Israel Tortures Palestinian Children; Keeps Them In Outdoor Cages In Winter: Rights Group

I need MUCH MORE evidence ..
That is an excellent objective approach, and therefore you are not religious and an agnostic too? :)

With regard to this thread, the OP title appears to be misleading (about ONLY Pali kids held in outdoor cages & the degree of their "torture"), but it does raise valid concerns about how Israel treats Pali children in general.
And likewise, I would not be surprised if Israeli kids were mistreated by Pali authorities.
HOWEVER, the Pali kids are arrested (often w/out evidence) in their own occupied territory, then often transported across to Israeli land in violation of the Geneva Convention ...

"Two out of the three military detention facilities run by the IPS where Palestinian children are held in detention are located inside Israel (Hasharon and Megiddo). The transfer of Palestinian detainees outside the occupied Palestinian territory constitutes a breach of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, prohibiting the transfer of protected persons from occupied territory, and Article 76 of the same Convention, providing that protected persons convicted of offenses shall be detained and serve their sentences within the occupied territory."

How would you feel if you were 12 years old and transported away from your family to a hostile territory and interrogated behind closed doors without fair counsel?

I agree that BOTH Palestinians and Israelis are to blame for their continued conflicts, but the children's suffering should be minimized when under the control of ETHICAL authorities, and Israel seems to hold the most power with support from the USA.

How would you feel if you were 12 years old and transported away from your family to a hostile territory and interrogated behind closed doors without fair counsel?

I'd feel stupid for telling my kid to throw rocks.
Then I'd be glad he didn't get his stupid ass killed because he threw rocks.
But I'm rational, not "Palestinian".
You may be rational when lying on your couch watching cable TV in your FREE land, but when your freedom is taken away and you're treated like 2nd-rate scum, then maybe you would protest too, no?
Don't know about you, but if my town was occupied by Russian soldiers who detest my existence, i would throw more than rocks at them.
I need MUCH MORE evidence ..
That is an excellent objective approach, and therefore you are not religious and an agnostic too? :)

With regard to this thread, the OP title appears to be misleading (about ONLY Pali kids held in outdoor cages & the degree of their "torture"), but it does raise valid concerns about how Israel treats Pali children in general.
And likewise, I would not be surprised if Israeli kids were mistreated by Pali authorities.
HOWEVER, the Pali kids are arrested (often w/out evidence) in their own occupied territory, then often transported across to Israeli land in violation of the Geneva Convention ...

"Two out of the three military detention facilities run by the IPS where Palestinian children are held in detention are located inside Israel (Hasharon and Megiddo). The transfer of Palestinian detainees outside the occupied Palestinian territory constitutes a breach of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, prohibiting the transfer of protected persons from occupied territory, and Article 76 of the same Convention, providing that protected persons convicted of offenses shall be detained and serve their sentences within the occupied territory."

How would you feel if you were 12 years old and transported away from your family to a hostile territory and interrogated behind closed doors without fair counsel?

I agree that BOTH Palestinians and Israelis are to blame for their continued conflicts, but the children's suffering should be minimized when under the control of ETHICAL authorities, and Israel seems to hold the most power with support from the USA.

How would you feel if you were 12 years old and transported away from your family to a hostile territory and interrogated behind closed doors without fair counsel?

I'd feel stupid for telling my kid to throw rocks.
Then I'd be glad he didn't get his stupid ass killed because he threw rocks.
But I'm rational, not "Palestinian".
You may be rational when lying on your couch watching cable TV in your FREE land, but when your freedom is taken away and you're treated like 2nd-rate scum, then maybe you would protest too, no?
Don't know about you, but if my town was occupied by Russian soldiers who detest my existence, i would throw more than rocks at them.

but when your freedom is taken away and you're treated like 2nd-rate scum

Something about Islam, eh?
Look at how well Muslims treat other Muslim scum.
I need MUCH MORE evidence ..
That is an excellent objective approach, and therefore you are not religious and an agnostic too? :)

With regard to this thread, the OP title appears to be misleading (about ONLY Pali kids held in outdoor cages & the degree of their "torture"), but it does raise valid concerns about how Israel treats Pali children in general.
And likewise, I would not be surprised if Israeli kids were mistreated by Pali authorities.
HOWEVER, the Pali kids are arrested (often w/out evidence) in their own occupied territory, then often transported across to Israeli land in violation of the Geneva Convention ...

"Two out of the three military detention facilities run by the IPS where Palestinian children are held in detention are located inside Israel (Hasharon and Megiddo). The transfer of Palestinian detainees outside the occupied Palestinian territory constitutes a breach of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, prohibiting the transfer of protected persons from occupied territory, and Article 76 of the same Convention, providing that protected persons convicted of offenses shall be detained and serve their sentences within the occupied territory."

How would you feel if you were 12 years old and transported away from your family to a hostile territory and interrogated behind closed doors without fair counsel?

I agree that BOTH Palestinians and Israelis are to blame for their continued conflicts, but the children's suffering should be minimized when under the control of ETHICAL authorities, and Israel seems to hold the most power with support from the USA.

How would you feel if you were 12 years old and transported away from your family to a hostile territory and interrogated behind closed doors without fair counsel?

I'd feel stupid for telling my kid to throw rocks.
Then I'd be glad he didn't get his stupid ass killed because he threw rocks.
But I'm rational, not "Palestinian".
You may be rational when lying on your couch watching cable TV in your FREE land, but when your freedom is taken away and you're treated like 2nd-rate scum, then maybe you would protest too, no?
Don't know about you, but if my town was occupied by Russian soldiers who detest my existence, i would throw more than rocks at them.

but when your freedom is taken away and you're treated like 2nd-rate scum

Something about Islam, eh?
Look at how well Muslims treat other Muslim scum.
Why the lame diversion?
We're talking about children's rights to play & live FREELY in their own homeland, like you did "Patriot", but you bring up the Islam/Muslim card?
That's a white flag in the debate world.
Children do have rights to live and play freely in Israel. Until they perform criminal acts which could cause harm to innocents. Then they are subject to arrest and investigation. No criminal acts -- no arrest. Easy peasy.
  • Palestinian Children Wear Mock Suicide Belts in Bethlehem Parade

    Israel Today ^ | January 14, 2016 | Israel Today staff
    In what can only be described as a celebration of violence and death, young Palestinian children participated in a Bethlehem parade last week by dressing up as armed terrorists, complete with mock suicide belts. The parade marked the 51st anniversary of the first terrorist attack by Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement, and was attended by several high ranking Palestinian Authority officials. Ofer Gendelman, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official spokesman to the Arab media, called the event a glorification of terrorism aimed at encouraging a new generation of Palestinian youth to join the violence.
Children do have rights to live and play freely in Israel. Until they perform criminal acts which could cause harm to innocents. Then they are subject to arrest and investigation. No criminal acts -- no arrest. Easy peasy.
20 years in prison for rock throwing. Yeah, that's fair.
I disagree. Justify abuse all you will I will NEVER agree to it.

Obviously not. Not even when the alledged abuse is false as in the title of this thread..

Israel Tortures Palestinian Children; Keeps Them In Outdoor Cages In Winter: Rights Group
The OP story may not be true, the caged bit. But I've provided alot of documentation that Israel's treatment of children in detention needs to change.

now try justifying the treatment of palestinian children by groups like hamas. That is child abuse.
I wouldn't try justifying ANY mistreatment of children by any group, or any form of child abuse. I just think Israel should have to answer for theirs, whereas a lot of posters on this thread give the Israel's a pass..
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
Up to* - and yes it does.
This is all ever since last year's new bill that changed it. There is absolutely no difference if an unprovoked assault and attempt murder under racial motives is done with a rock or with a gun, such offender must be remove from society.
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
Up to* - and yes it does.
This is all ever since last year's new bill that changed it. There is absolutely no difference if an unprovoked assault and attempt murder under racial motives is done with a rock or with a gun, such offender must be remove from society.

I think you are wrong. 20 years makes sense if someone seriously hurt.
But you folks won't look at any evidence to the contrary. I think ALL children have rights and need protection. They should not be treated like adults.
Imagine if your own child were taken by an occupying army or police.
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
Up to* - and yes it does.
This is all ever since last year's new bill that changed it. There is absolutely no difference if an unprovoked assault and attempt murder under racial motives is done with a rock or with a gun, such offender must be remove from society.
5, 8, 10 and 11 year old children? YOu're wrong.
Dhara I'd also like to point that unlike a girl stealing a bike, throwing rocks, firing firecrackers, and setting ambushes is risking the lives of others.
Throwing rocks doesn't deserve 20 years.
Up to* - and yes it does.
This is all ever since last year's new bill that changed it. There is absolutely no difference if an unprovoked assault and attempt murder under racial motives is done with a rock or with a gun, such offender must be remove from society.

Different law enforcement for Israeli's and Palestinians for the same crime.
I need MUCH MORE evidence ..
That is an excellent objective approach, and therefore you are not religious and an agnostic too? :)

With regard to this thread, the OP title appears to be misleading (about ONLY Pali kids held in outdoor cages & the degree of their "torture"), but it does raise valid concerns about how Israel treats Pali children in general.
And likewise, I would not be surprised if Israeli kids were mistreated by Pali authorities.
HOWEVER, the Pali kids are arrested (often w/out evidence) in their own occupied territory, then often transported across to Israeli land in violation of the Geneva Convention ...

"Two out of the three military detention facilities run by the IPS where Palestinian children are held in detention are located inside Israel (Hasharon and Megiddo). The transfer of Palestinian detainees outside the occupied Palestinian territory constitutes a breach of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, prohibiting the transfer of protected persons from occupied territory, and Article 76 of the same Convention, providing that protected persons convicted of offenses shall be detained and serve their sentences within the occupied territory."

How would you feel if you were 12 years old and transported away from your family to a hostile territory and interrogated behind closed doors without fair counsel?

I agree that BOTH Palestinians and Israelis are to blame for their continued conflicts, but the children's suffering should be minimized when under the control of ETHICAL authorities, and Israel seems to hold the most power with support from the USA.

How would you feel if you were 12 years old and transported away from your family to a hostile territory and interrogated behind closed doors without fair counsel?

I'd feel stupid for telling my kid to throw rocks.
Then I'd be glad he didn't get his stupid ass killed because he threw rocks.
But I'm rational, not "Palestinian".
You may be rational when lying on your couch watching cable TV in your FREE land, but when your freedom is taken away and you're treated like 2nd-rate scum, then maybe you would protest too, no?
Don't know about you, but if my town was occupied by Russian soldiers who detest my existence, i would throw more than rocks at them.

Actually the reality is --- they are 2nd class. Because they are not citizens of the occupying power. So their PRIMARY focus should be on statehood for themselves and their children. And we both know how futile it is for the Palestinians to organize -- find statesmen and visionary leaders and get a plan. That's WHY they have screwed up EVERY OPPORTUNITY to fix their sorry state of limbo. For THAT -- I have some tears. Especially when they were "WARDS" of Jordan and sitting in the West Bank virtually scot-free of Israeli torment. With a King who invited them to participate in the govt, learn to value infrastructure and organization and help them DEVELOP their territory with $Bills in cash. And they repaid that opportunity with violence and military actions against the Kingdom.

If they CARED about their children and their children's future, they wouldn't have chosen a bunch of gangsters better known for hijacking airplanes and shooting up Olympics -- than for any talent in convincing the world to give autonomy to Palestinians.

So now -- they don't WANT their children to be Israelis with the benefits of law. They still have the same issue. No leadership. No vision for peace. And their kids are dying and suffering for no good reason..

Do I care? Of course I do. But I am no longer a co-dependent to their dysfunctional state. Israel is NOT their largest problem. The fact that they DESTROYED the PA and have been kicked out of Jordan/Lebanon is..

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