Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid

We should be giving Israel ALL the money we currently send to inhuman Islamic countries. I hope President Trump, Carson, or Cruz will tax the shit out of Obama voters to accomplish this. It's only fitting.

Why should they get anything? I thought you were against welfare saying it makes people lazy. Now you want and support lazy people?
It's not welfare, stupid.

I know, its still a handout. When did you start supporting that?
No, it isn't. Keeping Israel secure is in our vital interest, therefore the money is ultimately being spent on US.
It may be in your "vital interest" to give money to israel, as it will be your bolt hole when the jews are expelled, yet again from a nation they have bled dry
Your racism is noted.
We should be giving Israel ALL the money we currently send to inhuman Islamic countries. I hope President Trump, Carson, or Cruz will tax the shit out of Obama voters to accomplish this. It's only fitting.

Why should they get anything? I thought you were against welfare saying it makes people lazy. Now you want and support lazy people?
It's not welfare, stupid.

I know, its still a handout. When did you start supporting that?
No, it isn't. Keeping Israel secure is in our vital interest, therefore the money is ultimately being spent on US.

How is keeping Israel secure "in our vital interest"?

Our support of the colonial regime that is oppressing Muslims and Christians in Palestine is what generated much of the dislike of America among the Muslim people, if not the Muslim leadership.
I suppose your argument would be valid if you're a muslim terrorist or supportive of them.
We should be giving Israel ALL the money we currently send to inhuman Islamic countries. I hope President Trump, Carson, or Cruz will tax the shit out of Obama voters to accomplish this. It's only fitting.

Why should they get anything? I thought you were against welfare saying it makes people lazy. Now you want and support lazy people?
It's not welfare, stupid.

I know, its still a handout. When did you start supporting that?
When it involved fellow jews?
Make them work for the money. Not wanting to work is the main motivation for those who apply for welfare.
Why should they get anything? I thought you were against welfare saying it makes people lazy. Now you want and support lazy people?
It's not welfare, stupid.

I know, its still a handout. When did you start supporting that?
No, it isn't. Keeping Israel secure is in our vital interest, therefore the money is ultimately being spent on US.
It may be in your "vital interest" to give money to israel, as it will be your bolt hole when the jews are expelled, yet again from a nation they have bled dry
Your racism is noted.
Judaism is not a race anymore than Moranism, oh you belong to both groups
We pay taxes to better America not other countries. I am against spending billions of dollars on foreign countries. That $50B dollar going to Israel will be better spent right here in the U.S. I find it bizarre that low IQ people like yourself complain about building high speed rail even thought it will benefit America but they have no problem sending billions of dollars to Israel.
No complaints about sending money to other countries then? Just Israel? That's what I thought.

Learn to read and then come back to participate more effectively :)
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Here, let me try and help you out a little bit....

"Those of you who want to send money to Israel, do so on your own. American tax money should be spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

Read the few words that are in bold, you will find the answer!
Saying it AFTER it's been pointed out doesn't count. Show me another thread (before this one) where he has complained about any other country receiving foreign aid.


Then I am sure there are adult classes in learning to read close to where you live S.J

You asked the question AFTER the post was made... It was there for all to READ... You chose not to read it...

Your bad man, no one else's!
Why should they get anything? I thought you were against welfare saying it makes people lazy. Now you want and support lazy people?
It's not welfare, stupid.

I know, its still a handout. When did you start supporting that?
No, it isn't. Keeping Israel secure is in our vital interest, therefore the money is ultimately being spent on US.

How is keeping Israel secure "in our vital interest"?

Our support of the colonial regime that is oppressing Muslims and Christians in Palestine is what generated much of the dislike of America among the Muslim people, if not the Muslim leadership.
I suppose your argument would be valid if you're a muslim terrorist or supportive of them.

How can fact change depending on a terrorist's religion?
Learn to read and then come back to participate more effectively :)
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Here, let me try and help you out a little bit....

"Those of you who want to send money to Israel, do so on your own. American tax money should be spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

Read the few words that are in bold, you will find the answer!
Saying it AFTER it's been pointed out doesn't count. Show me another thread (before this one) where he has complained about any other country receiving foreign aid.

Why would one complain about foreign aid to countries outside of Palestine/Israel in the Palestine/Israel section of the forum. I don't get it. Wouldn't the complaint be more germane in the section that pertains to the particular country/region the aid is going to?
He wasn't complaining about the "other countries", and if his argument was that the money would be better spent in the U.S., he SHOULD include ALL countries ANYWHERE, but he only mentioned ONE.

That's EXACTLY what he does S.J

Why can you not read that bit? Look, I even underlined it for you now!

"spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

He actually mentioned TWO countries...! Look, I underlined them for you!

"spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

Quit whilst you are only losing a little bit before you end up losing a lot!
It's not welfare, stupid.

I know, its still a handout. When did you start supporting that?
No, it isn't. Keeping Israel secure is in our vital interest, therefore the money is ultimately being spent on US.
It may be in your "vital interest" to give money to israel, as it will be your bolt hole when the jews are expelled, yet again from a nation they have bled dry
Your racism is noted.
Judaism is not a race anymore than Moranism, oh you belong to both groups
Hate is hate, and your hate is directed at one group of people. Hair splitting does not hide your hatred of Jews.
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Here, let me try and help you out a little bit....

"Those of you who want to send money to Israel, do so on your own. American tax money should be spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

Read the few words that are in bold, you will find the answer!
Saying it AFTER it's been pointed out doesn't count. Show me another thread (before this one) where he has complained about any other country receiving foreign aid.

Why would one complain about foreign aid to countries outside of Palestine/Israel in the Palestine/Israel section of the forum. I don't get it. Wouldn't the complaint be more germane in the section that pertains to the particular country/region the aid is going to?
He wasn't complaining about the "other countries", and if his argument was that the money would be better spent in the U.S., he SHOULD include ALL countries ANYWHERE, but he only mentioned ONE.

That's EXACTLY what he does S.J

Why can you not read that bit? Look, I even underlined it for you now!

"spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

He actually mentioned TWO countries...! Look, I underlined them for you!

"spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

Quit whilst you are only losing a little bit before you end up losing a lot!
His focus is on Israel. So is yours. Pakistan was only mentioned as a cover. India wasn't mentioned at all. No surprise there, huh? Nor was Iran or aid to the Palestinians. This thread is clearly aimed at aid to Israel and you're not doing a very good job of hiding it.
Other places weren't named for a few reasons:
1. Thread title
2. What the story is about
3. Israel demands on money that isn't theirs
4. Israel economy is better than ours
5. They have no right to our 50 Billion
From a purely capitalistic point of view, Israel is the ONLY country that could survive losing those grants.
After all, Wall Street LOVES Israel.
Other places weren't named for a few reasons:
1. Thread title
2. What the story is about
3. Israel demands on money that isn't theirs
4. Israel economy is better than ours
5. They have no right to our 50 Billion
[yawn] Might have been true, if Washington accepted no for an answer, of course.
Here, let me try and help you out a little bit....

"Those of you who want to send money to Israel, do so on your own. American tax money should be spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

Read the few words that are in bold, you will find the answer!
Saying it AFTER it's been pointed out doesn't count. Show me another thread (before this one) where he has complained about any other country receiving foreign aid.

Why would one complain about foreign aid to countries outside of Palestine/Israel in the Palestine/Israel section of the forum. I don't get it. Wouldn't the complaint be more germane in the section that pertains to the particular country/region the aid is going to?
He wasn't complaining about the "other countries", and if his argument was that the money would be better spent in the U.S., he SHOULD include ALL countries ANYWHERE, but he only mentioned ONE.

That's EXACTLY what he does S.J

Why can you not read that bit? Look, I even underlined it for you now!

"spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

He actually mentioned TWO countries...! Look, I underlined them for you!

"spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

Quit whilst you are only losing a little bit before you end up losing a lot!
His focus is on Israel. So is yours. Pakistan was only mentioned as a cover. India wasn't mentioned at all. No surprise there, huh? Nor was Iran or aid to the Palestinians. This thread is clearly aimed at aid to Israel and you're not doing a very good job of hiding it.

It's quite funny watching zionuts squirm and ignore what is actually written...

"His focus is on Israel. So is yours."

Really? Did you read the title of this thread? "Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid"... Can you see... The topic is about... What? ISRAEL!

Yes, Pakistan was mentioned, in the same way as "any other country"! What did you want? Him to list every country in the world?

Funny, I don't recall you bitching about sending money to Islamic countries. If I missed it, please post an example.

No? So you lied then... You said that you can read!

Read this... See, I'm trying to help you AGAIN...

"spent on America not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country."

Guess which one of those two countries mentioned is an Islamic country!

Let me ask you a question or two...

In the comment "any other country"... How many Islamic countries does that cover? How many Christian counties does that cover? How many RC countries does that cover?

You see, choosing to be a zionut doesn't have to make you illiterate... However, for most zionuts, that is the sorry state of affairs...
From a purely capitalistic point of view, Israel is the ONLY country that could survive losing those grants.
After all, Wall Street LOVES Israel.

So why do they want an extra $2bn if they can survive without aid?

"Grants" LOL... "Grants" is for students NOT arms!
From a purely capitalistic point of view, Israel is the ONLY country that could survive losing those grants.
After all, Wall Street LOVES Israel.

So why do they want an extra $2bn if they can survive without aid?

"Grants" LOL... "Grants" is for students NOT arms!
The islamonuts whine because most of the aid received by Israel from the US is in the form of military equipment, arms and technology. Here's a bit of enlightenment for you: the kafir's money is not yours to spend.

We have a mutually beneficial relationship with the only western style democracy in the the muhammedan Middle East. That's not the case with the Islamic terrorists posing as Pal'istanians - the world's most successful welfare fraud.

Grants to Israel results in sales of kafir material and equipment used by Israel to ventilate the turbans of muhummedans.

Shirley, allahu is Akbar.
Learn to read and then come back to participate more effectively :)
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Your priorities are not straight. You think we should not spend money on improving our infrastructure such as building high speed rail but you think it will be a perfectly good idea to blow money on Israel and other foreign countries.
Only you didn't mention the "other foreign countries", just Israel. Why is that the only one that seems to bother you?

Exercise your brain little bit. It is good for you. If you had exercised your brain then you would have realized that I cannot post all the news that are happening around the world at once. I can only discuss things as they become available to me and as my time permits. If you have comprehensive statistics on other countries receiving billions of dollars in U.S. aid then start a thread on it. No body is stopping you.

As far as people like you are concerned, their priorities are messed up. They have problem if we spend money on healthcare and education but they have no problem if our money goes paying for defense budget of countries like Israel.
So, the $3.2 billion we gave India last year should have been spent on a high speed rail instead?

Listen up you simple minded person. India does not get $3B/year in U.S. aid. However, for argument's sake, if India were getting $3B/year in aid, I would want it to stop. India pays in hard cash for military hardware that it buys from the U.S. Israel gets those hardware as freebies. I can always count on you to distort facts. That is what you people do.
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defense aid to increase to as much as $5 billion when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

Israel wants $5 billion per year in military aid for 10 years, for a total of $50 billion, the congressional aides said. It has been signaling that it wants more money to counter threats it says will arise as a result of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, which Israel’s government has staunchly opposed.

Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News
Not only do we need to stop all weapons shipments to that country, we should freeze all Israeli assets in US banks.

I am in favor of not wasting our money on Israel or any other foreign country. However, Israel has every right to procure weapons as long as those weapons are not paid for by U.S. tax payers. Also, there is no justification for freezing Israeli assets in the U.S. not that there is any realistic chance of that ever happening.

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