Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

The object of war is not to die in equal numbers
An Army warring on a civilian population like the Nazis warred on the Jews? Was it fair and Just?
Wasn't aware that Jews were shooting rockets at Germans and bombing German school buses filled with children. Which history book are you reading...The Hamas Charter of genocide upon the Jews?

They have revised history away from the fact that the Jews in Germany wanted to be the best Germans they could be.
Challenger, et al,

I don't agree.

I thought that someone would eventually bring this up...

Well it's taken you over 830 words to say what I did in 10, but I think we broadly agree on this. :)

I believe that the Israelis have a military necessity defense and that is not up to the Palestinians.

We find that punitive house demolitions lead to fewer suicide attacks in the month following the demolitions. The effect is significant and sizable — a one standard-deviation increase in punitive house demolitions leads to a decrease of 11.7% in the number of suicide terrorists originating from an average district. In contrast, precautionary demolitions (which are not related to activities of the houses’ owners and occupants) are associated with more suicide attacks. Our estimates show that a standard-deviation increase in precautionary house demolitions leads to a 48.7% increase in the number of suicide terrorists from an average district.
Are Voters Sensitive to Terrorism? Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate on JSTOR
Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate

Most Respectfully,
Thank you for making my point, collective punishment in violation of international law only increases acts of resistance by the oppressed and any deterent effect is marginal and temporary.
More like 50%.
No, it was more like 70%.

(Which, by the way, is an astonishingly good record under urban conditions where the population actively tries to include civilians in the "resistance". Best in the world, in fact.)
When you're dropping 2000 pound bombs that demolish entire neighborhoods, your point is moot.

But the real question here is who is responsible for those civilian deaths?
That's not a real question, that's a very narcisstic one.

The one who pulls the trigger, is the one responsible.

Do both sides in a conflict have the responsibility and duty, under IHL, to protect civilian non-combatants? Yes or no?
You have the responsibility to make sure the targets are of military necessity.

Forcing over 10,000 people to be homeless, bombing hospitals and schools, deliberately shooting innocent civilians holding up white flags, is not of military necessity.
Sez who, you? Where's your proof? Even by your numbers then 30% of the Pali terrorist animals were busy hiding behind civilians while shooting rockets at Israeli civilians. Is there a people more depraved than the Palestinians?
That would mean Hamas has a militia force of 315,000 people.

You're getting farther and farther away from planet earth with each post.
Thank you for making my point, collective punishment in violation of international law only increases acts of resistance by the oppressed and any deterent effect is marginal and temporary.
Collective punishment is a war crime.
You have had 68 years to charge them... when may we expect those charges?

The timing on this is a a matter of vital interest to Israel, and America, for that matter.

Impacting, as it does, on production scheduling and planning for each nation's Strategic Reserve of Toilet Paper.

Looking forward to wiping our asses with those charge-sheets, whenever you're ready.
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You have had 68 years to charge them... when may we expect those charges?
No doubt you'd say the same thing about the people who did this...
Doesn't matter...

Charges will not be forthcoming...

You're not going to do anything worthwhile at-law...

You're not going to get anything worthwhile at-law...

Ditto for armed struggle...

You're not going to do anything worthwhile in the military arena...

You're not going to get anything worthwhile as a result of your forays into the military arena...

Basically, you're screwed... you've lost... your cause is a Walking Corpse whose synapses haven't received the news yet that you're (cause is) dead.

Your cause has been lost for 68 years... it's over... and your own propaganda maps of shrinking Palestine reinforce the idea that you have lost, and that the cause is hopeless.



Don't want your homes demolished?

Stop attacking Israelis.

Better yet...

Pack up, leave the region, and build new houses (and lives) elsewhere, someplace that wants you, and where you and your family might actually have a future.

That will remove all temptation on both sides of the coin.

It no longer makes one damn little bit of difference, who's right, and who's wrong.

You've lost.

Title deed to the land has changed hands, by force of arms.

Legal arguments really don't matter a damn, any longer.

You're not getting it back.

This is the price one pays for being on the losing side, then stupidly not acknowledging Reality, ignoring peace overtures for decades, then repeatedly engaging in hopeless asymmetrical warfare, while stupidly engaging in acts of global terrorism, and losing the backing of vast numbers of potential sympathizers.

Eventually, after enough acts of terrorism on the part of the dumbass Palestinians, the Winners have stopped pussy-footing around, and take over, and they, and much of the world, now ignore your protests.

Enough of this touchy-feely horseshit.

Woe to the vanquished.

Vae victus.

Choose sanity.

Choose life.

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The litany of false accusations is astounding.

I enjoy a good historical debate wherever I can find it. But the level of pure bullshit is always highest when discussing the Israeli palestinian conflict.

The Boston Finagler is living proof of the distortions by the pro-Israel nut-cakes on these boards.

The best one by you dolts is: Jordan is Palestine is Jordan is Palestine.
The object of war is not to die in equal numbers
An Army warring on a civilian population like the Nazis warred on the Jews? Was it fair and Just?
Wasn't aware that Jews were shooting rockets at Germans and bombing German school buses filled with children. Which history book are you reading...The Hamas Charter of genocide upon the Jews?
Like America, you can be occupied by money. Too much money concentrated into a few is a recipe for revolutions Historically in Man-Kind.
ogibillm, et al,

No, it was not accidental at all. The grave numbers of Arab Palestinians killed in operations was not Israels fault; but, was due to the "Depraved Indifference" of HAMAS. It was HAMAS conduct that was 'so wanton, so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so lacking in regard for the life or lives of others, and so blameworthy as to warrant the same criminal liability.

so all those civilians israel killed a few years ago - we're supposed to believe that was an accident and they didn't target them?

Israel has attempted to follow the theme of Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The Islamic Resistance, Palestinian Islamic Jihadist, the Fedayeen, and other assorted insurgents and terrorists don't event make an attempt. While they collectively create an environment that is dangerous to the citizenry they are suppose to protect. Of all the Customary IHL Rules that contributed to the excessive death of civilians in Gaza, the two that the Islamic Resistance, Palestinian Islamic Jihadist, the Fedayeen, and other assorted insurgents and terrorists that contribute the most to the deaths are:

• Rule 23. Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas.
• Rule 24. Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.

By intentionally conducting offensive activities from densely populated areas, and by ignoring the necessity to remove civilians in close proximity to hostile operations, the Islamic Resistance (et al,) has attempted to use the presence of Palestinian civilians to either:

• Render hostile Islamic Resistance activities immune from any Israel Military response,
• It use, for the purpose of media exploitation and propaganda efforts, the collateral damage and inadvertent deaths.
HAMAS’s Vision for the Palestinian Issue --- HAMAS Political Stance by Khalid Mishaal

Jihad and armed resistance is the correct and authentic means for the liberation of Palestine and the restoration of all rights. This battle must, of course, be accompanied by all forms of political, diplomatic, media, national, and legal resistance, as well as the investment of the entire nation’s energies and the summoning of all the elements of strength we possess.
HAMAS is following the basic script written in early 1948, reaffirmed in 1968 and 1988. Together with the Arab League Khartoum Resolution, they have already decided that there will be : i) No recognition of Israel; ii) No Peace with Israel; iii) No negotiations with Israel. And that the Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

By asking what are the consequences to this Arab Resolution and Oath, see that there is no reasonable expectation that the Palestinians will ever by amenable to realistic terms.

The consequence of the International community to pile-on more and more Humanitarian and Human Rights initiatives is to set the conditions such that Israel will be forbidden to employ a military end to the Hostile Activities of the Arab Palestinian.

Most Respectfully,
ogibillm, et al,

No, it was not accidental at all. The grave numbers of Arab Palestinians killed in operations was not Israels fault; but, was due to the "Depraved Indifference" of HAMAS. It was HAMAS conduct that was 'so wanton, so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so lacking in regard for the life or lives of others, and so blameworthy as to warrant the same criminal liability.

so all those civilians israel killed a few years ago - we're supposed to believe that was an accident and they didn't target them?

Israel has attempted to follow the theme of Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The Islamic Resistance, Palestinian Islamic Jihadist, the Fedayeen, and other assorted insurgents and terrorists don't event make an attempt. While they collectively create an environment that is dangerous to the citizenry they are suppose to protect. Of all the Customary IHL Rules that contributed to the excessive death of civilians in Gaza, the two that the Islamic Resistance, Palestinian Islamic Jihadist, the Fedayeen, and other assorted insurgents and terrorists that contribute the most to the deaths are:

• Rule 23. Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas.
• Rule 24. Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.

By intentionally conducting offensive activities from densely populated areas, and by ignoring the necessity to remove civilians in close proximity to hostile operations, the Islamic Resistance (et al,) has attempted to use the presence of Palestinian civilians to either:

• Render hostile Islamic Resistance activities immune from any Israel Military response,
• It use, for the purpose of media exploitation and propaganda efforts, the collateral damage and inadvertent deaths.
HAMAS’s Vision for the Palestinian Issue --- HAMAS Political Stance by Khalid Mishaal

Jihad and armed resistance is the correct and authentic means for the liberation of Palestine and the restoration of all rights. This battle must, of course, be accompanied by all forms of political, diplomatic, media, national, and legal resistance, as well as the investment of the entire nation’s energies and the summoning of all the elements of strength we possess.
HAMAS is following the basic script written in early 1948, reaffirmed in 1968 and 1988. Together with the Arab League Khartoum Resolution, they have already decided that there will be : i) No recognition of Israel; ii) No Peace with Israel; iii) No negotiations with Israel. And that the Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

By asking what are the consequences to this Arab Resolution and Oath, see that there is no reasonable expectation that the Palestinians will ever by amenable to realistic terms.

The consequence of the International community to pile-on more and more Humanitarian and Human Rights initiatives is to set the conditions such that Israel will be forbidden to employ a military end to the Hostile Activities of the Arab Palestinian.

Most Respectfully,
So many words. I 've read a lot of self-serving biased crap on the boards over the years.

Hostile activities by the people living under a brutal occupation with no end in sight because of Israeli greed for Palestinian land. No mention that the West Bank Residents under Abbas have been peacefull. No mention that countries have Recognized the Palestinian State.

The only ones Hostile are the Israelis.

I should write a Gilbert and Sullivan like musical called Rocco. The humor would befit.
The litany of false accusations is astounding.

I enjoy a good historical debate wherever I can find it. But the level of pure bullshit is always highest when discussing the Israeli palestinian conflict.

Usually emanating from the Zionists; those great and expert distorters of history and master BS merchants.
Thank you for making my point, collective punishment in violation of international law only increases acts of resistance by the oppressed and any deterent effect is marginal and temporary.
Collective punishment is a war crime.
You have had 68 years to charge them... when may we expect those charges?

The timing on this is a a matter of vital interest to Israel, and America, for that matter.

Impacting, as it does, on production scheduling and planning for each nation's Strategic Reserve of Toilet Paper.

Looking forward to wiping our asses with those charge-sheets, whenever you're ready.

Is that why the U.S.A. and the Zionist Paradise haven't ratified, nor intend to ratify the Rome statute? Clearly they both want to evade prosecution for war crimes they have comitted.
Thank you for making my point, collective punishment in violation of international law only increases acts of resistance by the oppressed and any deterent effect is marginal and temporary.
Collective punishment is a war crime.

Point out where collective punishment is a war crime.

I'm very curious to see if you can rationally justify within the geneva conventions where the Israeli's have committed a war crime

Should be easy for you since you are constantly spouting off about this one. Surely you must have some justification.

Although I'm glad we have agreed that its a war.

The Boston Finagler is living proof of the distortions by the pro-Israel nut-cakes on these boards.

The best one by you dolts is: Jordan is Palestine is Jordan is Palestine.
I thought the best one was, "I won't cum in your mouth!"

Ooops, wrong thread.

In this thread its...

..."I won't come in your door, I'll come through it, with you inside and me in my dozer, because God doesn't like you!"

..."I was chosen to do God's work:
  • take your land
  • take you life
  • take your history
  • take you completely off this planet and act like you never existed
because that's what God is all about. Retribution and revenge. Hatred and contempt for anyone that doesn't belong to our tribe."
The litany of false accusations is astounding.

I enjoy a good historical debate wherever I can find it. But the level of pure bullshit is always highest when discussing the Israeli palestinian conflict.

The Boston Finagler is living proof of the distortions by the pro-Israel nut-cakes on these boards.

The best one by you dolts is: Jordan is Palestine is Jordan is Palestine.

Its more than obvious that you've failed completely to refute a single element of my argument.

Palestinians are an invention of the mandate period. Prior to that the area was considered southern Ottoman Syria and divided into three provinces, none of which were called palestine.

Jordan was invented in the mandate period and likewise also just another part of southern Ottoman Syria.

So maybe you can explain the linguistic, religious, customary and cultural differences between the Arab Muslims living on the east side of the Jordan River vs the Arab Muslims living on the west side.

There are no discernible differences between these people. All fell under the British citizenship order and by definition were palestinian. They have zero distinctive qualities, they are inarguably the same people.

Yet for political gains against Israel you insist somehow beyond all reason that the Arab Muslim colonists one inch this side of the river are somehow a distinct people from Arab Muslim colonists one inch that side of the river.

Your argument is ludicrous in the extreme, Jordan is the Arab Muslim colonists state.

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