Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid

I'll make it simple since you choose to play dumb. Here was my question to you.
Only you didn't mention the "other foreign countries", just Israel. Why is that the only one that seems to bother you?
And here was Billo's answer.
Because they use our aid to commit war crimes.
Do you agree with him?

I am not sure. I used to be a person who used to be a strong supporter of Israel but over the years, my views have changed. It is a recent phenomenon though. My support for Israel was deeply rooted in my ties with Indian Jews. My dad's friend (Indian Jew) from Mumbai went to Israel and fought in one of the Arab-Israeli conflicts. India was (still is) a very leftist country when I was growing up. So the majority of pundits always labeled Israel as the bad guy but the family I grew up in myself included always supported Israel. India as a country has changed now. It has formed strong military alliance with Israel. People in general have become less Israel phobic.

As far as I am concerned, I see a strong intensity of hate and racism among Jewish people who post here. This forces me to question my support for Israel. Also, I see a very vicious attitude among significant Jewish Americans who are willing to take on every Middle Eastern country which does not like Israel even if it results in death of thousands of innocent people. I do not support this.
Hmm, your "informative" icon seems to indicate that you DO agree (as does this entire thread).

I just marked last post of yours as informative. Now, you have all night to analyze what that means :)
I don't need all night, I KNOW what it means. It means I'm right.
I'll make it simple since you choose to play dumb. Here was my question to you.
Only you didn't mention the "other foreign countries", just Israel. Why is that the only one that seems to bother you?
And here was Billo's answer.
Because they use our aid to commit war crimes.
Do you agree with him?

I am not sure. I used to be a person who used to be a strong supporter of Israel but over the years, my views have changed. It is a recent phenomenon though. My support for Israel was deeply rooted in my ties with Indian Jews. My dad's friend (Indian Jew) from Mumbai went to Israel and fought in one of the Arab-Israeli conflicts. India was (still is) a very leftist country when I was growing up. So the majority of pundits always labeled Israel as the bad guy but the family I grew up in myself included always supported Israel. India as a country has changed now. It has formed strong military alliance with Israel. People in general have become less Israel phobic.

As far as I am concerned, I see a strong intensity of hate and racism among Jewish people who post here. This forces me to question my support for Israel. Also, I see a very vicious attitude among significant Jewish Americans who are willing to take on every Middle Eastern country which does not like Israel even if it results in death of thousands of innocent people. I do not support this.
Hmm, your "informative" icon seems to indicate that you DO agree (as does this entire thread).

I just marked last post of yours as informative. Now, you have all night to analyze what that means :)
I don't need all night, I KNOW what it means. It means I'm right.

You do need all night to analyze it :)
I'll make it simple since you choose to play dumb. Here was my question to you.
And here was Billo's answer.
Do you agree with him?

I am not sure. I used to be a person who used to be a strong supporter of Israel but over the years, my views have changed. It is a recent phenomenon though. My support for Israel was deeply rooted in my ties with Indian Jews. My dad's friend (Indian Jew) from Mumbai went to Israel and fought in one of the Arab-Israeli conflicts. India was (still is) a very leftist country when I was growing up. So the majority of pundits always labeled Israel as the bad guy but the family I grew up in myself included always supported Israel. India as a country has changed now. It has formed strong military alliance with Israel. People in general have become less Israel phobic.

As far as I am concerned, I see a strong intensity of hate and racism among Jewish people who post here. This forces me to question my support for Israel. Also, I see a very vicious attitude among significant Jewish Americans who are willing to take on every Middle Eastern country which does not like Israel even if it results in death of thousands of innocent people. I do not support this.
Hmm, your "informative" icon seems to indicate that you DO agree (as does this entire thread).

I just marked last post of yours as informative. Now, you have all night to analyze what that means :)
I don't need all night, I KNOW what it means. It means I'm right.

You do need all night to analyze it :)
No, and no one else does either.
Meh, we print the money and make puppets out of these countries.

Condolences on your check, though. If this is a new earning trend for you, it may be a good idea to seek some pro help on your tax withholding. The refund life is not for people earning over a certain amount.

It is not a new trend. I just used myself as an example because I am an average Joe. It hurts solely because it is being wasted on military aid to a rich country which should be paying for these hardware from its own pocket. I do not have any qualms with any American who wants to help Israel out using his own wallet. Rest of us have better things to do with our money such as healthcare for Americans, education for girls, high speed rails and the list is long.
I am not sure. I used to be a person who used to be a strong supporter of Israel but over the years, my views have changed. It is a recent phenomenon though. My support for Israel was deeply rooted in my ties with Indian Jews. My dad's friend (Indian Jew) from Mumbai went to Israel and fought in one of the Arab-Israeli conflicts. India was (still is) a very leftist country when I was growing up. So the majority of pundits always labeled Israel as the bad guy but the family I grew up in myself included always supported Israel. India as a country has changed now. It has formed strong military alliance with Israel. People in general have become less Israel phobic.

As far as I am concerned, I see a strong intensity of hate and racism among Jewish people who post here. This forces me to question my support for Israel. Also, I see a very vicious attitude among significant Jewish Americans who are willing to take on every Middle Eastern country which does not like Israel even if it results in death of thousands of innocent people. I do not support this.
Hmm, your "informative" icon seems to indicate that you DO agree (as does this entire thread).

I just marked last post of yours as informative. Now, you have all night to analyze what that means :)
I don't need all night, I KNOW what it means. It means I'm right.

You do need all night to analyze it :)
No, and no one else does either.

We are not talking about "no one" else. We are talking about the special you :)
Hmm, your "informative" icon seems to indicate that you DO agree (as does this entire thread).

I just marked last post of yours as informative. Now, you have all night to analyze what that means :)
I don't need all night, I KNOW what it means. It means I'm right.

You do need all night to analyze it :)
No, and no one else does either.

We are not talking about "no one" else. We are talking about the special you :)
We're talking about everybody reading this thread.
Everyone reading this thread that's a non-Jewish American thinks that our money should be used to help Americans, not Israelis or Pakistanis, or Egyptians etc.
Meh, we print the money and make puppets out of these countries.

Condolences on your check, though. If this is a new earning trend for you, it may be a good idea to seek some pro help on your tax withholding. The refund life is not for people earning over a certain amount.

It is not a new trend. I just used myself as an example because I am an average Joe. It hurts solely because it is being wasted on military aid to a rich country which should be paying for these hardware from its own pocket. I do not have any qualms with any American who wants to help Israel out using his own wallet. Rest of us have better things to do with our money such as healthcare for Americans, education for girls, high speed rails and the list is long.
I agree that there's much to do here in the US, but that's not mutually exclusive to what's going on in the world. None of these concerns are charities that we can leave up to donors.
Everyone reading this thread that's a non-Jewish American thinks that our money should be used to help Americans, not Israelis or Pakistanis, or Egyptians etc.
Everybody reading this thread who is honest can plainly see that you hate Jews. You remind me of those guys back during ww2 that hated Jews, hunted them down, used them for medical experiments, gassed them and burned them in ovens. Oh yeah, Nazis! The difference is that the Nazis openly admitted they hated Jews, you don't.
I recommend assisting them in their nuclear endeavors. Drop about 30 ICBM's on the useless, lying fucks so they know what it's supposed to look like.
We should be giving Israel ALL the money we currently send to inhuman Islamic countries. I hope President Trump, Carson, or Cruz will tax the shit out of Obama voters to accomplish this. It's only fitting.

Those of you who want to send money to Israel, do so on your own. American tax money should be spent on American not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country.
Funny, I don't recall you bitching about sending money to Islamic countries. If I missed it, please post an example.

We pay taxes to better America not other countries. I am against spending billions of dollars on foreign countries. That $50B dollar going to Israel will be better spent right here in the U.S. I find it bizarre that low IQ people like yourself complain about building high speed rail even thought it will benefit America but they have no problem sending billions of dollars to Israel.

Seems that your I.Q. is even lower if you don't understand how the US receives over $1billion in refunds for every $500,000 it gives Israel. For starters it keeps American workers in employment through back door subsidies that are illegal in every other nation. Then it provides $billions of R&D of many products that it would have to pay for itself to keep up with standard operating procedures. It also provides cost price medical equipment and medicines to your hospitals to keep the ill alive. I wonder how much your health insurance would rise if you had to pay full price for your health care.
Everyone reading this thread that's a non-Jewish American thinks that our money should be used to help Americans, not Israelis or Pakistanis, or Egyptians etc.
Everybody reading this thread who is honest can plainly see that you hate Jews. You remind me of those guys back during ww2 that hated Jews, hunted them down, used them for medical experiments, gassed them and burned them in ovens. Oh yeah, Nazis! The difference is that the Nazis openly admitted they hated Jews, you don't.

Because I don't believe we should give the Israelis billions of dollars to buy arms and instead give the money to Americans who need it makes me an antisemite? Don't think so. As far as Nazis, Zionists are today's Nazis. Even their racist "master race/people" attitude that requires that Israel be Jewish is Nazi in concept.

An American that prefers giving money to Israel (or other foreign countries) than to needy Americans is not very American.
We should be giving Israel ALL the money we currently send to inhuman Islamic countries. I hope President Trump, Carson, or Cruz will tax the shit out of Obama voters to accomplish this. It's only fitting.

Those of you who want to send money to Israel, do so on your own. American tax money should be spent on American not on Israel or Pakistan or any other country.
Funny, I don't recall you bitching about sending money to Islamic countries. If I missed it, please post an example.

We pay taxes to better America not other countries. I am against spending billions of dollars on foreign countries. That $50B dollar going to Israel will be better spent right here in the U.S. I find it bizarre that low IQ people like yourself complain about building high speed rail even thought it will benefit America but they have no problem sending billions of dollars to Israel.

Seems that your I.Q. is even lower if you don't understand how the US receives over $1billion in refunds for every $500,000 it gives Israel. For starters it keeps American workers in employment through back door subsidies that are illegal in every other nation. Then it provides $billions of R&D of many products that it would have to pay for itself to keep up with standard operating procedures. It also provides cost price medical equipment and medicines to your hospitals to keep the ill alive. I wonder how much your health insurance would rise if you had to pay full price for your health care.

Well, if giving $50B to Israel is so beneficial then let UK do it. I am all in favor of UK giving Israel $50B in aid. Actually, the whole world would be lining up to give Israel $500K if the return was $1B. U.S. healthcare is the most expensive healthcare in the world. Now we know why -- I think it is about time U.S. hospitals and medicine suppliers start looking for alternate sources to import from.

The last post of yours shows remarkable stupidity you are capable of.
Meh, we print the money and make puppets out of these countries.

Condolences on your check, though. If this is a new earning trend for you, it may be a good idea to seek some pro help on your tax withholding. The refund life is not for people earning over a certain amount.

It is not a new trend. I just used myself as an example because I am an average Joe. It hurts solely because it is being wasted on military aid to a rich country which should be paying for these hardware from its own pocket. I do not have any qualms with any American who wants to help Israel out using his own wallet. Rest of us have better things to do with our money such as healthcare for Americans, education for girls, high speed rails and the list is long.
I agree that there's much to do here in the US, but that's not mutually exclusive to what's going on in the world. None of these concerns are charities that we can leave up to donors.

What exact concern is being addressed by giving $50B to Israel?
Meh, we print the money and make puppets out of these countries.

Condolences on your check, though. If this is a new earning trend for you, it may be a good idea to seek some pro help on your tax withholding. The refund life is not for people earning over a certain amount.

It is not a new trend. I just used myself as an example because I am an average Joe. It hurts solely because it is being wasted on military aid to a rich country which should be paying for these hardware from its own pocket. I do not have any qualms with any American who wants to help Israel out using his own wallet. Rest of us have better things to do with our money such as healthcare for Americans, education for girls, high speed rails and the list is long.
I agree that there's much to do here in the US, but that's not mutually exclusive to what's going on in the world. None of these concerns are charities that we can leave up to donors.

What exact concern is being addressed by giving $50B to Israel?
The Suez Canal is more significant "American" infrastructure than any set of bridges round here. Domestically and internationally. This is one interest in that region.
Meh, we print the money and make puppets out of these countries.

Condolences on your check, though. If this is a new earning trend for you, it may be a good idea to seek some pro help on your tax withholding. The refund life is not for people earning over a certain amount.

It is not a new trend. I just used myself as an example because I am an average Joe. It hurts solely because it is being wasted on military aid to a rich country which should be paying for these hardware from its own pocket. I do not have any qualms with any American who wants to help Israel out using his own wallet. Rest of us have better things to do with our money such as healthcare for Americans, education for girls, high speed rails and the list is long.
I agree that there's much to do here in the US, but that's not mutually exclusive to what's going on in the world. None of these concerns are charities that we can leave up to donors.

What exact concern is being addressed by giving $50B to Israel?
The Suez Canal is more significant "American" infrastructure than any set of bridges round here. Domestically and internationally. This is one interest in that region.

The Suez Canal is in Egypt.
Meh, we print the money and make puppets out of these countries.

Condolences on your check, though. If this is a new earning trend for you, it may be a good idea to seek some pro help on your tax withholding. The refund life is not for people earning over a certain amount.

It is not a new trend. I just used myself as an example because I am an average Joe. It hurts solely because it is being wasted on military aid to a rich country which should be paying for these hardware from its own pocket. I do not have any qualms with any American who wants to help Israel out using his own wallet. Rest of us have better things to do with our money such as healthcare for Americans, education for girls, high speed rails and the list is long.
I agree that there's much to do here in the US, but that's not mutually exclusive to what's going on in the world. None of these concerns are charities that we can leave up to donors.

What exact concern is being addressed by giving $50B to Israel?
The Suez Canal is more significant "American" infrastructure than any set of bridges round here. Domestically and internationally. This is one interest in that region.

OK. That justifies us giving military aid to Egypt.

You need to justify why we need to give $50B to Israel!
Meh, we print the money and make puppets out of these countries.

Condolences on your check, though. If this is a new earning trend for you, it may be a good idea to seek some pro help on your tax withholding. The refund life is not for people earning over a certain amount.

It is not a new trend. I just used myself as an example because I am an average Joe. It hurts solely because it is being wasted on military aid to a rich country which should be paying for these hardware from its own pocket. I do not have any qualms with any American who wants to help Israel out using his own wallet. Rest of us have better things to do with our money such as healthcare for Americans, education for girls, high speed rails and the list is long.
I agree that there's much to do here in the US, but that's not mutually exclusive to what's going on in the world. None of these concerns are charities that we can leave up to donors.

What exact concern is being addressed by giving $50B to Israel?
The Suez Canal is more significant "American" infrastructure than any set of bridges round here. Domestically and internationally. This is one interest in that region.

OK. That justifies us giving military aid to Egypt.

You need to justify why we need to give $50B to Israel!
Israel's the most important part of keeping Sinai open! We've been paying Egypt not to take Russian money anymore. This is for a while now.
Meh, we print the money and make puppets out of these countries.

Condolences on your check, though. If this is a new earning trend for you, it may be a good idea to seek some pro help on your tax withholding. The refund life is not for people earning over a certain amount.

It is not a new trend. I just used myself as an example because I am an average Joe. It hurts solely because it is being wasted on military aid to a rich country which should be paying for these hardware from its own pocket. I do not have any qualms with any American who wants to help Israel out using his own wallet. Rest of us have better things to do with our money such as healthcare for Americans, education for girls, high speed rails and the list is long.
I agree that there's much to do here in the US, but that's not mutually exclusive to what's going on in the world. None of these concerns are charities that we can leave up to donors.

What exact concern is being addressed by giving $50B to Israel?
The Suez Canal is more significant "American" infrastructure than any set of bridges round here. Domestically and internationally. This is one interest in that region.

The Suez Canal is in Egypt.
I've seen it.
Nevertheless, this is the purpose for propping up Israel out there all this time.

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