Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

ogibillm, et al,

This may be absolutely correct in what it says. But just as valid --- it is not necessary ethically wrong or improperly executed.

Palestinian suffering at the hands of Israelis far outweighs any harm they have caused israel

Let's look at a much smaller --- thumbnail scenario.

• A trio of BAD GUYs are holding .22 calibre hand-guns.
• The trio of BAD GUYs are firing (from in front of a crowd of people who provide criminal material support) towards unarmed mixed crowd of noncombatant GOOD GUYs; men, women, children.
• The Allied Powers issue warning for the unarmed BAD GUYs to move away.
• A Allied Powers approach with a superior automatic weapons equipped with laser targeting sites.
• The Allied Powers open fire on the BAD GUYSs who are firing and announcing that they will continue firing, to save the lives of GOOD GUYs.
• Allied Powers fire kills all three armed threat BAD GUYs.
• Allied Powers kill and wound several unarmed BAD GUYs that were warned by intentionally stayed behind the firing BAD GUYs.
• These unarmed casualties are those that provide material support to armed elements; and advocate the continuation of conflict.


• No GOOD GUYs are killed or injured.
* All three BAD GUYs are killed; and several unarmed BAD GUYs were killed or injured.

That is a huge difference in terms of actual causality ratios. Some confuse this with proportionality.

Rule 14. Launching an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated, is prohibited.

The question is, what is considered a direct military advantage?

Any avoidable allied casualty is worth more than a casualty of the opposing force. As GEN Patton once said;
"Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other son-of-a-bitch die for his."

If you the Allied Powers can kill 5:1, that is good. But 10:1 is better.

The military advantage is to secure, protect and defend the civilian population from being killed or injured by unscrupulous Jihadist, Fedayeen, Insurgents, Terrorist, Resistance Fighter, etc, that believe that they have some special right to perpetuate the conflict. Zero allied casualties, and the maximization of enemy casualities, is the optimum military advantage.

Most Respectfully,
R,d.cGc 2015-11-13 01:03:04
JERUSALEM, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli Supreme Court gave the green light on Thursday to demolish the homes of Palestinian militants who executed attacks against Israelis in recent months.
Supreme Court Justice Miriam Naor rejected appeals filed by human rights groups objecting to the punitive measure that are used by the Israeli authorities to deter Palestinians from carrying out attacks.

But these Judges are Lefties!
Now some people here won't like Leftest Jews!
The bottom line is that people who pose a danger to human life are getting away with simply having their homes demolished and probably being compensated as well.
And when they have no homes to demolish, we take away their donkeys / wives. :lmao:

How can we tell the difference?
Dude... that was cold... and funny...
The Geneva conventions are extremely clear on this one. Combatants are not refugees, nor is anyone suspected of assisting in any way combatants. And under the Geneva conventions it is perfectly legal to deport combatants to either a neutral third country, or to their nation of origin, in this case Jordan
The Boston Finagler is at it again, Finagling that innocent civilians are combatants.

  1. com·bat·ant
    [kəmˈbatnt, ˈkämbədənt]

    1. a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war.
      synonyms: fighter · soldier · serviceman · servicewoman · warrior ·

    late Middle English (as an adjective used in heraldry to describe two lions facing one another with raised forepaws): from Old French, present participle of combatre ‘to fight’ (see combat).

    combatants (plural noun)

    Translate combatant to

    No translation found.

    Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press
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Wow, how interesting! Palestinians intentionally target Israeli civilians, while hiding behind their own, how come there isn't any whining about that?
israel intentionally targets civilians while hiding behind advanced weaponry and the united states

can you show me a link where Israel knowingly targeted civilians?
so all those civilians israel killed a few years ago - we're supposed to believe that was an accident and they didn't target them?,d.cGc 2015-11-13 01:03:04
JERUSALEM, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli Supreme Court gave the green light on Thursday to demolish the homes of Palestinian militants who executed attacks against Israelis in recent months.
Supreme Court Justice Miriam Naor rejected appeals filed by human rights groups objecting to the punitive measure that are used by the Israeli authorities to deter Palestinians from carrying out attacks.

But these Judges are Lefties!
Now some people here won't like Leftest Jews!
The bottom line is that people who pose a danger to human life are getting away with simply having their homes demolished and probably being compensated as well.
And when they have no homes to demolish, we take away their donkeys / wives. :lmao:

How can we tell the difference?
You can't!
The Geneva conventions are extremely clear on this one. Combatants are not refugees, nor is anyone suspected of assisting in any way combatants. And under the Geneva conventions it is perfectly legal to deport combatants to either a neutral third country, or to their nation of origin, in this case Jordan
The Boston Finagler is at it again, Finagling that innocent civilians are combatants.

  1. com·bat·ant
    [kəmˈbatnt, ˈkämbədənt]

    1. a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war.
      synonyms: fighter · soldier · serviceman · servicewoman · warrior ·

    late Middle English (as an adjective used in heraldry to describe two lions facing one another with raised forepaws): from Old French, present participle of combatre ‘to fight’ (see combat).

    combatants (plural noun)

    Translate combatant to

    No translation found.

    Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press
    Translations, word origin, and more definitions
Wow, how interesting! Palestinians intentionally target Israeli civilians, while hiding behind their own, how come there isn't any whining about that?
israel intentionally targets civilians while hiding behind advanced weaponry and the united states

can you show me a link where Israel knowingly targeted civilians?
so all those civilians israel killed a few years ago - we're supposed to believe that was an accident and they didn't target them?

I asked you for a link and you started whining.
So all these civilians that America killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. blah blah blah......
The Boston Finagler is at it again, Finagling that innocent civilians are combatants.

  1. com·bat·ant
    [kəmˈbatnt, ˈkämbədənt]

    1. a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war.
      synonyms: fighter · soldier · serviceman · servicewoman · warrior ·

    late Middle English (as an adjective used in heraldry to describe two lions facing one another with raised forepaws): from Old French, present participle of combatre ‘to fight’ (see combat).

    combatants (plural noun)

    Translate combatant to

    No translation found.

    Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press
    Translations, word origin, and more definitions
Wow, how interesting! Palestinians intentionally target Israeli civilians, while hiding behind their own, how come there isn't any whining about that?
israel intentionally targets civilians while hiding behind advanced weaponry and the united states

can you show me a link where Israel knowingly targeted civilians?
so all those civilians israel killed a few years ago - we're supposed to believe that was an accident and they didn't target them?

I asked you for a link and you started whining.
So all these civilians that America killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. blah blah blah......
how about dropping cluster bombs on civilian neighborhoods?

spin it however you like, but Palestinian civilians are far more likely to be killed by israelis than israeli civilians are by Palestinians

and that doesn't begin to address other forms of harassment and oppression
There is no difference between what a court might impose as a punitive measure in the US than in Israel.
Yes there is. In this country, the punitive measures are decided after the criminal trial has taken place and the person is convicted.

Fines and other penalties are to be expected when criminals are punished.
Criminals, yes; families of criminals, no.

However in the case of this conflict its also a measure of whats covered by the Geneva conventions.
And it says you cannot demolish the home of a protected person. Families of a person "convicted" of a crime, are still protected persons, as long as they don't become a party to the conflict.

In which case combatants, suspected combatants civilian or otherwise enjoy no rights as protected persons.
So you only have to accuse someone to prove they're guilty of a crime? You call that due process?

Israel is well within its rights to deport the families of terrorists to a neutral or agreed upon third party and demolish their homes.
No its not. First of all, resisting the occupation, is not terrorism, asshole. And going after people who've committed no crime, shows just how sick Israel is.

Wow, how interesting! Palestinians intentionally target Israeli civilians, while hiding behind their own, how come there isn't any whining about that?
israel intentionally targets civilians while hiding behind advanced weaponry and the united states

can you show me a link where Israel knowingly targeted civilians?
so all those civilians israel killed a few years ago - we're supposed to believe that was an accident and they didn't target them?

I asked you for a link and you started whining.
So all these civilians that America killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. blah blah blah......
how about dropping cluster bombs on civilian neighborhoods?

spin it however you like, but Palestinian civilians are far more likely to be killed by israelis than israeli civilians are by Palestinians

and that doesn't begin to address other forms of harassment and oppression
You can thank Hamas strategy for that
You can make up your own reasons.
can you show me a link where Israel knowingly targeted civilians?
70% of the people hit by Israeli missiles and bombs during last summers assault on Gaza, were innocent civilians.

You expect people to believe that was done by accident?

Fuck you!
It's what happens when Hamas embed their war assets amongst their civilian residential centers, hospitals, schools, mosques, etc.

Hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, like the pussies they are.
70% of the people hit by Israeli missiles and bombs during last summers assault on Gaza, were innocent civilians.

More like 50%. (Which, by the way, is an astonishingly good record under urban conditions where the population actively tries to include civilians in the "resistance". Best in the world, in fact.)

But the real question here is who is responsible for those civilian deaths? Do both sides in a conflict have the responsibility and duty, under IHL, to protect civilian non-combatants? Yes or no?
Wow, how interesting! Palestinians intentionally target Israeli civilians, while hiding behind their own, how come there isn't any whining about that?
israel intentionally targets civilians while hiding behind advanced weaponry and the united states

can you show me a link where Israel knowingly targeted civilians?
so all those civilians israel killed a few years ago - we're supposed to believe that was an accident and they didn't target them?

I asked you for a link and you started whining.
So all these civilians that America killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. blah blah blah......
how about dropping cluster bombs on civilian neighborhoods?

spin it however you like, but Palestinian civilians are far more likely to be killed by israelis than israeli civilians are by Palestinians

and that doesn't begin to address other forms of harassment and oppression

Link for Israel dropping cluster bombs?
can you show me a link where Israel knowingly targeted civilians?
70% of the people hit by Israeli missiles and bombs during last summers assault on Gaza, were innocent civilians.

You expect people to believe that was done by accident?

Fuck you!
Sez who, you? Where's your proof? Even by your numbers then 30% of the Pali terrorist animals were busy hiding behind civilians while shooting rockets at Israeli civilians. Is there a people more depraved than the Palestinians?
israel intentionally targets civilians while hiding behind advanced weaponry and the united states

can you show me a link where Israel knowingly targeted civilians?
so all those civilians israel killed a few years ago - we're supposed to believe that was an accident and they didn't target them?

I asked you for a link and you started whining.
So all these civilians that America killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. blah blah blah......
how about dropping cluster bombs on civilian neighborhoods?

spin it however you like, but Palestinian civilians are far more likely to be killed by israelis than israeli civilians are by Palestinians

and that doesn't begin to address other forms of harassment and oppression

Link for Israel dropping cluster bombs?

I find it perturbing that a Link is NOT required when accusing an individual or group of murder.
can you show me a link where Israel knowingly targeted civilians?
so all those civilians israel killed a few years ago - we're supposed to believe that was an accident and they didn't target them?

I asked you for a link and you started whining.
So all these civilians that America killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. blah blah blah......
how about dropping cluster bombs on civilian neighborhoods?

spin it however you like, but Palestinian civilians are far more likely to be killed by israelis than israeli civilians are by Palestinians

and that doesn't begin to address other forms of harassment and oppression

Link for Israel dropping cluster bombs?

I find it perturbing that a Link is NOT required when accusing an individual or group of murder.

Antisemites require little proof when engaging in demonization and hatred of Jews.
The litany of false accusations is astounding.

I enjoy a good historical debate wherever I can find it. But the level of pure bullshit is always highest when discussing the Israeli palestinian conflict.
so all those civilians israel killed a few years ago - we're supposed to believe that was an accident and they didn't target them?

I asked you for a link and you started whining.
So all these civilians that America killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. blah blah blah......
how about dropping cluster bombs on civilian neighborhoods?

spin it however you like, but Palestinian civilians are far more likely to be killed by israelis than israeli civilians are by Palestinians

and that doesn't begin to address other forms of harassment and oppression

Link for Israel dropping cluster bombs?

I find it perturbing that a Link is NOT required when accusing an individual or group of murder.

Antisemites require little proof when engaging in demonization and hatred of Jews.

I was referring to the Moderators.
The object of war is not to die in equal numbers
An Army warring on a civilian population like the Nazis warred on the Jews? Was it fair and Just?
Wasn't aware that Jews were shooting rockets at Germans and bombing German school buses filled with children. Which history book are you reading...The Hamas Charter of genocide upon the Jews?

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