Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

Like America, you can be occupied by money. Too much money concentrated into a few is a recipe for revolutions Historically in Man-Kind.
What are you taking about now?! You compared the Israelis to the Nazis, and I asked you to show me evidence of German Jews shooting rockets at German civilians and blowing up German school buses, and your response is "they are occupied by money"? Seriously, is that all your got? Perhaps if the Pali animals stopped trying to commit genocide in the Jews their homes would be left intact....whadaya think, little Peeballs?
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.
What are you taking about now?! You compared the Israelis to the Nazis, and I asked you to show me evidence of German Jews shooting rockets at German civilians and blowing up German school buses, and your response is "they are occupied by money"? Seriously, is that all your got? Perhaps if the Pali animals stopped trying to commit genocide in the Jews their homes would be left intact....whadaya think, little Peeballs?
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

I hope their "culture" wasn't similar to those of the 1.x billion surrounding neighbors.
Fact are a bitch, ain't they?
Thank you for making my point, collective punishment in violation of international law only increases acts of resistance by the oppressed and any deterent effect is marginal and temporary.
Collective punishment is a war crime.
You have had 68 years to charge them... when may we expect those charges?

The timing on this is a a matter of vital interest to Israel, and America, for that matter.

Impacting, as it does, on production scheduling and planning for each nation's Strategic Reserve of Toilet Paper.

Looking forward to wiping our asses with those charge-sheets, whenever you're ready.

Is that why the U.S.A. and the Zionist Paradise haven't ratified, nor intend to ratify the Rome statute? Clearly they both want to evade prosecution for war crimes they have comitted.

Fun, ain't it?
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

I hope their "culture" wasn't similar to those of the 1.x billion surrounding neighbors.
Fact are a bitch, ain't they?
Actually the Palestinians are by far the best educated and liberal Arabs in the ME and most tolerant.

You're a smear jerker.
What are you taking about now?! You compared the Israelis to the Nazis, and I asked you to show me evidence of German Jews shooting rockets at German civilians and blowing up German school buses, and your response is "they are occupied by money"? Seriously, is that all your got? Perhaps if the Pali animals stopped trying to commit genocide in the Jews their homes would be left intact....whadaya think, little Peeballs?
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

Unless you can show any of that under the definition of Genocide your just making shit up.

No worries, I knew you couldn't defend any of the racism or bigotry with actual facts.

The simple reality is that the Arab block controls the UN and the only place its own hatred and racism isn't predominant is the security council and even there, its all politics and very little actual justice
Your cause has been lost for 68 years... it's over...
Did you know it took 123 years before Poland regained it's independance? "Lost causes" have a bad habit of being "found" again. Oh, and it's not over till the fat lady sings...
The diverse conglomeration of mongrels formerly resident there do not have a comparable unity, culture, history, pride and martial skills, vis a vis the Poles.

Rather like comparing the Rhode Island chapter of the Girls Scouts (Palestinians) to the Spartans that fought at Thermopylae (Poles).
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You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

Unless you can show any of that under the definition of Genocide your just making shit up.

No worries, I knew you couldn't defend any of the racism or bigotry with actual facts.

The simple reality is that the Arab block controls the UN and the only place its own hatred and racism isn't predominant is the security council and even there, its all politics and very little actual justice
what racism and bigotry ass-hole, besides how would racism or bigotry change the truth?
Your cause has been lost for 68 years... it's over...
Did you know it took 123 years before Poland regained it's independance? "Lost causes" have a bad habit of being "found" again. Oh, and it's not over till the fat lady sings...
The diverse conglomeration of mongrels formerly resident there do not have a comparable unity, culture, history, pride and martial skills, vis a vis the Poles.

Rather like comparing the Rhode Island chapter of the Girls Scouts (Palestinians) to the Spartans that fought at Thermopylae (Poles).
and there it is
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

Unless you can show any of that under the definition of Genocide your just making shit up.

No worries, I knew you couldn't defend any of the racism or bigotry with actual facts.

The simple reality is that the Arab block controls the UN and the only place its own hatred and racism isn't predominant is the security council and even there, its all politics and very little actual justice

maybe this will help you bigoted zionuts.

Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.

You are funny, over emotional, but funny. So lets review.

You conveniently forgot the part about persons who participate in the conflict losing their protected status.
I didn't forget about them; that wasn't the issue. The issue was you cannot punish someone who has committed no crime.

Lets take a look at article 5 IV Geneva convention

Art. 5 Where in the territory of a Party to the conflict, the latter is satisfied that an individual protected person is definitely suspected of or engaged in activities hostile to the security of the State, such individual person shall not be entitled to claim such rights and privileges under the present Convention as would, if exercised in the favour of such individual person, be prejudicial to the security of such State.
Where in occupied territory an individual protected person is detained as a spy or saboteur, or as a person under definite suspicion of activity hostile to the security of the Occupying Power, such person shall, in those cases where absolute military security so requires, be regarded as having forfeited rights of communication under the present Convention.

KInda screws up your whole theory now doesn’t it. Those even suspected of acts against the state lose their protected status until a judicial determination can be made.
Are you on crack? You cannot punish an entire population of people over the actions of a few. Unless you're claiming all 1.5 million Gazan's are taking part in hostilities.

Your next complaint is about something you call the
Gaza blockade
But its not a blockade, its an arms embargo. Israel and Egypt ( something else you oh so conveniently forgot ) is allowing humanitarian aid to flow into the war zone.
No, it's a blockade Israel started because Gazan's wouldn't vote for Israel's bitch, in their 2006 elections.

There is no blockade. Its an embargo. Its also a war, so Israel is well within its rights to prevent arms from flowing to an enemy combatant.
Why can't Gazan's have weapons? Are you saying Gazan's do not have a right to defend themselves? You normally use weapons for that.

And it's not a war. A war is between two armies of comparable strength. That's not what we have here. On one side, you have the 4th most militaristic nation on the planet and on the other, you have an entire population under occupation that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.

And lastly my friend you claimed Israel was guilty of war crimes. Are you now denying there is a war ? You seem very confused
You want to argue semantics, go climb a tree. But have it your way. I'll rephrase...

..."Israel is guilty of Crimes against Humanity"


You also appear to be a very selective reader. Maybe you’d consider actually reading the Geneva conventions before making further comment
Fuck you!

Art. 2. In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peace-time, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.
The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.
Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. They shall furthermore be bound by the Convention in relation to the said Power, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof.

A little history might also go a long way
WTF does that mean?

What your point there?

Fighting began...
...with the Zionist migration.

That area started getting inundated with major assholes like yourself, coming in and treating the indigenous residents like garbage. This is what started the war...

"Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination..." - Ahad Ha'am

...with attacks by irregular bands of Palestinian Arabs attached to local units of the Arab Liberation Army composed of volunteers from Palestine and neighboring Arab countries. These groups launched their attacks against Jewish cities, settlements, and armed forces. The Jewish forces were composed of the Haganah, the underground militia of the Jewish community in Palestine, and two small irregular groups, the Irgun, and LEHI. The goal of the Arabs was initially to block the Partition Resolution and to prevent the establishment of the Jewish state. The Jews, on the other hand, hoped to gain control over the territory allotted to them under the Partition Plan.
After Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, the fighting intensified with other Arab forces joining the Palestinian Arabs in attacking territory in the former Palestinian mandate. On the eve of May 14, the Arabs launched an air attack on Tel Aviv, which the Israelis resisted. This action was followed by the invasion of the former Palestinian mandate by Arab armies from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt. Saudi Arabia sent a formation that fought under the Egyptian command. British trained forces from Transjordan eventually intervened in the conflict, but only in areas that had been designated as part of the Arab state under the United Nations Partition Plan and the corpus separatum of Jerusalem. After tense early fighting, Israeli forces, now under joint command, were able to gain the offensive.
Arab forces went in to enforce law and order; and to ensure the inalienable rights of the indigenous, non-Jewish population.

BTW, Haganah and Irgun were Jewish terrorist groups. It wasn't Muslim's who bombed the King David hotel.
Slow motion genocide.

Can we possibly get any more ridiculous? A slow motion genocide? You mean a genocide where the population increases and where the quality of life is raised to previously unheard of levels for the territory? Boy, those Jews are crafty folks, aren't they?
Israel and their kiss-ass minions will eventually learn that the world will only tolerate this shit for so long, before it steps in and puts a stop to it. Israel is heading for a serious beatdown, just like the one the Nazis got in WWII.

You can't be that fucked, for this long and not have someone do something about it.

Hey, I get it. Israel has no intention of changing its evil ways. So I say the time for negotiation is over. Let's cut the foreplay and send in the fucking marines. Drive those god-damn Israeli's back to Israel.

All their kiss-ass minions, like Boston1, Kondor3 and Roudy, will start whining like little 2 year olds, but fuck'em! And fuck Israel too!
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What are you taking about now?! You compared the Israelis to the Nazis, and I asked you to show me evidence of German Jews shooting rockets at German civilians and blowing up German school buses, and your response is "they are occupied by money"? Seriously, is that all your got? Perhaps if the Pali animals stopped trying to commit genocide in the Jews their homes would be left intact....whadaya think, little Peeballs?
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.
"slow motion genocide"? Is that a new term to make up something that doesn't exist?
Israel and their kiss-ass minions will eventually learn that the world will only tolerate this shit for so long, before it steps in and puts a stop to it. Israel is heading for a serious beatdown, just like the one the Nazis got in WWII.

You can't be that fucked, for this long and not have someone do something about it.

Hey, I get it. Israel has not intention of changing its evil ways. So I say the time for negotiation is over. Let's cut the foreplay and send in the fucking marines. Drive those god-damn Israeli's back to Israel.

All their kiss-ass minions, like Boston1, Kondor3 and Roudy, will start whining like little 2 year olds, but fuck'em! And fuck Israel too!
Yeah, send in the Marines from planet Claire or whatever planet you live on! Cause US marines on planet earth will be 150% in support of the Israelis, not the 9-11 dancing Palestinians.

Now, here on planet earth, if the Palestinians don't want their homes to be introduced to the newest model of retrofitted made in USA Caterpillars, they better think twice about committing terror attacks on Israelis.
You know exactly what I'm talking about wowdy pos. The Israelis, while they use Nazi tactics put on a velvet glove for the slow motion Palestinian Genocide for the cameras

WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.
"slow motion genocide"? Is that a new term to make up something that doesn't exist?
Funny you asked. Apparently I coined a new term: Slow Motion Genocide...when asked for some support for my view by the Boston Finagler, I found this;maybe this will help you bigoted zionuts.

Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.
WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.
"slow motion genocide"? Is that a new term to make up something that doesn't exist?
Funny you asked. Apparently I coined a new term: Slow Motion Genocide...when asked for some support for my view by the Boston Finagler, I found this;maybe this will help you bigoted zionuts.

Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.

Aha! So let's review the numbers again.

In the territory known as today's Israel, there was a total of about 300,000 "Palestinians" pre 1948.

Today, there are about 2 million Arab Muslim citizens of Israel with the same exact rights as other Israelis, plus another roughly 4 million in the West Bank cesspool and Gaza-hole, plus another God knows how many millions who also call themselves Palestinians outside of the three regions.

Looks like they multiplied like rats rather than undergo genocide. Either that, or they invaded from neighboring Arab lands. Or both. I'll go with option number 3.
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