Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

The object of war is not to die in equal numbers
An Army warring on a civilian population like the Nazis warred on the Jews? Was it fair and Just?
Wasn't aware that Jews were shooting rockets at Germans and bombing German school buses filled with children. Which history book are you reading...The Hamas Charter of genocide upon the Jews?
Like America, you can be occupied by money. Too much money concentrated into a few is a recipe for revolutions Historically in Man-Kind.
What are you taking about now?! You compared the Israelis to the Nazis, and I asked you to show me evidence of German Jews shooting rockets at German civilians and blowing up German school buses, and your response is "they are occupied by money"? Seriously, is that all your got? Perhaps if the Pali animals stopped trying to commit genocide in the Jews their homes would be left intact....whadaya think, little Peeballs?
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras
There is no difference between what a court might impose as a punitive measure in the US than in Israel.
Yes there is. In this country, the punitive measures are decided after the criminal trial has taken place and the person is convicted.

Fines and other penalties are to be expected when criminals are punished.
Criminals, yes; families of criminals, no.

However in the case of this conflict its also a measure of whats covered by the Geneva conventions.
And it says you cannot demolish the home of a protected person. Families of a person "convicted" of a crime, are still protected persons, as long as they don't become a party to the conflict.

In which case combatants, suspected combatants civilian or otherwise enjoy no rights as protected persons.
So you only have to accuse someone to prove they're guilty of a crime? You call that due process?

Israel is well within its rights to deport the families of terrorists to a neutral or agreed upon third party and demolish their homes.
No its not. First of all, resisting the occupation, is not terrorism, asshole. And going after people who've committed no crime, shows just how sick Israel is.

how do the Palestinians resist occupation nowdays?

Stabbing mothers infront of their children in their houses?

spilling the blood of pregnant women reaching to embrace them?
That's horrific.

how many pregnant Palestinians has israel killed?

how about children and babies?

"That's horrific" my a**. Don't pretend you care.

And to answer that, I do not know. But I know that when it happens, it's never in attention of killing the innocent, which they use as shields shamelessly,

Unlike the Fogel case. The Shabo case. Now the Fruman and Me'ir case,

Those who can come cool mindedly, stab a pregnant woman who comes to hold them, butcher and cut a woman who does nothing but protect her young children, slaying a mother who want to prevent the terrorists from reaching her 3 months old baby, are not human beings.

We learned first hand their cruelty after the murder of young Helena Rapp. They dug through her chest and ripped her heart out, while she was trying to get on a bus on her way to school.

Let us give them a state.... sure.
There is no difference between what a court might impose as a punitive measure in the US than in Israel.
Yes there is. In this country, the punitive measures are decided after the criminal trial has taken place and the person is convicted.

Fines and other penalties are to be expected when criminals are punished.
Criminals, yes; families of criminals, no.

However in the case of this conflict its also a measure of whats covered by the Geneva conventions.
And it says you cannot demolish the home of a protected person. Families of a person "convicted" of a crime, are still protected persons, as long as they don't become a party to the conflict.

In which case combatants, suspected combatants civilian or otherwise enjoy no rights as protected persons.
So you only have to accuse someone to prove they're guilty of a crime? You call that due process?

Israel is well within its rights to deport the families of terrorists to a neutral or agreed upon third party and demolish their homes.
No its not. First of all, resisting the occupation, is not terrorism, asshole. And going after people who've committed no crime, shows just how sick Israel is.

how do the Palestinians resist occupation nowdays?

Stabbing mothers infront of their children in their houses?

spilling the blood of pregnant women reaching to embrace them?
That's horrific.

how many pregnant Palestinians has israel killed?

how about children and babies?
You seem to be asking Israel to care more for the Palestinians than the Palestinians themselves. What do you expect when they use their own women and children as human shields and ammo?
is anything ever Israel's fault?
There is no difference between what a court might impose as a punitive measure in the US than in Israel.
Yes there is. In this country, the punitive measures are decided after the criminal trial has taken place and the person is convicted.

Fines and other penalties are to be expected when criminals are punished.
Criminals, yes; families of criminals, no.

However in the case of this conflict its also a measure of whats covered by the Geneva conventions.
And it says you cannot demolish the home of a protected person. Families of a person "convicted" of a crime, are still protected persons, as long as they don't become a party to the conflict.

In which case combatants, suspected combatants civilian or otherwise enjoy no rights as protected persons.
So you only have to accuse someone to prove they're guilty of a crime? You call that due process?

Israel is well within its rights to deport the families of terrorists to a neutral or agreed upon third party and demolish their homes.
No its not. First of all, resisting the occupation, is not terrorism, asshole. And going after people who've committed no crime, shows just how sick Israel is.

how do the Palestinians resist occupation nowdays?

Stabbing mothers infront of their children in their houses?

spilling the blood of pregnant women reaching to embrace them?
That's horrific.

how many pregnant Palestinians has israel killed?

how about children and babies?
You seem to be asking Israel to care more for the Palestinians than the Palestinians themselves. What do you expect when they use their own women and children as human shields and ammo?
is anything ever Israel's fault?

Of course.

We allowed things to reach this far.
Yes there is. In this country, the punitive measures are decided after the criminal trial has taken place and the person is convicted.

Criminals, yes; families of criminals, no.

And it says you cannot demolish the home of a protected person. Families of a person "convicted" of a crime, are still protected persons, as long as they don't become a party to the conflict.

So you only have to accuse someone to prove they're guilty of a crime? You call that due process?

No its not. First of all, resisting the occupation, is not terrorism, asshole. And going after people who've committed no crime, shows just how sick Israel is.

how do the Palestinians resist occupation nowdays?

Stabbing mothers infront of their children in their houses?

spilling the blood of pregnant women reaching to embrace them?
That's horrific.

how many pregnant Palestinians has israel killed?

how about children and babies?
You seem to be asking Israel to care more for the Palestinians than the Palestinians themselves. What do you expect when they use their own women and children as human shields and ammo?
is anything ever Israel's fault?

Of course.

We allowed things to reach this far.
that i agree with, but i wonder what you mean by it.

what should israel have done to stop things from 'going this far'
Yes there is. In this country, the punitive measures are decided after the criminal trial has taken place and the person is convicted.

Criminals, yes; families of criminals, no.

And it says you cannot demolish the home of a protected person. Families of a person "convicted" of a crime, are still protected persons, as long as they don't become a party to the conflict.

So you only have to accuse someone to prove they're guilty of a crime? You call that due process?

No its not. First of all, resisting the occupation, is not terrorism, asshole. And going after people who've committed no crime, shows just how sick Israel is.

how do the Palestinians resist occupation nowdays?

Stabbing mothers infront of their children in their houses?

spilling the blood of pregnant women reaching to embrace them?
That's horrific.

how many pregnant Palestinians has israel killed?

how about children and babies?
You seem to be asking Israel to care more for the Palestinians than the Palestinians themselves. What do you expect when they use their own women and children as human shields and ammo?
is anything ever Israel's fault?

Of course.

We allowed things to reach this far.

After the conquest of Jerusalem, Moshe Dayan should have never relinquished control of the Dome of Crock and Muslim holy sites to Muslims (as a sign of tolerance and coexistence). Most of the problems today originate from that one decision by a heroic yet very liberal Israeli general. Liberalism is a mental disorder which requires a certain level of detachment from reality.
Yes there is. In this country, the punitive measures are decided after the criminal trial has taken place and the person is convicted.

Criminals, yes; families of criminals, no.

And it says you cannot demolish the home of a protected person. Families of a person "convicted" of a crime, are still protected persons, as long as they don't become a party to the conflict.

So you only have to accuse someone to prove they're guilty of a crime? You call that due process?

No its not. First of all, resisting the occupation, is not terrorism, asshole. And going after people who've committed no crime, shows just how sick Israel is.

how do the Palestinians resist occupation nowdays?

Stabbing mothers infront of their children in their houses?

spilling the blood of pregnant women reaching to embrace them?
That's horrific.

how many pregnant Palestinians has israel killed?

how about children and babies?
You seem to be asking Israel to care more for the Palestinians than the Palestinians themselves. What do you expect when they use their own women and children as human shields and ammo?
is anything ever Israel's fault?

Of course.

We allowed things to reach this far.
I agree, Israel's greed for free Palestinian Land is backfiring!
The litany of false accusations is astounding.

I enjoy a good historical debate wherever I can find it. But the level of pure bullshit is always highest when discussing the Israeli palestinian conflict.

The Boston Finagler is living proof of the distortions by the pro-Israel nut-cakes on these boards.

The best one by you dolts is: Jordan is Palestine is Jordan is Palestine.

Its more than obvious that you've failed completely to refute a single element of my argument.

Palestinians are an invention of the mandate period. Prior to that the area was considered southern Ottoman Syria and divided into three provinces, none of which were called palestine.

Jordan was invented in the mandate period and likewise also just another part of southern Ottoman Syria.

So maybe you can explain the linguistic, religious, customary and cultural differences between the Arab Muslims living on the east side of the Jordan River vs the Arab Muslims living on the west side.

There are no discernible differences between these people. All fell under the British citizenship order and by definition were palestinian. They have zero distinctive qualities, they are inarguably the same people.

Yet for political gains against Israel you insist somehow beyond all reason that the Arab Muslim colonists one inch this side of the river are somehow a distinct people from Arab Muslim colonists one inch that side of the river.

Your argument is ludicrous in the extreme, Jordan is the Arab Muslim colonists state.
you're a complete AH if you think you've fooled the world with your Finagling. No one in Planet Earth has recognized any Israeli annexations and only the money occupied West recognizes Israel's thievery of the land.

LOL well actually my logic is completely sound and the Jordan solution has been on the table longer than all others.

I can't help but notice, other than some over emotional foul language, you are incapable of offering any form of rational rebuttal.

I did get a bang out of the accusation of Israel stealing land. We all know that prior to the declaration of war by the Arab League the Zionists were peacefully buying land. The Arab Muslims of the area were thrilled to sell. So much so that nearly 10% of the allotted mandate area, had already been purchased when the Arab League declared war.

And lost.

The land wasn't stolen, it was won in a war of self defense that the Arabs started.

So whats your problem ;--)

The object of war is not to die in equal numbers
An Army warring on a civilian population like the Nazis warred on the Jews? Was it fair and Just?
Wasn't aware that Jews were shooting rockets at Germans and bombing German school buses filled with children. Which history book are you reading...The Hamas Charter of genocide upon the Jews?
Like America, you can be occupied by money. Too much money concentrated into a few is a recipe for revolutions Historically in Man-Kind.
What are you taking about now?! You compared the Israelis to the Nazis, and I asked you to show me evidence of German Jews shooting rockets at German civilians and blowing up German school buses, and your response is "they are occupied by money"? Seriously, is that all your got? Perhaps if the Pali animals stopped trying to commit genocide in the Jews their homes would be left intact....whadaya think, little Peeballs?
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Stealing land, PBEL?
You seem to have a distaste for transactions.
You know, where one person gets money and the other person gets something in return for the money.
how do the Palestinians resist occupation nowdays?

Stabbing mothers infront of their children in their houses?

spilling the blood of pregnant women reaching to embrace them?
That's horrific.

how many pregnant Palestinians has israel killed?

how about children and babies?
You seem to be asking Israel to care more for the Palestinians than the Palestinians themselves. What do you expect when they use their own women and children as human shields and ammo?
is anything ever Israel's fault?

Of course.

We allowed things to reach this far.
that i agree with, but i wonder what you mean by it.

what should israel have done to stop things from 'going this far'

Oh thats easy

Israel should have then and should now demand that the ICC and the UN stand as witnesses to Israeli Judicial action to determine the eligibility of all palestinian refugees. Any found to be suspected, engaged, or assist in the engagements in acts hostile to the host nation ( Israel ) and their descendants should be immediately removed to Jordan.

It'd be perfectly legal within the Geneva conventions.

I should probably start a new thread on that.
An Army warring on a civilian population like the Nazis warred on the Jews? Was it fair and Just?
Wasn't aware that Jews were shooting rockets at Germans and bombing German school buses filled with children. Which history book are you reading...The Hamas Charter of genocide upon the Jews?
Like America, you can be occupied by money. Too much money concentrated into a few is a recipe for revolutions Historically in Man-Kind.
What are you taking about now?! You compared the Israelis to the Nazis, and I asked you to show me evidence of German Jews shooting rockets at German civilians and blowing up German school buses, and your response is "they are occupied by money"? Seriously, is that all your got? Perhaps if the Pali animals stopped trying to commit genocide in the Jews their homes would be left intact....whadaya think, little Peeballs?
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.
An Army warring on a civilian population like the Nazis warred on the Jews? Was it fair and Just?
Wasn't aware that Jews were shooting rockets at Germans and bombing German school buses filled with children. Which history book are you reading...The Hamas Charter of genocide upon the Jews?
Like America, you can be occupied by money. Too much money concentrated into a few is a recipe for revolutions Historically in Man-Kind.
What are you taking about now?! You compared the Israelis to the Nazis, and I asked you to show me evidence of German Jews shooting rockets at German civilians and blowing up German school buses, and your response is "they are occupied by money"? Seriously, is that all your got? Perhaps if the Pali animals stopped trying to commit genocide in the Jews their homes would be left intact....whadaya think, little Peeballs?
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Take your pick and we can discuss it. But no Finagling.


UN General Assembly today adopted six non-binding resolutions, drafted by the Palestinians and Syria, singling out and criticizing Israel

End Quote

You can't be serious.

General assembly resolutions are nothing more than suggestions. So in no way do they represent international law.

So what your saying is the Arab block controls the UN to the point where the entire roster is stacked with anti Israeli nonsense
Wasn't aware that Jews were shooting rockets at Germans and bombing German school buses filled with children. Which history book are you reading...The Hamas Charter of genocide upon the Jews?
Like America, you can be occupied by money. Too much money concentrated into a few is a recipe for revolutions Historically in Man-Kind.
What are you taking about now?! You compared the Israelis to the Nazis, and I asked you to show me evidence of German Jews shooting rockets at German civilians and blowing up German school buses, and your response is "they are occupied by money"? Seriously, is that all your got? Perhaps if the Pali animals stopped trying to commit genocide in the Jews their homes would be left intact....whadaya think, little Peeballs?
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
Stealing land, PBEL?
You seem to have a distaste for transactions.
You know, where one person gets money and the other person gets something in return for the money.
show us the deeds.

I see from here you don't pay much attention to Monty's postings (a plus for you in my book); Monty has posted the newspaper headlines of Jews purchasing Arab land.

UN General Assembly today adopted six non-binding resolutions, drafted by the Palestinians and Syria, singling out and criticizing Israel

End Quote

You can't be serious.

General assembly resolutions are nothing more than suggestions. So in no way do they represent international law.

So what your saying is the Arab block controls the UN to the point where the entire roster is stacked with anti Israeli nonsense
it is stacked because Israel is disliked in world polls. Only AIPAC Occupied America bails Israel out with her paid Veto.
Stealing land, PBEL?
You seem to have a distaste for transactions.
You know, where one person gets money and the other person gets something in return for the money.
show us the deeds.

I see from here you don't pay much attention to Monty's postings (a plus for you in my book); Monty has posted the newspaper headlines of Jews purchasing Arab land.
purchasing land does not change sovereignty.
Stealing land, PBEL?
You seem to have a distaste for transactions.
You know, where one person gets money and the other person gets something in return for the money.
show us the deeds.

I see from here you don't pay much attention to Monty's postings (a plus for you in my book); Monty has posted the newspaper headlines of Jews purchasing Arab land.
purchasing land does not change sovereignty.

It changes ownership.
I buy, you move away.

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