Israel Tortures Palestinian Children; Keeps Them In Outdoor Cages In Winter: Rights Group

The No Way to Treat a Child campaign, which is endorsed by a number of faith-based and human rights organizations, sponsored three days of advocacy focused on Palestinian children held in Israeli military detention.

Every year, more than 700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12, are taken from their families, brought to an undisclosed location, harshly interrogated and imprisoned by the Israeli military on the suspicion of throwing stones. According to UNICEF, the ill-treatment of Palestinian children, mostly boys, remains systematic and widespread within the Israeli military detention system.

In response to this critical issue around the treatment of children by the Israeli military (which receives the largest amount of U.S. foreign assistance), Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN-4) has drafted a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, and invites her fellow members of Congress to sign on. The letter urges the State Department to make the human rights of Palestinian children a priority in the U.S.’s bilateral relationship with Israel.

Please contact your member of Congress and urge him/her to sign Rep. McCollum’s letter on Israel’s detention of Palestinian children.
Throwing stones is a legitimate act of resistance in accordance with international law. A 1987 UN General Assembly resolution validates the right to resist occupation, explicitly differentiating terrorism from the “struggle of peoples for national liberation.” The resolution grants “peoples under colonial and racist regimes and foreign occupation … the right .. to struggle to this end.” The measure was approved with 153 votes in favor. Only the United States and Israel voted against it.

Even militant resistance against occupying troops is protected as part of struggle against occupation. Clearly, stone-throwing unquestionably falls within the protections explicitly stated by the UN resolution. In fact, some people have even said that Palestinians have a “duty to throw stones.”
American Officials Silent on Israeli Abuse of Palestinian Children

Palestinians have a "DUTY" to throw stones? Well let their PARENTS throw them with them.. What should be happening is that Palestinians have a LARGER DUTY to form a govt and step up to running their affairs like people "entitled" to a nation should be doing.

It's SICK and perverted to put your kids in danger for "resistance" when YOU are literally doing nothing to validate their hurt and deaths in the process.
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20 years imprisonment for stone throwing. Yeah, that's really reasonable of you.
You are defending undefensible military police practices against children.

Almost all your posting content is pro-Israeli. Let's get real here

Of course it is. Its also almost all pro-Palestinian.
Well, on the treatment of child prisoners, Israel is in the wrong.
Just to make this point clear, the actual (big) majority of children(-18) are arrested during riots' ("demonstrations/protests") in which they (the arrested children) are captured assaulting officers, IDF soldiers, and/or nearby people.

It is indeed unfortunate that children are being put on the front line, but there is no other way to deal with it - except for the new bill that will hold their parents financially responsible for the children behavior and would finally start baring the dominant influence on their kids but still - the law has to be enforced for the sake of others as well.
In many cases the parents declined to join the arrested children in detention because there simply nothing that can be done to the children (by law) anyway.

During riots the ideal way to handle it is by arresting the main leader of the riot which sparks chaos in the others (mostly older) and that is done 'surgically' and within the right timing.

Pay attention to the girl with the pink backpack throwing rocks with the crowd.

On the other hand the 'door-to-door' ("surgical") are made only during nights before 6 AM and past 11 PM in order not to cause a mental damage to the children and always with the presence of the responsible adult in the family, 99% of the time these arrests done quietly.
20 years imprisonment for rock throwing with a bit of sexual abuse on the side. Hey, they're Palestinian. Who cares?
Choked, beaten and strip searched. Yep, that's the way to treat those children for throwing rocks.

Almost all your posting content is pro-Israeli. Let's get real here

Of course it is. Its also almost all pro-Palestinian.
Well, on the treatment of child prisoners, Israel is in the wrong.
Just to make this point clear, the actual (big) majority of children(-18) are arrested during riots' ("demonstrations/protests") in which they (the arrested children) are captured assaulting officers, IDF soldiers, and/or nearby people.

It is indeed unfortunate that children are being put on the front line, but there is no other way to deal with it - except for the new bill that will hold their parents financially responsible for the children behavior and would finally start baring the dominant influence on their kids but still - the law has to be enforced for the sake of others as well.
In many cases the parents declined to join the arrested children in detention because there simply nothing that can be done to the children (by law) anyway.

During riots the ideal way to handle it is by arresting the main leader of the riot which sparks chaos in the others (mostly older) and that is done 'surgically' and within the right timing.

Pay attention to the girl with the pink backpack throwing rocks with the crowd.

On the other hand the 'door-to-door' ("surgical") are made only during nights before 6 AM and past 11 PM in order not to cause a mental damage to the children and always with the presence of the responsible adult in the family, 99% of the time these arrests done quietly.

One might also suggest that parents who bring children to riots (demonstrations, protests) are not fit to parent.
You are defending undefensible military police practices against children.

Well, THAT may be true. But let's not pretend its about Israel, then. Your complaint is with all nations.
No truth to the idea that ALL nations abuse children in detention.

Name one nation which has a law forbidding the use of handcuffs or ties on all children under the age of 18 under all circumstances.
The ACLU recently filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against a sheriff’s department in Kentucky over a school resource officer’s use of handcuffs on two children, ages 8 and 9, both of whom have disabilities.
Here's the kind of shit some of you get off on:

Police arrest, handcuff second-graders for trying to steal 10-year-old's bike

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