Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.
"slow motion genocide"? Is that a new term to make up something that doesn't exist?
Funny you asked. Apparently I coined a new term: Slow Motion Genocide...when asked for some support for my view by the Boston Finagler, I found this;maybe this will help you bigoted zionuts.

Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.

Aha! So let's review the numbers again.

In the territory known as today's Israel, there was a total of about 300,000 "Palestinians" pre 1948.

Today, there are about 2 million Arab Muslim citizens of Israel with the same exact rights as other Israelis, plus another roughly 4 million in the West Bank cesspool and Gaza-hole, plus another God knows how many millions who also call themselves Palestinians outside of the three regions.

Looks like they multiplied like rats rather than undergo genocide. Either that, or they invaded from neighboring Arab lands. Or both. I'll go with option number 3.
Everything you say is a scum-bag wowdy lie. Palestinians have the same rights? Prove it moron.
Who gives a shit?

Nature has de-selected the Palestinians.

Time for them to pack up and leave.

One demolished home at a time, if need be.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.
"slow motion genocide"? Is that a new term to make up something that doesn't exist?
Funny you asked. Apparently I coined a new term: Slow Motion Genocide...when asked for some support for my view by the Boston Finagler, I found this;maybe this will help you bigoted zionuts.

Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.

This kinda pure horse pucky is exactly why Wiki isn't a great source. Any fool can post anything on there and unless someone with an actual education comes along and decides its worth their time. It quoted by the unwashed masses as if its fact.
Oh no! Wicki is not a great source? You are one despicable piece of shiite Finagler! Wikipedia is a wildly used source for unbiased truth you sick ZioNazi!
...Israel is the aggressor...
Then perhaps it's time they show you what real aggression actually looks like... 'cause you ain't seen nuthin', yet, sunshine.

...How is shooting at Gazan fishermen self defense?...
It all depends upon whether they stray outside allowed zones and into forbidden waters.

And, guess what? The Israelis get to define 'forbidden waters'. See how that works? Isn't this fun?

...And that blockade punishes all 1.5 million Gazan's. That's collective punishment; which is a crime against humanity...
Quick. Somebody dig-up John F. Kennedy's bones from Arlington. Let's try him for his Blockade against Cuba! Pffffffttttt...

...You're expected to get the fuck off land that isn't yours....
No problem. As soon as you have the muscle to force them to do it.

...Western Sahara isn't using Palestinian slave labor...
Neither is Israel.

...How about a country that has borders that look like sun spots!...
So long as you're sitting on that border when it happens, it's all good.

...You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there...
Apparently, you require an introduction to Reality.

Perhaps demolishing a few thousand more homes and seizing the underlying land will be of some use to you in gaining a mastery of the subject matter.

...You drop 2000 pound bombs that take out entire neighborhoods...
Yep. Don't want that to happen? Move your war assets away from those neighborhoods. Your choice.

...You're being stabbed in the streets, because Palestinian's are sick of your disgusting occupation...
Just like a dumbass Palestinian Neanderthal to bring a knife to a gun-fight... one of the reasons why Nature is in the process of de-selecting your brethren.
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how do the Palestinians resist occupation nowdays?

Stabbing mothers infront of their children in their houses?

spilling the blood of pregnant women reaching to embrace them?
That's horrific.

how many pregnant Palestinians has israel killed?

how about children and babies?
You seem to be asking Israel to care more for the Palestinians than the Palestinians themselves. What do you expect when they use their own women and children as human shields and ammo?
is anything ever Israel's fault?

Of course.

We allowed things to reach this far.
that i agree with, but i wonder what you mean by it.

what should israel have done to stop things from 'going this far'

The question about "occupied terrotories" should have been answered long ago. Either annexing them or leaving them or defining the question of the Jews sitting them. Fact that some Israelis view them as ours and some don't is a direct result of our govenment's fear of actual decision.

That's one view of "letting it reach this far".

The other is the way we deal, or not deal, with terror. Each family raising a terrorist should be immedietly send to fend for itself in Syria or Gaza, not Israel. Catched terrorists should be shot dead, not prisoned to be released in shameful deals, only to kill again.

We let this get this far. That's our responsibility.

The rest if their fault completely
how do the Palestinians resist occupation nowdays?

Stabbing mothers infront of their children in their houses?

spilling the blood of pregnant women reaching to embrace them?
That's horrific.

how many pregnant Palestinians has israel killed?

how about children and babies?
You seem to be asking Israel to care more for the Palestinians than the Palestinians themselves. What do you expect when they use their own women and children as human shields and ammo?
is anything ever Israel's fault?

Of course.

We allowed things to reach this far.
I agree, Israel's greed for free Palestinian Land is backfiring!

Pbel, your definison of Greed is Jews stealing oxygen of innocent Muslims.

Do us all a favor and don't pretend to be unbiased.
WOW, its hard not to notice that you really don't contribute anything. You just seem to use the forum to spread hate and lies.

Do you have so much as one shred of evidence to support this latest hate filled accusation.
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

I hope their "culture" wasn't similar to those of the 1.x billion surrounding neighbors.
Fact are a bitch, ain't they?
Actually the Palestinians are by far the best educated and liberal Arabs in the ME and most tolerant.

They must have learned that from their cousins
Yeah, send in the Marines from planet Claire or whatever planet you live on! Cause US marines on planet earth will be 150% in support of the Israelis, not the 9-11 dancing Palestinians.

Now, here on planet earth, if the Palestinians don't want their homes to be introduced to the newest model of retrofitted made in USA Caterpillars, they better think twice about committing terror attacks on Israelis.
Fuck you and your "terror attack" bullshit. Shove that crap up your lying ass.

They're bulldozing the families of people resisting the occupation by force.

The ones resisting, they kill.

Now go fuck yourself, you little bitch!

How dare I bulldoze your house after you stabbed my people and run them over?

Rude, much?
By the way, fact that you cuss each second post, Billy, doesn't make your point more solid. You sound like some wacko on acid with that discussion culture.
That's horrific.

how many pregnant Palestinians has israel killed?

how about children and babies?
You seem to be asking Israel to care more for the Palestinians than the Palestinians themselves. What do you expect when they use their own women and children as human shields and ammo?
is anything ever Israel's fault?

Of course.

We allowed things to reach this far.
I agree, Israel's greed for free Palestinian Land is backfiring!

Pbel, your definison of Greed is Jews stealing oxygen of innocent Muslims.

Do us all a favor and don't pretend to be unbiased.
Let's say I am biased. How would that change the truth, Lipush?

I've been posting for twenty years for a two-state solution. All you and your friends just sang out like a finely tuned violin: Jordan is Palestine.

People like you have created this unsolvable QUAGMIRE!!!
Not sure I know what that means.

And the fact is that original Palestine is Jordan doesn't change much nowdays.

The ultimate solution is Palestinians abandoning their terror ways and their wish to make Israel their utopic caliphate.

And we're know you're biased, but thank you for at least partly admitting that:eusa_angel:
Again AH, post my lies. You on the other hand do. Often.

Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

I hope their "culture" wasn't similar to those of the 1.x billion surrounding neighbors.
Fact are a bitch, ain't they?
Actually the Palestinians are by far the best educated and liberal Arabs in the ME and most tolerant.

They must have learned that from their cousins
I agree, the Palestinians are more than Jewish cousins, genetically they have proven to be closer to the original Jews than the new arrivals like you.
Challenger, et al,

No matter what population you examine, from a cultural aspect, there is something that separates one from another.

We can begin with a relatively simple picture of the relationship between law and culture. Patrick Devlin famously argued that the law should be used to enforce the norms of a society's culture:

Society means a community of ideas; without shared ideas on politics, morals, and ethics no society can exist.... If men and women try to create a society in which there is no fundamental agreement about good and evil they will fail; if, having based it on common agreement, the agreement goes, the society will disintegrate. For society is not something that is kept together physically;
If there was ever an example of two cultures "without shared ideas on politics, morals, and ethics" --- the Israel-Palestine disputes over the last 70 years would be the poster child. There is absolutely no indication that the Arabs of Palestine ever attempted to adopt a standard of decency and morality that would allow for the Jewish culture and its people to be part of the same productive society. One can examine the political, social, economic, and commercial development of the Arabs in Palestine (either under Arab rule or under Israeli Occupation) and at once, the you see a great difference. Just compare the standing of Israel in comparison to Palestine and all the surrounding Arab Nations.

Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 8.12.20 AM.png

No Arab country in the entire Mediterranean or Gulf Region was rated higher than Israel in the composite statistical comparison of life expectancy, education, and income per capita indicators. This is very much like the test question: Which one is different than all the others?

• A: Israel ranks the highest in the region for Human Development; and the only rional country to be rated in the top 25 nations in the world for human development.
Challenger, et al,

OH, you are too funny.

Your cause has been lost for 68 years... it's over...
Did you know it took 123 years before Poland regained it's independance? "Lost causes" have a bad habit of being "found" again. Oh, and it's not over till the fat lady sings...

The Independence of Poland --- was a by-product of the Allied Powers success in the Great War (WWI). It was the defeat of the three Occupying Empires (Prussian, Habsburg, Russian) that permitted the (second) Polish Republic to reemerge. And it was the defeat of the Ottoman Empire that set the initial conditions for the establishment of the Jewish footprint in the Middle East.

The Treaty of Lausanne with the Allied Powers led to the international recognition of the sovereignty of the newly formed "Republic of Turkey" as the successor state to the Ottoman Empire.

Most Respectfully,

While you are laughing, you might take a moment to consider that the wheel of history turns, empires rise and fall, treaties are made (and unmade or ignored). Over those 123 years, Polish people suffered occupation, repression, attempts to eradicate them as a people, yet they prevailed; whatever makes you think Palestinians are any diffferent?

Now I've heard that the development of the Arab Palestinian was a result of Israeli Occupation. I challenge that notion. Yeah - sure, it could be a contributing factor. But in the case of the Palestinians, they are the proximate cause; they are the principle and recognizable cause, since 1967, for the retarded development. The Arab-Palestinians shot themselves in the foot. Even under the protection of the Jordanians, they failed to muster the will pride, will, and effort to achieve as much. And even under Jordanian Citizenship, they were biting the hand that feed them.

I think you should compare the apples in the same orchard before trying to compare the State of Palestine to any European nation.

There is a reasonableness standard. The reasonable man says that if you intentionally shoot yourself in the foot, you cannot blame your neighbor for your injury or permanent disability.

Now if the Palestinians had been working to build a nation since the 1949 Armistice, then they might have a complaint. But the facts are --- that they were not.

Most Respectfully,
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Well the first of your lies we might address would be that last.

Maybe you can define genocide for us. The number of palestinian refugees has ballooned from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 million. Does that look like a genocide to you.

Yet you mindlessly accuse Israel if genocide, when it appears you don't seem to know the meaning of the term.

The number of palestinians has INCREASED 16 FOLD since the end of the mandate period.

I think its pretty obvious we can chalk up that genocide lie to just another moment of racist and bigoted palestinian propaganda

The real question is, do you have the courage to admit when you are wrong
A Slow Motion genocide, seems apropos to me...Displaced millions, destroying their Culture, hold millions hostage. Rob people of their property and liberty. And you spreading lies that Jordan is Palestine.

Slow motion genocide.

I hope their "culture" wasn't similar to those of the 1.x billion surrounding neighbors.
Fact are a bitch, ain't they?
Actually the Palestinians are by far the best educated and liberal Arabs in the ME and most tolerant.

They must have learned that from their cousins
I agree, the Palestinians are more than Jewish cousins, genetically they have proven to be closer to the original Jews than the new arrivals like you.

You can also find a 99% similarity with Chimpanzees but I wouldn't claim that chimps deserve a homeland in Meca. Would you ?

My bet is you have absolutely no clue about how to consider genetic analysis in regards to ethnicity or cultural identity.
Hamas is an Islamic terrorist organization with zero respect for international law, which rules Gaza with an Iron fist dufus.

Zionist Israel is a terrorist state with zero respect for international law, which rules Gaza with an Iron fist ...dufus. There, corrected it for need to thank me. :)

You did nothing. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the US and many Western nations, Israel is not. Israel does not rule Gaza. There, I clarified it for you.
Hamas is an Islamic terrorist organization with zero respect for international law, which rules Gaza with an Iron fist dufus.

Zionist Israel is a terrorist state with zero respect for international law, which rules Gaza with an Iron fist ...dufus. There, corrected it for need to thank me. :)

You did nothing. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the US and many Western nations, Israel is not. Israel does not rule Gaza. There, I clarified it for you.
might makes right.

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