Israel to immediately cut off electricity to Gaza


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
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Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

March 9 (UPI) -- Israel will immediately cut off the flow of electricity to Gaza, Israeli Energy Minister Eli Cohen ordered Sunday.

"I have now signed an order to cut off electricity to the Gaza Strip immediately," Cohen said in a post on social media. "Enough with the talk, it's time for action!"

Back to the stone age for Gaza. Wait nevermind they are already there.

Now cut off their water.....It will make for a quicker exodus.

March 9 (UPI) -- Israel will immediately cut off the flow of electricity to Gaza, Israeli Energy Minister Eli Cohen ordered Sunday.

"I have now signed an order to cut off electricity to the Gaza Strip immediately," Cohen said in a post on social media. "Enough with the talk, it's time for action!"

Back to the stone age for Gaza. Wait nevermind they are already there.

Now cut off their water.....It will make for a quicker exodus.

Let my rocket lobbing, tunnel digging, genocidal bands of soldiers from 10/7 people go!!!!

Back to Egypt?


Genocide endured by Palestinians?

Yea, that's not how genocide works

You are doing it wrong.
The Zionist apartheid regime loves killing babies.
Yeah you hate Planned Parenthood, but love the genocide in Gaza.
Stop with the ridiculous "Both Israel and I love killing babies."

Truly, only Planned Parenthood loves that.

What you have is a war that is largely funded by Iran, a war where only Palestinians openly targeted women and children for extermination on 10/7. They not only admitted to doing so, they filmed it proudly to show to the world.

All wars have war crimes but even Nazi's tried to hide their war crimes. I have never seen such depravity on that scale in my life.
Stop with the ridiculous "Both Israel and I love killing babies."

Truly, only Planned Parenthood loves that.

What you have is a war that is largely funded by Iran, a war where only Palestinians openly targeted women and children for extermination on 10/7. They not only admitted to doing so, they filmed it proudly to show to the world.

All wars have war crimes but even Nazi's tried to hide their war crimes. I have never seen such depravity on that scale in my life.

To be fair, the Nazis didn't advertise it, but they sure as hell did document it.

I guess its a German thing.

March 9 (UPI) -- Israel will immediately cut off the flow of electricity to Gaza, Israeli Energy Minister Eli Cohen ordered Sunday.

"I have now signed an order to cut off electricity to the Gaza Strip immediately," Cohen said in a post on social media. "Enough with the talk, it's time for action!"

Back to the stone age for Gaza. Wait nevermind they are already there.

Now cut off their water.....It will make for a quicker exodus.
I er, thought they did that in October 2023?
To be fair, the Nazis didn't advertise it, but they sure as hell did document it.

I guess its a German thing.
For themselves

They made sure there was no document that showed Hitler knew, and they kept is hidden for their own records because they knew the world would condemn it, and rightly so.

But Hamas is a whole other category of evil.

What is worse, that evil had kids on college campuses in America singing "Gas the Jews" as Jewish students in places like Columbia university were told to hide in an attic.

What the hell? I never thought I would see such Nazi like aspirations in the US, but here it is. What is worse, when these college Presidents appeared to Congress to answer for their lack of authority in punishing those students for their hate, they had the audacity to say, "Gas the Jews in what context"?, as if that was a plausible argument.

I must be living in a parallel universe of some sort, because this is just nuts.

Meanwhile, you can have actual genocides of people in places like the Sudan and Syria who are not being armed by Hamas to go to war with the governments that are out to murder them and no one seems to give a damn.

Again, antisemitism is a worldwide sickness that has never really abated.
For themselves

They made sure there was no document that showed Hitler knew, and they kept is hidden for their own records because they knew the world would condemn it, and rightly so.

But Hamas is a whole other category of evil.

What is worse, that evil had kids on college campuses in America singing "Gas the Jews" as Jewish students in places like Columbia university were told to hide in an attic.

What the hell? I never thought I would see such Nazi like aspirations in the US, but here it is. What is worse, when these college Presidents appeared to Congress to answer for their lack of authority in punishing those students for their hate, they had the audacity to say, "Gas the Jews in what context"?, as if that was a plausible argument.

Again, antisemitism is a worldwide sickness that has never really abated.

Oh, I don't disagree with you one bit. Even the Wanasee conference documents only got as high as Goering and Himmler.
Stop with the ridiculous "Both Israel and I love killing babies."

Truly, only Planned Parenthood loves that.

What you have is a war that is largely funded by Iran, a war where only Palestinians openly targeted women and children for extermination on 10/7. They not only admitted to doing so, they filmed it proudly to show to the world.

All wars have war crimes but even Nazi's tried to hide their war crimes. I have never seen such depravity on that scale in my life.
Wow! You’re even more ignorant than I thought.

Do you watch Fox News all day every day?
If only you idiots could think for yourself. The power of state controlled media (propaganda) is on display every day here.

March 9 (UPI) -- Israel will immediately cut off the flow of electricity to Gaza, Israeli Energy Minister Eli Cohen ordered Sunday.

"I have now signed an order to cut off electricity to the Gaza Strip immediately," Cohen said in a post on social media. "Enough with the talk, it's time for action!"

Back to the stone age for Gaza. Wait nevermind they are already there.

Now cut off their water.....It will make for a quicker exodus.
At least they have that scumbags name, it will be easier at his war crimes trial.
If only you idiots could think for yourself. The power of state controlled media (propaganda) is on display every day here.

why have some Arab States not even broken off Diplomatic relations with that Zionist filth? and why have they not been thrown out of the UN? they have nothing but contempt for it and International law, why have no sanctions been put on Israel?
why have some Arab States not even broken off Diplomatic relations with that Zionist filth? and why have they not been thrown out of the UN? they have nothing but contempt for it and International law, why have no sanctions been put on Israel?
You islamist filth are a joke
Stop with the ridiculous "Both Israel and I love killing babies."

Truly, only Planned Parenthood loves that.

What you have is a war that is largely funded by Iran, a war where only Palestinians openly targeted women and children for extermination on 10/7. They not only admitted to doing so, they filmed it proudly to show to the world.

All wars have war crimes but even Nazi's tried to hide their war crimes. I have never seen such depravity on that scale in my life.

Re: I have never seen such depravity on that scale in my life.

Based on the Hasbara scripts you've been regurgitating, the only reason you haven't seen "such depravity" is because you haven't left home to see or experience anything except what pro Israel MSM pours into your head.

Like every other genocidal Zionist shill around here, your comment reflects complete cluelessness to the fact that resistance by Palestine's long term native population to foreign Zionist terrorist gangs has been going on for 80 years before the suspicious and well known "surprise" uprising of 7 October 2023.

If you want to see the fruits of unrivaled depravity, you should spend some time in and around Palestinian refugee camps like I did during the '73 War where proof of Zionist depravity, torture and mutilation is / was everywhere.

For example, we know that Israeli claims of "40 headless babies, etc were lies but how many pregnant women did Hamas bayonet in the abdomen?

“Deir Yasin Massacre, 09.04.1948”

EXCERPT " One of the worst Zionist massacres committed against Palestinians is the Deir Yasin massacre. Defenceless Palestinian civilians were tortured before being massacres and their bodies mutilated. Women and children were raped, babies were butchered and pregnant women were bayoneted.

"A chilling account of the massacre is given by a Red Cross doctor who arrived at the village on the second day and saw himself – the mopping up – as one of the terrorists put it to him. He says that the "mopping up" had been done with machine guns, then grenades and finished off with knives. Women’s bellies were cut open and babies were butchered in the hands of their helpless mothers. Around 250 people were murdered in cold blood.

Of those 250 people, 25 pregnant women were bayoneted in their abdomens while still alive."


If you were truly repulsed by murderous depravity you would be condemning Netanyahu and his henchmen for aiding and abetting in the 7 October uprising and subsequent genocidal atrocities.

For example, Israeli officials knew precise details of the uprising over a year before it occurred. (1)
Up until the day before the attack, Israeli officials received countless warnings about the pending attack from numerous foreign Intelligence services and their response was to withdraw troops from the Wall.

Finally, the same complicit Israeli officials completely ignored frantic alarms from female guards at the Wall immediately before and during the attack to allow Hamas to kill or capture both IDF members and unfortunate Israeli civilians.

Apparently, Hamas was not killing Israelis quickly enough so IDF joined in by gunning down both hostages and Israeli citizens alike.

When IDF couldn't kill Israeli citizens quickly enough with small arm's fire, they deployed drones to kill more under the Hannibal Directive.

Of course the Israelis blamed all deaths on Hamas for propaganda purposes even though IDF deliberately murdered shirtless hostages waving white flags at close range.

“Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the 'Hannibal Directive' during October 7 chaos”

EXCERPT ”Hannibal at Erez, dispatch a Zik [attack drone]," came the command on October 7.

Those words, reported by Israeli newspaper Haaretz in July, confirm what many Israelis have feared since the Hamas attacks on October 7 in southern Israel.

Israeli forces have killed their own citizens.

Israeli authorities say more than 800 civilians and around 300 soldiers were killed on October 7.” CONTINUED


Even though certain Israeli officials at least wanted the attack to occur, what is especially depraved is the deliberate killing of even more Israelis by IDF to magnify outrage for propaganda purposes.

Just in case you don't believe that strident Zionists would eagerly sacrifice fellow Jews for their "Greater Israel", please consider the following quote:

“If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.”

Ben-Gurion (Quoted on pp 855-56 in Shabtai Teveth’s Ben-Gurion in a slightly different translation).

Apparently, Netanyahu and his genocidal ilk felt that an opportunity to steal Gaza and murder its residents was well worth the lives of several hundred Jews.

Now, that's "depravity".

(1). "New York Times report says Israel knew about Hamas attack over a year in advance"

EXCERPT "The attack was planned in plain sight. A month before the assault, Hamas posted a video to social media showing fighters using explosives to blast through a replica of the border gate, sweep in on pickup trucks and then move building by building through a full-scale reconstruction of an Israeli town, firing automatic weapons at human-silhouetted paper targets.

In the video, the militants destroyed mock-ups of the wall’s concrete towers and a communications antenna, just as they would do for real on Oct. 7.

Adding to public outrage over the military’s apparent negligence, the Israeli media has reported that military officials dismissed warnings from female border spotters who warned that they were witnessing Hamas’ preparations for the attack. According to the media reports, the young women reported seeing Hamas drones and attempts to knock out Israeli border cameras in the months leading up to the attack." CONTINUED
why have some Arab States not even broken off Diplomatic relations with that Zionist filth? and why have they not been thrown out of the UN? they have nothing but contempt for it and International law, why have no sanctions been put on Israel?
All good questions. I suspect the financial power of the Zionists has something to do with it.

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