Israel Tortures Palestinian Children; Keeps Them In Outdoor Cages In Winter: Rights Group

The Jews in Warsaw Ghetto were faced a genocide "living" under inhumane conditions,with no basic human rights,
That's the same conditions the Pals live under.

you dropped that one little fact.
Like you dropping the fact that we're talking about an occupied territory?

Unlike the Palestinians / Israelis that conduct an unprovoked attacks on a daily basis against innocent people, IDF soldiers, and police officers in duty, whilst enjoying their (the IDF / police officers) protection along with full human rights and under no legal ground assaulting innocent people and disrupting the peace of others.
As long as you maintain the occupation, the attacks are not "unprovoked".
Billo, you beat me to the punch...People or should I say Israelis like Daniyel are a delusional sick bunch who can not see beyond their noses. What occupation? Gawd gave the land to them!

and people like you look at a microcosm of an image and don't see the whole picture or consider the whole story

you look for reason to justify hate and don't care about who is hurt, what violence is incited or how many lies you knowingly or unknowingly spread.
The Jews in Warsaw Ghetto were faced a genocide "living" under inhumane conditions,with no basic human rights,
That's the same conditions the Pals live under.

you dropped that one little fact.
Like you dropping the fact that we're talking about an occupied territory?

Unlike the Palestinians / Israelis that conduct an unprovoked attacks on a daily basis against innocent people, IDF soldiers, and police officers in duty, whilst enjoying their (the IDF / police officers) protection along with full human rights and under no legal ground assaulting innocent people and disrupting the peace of others.
As long as you maintain the occupation, the attacks are not "unprovoked".
Billo, you beat me to the punch...People or should I say Israelis like Daniyel are a delusional sick bunch who can not see beyond their noses. What occupation? Gawd gave the land to them!

and people like you look at a microcosm of an image and don't see the whole picture or consider the whole story

you look for reason to justify hate and don't care about who is hurt, what violence is incited or how many lies you knowingly or unknowingly spread.
Can you please post what lies you are talking about?
Coming from a fascist Phalanges like you whose friends fought for the IDF in killing Palestinians should not call others liars.
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The Jews in Warsaw Ghetto were faced a genocide "living" under inhumane conditions,with no basic human rights,
That's the same conditions the Pals live under.

you dropped that one little fact.
Like you dropping the fact that we're talking about an occupied territory?

Unlike the Palestinians / Israelis that conduct an unprovoked attacks on a daily basis against innocent people, IDF soldiers, and police officers in duty, whilst enjoying their (the IDF / police officers) protection along with full human rights and under no legal ground assaulting innocent people and disrupting the peace of others.
As long as you maintain the occupation, the attacks are not "unprovoked".
Billo, you beat me to the punch...People or should I say Israelis like Daniyel are a delusional sick bunch who can not see beyond their noses. What occupation? Gawd gave the land to them!

and people like you look at a microcosm of an image and don't see the whole picture or consider the whole story

you look for reason to justify hate and don't care about who is hurt, what violence is incited or how many lies you knowingly or unknowingly spread.
Can you please post what lies you are talking about?
Coming from a fascist Phalanges like you whose friends fought for the IDF in killing Palestinians should not call others liars.

Still trying to label me for my friends and not my work helping palestinians, peace or to save lives?
Still telling yourself lies.
The Jews in Warsaw Ghetto were faced a genocide "living" under inhumane conditions,with no basic human rights,
That's the same conditions the Pals live under.

you dropped that one little fact.
Like you dropping the fact that we're talking about an occupied territory?

Unlike the Palestinians / Israelis that conduct an unprovoked attacks on a daily basis against innocent people, IDF soldiers, and police officers in duty, whilst enjoying their (the IDF / police officers) protection along with full human rights and under no legal ground assaulting innocent people and disrupting the peace of others.
As long as you maintain the occupation, the attacks are not "unprovoked".
Billo, you beat me to the punch...People or should I say Israelis like Daniyel are a delusional sick bunch who can not see beyond their noses. What occupation? Gawd gave the land to them!

and people like you look at a microcosm of an image and don't see the whole picture or consider the whole story

you look for reason to justify hate and don't care about who is hurt, what violence is incited or how many lies you knowingly or unknowingly spread.
Can you please post what lies you are talking about?
Coming from a fascist Phalanges like you whose friends fought for the IDF in killing Palestinians should not call others liars.

Still trying to label me for my friends and not my work helping palestinians, peace or to save lives?
Still telling yourself lies.

Well at least get your point about who lies. Post them so that I can defend my integrity against a Phalanges.
That's the same conditions the Pals live under.

Like you dropping the fact that we're talking about an occupied territory?

As long as you maintain the occupation, the attacks are not "unprovoked".
Billo, you beat me to the punch...People or should I say Israelis like Daniyel are a delusional sick bunch who can not see beyond their noses. What occupation? Gawd gave the land to them!

and people like you look at a microcosm of an image and don't see the whole picture or consider the whole story

you look for reason to justify hate and don't care about who is hurt, what violence is incited or how many lies you knowingly or unknowingly spread.
Can you please post what lies you are talking about?
Coming from a fascist Phalanges like you whose friends fought for the IDF in killing Palestinians should not call others liars.

Still trying to label me for my friends and not my work helping palestinians, peace or to save lives?
Still telling yourself lies.

Well at least get your point about who lies. Post them so that I can defend my integrity against a Phalanges.

No proof I was ever at any meeting or that my name was ever on any membership.
You assume because I wrote a report for the UN or that I was in the camps identifying the dead that I'm a member of that or any political party?
I knew Arafat, but that does not make me a palestinian, a member of Fatah, a terrorist or associated with any of the massacres they perpetrated against Lebanese.
I know a Russians, but that does not make FSB or former KGB
I knew the Assad family, but that does not make me a member of the Baath.
I knew OBL when he would vacation in Lebanon but that does not make me al-qaida.
You have an erroneous way of labeling people.
You don't even understand or want to believe why and who was behind what happened in '82, but you want to believe I am somehow responsible because I knew some of those involved. Yes, I know exactly who was behind the event and why but it's not who you think............. but I'm, in your petty mind, the closest person to blame.
You want to believe the lie and spread lies because it helps you justify your hate. Two years, and more, plenty of details and evidence and you still cling to the lies.

this is why I find you such a joke

Yes, I know exactly who lies, but then you probably always will.
Billo, you beat me to the punch...People or should I say Israelis like Daniyel are a delusional sick bunch who can not see beyond their noses. What occupation? Gawd gave the land to them!

and people like you look at a microcosm of an image and don't see the whole picture or consider the whole story

you look for reason to justify hate and don't care about who is hurt, what violence is incited or how many lies you knowingly or unknowingly spread.
Can you please post what lies you are talking about?
Coming from a fascist Phalanges like you whose friends fought for the IDF in killing Palestinians should not call others liars.

Still trying to label me for my friends and not my work helping palestinians, peace or to save lives?
Still telling yourself lies.

Well at least get your point about who lies. Post them so that I can defend my integrity against a Phalanges.

No proof I was ever at any meeting or that my name was ever on any membership.
You assume because I wrote a report for the UN or that I was in the camps identifying the dead that I'm a member of that or any political party?
I knew Arafat, but that does not make me a palestinian, a member of Fatah, a terrorist or associated with any of the massacres they perpetrated against Lebanese.
I know a Russians, but that does not make FSB or former KGB
I knew the Assad family, but that does not make me a member of the Baath.
I knew OBL when he would vacation in Lebanon but that does not make me al-qaida.
You have an erroneous way of labeling people.
You don't even understand or want to believe why and who was behind what happened in '82, but you want to believe I am somehow responsible because I knew some of those involved. Yes, I know exactly who was behind the event and why but it's not who you think............. but I'm, in your petty mind, the closest person to blame.
You want to believe the lie and spread lies because it helps you justify your hate. Two years, and more, plenty of details and evidence and you still cling to the lies.

this is why I find you such a joke

Yes, I know exactly who lies, but then you probably always will.
Sounds like you've lost a screw. I believe you, honest? You had friends who were fascists but you don't keep with your company... I believe that.

But getting back to the OP before any of this nonsense came up, What lies had I posted that you stated about the article in question? that I can defend my integrity...


That train left the station a llllllooonnnnnnnnnngggg time ago, dearie...

If you told us that the sun came up in the east, I'd ask for a second opinion...

Slow news day, dredging-up 2 and 3 year old bullshit, for another go-round?

The audience on this board has been all over this topic, ages ago, and in great depth...

As usual, the truth lay somewhere in the middle, but Palestinians and their butt-buddies don't even understand where the middle is...

Hell, come to think of it, Palestinians and their fellow travelers don't even understand what the middle is, never mind where it is...
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Still trying to label me for my friends and not my work helping palestinians, peace or to save lives?
Still telling yourself lies.
He asked you a question, why can't you answer it?

Where have you shown complete outrage towards your governments treatment of the Palestinian's? Or the policy of putting their children in prison? What I don't see, is countrywide protests in support of the Palestinian's. Of forcing them to live under martial law for the last 60 years. Of restricting their freedom of movement on their own land. What I do see, is a lot of people defending this treatment.

There's no ongoing protests in Israel telling that fascist government to end the occupation. The occupation is wrong. It's as wrong as the Vietnam War was in this country. But you saw what we did in response to that? We had protests from coast to coast, getting more frequent and would not stop until we forced the leader of this country to end it.

Where are the protests telling that megalomaniac PM of yours, to end this shit? And for the people who choose to remain silent, should read Dante's inferno.

The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of moral crisis preserve their neutrality.
Tried that approach in Gaza.. Forcibily evicted every Jewish enterprise and settlement. And it turned into a facist dictatorship with strong ties to terrorists. Not being stupid -- that probably won't happen again..
Yeah, because that government hasn't done a terrorist act in years.
Indy's wild claim that Israel 'tortures' Palestinian kids continues to unravel

Analyzing the False Accusations against Israel, Part I: Ethnic Cleansing

Former Israeli Soldiers Counter False Accusations Against IDF
May 11, 2015 - IDF forces operating against Hamas in Gaza. (IDF). A group of former IDF soldiers, incensed by an Israeli NGO's claims that they abused ...
Israeli soldiers speak out against false allegations
Israeli soldiers speak out against false allegations. Michael Dickson, Director, SWU Israel Office BrookesNews.Com Monday 20 July 2009. Breaking the Silence ...
Israeli Ex-Soldiers Angered over Breaking the Silence ...
May 11, 2015 - Israeli Ex-Soldiers Angered over Breaking the Silence Claims Against IDF ... “A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out ...
Reuters Bureau Chief Falsely Claims Israeli Agents Incite ... › Featured
Oct 8, 2015 - Making such a serious allegation against Israeli security forces without any evidence and in the face of the facts as provided by his own ...
Busted: Time Magazine Tried To Smear Israel With False ...
Aug 25, 2014 - ... To Smear Israel With False Allegations And It Just Backfired Big Time ... Time apparently seized on the allegation that the IDF harvested the .

False accusation and libels against Israel or jews is an old pattern and far too common place among some palestinian and NGO groups.

It is not something that will stop but unfortunately when the facts are presents people forget that the lies were disproved and still repeat the lies.

Children used as suicide bombers, children taught to stab jews, children taught to throw rocks and attack cars, Children taught in TV children's shows to become martyrs and to kill and die fighting jews.............
Not so much talk about the child abuse by palestinians against their own children, but they misrepresent the arrest of teens who have been involved in violence. Teens are stabbing and killing jews in Israel and then the press is surprised if they are shot or arrested for their crimes? Yes, rock throwing has become such a threat that it is a crime and those who are guilty are arrested, that is justice as it would be in any other country.

Most people remember the Durrah lies and blamed the Israeli when they could not have fired from their position and the case even went to the french courts. Tje father had knife and axe wound not gun shots, the boy presented as dead was a different child with different wounds, the whole thing went on for years and people still believe the lies.

This is just the way of things there. We have all seen enough of the pallywood images of dead men walking away from their funeral procession and images of wounded coming out of vans with weapons unhurt. It's an ugly conflict and lies feed hate and incite violence.

Images mislabeled, overlapping images, incorrect perception because of camera angles, stages situations
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
So it's OK if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you?
No, it isn't ok if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you. Still, we ought to give some credit to whether a child is actually capable of murdering someone by throwing a rock at them, and does the child understand what they're doing.

We've seen five year olds arrested by Israeli security for throwing rocks. How can arresting a five year old be legal in ANY country?
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Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
So it's OK if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you?
No, it isn't ok if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you. Still, we ought to give some credit to whether a child is actually capable of murdering someone by throwing a rock at them, and does the child understand what they're doing.

We've seen five year olds arrested by Israeli security for throwing rocks. How can arresting a five year old be legal in ANY country?

Teenagers are NOT children.
I have seen these videos on network TV and every 6 year old is surrounded by older teenagers.
I SHOULD say every crowd of older teenagers is accompanied by "sweet little" 6 year old murderers in training.
Children do have rights to live and play freely in Israel. Until they perform criminal acts which could cause harm to innocents. Then they are subject to arrest and investigation. No criminal acts -- no arrest. Easy peasy.
20 years in prison for rock throwing. Yeah, that's fair.

That's a maximum sentence. And you don't seem to understand the significance of the crime.

If you can't drive a truck or a car down the street in their neighborhood, there will be no commerce, no deliveries, no building, no services, no jobs, no future ----- no life. YOU condone a rock littered street and broken cars and glass and pelting the only police authority in the region with rocks. But it's that act --- that will DENY these kids any chance of a better future. NOBODY is gonna invest or give a shit in their communities without order.

So not only do they have parents and supporters (like you) cheering them on to doom themselves and their children,-- but they are hurting and dying for NOTHING.. Because their parents wont support respectable leadership and govt of their own. Not all Israels fault here. Not at all..

I don't really think you care that much about the kids. Because if you did -- you wouldn't say "it's their duty" to throw rocks. INSTEAD Dhara -- you'd be working to find their Nelson Mandela or Ghandi who would lead them to make the deals that lead to self-rule..
Bullshit. I'm not condoning violence in children. I think arresting a five year old or an eight year old is extreme for any country. AND the Israelis have one legal standard for themselves and another for the Arabs. It's a racist system.
Children do have rights to live and play freely in Israel. Until they perform criminal acts which could cause harm to innocents. Then they are subject to arrest and investigation. No criminal acts -- no arrest. Easy peasy.
20 years in prison for rock throwing. Yeah, that's fair.

That's a maximum sentence. And you don't seem to understand the significance of the crime.

If you can't drive a truck or a car down the street in their neighborhood, there will be no commerce, no deliveries, no building, no services, no jobs, no future ----- no life. YOU condone a rock littered street and broken cars and glass and pelting the only police authority in the region with rocks. But it's that act --- that will DENY these kids any chance of a better future. NOBODY is gonna invest or give a shit in their communities without order.

So not only do they have parents and supporters (like you) cheering them on to doom themselves and their children,-- but they are hurting and dying for NOTHING.. Because their parents wont support respectable leadership and govt of their own. Not all Israels fault here. Not at all..

I don't really think you care that much about the kids. Because if you did -- you wouldn't say "it's their duty" to throw rocks. INSTEAD Dhara -- you'd be working to find their Nelson Mandela or Ghandi who would lead them to make the deals that lead to self-rule..
Bullshit. I'm not condoning violence in children. I think arresting a five year old or an eight year old is extreme for any country. AND the Israelis have one legal standard for themselves and another for the Arabs. It's a racist system.

That tends to happen when 1.2 billion neighbors are trying to kill you.
So, have you visited Syria, Libya, Gaza, Iraq or Iran lately?
Wearing a big Cross?
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
So it's OK if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you?
No, it isn't ok if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you. Still, we ought to give some credit to whether a child is actually capable of murdering someone by throwing a rock at them, and does the child understand what they're doing.

We've seen five year olds arrested by Israeli security for throwing rocks. How can arresting a five year old be legal in ANY country?

Teenagers are NOT children.
I have seen these videos on network TV and every 6 year old is surrounded by older teenagers.
I SHOULD say every crowd of older teenagers is accompanied by "sweet little" 6 year old murderers in training.
Geet a clue. YOu don't arrest five year olds for throwing rocks.
Children do have rights to live and play freely in Israel. Until they perform criminal acts which could cause harm to innocents. Then they are subject to arrest and investigation. No criminal acts -- no arrest. Easy peasy.
20 years in prison for rock throwing. Yeah, that's fair.

That's a maximum sentence. And you don't seem to understand the significance of the crime.

If you can't drive a truck or a car down the street in their neighborhood, there will be no commerce, no deliveries, no building, no services, no jobs, no future ----- no life. YOU condone a rock littered street and broken cars and glass and pelting the only police authority in the region with rocks. But it's that act --- that will DENY these kids any chance of a better future. NOBODY is gonna invest or give a shit in their communities without order.

So not only do they have parents and supporters (like you) cheering them on to doom themselves and their children,-- but they are hurting and dying for NOTHING.. Because their parents wont support respectable leadership and govt of their own. Not all Israels fault here. Not at all..

I don't really think you care that much about the kids. Because if you did -- you wouldn't say "it's their duty" to throw rocks. INSTEAD Dhara -- you'd be working to find their Nelson Mandela or Ghandi who would lead them to make the deals that lead to self-rule..
Bullshit. I'm not condoning violence in children. I think arresting a five year old or an eight year old is extreme for any country. AND the Israelis have one legal standard for themselves and another for the Arabs. It's a racist system.

That tends to happen when 1.2 billion neighbors are trying to kill you.
So, have you visited Syria, Libya, Gaza, Iraq or Iran lately?
Wearing a big Cross?
Children are children. Do you give a shit if Palestinian childre suffer? Or are you only concerned if Israeli's suffer?
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
So it's OK if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you?
No, it isn't ok if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you. Still, we ought to give some credit to whether a child is actually capable of murdering someone by throwing a rock at them, and does the child understand what they're doing.

We've seen five year olds arrested by Israeli security for throwing rocks. How can arresting a five year old be legal in ANY country?

Teenagers are NOT children.
I have seen these videos on network TV and every 6 year old is surrounded by older teenagers.
I SHOULD say every crowd of older teenagers is accompanied by "sweet little" 6 year old murderers in training.
Geet a clue. YOu don't arrest five year olds for throwing rocks.

You're right. We take away their candy privileges for an hour.
So let's hear YOUR practical solution.
Children do have rights to live and play freely in Israel. Until they perform criminal acts which could cause harm to innocents. Then they are subject to arrest and investigation. No criminal acts -- no arrest. Easy peasy.
20 years in prison for rock throwing. Yeah, that's fair.

That's a maximum sentence. And you don't seem to understand the significance of the crime.

If you can't drive a truck or a car down the street in their neighborhood, there will be no commerce, no deliveries, no building, no services, no jobs, no future ----- no life. YOU condone a rock littered street and broken cars and glass and pelting the only police authority in the region with rocks. But it's that act --- that will DENY these kids any chance of a better future. NOBODY is gonna invest or give a shit in their communities without order.

So not only do they have parents and supporters (like you) cheering them on to doom themselves and their children,-- but they are hurting and dying for NOTHING.. Because their parents wont support respectable leadership and govt of their own. Not all Israels fault here. Not at all..

I don't really think you care that much about the kids. Because if you did -- you wouldn't say "it's their duty" to throw rocks. INSTEAD Dhara -- you'd be working to find their Nelson Mandela or Ghandi who would lead them to make the deals that lead to self-rule..
Bullshit. I'm not condoning violence in children. I think arresting a five year old or an eight year old is extreme for any country. AND the Israelis have one legal standard for themselves and another for the Arabs. It's a racist system.

That tends to happen when 1.2 billion neighbors are trying to kill you.
So, have you visited Syria, Libya, Gaza, Iraq or Iran lately?
Wearing a big Cross?
Children are children. Do you give a shit if Palestinian childre suffer? Or are you only concerned if Israeli's suffer?

To be honest...yes.
We don't train our kids to throw rocks at people.
You want suffering? If these Palis were even ALLOWED into another Muslim country they'ed be beheaded.
Do you get it that NO ONE WANTS THEM.
They're being used as PAWNS.
Tell me you're not THAT stupid.

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