Israel Tortures Palestinian Children; Keeps Them In Outdoor Cages In Winter: Rights Group

So, Dhara, your ad hominems aside (presuming you're capable), let's hear YOUR practical solution.
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
So it's OK if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you?
No, it isn't ok if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you. Still, we ought to give some credit to whether a child is actually capable of murdering someone by throwing a rock at them, and does the child understand what they're doing.

We've seen five year olds arrested by Israeli security for throwing rocks. How can arresting a five year old be legal in ANY country?

Rock throwing is common in Judea and Samaria, and along with Molotov Cocktails and booby-trapped tire throwing, is a terror act that comes under the definition of ‘popular terror’. These incidents happen daily and are easily ignored by the mainstream media. But did you know that a simple rock can kill?
In 2013, there were more than 2,400 Palestinian rock throwing attacks in Israel. Of these, 30 percent were directed at civilian vehicles. 116 civilians were injured due to these incidents. They may appear inoffensive, but rocks threaten lives.

January 29, 1983: Esther Ohana (21)

Killed by a rock thrown at her car while driving near the Palestinian village Dahariya, on her way from Be’er Sheva to Jerusalem. The rock hit her head and put her in a coma. On February 12, after two weeks in a vegetative state, she passed away.

Top Left to Right: Koby Mandell , Yehuda Haim Shoham , Esther Ohana
Center: Yosef Ishran
Bottom Left to Right: Bachor Jean , Asher Palmer and his infant son Jonathan , Stf. Sgt. Benny Meisner
February 24, 1989: Stf. Sgt. Benny Meisner (25)

Killed when he was struck in the head by a concrete block in Nablus.
October 6, 2000: Bachor Jean (54)

Killed during the second Intifada by rocks thrown at his vehicle while he was travelling from Haifa to Rishon Lezion. The rocks shattered the windshield and struck his chest. His brother, who was driving the car, sped to the hospital but was too late. The perpetrators were found to be from the nearby Arab village Jisar a-Zarka.
May 7, 2001: Koby Mandell (13) and Yosef Ishran (14)

Were beaten to death with rocks when they were hiking in the outskirts of their village, Tekoa, in Judea and Samaria. Their bodies were found in a cave, covered with stones. The perpetrators have still not been found.
June 2, 2001: Yehuda Haim Shoham (5-month old baby)

Died of his wounds after rocks were thrown at his parents’ car while driving near the Palestinian village of Isawiya. The family was returning from relatives at Ra’anana to their house in Shiloh, when a Palestinian threw a rock at the front windshield, went through, and hit the baby in the back seat.
September 23, 2011: Asher Palmer (25) and his infant son Jonathan (12-month old baby)

Killed when their car veered and crashed into a tunnel after rocks were thrown at their front windshield while driving near Kiryat Arba. Later on, two Palestinians from the nearby village of Halhul admitted to instigating the attack.

Asher and Yonatan Palmer
Rock throwing is often downplayed as an innocent provocation, but in fact rocks can seriously injure and kill, as has been the case in Judea and Samaria.
Geet a clue. YOu don't arrest five year olds for throwing rocks.

Neither does Israel. Children under the age of 12 can neither be arrested nor detained. That is the law in Israel. However, they can be removed from the place where they were endangering lives and can be kept until their parents come to get them.

What other law enforcement solutions would you suggest for handling a young child who is endangering the lives of others?
Children do have rights to live and play freely in Israel. Until they perform criminal acts which could cause harm to innocents. Then they are subject to arrest and investigation. No criminal acts -- no arrest. Easy peasy.
20 years in prison for rock throwing. Yeah, that's fair.

That's a maximum sentence. And you don't seem to understand the significance of the crime.

If you can't drive a truck or a car down the street in their neighborhood, there will be no commerce, no deliveries, no building, no services, no jobs, no future ----- no life. YOU condone a rock littered street and broken cars and glass and pelting the only police authority in the region with rocks. But it's that act --- that will DENY these kids any chance of a better future. NOBODY is gonna invest or give a shit in their communities without order.

So not only do they have parents and supporters (like you) cheering them on to doom themselves and their children,-- but they are hurting and dying for NOTHING.. Because their parents wont support respectable leadership and govt of their own. Not all Israels fault here. Not at all..

I don't really think you care that much about the kids. Because if you did -- you wouldn't say "it's their duty" to throw rocks. INSTEAD Dhara -- you'd be working to find their Nelson Mandela or Ghandi who would lead them to make the deals that lead to self-rule..
Bullshit. I'm not condoning violence in children. I think arresting a five year old or an eight year old is extreme for any country. AND the Israelis have one legal standard for themselves and another for the Arabs. It's a racist system.

You forget, Israel is being attacked by palestinians that want to kill them. It is called war.

Every rock, every glass bottle, every mortar, every rocket, every knife is a weapon intended to try and kill an Israeli. Even misses are still attempted murder.
Children do have rights to live and play freely in Israel. Until they perform criminal acts which could cause harm to innocents. Then they are subject to arrest and investigation. No criminal acts -- no arrest. Easy peasy.
20 years in prison for rock throwing. Yeah, that's fair.

That's a maximum sentence. And you don't seem to understand the significance of the crime.

If you can't drive a truck or a car down the street in their neighborhood, there will be no commerce, no deliveries, no building, no services, no jobs, no future ----- no life. YOU condone a rock littered street and broken cars and glass and pelting the only police authority in the region with rocks. But it's that act --- that will DENY these kids any chance of a better future. NOBODY is gonna invest or give a shit in their communities without order.

So not only do they have parents and supporters (like you) cheering them on to doom themselves and their children,-- but they are hurting and dying for NOTHING.. Because their parents wont support respectable leadership and govt of their own. Not all Israels fault here. Not at all..

I don't really think you care that much about the kids. Because if you did -- you wouldn't say "it's their duty" to throw rocks. INSTEAD Dhara -- you'd be working to find their Nelson Mandela or Ghandi who would lead them to make the deals that lead to self-rule..
Bullshit. I'm not condoning violence in children. I think arresting a five year old or an eight year old is extreme for any country. AND the Israelis have one legal standard for themselves and another for the Arabs. It's a racist system.

You forget, Israel is being attacked by palestinians that want to kill them. It is called war.

Every rock, every glass bottle, every mortar, every rocket, every knife is a weapon intended to try and kill an Israeli. Even misses are still attempted murder.

Dhara loves everyone except, apparently, potentially dead Jews.
Prove us wrong Dhara.
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
So it's OK if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you?
No, it isn't ok if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you. Still, we ought to give some credit to whether a child is actually capable of murdering someone by throwing a rock at them, and does the child understand what they're doing.

We've seen five year olds arrested by Israeli security for throwing rocks. How can arresting a five year old be legal in ANY country?

Teenagers are NOT children.
I have seen these videos on network TV and every 6 year old is surrounded by older teenagers.
I SHOULD say every crowd of older teenagers is accompanied by "sweet little" 6 year old murderers in training.
Geet a clue. YOu don't arrest five year olds for throwing rocks.

Children are taught to kill and brainwashed to die for the "cause"

Kills from the time they can walk or pick up a toy are taught to kill. School songs, TV shows, comic books, trading cards all enforce these ideas.

Child suicide bombers in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that I can defend my integrity...


That train left the station a llllllooonnnnnnnnnngggg time ago, dearie...

If you told us that the sun came up in the east, I'd ask for a second opinion...

Slow news day, dredging-up 2 and 3 year old bullshit, for another go-round?

The audience on this board has been all over this topic, ages ago, and in great depth...

As usual, the truth lay somewhere in the middle, but Palestinians and their butt-buddies don't even understand where the middle is...

Hell, come to think of it, Palestinians and their fellow travelers don't even understand what the middle is, never mind where it is...
Kondor a true Fascist who expounds expulsions of all Palestinians from the West Bank by force or starvation. So popular that his brand is fast selling!
Dhara, perhaps Palestine needs a Children, Not Soldiers campaign to put together an action plan to prevent the use of children as combatants and resistance soldiers. What do you think?
Geet a clue. YOu don't arrest five year olds for throwing rocks.

Neither does Israel. Children under the age of 12 can neither be arrested nor detained. That is the law in Israel. However, they can be removed from the place where they were endangering lives and can be kept until their parents come to get them.

What other law enforcement solutions would you suggest for handling a young child who is endangering the lives of others?
There is a you tube showing a five year old Palestinian boy being arrested.
Geet a clue. YOu don't arrest five year olds for throwing rocks.

Neither does Israel. Children under the age of 12 can neither be arrested nor detained. That is the law in Israel. However, they can be removed from the place where they were endangering lives and can be kept until their parents come to get them.

What other law enforcement solutions would you suggest for handling a young child who is endangering the lives of others?
There is a you tube showing a five year old Palestinian boy being arrested.
Let's hear YOUR practical solution.
So, Dhara, your ad hominems aside (presuming you're capable), let's hear YOUR practical solution.
I think there ought to be special training of police and soldiers with respect to detaining children. If a child tosses a rock and no one is hurt the child should be admonished. Parents should always be involved when children are questioned by authorities.

There should be a cooperative effort to empower Palestinian citizens to address inappropriate behaviors at political demonstrations.

Those are my beginning thoughts.

Someone has to teach Israeli's and Palestinians how to get along. Some camps that are open for Israeli Jewish children and Palestinian children can help to change attitudes..
If parents, teachers, leaders and media are guilty of teaching kids to commit crimes, maybe they should be arrested as well.
Anyone arrested or kills become heroes to the Palestinians, and the family get paid on a monthly basis.
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
So it's OK if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you?
No, it isn't ok if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you. Still, we ought to give some credit to whether a child is actually capable of murdering someone by throwing a rock at them, and does the child understand what they're doing.

We've seen five year olds arrested by Israeli security for throwing rocks. How can arresting a five year old be legal in ANY country?
It doesn't mean they are immune from detention or any legal procedure, have you found a case of which a five years old sent to twenty years in prison?
If parents, teachers, leaders and media are guilty of teaching kids to commit crimes, maybe they should be arrested as well.
Anyone arrested or kills become heroes to the Palestinians, and the family get paid on a monthly basis.
That's not true. There is harm doing going on with both sides. The Israeli's are an occupying foce, and they have different law standards for Palestinians. That should change.
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
So it's OK if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you?
No, it isn't ok if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you. Still, we ought to give some credit to whether a child is actually capable of murdering someone by throwing a rock at them, and does the child understand what they're doing.

We've seen five year olds arrested by Israeli security for throwing rocks. How can arresting a five year old be legal in ANY country?
It doesn't mean they are immune from detention or any legal procedure, have you found a case of which a five years old sent to twenty years in prison?
A five year old should NEVER be arrested. EVER.
There is a you tube showing a five year old Palestinian boy being arrested.

I have no doubt there is a youtube video. You can make a youtube video of just about everything these days. Proves nothing. There is also an image on the OP which shows children being held in "cages". And its a lie. I'm just asking you to do some research into what exactly is depicted. Is he being arrested, or is he being prevented from throwing more rocks and endangering more lives? Big difference.

Thank you for your "agree" on the post about Children, Not Soldiers.

I think it is a step in the right direction to understand that these are difficult and troubling moral dilemmas. OF COURSE, children should be protected. OF COURSE people shouldn't be allowed to endanger the lives of others. When those two things intersect in the middle of a conflict, there are no easy answers. But please, let's at least address the problems honestly and with integrity to research, investigate and only post correct information.
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
So it's OK if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you?
No, it isn't ok if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you. Still, we ought to give some credit to whether a child is actually capable of murdering someone by throwing a rock at them, and does the child understand what they're doing.

We've seen five year olds arrested by Israeli security for throwing rocks. How can arresting a five year old be legal in ANY country?
It doesn't mean they are immune from detention or any legal procedure, have you found a case of which a five years old sent to twenty years in prison?
A five year old should NEVER be arrested. EVER.
Once again, the child is almost always being encouraged by the family.
The alternative is to dump the family into Jordan.
And yes, arresting the child accomplishes NOTHING.
So, Dhara, your ad hominems aside (presuming you're capable), let's hear YOUR practical solution.
It's not an ad hominem for me to tell you I think your attitude toward Palestinian childre disgusts me. I have not calld you a name.
Geet a clue. YOu don't arrest five year olds for throwing rocks.

Neither does Israel. Children under the age of 12 can neither be arrested nor detained. That is the law in Israel. However, they can be removed from the place where they were endangering lives and can be kept until their parents come to get them.

What other law enforcement solutions would you suggest for handling a young child who is endangering the lives of others?
There is a you tube showing a five year old Palestinian boy being arrested.
Arrested, detained, or forcibly moved?
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
So it's OK if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you?
No, it isn't ok if someone tries to murder you by throwing rocks at you. Still, we ought to give some credit to whether a child is actually capable of murdering someone by throwing a rock at them, and does the child understand what they're doing.

We've seen five year olds arrested by Israeli security for throwing rocks. How can arresting a five year old be legal in ANY country?
It doesn't mean they are immune from detention or any legal procedure, have you found a case of which a five years old sent to twenty years in prison?
A five year old should NEVER be arrested. EVER.
Once again, the child is almost always being encouraged by the family.
The alternative is to dump the family into Jordan.
And yes, arresting the child accomplishes NOTHING.
That is not known for certain.

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