws): from Old French, present participle of combatre ‘to fight’ (see combat).

    combatants (plural noun)

    Translate combatant to

    No translation found.

    Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press
    Translations, word origin, and more definitions
Wow, how interesting! Palestinians intentionally target Israeli civilians, while hiding behind their own, how come there isn't any whining about that?
israel intentionally targets civilians while hiding behind advanced weaponry and the united states

can you show me a link where Israel knowingly targeted civilians?,d.cGc 2015-11-13 01:03:04
JERUSALEM, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli Supreme Court gave the green light on Thursday to demolish the homes of Palestinian militants who executed attacks against Israelis in recent months.
Supreme Court Justice Miriam Naor rejected appeals filed by human rights groups objecting to the punitive measure that are used by the Israeli authorities to deter Palestinians from carrying out attacks.

But these Judges are Lefties!
Now some people here won't like Leftest Jews!
The bottom line is that people who pose a danger to human life are getting away with simply having their homes demolished and probably being compensated as well.
And when they have no homes to demolish, we take away their donkeys / wives. :lmao:,d.cGc 2015-11-13 01:03:04
JERUSALEM, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli Supreme Court gave the green light on Thursday to demolish the homes of Palestinian militants who executed attacks against Israelis in recent months.
Supreme Court Justice Miriam Naor rejected appeals filed by human rights groups objecting to the punitive measure that are used by the Israeli authorities to deter Palestinians from carrying out attacks.

But these Judges are Lefties!
Now some people here won't like Leftest Jews!
The bottom line is that people who pose a danger to human life are getting away with simply having their homes demolished and probably being compensated as well.
And when they have no homes to demolish, we take away their donkeys / wives. :lmao:

How can we tell the difference?

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