Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid

This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defense aid to increase to as much as $5 billion when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

Israel wants $5 billion per year in military aid for 10 years, for a total of $50 billion, the congressional aides said. It has been signaling that it wants more money to counter threats it says will arise as a result of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, which Israel’s government has staunchly opposed.

Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News

All the money we give out in foreign aid and it's the money to Israel you're upset about? Boy, don't look up that info cause you're low-balling things a bit.

Israel is the highest recipient of freebies from the U.S. Even Pakistan ranks lower than Israel.

Go back and read my prior posts. I am against giving freebies to all countries not just Israel. Israel is a rich country. It should not look for handouts from the U.S. It is wrong.

Israel get a job :)
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defense aid to increase to as much as $5 billion when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

Israel wants $5 billion per year in military aid for 10 years, for a total of $50 billion, the congressional aides said. It has been signaling that it wants more money to counter threats it says will arise as a result of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, which Israel’s government has staunchly opposed.

Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News

...and the Zionuts call Palestinians "benefits cheats"...
...and the islamonuts whine because most of the aid received by Israel from the US is in the form of military equipment, arms and technology.

We have a mutually beneficial relationship with the only western style democracy in the the muhammedan Middle East. That's not the case with the Islamic terrorists posing as Pal'istanians - the world's most successful welfare fraud.

The Israeli economy is not dependent on any financial aid. The Pal'istanians, however, manufacture, produce, innovate nothing..... except maybe teenage suicide bombers. Absent the welfare fraud of UNRWA, there would be no Pal'istanians.

The issue that I seek to discuss is that we have more pressing needs for those $50B than Israel as you have pointed out yourself that Israel is a very wealthy country. Israel is a friend but that does not mean, we should allow ourselves to be taken advantage of. Australia is a friend too. I do not see Australians demanding $50B. I have no problems with individuals who seek to donate to Israel their own money. I do have problem with U.S. tax money going to Israel. This is not right.
From a purely capitalistic point of view, Israel is the ONLY country that could survive losing those grants.
After all, Wall Street LOVES Israel.

Well, let the Wall Street come up with $50B for Israeli military then. It is wrong for people like you to make rest of us foot for Israeli defense. Israel is not a poor third world country. It is rich country. They should pay for their military hardware. Also, Jewish people in the U.S. are the richest group; they certainly can raise $50B on their own to help Israel out.
Only you didn't mention the "other foreign countries", just Israel. Why is that the only one that seems to bother you?
Because they use our aid to commit war crimes.
Keep posting, you're making my case better than I could.

Same goes for you.
Thank you for posting this. Note Billo_Really's answer to my question to you. Do you share his sentiment?
Well, do you?
Only you didn't mention the "other foreign countries", just Israel. Why is that the only one that seems to bother you?
Because they use our aid to commit war crimes.
Keep posting, you're making my case better than I could.

Same goes for you.
Thank you for posting this. Note Billo_Really's answer to my question to you. Do you share his sentiment?
Well, do you?

Your communication skills suck. You can neither comprehend nor illustrate your points. You are repeatedly trying to put words into my mouth in a childish manner. Unlike you, I have limited amount time at hand so be intelligent if you expect me to continue discourse with you.
Because they use our aid to commit war crimes.
Keep posting, you're making my case better than I could.

Same goes for you.
Thank you for posting this. Note Billo_Really's answer to my question to you. Do you share his sentiment?
Well, do you?

Your communication skills suck. You can neither comprehend nor illustrate your points. You are repeatedly trying to put words into my mouth in a childish manner. Unlike you, I have limited amount time at hand so be intelligent if you expect me to continue discourse with you.
It was a simple question. Why are you having trouble answering it?
Keep posting, you're making my case better than I could.

Same goes for you.
Thank you for posting this. Note Billo_Really's answer to my question to you. Do you share his sentiment?
Well, do you?

Your communication skills suck. You can neither comprehend nor illustrate your points. You are repeatedly trying to put words into my mouth in a childish manner. Unlike you, I have limited amount time at hand so be intelligent if you expect me to continue discourse with you.
It was a simple question. Why are you having trouble answering it?

What sentiment are you talking about?
That $50B should be spent on American military not on Israeli military or any other foreign military.
Same goes for you.
Thank you for posting this. Note Billo_Really's answer to my question to you. Do you share his sentiment?
Well, do you?

Your communication skills suck. You can neither comprehend nor illustrate your points. You are repeatedly trying to put words into my mouth in a childish manner. Unlike you, I have limited amount time at hand so be intelligent if you expect me to continue discourse with you.
It was a simple question. Why are you having trouble answering it?

What sentiment are you talking about?
The only one he expressed, the one I quoted in bold print in post #82. Stop dodging the question.
Thank you for posting this. Note Billo_Really's answer to my question to you. Do you share his sentiment?
Well, do you?

Your communication skills suck. You can neither comprehend nor illustrate your points. You are repeatedly trying to put words into my mouth in a childish manner. Unlike you, I have limited amount time at hand so be intelligent if you expect me to continue discourse with you.
It was a simple question. Why are you having trouble answering it?

What sentiment are you talking about?
The only one he expressed, the one I quoted in bold print in post #82. Stop dodging the question.

I have yet to see the question.

BTW, that $50B can buy excellent mental healthcare facilities across the country for people like you.
Well, do you?

Your communication skills suck. You can neither comprehend nor illustrate your points. You are repeatedly trying to put words into my mouth in a childish manner. Unlike you, I have limited amount time at hand so be intelligent if you expect me to continue discourse with you.
It was a simple question. Why are you having trouble answering it?

What sentiment are you talking about?
The only one he expressed, the one I quoted in bold print in post #82. Stop dodging the question.

I have yet to see the question.

BTW, that $50B can buy excellent mental healthcare facilities across the country for people like you.
Never mind, I see you already commented on it with an "informative icon". Too bad you don't have the courage to answer my question honestly.

Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Your communication skills suck. You can neither comprehend nor illustrate your points. You are repeatedly trying to put words into my mouth in a childish manner. Unlike you, I have limited amount time at hand so be intelligent if you expect me to continue discourse with you.
It was a simple question. Why are you having trouble answering it?

What sentiment are you talking about?
The only one he expressed, the one I quoted in bold print in post #82. Stop dodging the question.

I have yet to see the question.

BTW, that $50B can buy excellent mental healthcare facilities across the country for people like you.
Never mind, I see you already commented on it with an "informative icon". Too bad you don't have the courage to answer my question honestly.

Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Honesty and you do not belong in the same sentence.
I'll make it simple since you choose to play dumb. Here was my question to you.
Only you didn't mention the "other foreign countries", just Israel. Why is that the only one that seems to bother you?
And here was Billo's answer.
Because they use our aid to commit war crimes.
Do you agree with him?

I am not sure. I used to be a person who used to be a strong supporter of Israel but over the years, my views have changed. It is a recent phenomenon though. My support for Israel was deeply rooted in my ties with Indian Jews. My dad's friend (Indian Jew) from Mumbai went to Israel and fought in one of the Arab-Israeli conflicts. India was (still is) a very leftist country when I was growing up. So the majority of pundits always labeled Israel as the bad guy but the family I grew up in myself included always supported Israel. India as a country has changed now. It has formed strong military alliance with Israel. People in general have become less Israel phobic.

As far as I am concerned, I see a strong intensity of hate and racism among Jewish people who post here. This forces me to question my support for Israel. Also, I see a very vicious attitude among significant Jewish Americans who are willing to take on every Middle Eastern country which does not like Israel even if it results in death of thousands of innocent people. I do not support this.
I'll make it simple since you choose to play dumb. Here was my question to you.
Only you didn't mention the "other foreign countries", just Israel. Why is that the only one that seems to bother you?
And here was Billo's answer.
Because they use our aid to commit war crimes.
Do you agree with him?

I am not sure. I used to be a person who used to be a strong supporter of Israel but over the years, my views have changed. It is a recent phenomenon though. My support for Israel was deeply rooted in my ties with Indian Jews. My dad's friend (Indian Jew) from Mumbai went to Israel and fought in one of the Arab-Israeli conflicts. India was (still is) a very leftist country when I was growing up. So the majority of pundits always labeled Israel as the bad guy but the family I grew up in myself included always supported Israel. India as a country has changed now. It has formed strong military alliance with Israel. People in general have become less Israel phobic.

As far as I am concerned, I see a strong intensity of hate and racism among Jewish people who post here. This forces me to question my support for Israel. Also, I see a very vicious attitude among significant Jewish Americans who are willing to take on every Middle Eastern country which does not like Israel even if it results in death of thousands of innocent people. I do not support this.
Hmm, your "informative" icon seems to indicate that you DO agree (as does this entire thread).
I'll make it simple since you choose to play dumb. Here was my question to you.
Only you didn't mention the "other foreign countries", just Israel. Why is that the only one that seems to bother you?
And here was Billo's answer.
Because they use our aid to commit war crimes.
Do you agree with him?

I am not sure. I used to be a person who used to be a strong supporter of Israel but over the years, my views have changed. It is a recent phenomenon though. My support for Israel was deeply rooted in my ties with Indian Jews. My dad's friend (Indian Jew) from Mumbai went to Israel and fought in one of the Arab-Israeli conflicts. India was (still is) a very leftist country when I was growing up. So the majority of pundits always labeled Israel as the bad guy but the family I grew up in myself included always supported Israel. India as a country has changed now. It has formed strong military alliance with Israel. People in general have become less Israel phobic.

As far as I am concerned, I see a strong intensity of hate and racism among Jewish people who post here. This forces me to question my support for Israel. Also, I see a very vicious attitude among significant Jewish Americans who are willing to take on every Middle Eastern country which does not like Israel even if it results in death of thousands of innocent people. I do not support this.
Hmm, your "informative" icon seems to indicate that you DO agree (as does this entire thread).

I just marked last post of yours as informative. Now, you have all night to analyze what that means :)
Meh, we print the money and make puppets out of these countries.

Condolences on your check, though. If this is a new earning trend for you, it may be a good idea to seek some pro help on your tax withholding. The refund life is not for people earning over a certain amount.

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