Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid

Due to the recent Russian move in Syria I believe the rumors of Israel looking to purchase stealth F15E jets is after all true.
However Israel is sort of exceptional if you measure GDP and population statistics since it cannot determine if Israel a wealthy state or a third world country.
Of coarse your GDP is exceptional, you use Palestinian prison labor, which makes you more competitive in the market.
No, I don't support war crimes. The war crimes are being committed by Islam. Beheadings, burning people alive, attacking innocent civilians, the list goes on. But you make my point about hating Jews.

A list like this?:

  • On 22 July, Israeli forces killed four members of the Hajjaj family in Gaza City. Among the dead were Rawan Ziad Hajjaj (age 15), Yousef Muhammed Hajjaj (age 28), Muhammad Shehadeh Hajjaj (age 31), and Fayzeh Saleh Hajjaj (age 66).

  • Also 22 July, Israeli occupying forces killed two elderly women in Rafah in southern Gaza, Hakema Nafe Abu Odwan (age 75) and Najah Nafe Abu Odwan (age 85).

On 21 July, the Israeli occupying forces carried out a number of attacks that killed multiple members of several Palestinian families in Gaza. They included:

  • Approximately 25 members of the Abu Jami family and three others were killed by an Israeli missile strike on a home in Khan Younis in southern Gaza. The majority of those murdered were children and women, two of who were reportedly pregnant.

  • 10 members of the Al-Qassas family were killed, including 6 children, and 4 others wounded when Israeli occupying forces shelled their home in Gaza City. The dead children were 3-year old Saman, 4-year-olds Arwa and Mohamad, 7-year olds Isra’ and Nesma, and 13-year-old Layma.

  • Eleven people, including six members of the Kelani family were killed, and 40 others injured, when Israeli warplanes attacked a high-rise apartment building in Gaza City, reducing most of it to rubble. The dead family was identified as Ibrahim Kelani, his wife and their four children.

  • On 20 July, a young Palestinian man searching for family members in the rubble of the Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza City was shot several times and killed by an Israeli sniper in a horrific incident that was captured on video.
Due to the recent Russian move in Syria I believe the rumors of Israel looking to purchase stealth F15E jets is after all true.
However Israel is sort of exceptional if you measure GDP and population statistics since it cannot determine if Israel a wealthy state or a third world country.
Of coarse your GDP is exceptional, you use Palestinian prison labor, which makes you more competitive in the market.
Along with master's degree, minimum wage, and full time worker benefits..but it doesn't really matter here since you boycotting Palestinians labor of course!
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defense aid to increase to as much as $5 billion when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

Israel wants $5 billion per year in military aid for 10 years, for a total of $50 billion, the congressional aides said. It has been signaling that it wants more money to counter threats it says will arise as a result of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, which Israel’s government has staunchly opposed.

Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News
no fucking way

we have $18.5 Trillion in debt

we can't hand out money when we owe money. fuck them and everyother country that wants money from us

fix your own shit so we can fix ours
Along with master's degree, minimum wage, and full time worker benefits..but it doesn't really matter here since you boycotting Palestinians labor of course!
You got me there!

This is a special occasion. It is the first time you've ever beaten me in a debate.

I think we should break out the "bubbly" and celebrate?

No, I don't support war crimes. The war crimes are being committed by Islam. Beheadings, burning people alive, attacking innocent civilians, the list goes on. But you make my point about hating Jews.

A list like this?:

  • On 22 July, Israeli forces killed four members of the Hajjaj family in Gaza City. Among the dead were Rawan Ziad Hajjaj (age 15), Yousef Muhammed Hajjaj (age 28), Muhammad Shehadeh Hajjaj (age 31), and Fayzeh Saleh Hajjaj (age 66).

  • Also 22 July, Israeli occupying forces killed two elderly women in Rafah in southern Gaza, Hakema Nafe Abu Odwan (age 75) and Najah Nafe Abu Odwan (age 85).

On 21 July, the Israeli occupying forces carried out a number of attacks that killed multiple members of several Palestinian families in Gaza. They included:

  • Approximately 25 members of the Abu Jami family and three others were killed by an Israeli missile strike on a home in Khan Younis in southern Gaza. The majority of those murdered were children and women, two of who were reportedly pregnant.

  • 10 members of the Al-Qassas family were killed, including 6 children, and 4 others wounded when Israeli occupying forces shelled their home in Gaza City. The dead children were 3-year old Saman, 4-year-olds Arwa and Mohamad, 7-year olds Isra’ and Nesma, and 13-year-old Layma.

  • Eleven people, including six members of the Kelani family were killed, and 40 others injured, when Israeli warplanes attacked a high-rise apartment building in Gaza City, reducing most of it to rubble. The dead family was identified as Ibrahim Kelani, his wife and their four children.

  • On 20 July, a young Palestinian man searching for family members in the rubble of the Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza City was shot several times and killed by an Israeli sniper in a horrific incident that was captured on video.
I know the routine. Palestinians start murdering innocent Israeli citizens - Israelis defend themselves - the left accuses Israel of murdering Palestinians. I ain't buyin' it.
Those of you who want to send money to Israel, do so on your own. American tax money should be spent on American not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country.
Funny, I don't recall you bitching about sending money to Islamic countries. If I missed it, please post an example.

We pay taxes to better America not other countries. I am against spending billions of dollars on foreign countries. That $50B dollar going to Israel will be better spent right here in the U.S. I find it bizarre that low IQ people like yourself complain about building high speed rail even thought it will benefit America but they have no problem sending billions of dollars to Israel.
No complaints about sending money to other countries then? Just Israel? That's what I thought.

Learn to read and then come back to participate more effectively :)
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Here, let me try and help you out a little bit....

"Those of you who want to send money to Israel, do so on your own. American tax money should be spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

Read the few words that are in bold, you will find the answer!
Jew haters can't stand it when the U.S. helps Israel defend itself but they say nothing if we send it to countries that support terrorism.
jews are bigots and supremacists who hate white christians and call us "goyim", "shiksas", "unclean"...and they pretend they are anointed as "gods chosen people"..above the rest of the world...
There are reasons the jews have been expelled from 70 or 80 nations/empires throughout their history.
fuck israel AND the muzzies..let them sort out their problems among themselves and last man standing wins...
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defense aid to increase to as much as $5 billion when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

Israel wants $5 billion per year in military aid for 10 years, for a total of $50 billion, the congressional aides said. It has been signaling that it wants more money to counter threats it says will arise as a result of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, which Israel’s government has staunchly opposed.

Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News

All the money we give out in foreign aid and it's the money to Israel you're upset about? Boy, don't look up that info cause you're low-balling things a bit.
another one (jew?) who cherry picks out of's been established in this thread that ALL foreign "aid" needs to be reevaluated...
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defense aid to increase to as much as $5 billion when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

Israel wants $5 billion per year in military aid for 10 years, for a total of $50 billion, the congressional aides said. It has been signaling that it wants more money to counter threats it says will arise as a result of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, which Israel’s government has staunchly opposed.

Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News

...and the Zionuts call Palestinians "benefits cheats"...
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defense aid to increase to as much as $5 billion when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

Israel wants $5 billion per year in military aid for 10 years, for a total of $50 billion, the congressional aides said. It has been signaling that it wants more money to counter threats it says will arise as a result of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, which Israel’s government has staunchly opposed.

Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News

...and the Zionuts call Palestinians "benefits cheats"...
...and the islamonuts whine because most of the aid received by Israel from the US is in the form of military equipment, arms and technology.

We have a mutually beneficial relationship with the only western style democracy in the the muhammedan Middle East. That's not the case with the Islamic terrorists posing as Pal'istanians - the world's most successful welfare fraud.

The Israeli economy is not dependent on any financial aid. The Pal'istanians, however, manufacture, produce, innovate nothing..... except maybe teenage suicide bombers. Absent the welfare fraud of UNRWA, there would be no Pal'istanians.
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defense aid to increase to as much as $5 billion when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

Israel wants $5 billion per year in military aid for 10 years, for a total of $50 billion, the congressional aides said. It has been signaling that it wants more money to counter threats it says will arise as a result of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, which Israel’s government has staunchly opposed.

Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News

All the money we give out in foreign aid and it's the money to Israel you're upset about? Boy, don't look up that info cause you're low-balling things a bit.

Excluding transfers to Afghanistan and Iraq, where the U.S. is actively involved in combat, Israel plus hush money paid to Jordan and Egypt to keep them friendly to Israel, represents about third of all U.S. foreign aid.
Israel is one of the most affluent nations in the world. Their citizens have a per capita income about the same as the EU, their unemployment rate is better than the U.S.'s, and they have a population smaller than New Jersey. But the U.S. gives them more foreign aid money than any other country on the planet? Go figure.

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