Israel Tortures Palestinian Children; Keeps Them In Outdoor Cages In Winter: Rights Group

The Jews in Warsaw Ghetto were faced a genocide "living" under inhumane conditions,with no basic human rights,
That's the same conditions the Pals live under.

you dropped that one little fact.
Like you dropping the fact that we're talking about an occupied territory?

Unlike the Palestinians / Israelis that conduct an unprovoked attacks on a daily basis against innocent people, IDF soldiers, and police officers in duty, whilst enjoying their (the IDF / police officers) protection along with full human rights and under no legal ground assaulting innocent people and disrupting the peace of others.
As long as you maintain the occupation, the attacks are not "unprovoked".
Like you getting your news from revisionists.
Nice try...I've seen plenty of news stories on TV and Cable where the Arabs are throwing rocks at Police standing perhaps 30 feet away.
Which side of the Green Line was the above-referenced "30 feet"?

I've seen live news stories of the actual reporters getting tear gassed by the IDF as they were broadcasting.
Like you getting your news from revisionists.
Citing the presence of an occupation that has been going on for the last 60 years, is not revisionism.

Claiming, or acting, like there isn't one, is.
It's not that I don't like you, it's just that you're not nearly as interesting as Monty and yet 10x more profane, and so I am putting you on Ignore for a while.
The Jews in Warsaw Ghetto were faced a genocide "living" under inhumane conditions,with no basic human rights,
That's the same conditions the Pals live under.

I can't believe you said that. I can't believe you actually believe that. You are so blinded by your anti-semitism that you can't tell the difference between the Warsaw Ghetto and Ramallah? What. The. Actual. Fuck.

The Warsaw Ghetto had 400,000 Jewish people living in a little over 1 square mile. There was not enough food to sustain life. A quarter of the people died of starvation, exposure and infectious disease. Those who survived were transported to concentration camps to be killed in a continent-wide genocide. Those remaining were shot and killed.

The audacity of comparing the Warsaw Ghetto to anything happening in "Palestine" is so far off base it defies explanation. It is a loss of the ability to reason and to make objective analysis. It is a bias so tilted and so extreme it renders communication impossible.

Very DISTURBING documentary; worse than most Hollywood horror flicks.
After watching this 45-min Australian video that included Israeli confessions on the abuse of Pali children, my take away is:

1) The conservative Israeli gov is acting like Nazis toward the West Bank Palistinians and has a rooted strategy to remove them from their WB homeland based on ancient religious IDIOCY;
2) Con Israeli WB policy for building Jewish settlements there continues to disregard international law.
3) Israelis use Pali children as pawns in their ethnic cleansing policy, including actual TORTURE of detained kids in MILITARY buildings & their "justice" (sic) court system. ... after rounding them up by dragging them out of their beds at 2am without search warrants or ANY EVIDENCE presented to their parents.
4) Israeli occupier citizens in the WB enjoy full civil rights, while Pali citizens & their FIVE (5) yr-old kids are treated like military combatants even when simply defending themselves.
5) Consequently, when the Pali children are attacked by Jewish settlers while walking nearby on their way to their own inferior schools, the Israeli soldiers are instructed to ignore those violent incidents, unless the Pali kids fight back by throwing stones, and then they arrest only the Pali kids.

I thought Jews detest ethnic cleansing policies after their experiences in the Nazi holocaust !
I thought Jews detest ethnic cleansing policies after their experiences in the Nazi holocaust !

Yeah, and we thought the libel and the anti-semitism and the justifications for killing Jews would end after the Shoah.
I thought Jews detest ethnic cleansing policies after their experiences in the Nazi holocaust !

Yeah, and we thought the libel and the anti-semitism and the justifications for killing Jews would end after the Shoah.
ALL ethnic groups deserve basic civil rights, whether they are Jewish or Palestinian. No?

And ALL CHILDREN deserve basic respect and opportunities for normal development. No?

Or, you don't believe in the mission of UNICEF?
I believe that telling lies and presenting fabrications such as the ones on this thread is ultimately harmful to children and to people.
I need MUCH MORE evidence ..
That is an excellent objective approach, and therefore you are not religious and an agnostic too? :)

With regard to this thread, the OP title appears to be misleading (about ONLY Pali kids held in outdoor cages & the degree of their "torture"), but it does raise valid concerns about how Israel treats Pali children in general.
And likewise, I would not be surprised if Israeli kids were mistreated by Pali authorities.
HOWEVER, the Pali kids are arrested (often w/out evidence) in their own occupied territory, then often transported across to Israeli land in violation of the Geneva Convention ...

"Two out of the three military detention facilities run by the IPS where Palestinian children are held in detention are located inside Israel (Hasharon and Megiddo). The transfer of Palestinian detainees outside the occupied Palestinian territory constitutes a breach of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, prohibiting the transfer of protected persons from occupied territory, and Article 76 of the same Convention, providing that protected persons convicted of offenses shall be detained and serve their sentences within the occupied territory."

How would you feel if you were 12 years old and transported away from your family to a hostile territory and interrogated behind closed doors without fair counsel?

I agree that BOTH Palestinians and Israelis are to blame for their continued conflicts, but the children's suffering should be minimized when under the control of ETHICAL authorities, and Israel seems to hold the most power with support from the USA.

How would you feel if you were 12 years old and transported away from your family to a hostile territory and interrogated behind closed doors without fair counsel?

I'd feel stupid for telling my kid to throw rocks.
Then I'd be glad he didn't get his stupid ass killed because he threw rocks.
But I'm rational, not "Palestinian".
You may be rational when lying on your couch watching cable TV in your FREE land, but when your freedom is taken away and you're treated like 2nd-rate scum, then maybe you would protest too, no?
Don't know about you, but if my town was occupied by Russian soldiers who detest my existence, i would throw more than rocks at them.

Actually the reality is --- they are 2nd class. Because they are not citizens of the occupying power. So their PRIMARY focus should be on statehood for themselves and their children. And we both know how futile it is for the Palestinians to organize -- find statesmen and visionary leaders and get a plan. That's WHY they have screwed up EVERY OPPORTUNITY to fix their sorry state of limbo. For THAT -- I have some tears. Especially when they were "WARDS" of Jordan and sitting in the West Bank virtually scot-free of Israeli torment. With a King who invited them to participate in the govt, learn to value infrastructure and organization and help them DEVELOP their territory with $Bills in cash. And they repaid that opportunity with violence and military actions against the Kingdom.

If they CARED about their children and their children's future, they wouldn't have chosen a bunch of gangsters better known for hijacking airplanes and shooting up Olympics -- than for any talent in convincing the world to give autonomy to Palestinians.

So now -- they don't WANT their children to be Israelis with the benefits of law. They still have the same issue. No leadership. No vision for peace. And their kids are dying and suffering for no good reason..

Do I care? Of course I do. But I am no longer a co-dependent to their dysfunctional state. Israel is NOT their largest problem. The fact that they DESTROYED the PA and have been kicked out of Jordan/Lebanon is..
I agree that the Palestinians have not organized ethically & efficiently since WW2 and lost a good chance at statehood when Israel achieved that status, but that does not excuse the Israelis from their internationally illegal settlements (& further building in the West Bank) and terrorizing innocent Pali children.
Please post yourself on YouTube staying calm while a bunch of kids throw rocks at you.
A bit of advice, make sure you wear brown underwear.
Well, its pretty easy staying calm while riding in an armored troop carrier. You've seen those Humvees they drive around in; they can drive over IED's.

Let's look at this from another perspective, get the fuck off their land and you won't get rocks.

Tried that approach in Gaza.. Forcibily evicted every Jewish enterprise and settlement. And it turned into a facist dictatorship with strong ties to terrorists. Not being stupid -- that probably won't happen again..
I believe that telling lies and presenting fabrications such as the ones on this thread is ultimately harmful to children and to people.
Which lies?

Tell me you understand that Israel does not really keep children in cages. Its a fabrication. Its a libel to make Israel (read: Jews) look like demons. Just like all the other libels that have gone on over the centuries: Jews poison wells, Jews eat babies, Jews use the blood of children in matzoh.

Its these lies which support and carry on anti-semtism from generation to generation. Its people's willingness to believe these lies and propagate them which creates the conditions for the justification of murdering Jews.
I thought Jews detest ethnic cleansing policies after their experiences in the Nazi holocaust !

Yeah, and we thought the libel and the anti-semitism and the justifications for killing Jews would end after the Shoah.
ALL ethnic groups deserve basic civil rights, whether they are Jewish or Palestinian. No?

And ALL CHILDREN deserve basic respect and opportunities for normal development. No?

Or, you don't believe in the mission of UNICEF?

That's true.. Where is their legal system and police force now? Where is the social/political infrastructure that they should be provided?
I believe that telling lies and presenting fabrications such as the ones on this thread is ultimately harmful to children and to people.
Which lies?

Tell me you understand that Israel does not really keep children in cages. Its a fabrication. Its a libel to make Israel (read: Jews) look like demons. Just like all the other libels that have gone on over the centuries: Jews poison wells, Jews eat babies, Jews use the blood of children in matzoh.

Its these lies which support and carry on anti-semtism from generation to generation. Its people's willingness to believe these lies and propagate them which creates the conditions for the justification of murdering Jews.
Did you watch that Australian 45-min video ?????
What part do you think are lies?
The part where an Israeli official says they no longer keep Pali children in outdoor cages during winter?
The part where a former Jewish soldier recalled that his soldiers dragged Pali boys from their beds at 2am without any evidence or judicial warrant?

You appear to be one-sided.
I don't think ANY innocent person, adult or child, should be abused.
Jewish or any other ethnicity.
Did you watch that Australian 45-min video ?????
What part do you think are lies?
The part where an Israeli official says they no longer keep Pali children in outdoor cages during winter?
The part where a former Jewish soldier recalled that his soldiers dragged Pali boys from their beds at 2am without any evidence or judicial warrant?

You appear to be one-sided.
I don't think ANY innocent person, adult or child, should be abused.
Jewish or any other ethnicity.

I read the transcript. The accusation that Israel keeps children in cages was a comment made by the host. With no comments to that effect being made by an "Israeli officials". And no fact-checking or evidence. Its a fabrication. A lie. And it takes only a tiny amount of research to establish that.

We agree that no person, adult or child, should be abused. So you should stop abusing the Israeli people (read: Jews) by telling lies about them.
The Jews in Warsaw Ghetto were faced a genocide "living" under inhumane conditions,with no basic human rights,
That's the same conditions the Pals live under.

you dropped that one little fact.
Like you dropping the fact that we're talking about an occupied territory?

Unlike the Palestinians / Israelis that conduct an unprovoked attacks on a daily basis against innocent people, IDF soldiers, and police officers in duty, whilst enjoying their (the IDF / police officers) protection along with full human rights and under no legal ground assaulting innocent people and disrupting the peace of others.
As long as you maintain the occupation, the attacks are not "unprovoked".
Billo, you beat me to the punch...People or should I say Israelis like Daniyel are a delusional sick bunch who can not see beyond their noses. What occupation? Gawd gave the land to them!
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Very DISTURBING documentary; worse than most Hollywood horror flicks.
After watching this 45-min Australian video that included Israeli confessions on the abuse of Pali children, my take away is:

1) The conservative Israeli gov is acting like Nazis toward the West Bank Palistinians and has a rooted strategy to remove them from their WB homeland based on ancient religious IDIOCY;
2) Con Israeli WB policy for building Jewish settlements there continues to disregard international law.
3) Israelis use Pali children as pawns in their ethnic cleansing policy, including actual TORTURE of detained kids in MILITARY buildings & their "justice" (sic) court system. ... after rounding them up by dragging them out of their beds at 2am without search warrants or ANY EVIDENCE presented to their parents.
4) Israeli occupier citizens in the WB enjoy full civil rights, while Pali citizens & their FIVE (5) yr-old kids are treated like military combatants even when simply defending themselves.
5) Consequently, when the Pali children are attacked by Jewish settlers while walking nearby on their way to their own inferior schools, the Israeli soldiers are instructed to ignore those violent incidents, unless the Pali kids fight back by throwing stones, and then they arrest only the Pali kids.

I thought Jews detest ethnic cleansing policies after their experiences in the Nazi holocaust !

and the girl was being treated and cared for by all those people standing around her, not tortured.

Teen get arrested in every country for a number of crimes. Israel happens to have IDF instead of police operating near the palestinians areas and in terrorism zones.


Far cry from abuse and torture.

As to what hit her.................could have been a palestinian rock or she might have been knocked down by running kids.

Her and her mother are not scared or fighting, just letting her be treated calmly
The Jews in Warsaw Ghetto were faced a genocide "living" under inhumane conditions,with no basic human rights,
That's the same conditions the Pals live under.

you dropped that one little fact.
Like you dropping the fact that we're talking about an occupied territory?

Unlike the Palestinians / Israelis that conduct an unprovoked attacks on a daily basis against innocent people, IDF soldiers, and police officers in duty, whilst enjoying their (the IDF / police officers) protection along with full human rights and under no legal ground assaulting innocent people and disrupting the peace of others.
As long as you maintain the occupation, the attacks are not "unprovoked".
1.No - that is not the condition the Pals live under, neither do Arab Israelis.
2.Being in an occupied territory doesn't justify any of the Palestinians viciousness, morally and or legally, nevertheless when they are the last to claim ownership over the so called 'occupied territories'
3.Wrong again, there is absolutely no place for Palestinians to carry "street justice" against police officers, soldiers, and "obviously" innocent people.
Your cloudy suggestions to spin the blame back to Israel for the Palestinians despicable violence against innocent people is disgusting, there is absolutely no right for the Palestinians to murder whom they seem fit based on racial motives, nothing change that.

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