Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid

It is not a new trend. I just used myself as an example because I am an average Joe. It hurts solely because it is being wasted on military aid to a rich country which should be paying for these hardware from its own pocket. I do not have any qualms with any American who wants to help Israel out using his own wallet. Rest of us have better things to do with our money such as healthcare for Americans, education for girls, high speed rails and the list is long.
I agree that there's much to do here in the US, but that's not mutually exclusive to what's going on in the world. None of these concerns are charities that we can leave up to donors.

What exact concern is being addressed by giving $50B to Israel?
The Suez Canal is more significant "American" infrastructure than any set of bridges round here. Domestically and internationally. This is one interest in that region.

OK. That justifies us giving military aid to Egypt.

You need to justify why we need to give $50B to Israel!
Israel's the most important part of keeping Sinai open! We've been paying Egypt not to take Russian money anymore. This is for a while now.

Sinai is in Egypt too :)
It is not a new trend. I just used myself as an example because I am an average Joe. It hurts solely because it is being wasted on military aid to a rich country which should be paying for these hardware from its own pocket. I do not have any qualms with any American who wants to help Israel out using his own wallet. Rest of us have better things to do with our money such as healthcare for Americans, education for girls, high speed rails and the list is long.
I agree that there's much to do here in the US, but that's not mutually exclusive to what's going on in the world. None of these concerns are charities that we can leave up to donors.

What exact concern is being addressed by giving $50B to Israel?
The Suez Canal is more significant "American" infrastructure than any set of bridges round here. Domestically and internationally. This is one interest in that region.

The Suez Canal is in Egypt.
I've seen it.
Nevertheless, this is the purpose for propping up Israel out there all this time.

Are you suggesting, we should drop military aid to Egypt and increase military aid to Israel so that Israel can invade Egypt and secure Suez Canal as America's "most important" infrastructure?

If not then what you have posted so far simply justifies military aid to Egypt not Israel.
I know the routine. Palestinians start murdering innocent Israeli citizens - Israelis defend themselves - the left accuses Israel of murdering Palestinians. I ain't buyin' it.
That's because you don't have the balls to.

It takes a lot of courage to go against the Israeli hasbara myth.
Because I don't believe we should give the Israelis billions of dollars to buy arms and instead give the money to Americans who need it makes me an antisemite?
No, all of your posts about Jews on this forum give you away. Your hatred of Jews is well known here.
I agree that there's much to do here in the US, but that's not mutually exclusive to what's going on in the world. None of these concerns are charities that we can leave up to donors.

What exact concern is being addressed by giving $50B to Israel?
The Suez Canal is more significant "American" infrastructure than any set of bridges round here. Domestically and internationally. This is one interest in that region.

The Suez Canal is in Egypt.
I've seen it.
Nevertheless, this is the purpose for propping up Israel out there all this time.

Are you suggesting, we should drop military aid to Egypt and increase military aid to Israel so that Israel can invade Egypt and secure Suez Canal as America's "most important" infrastructure?

If not then what you have posted so far simply justifies military aid to Egypt not Israel.
First Suez is secure just how it is.. for decades.. so we should continue to hose Egypt and Israel down with money. I wont go as far as saying Suez is our most important infrastructure. Maybe in that part of the world, but there are a lot of oil and industry interests to balance against that. We get to share that interest with many other actors, too. Israel is the most significant part of the US-Suez balancing act for obvious reasons. One could look at their/US/Egyptian/Russian history in the Sinai to appreciate why.

You may also consider how aid to Axis and Allies made peace in Europe and even prosperity here. This is very influential in US international relations strategy.

I'm suggesting that there are interests that we throw money at and which have some justifiable cause, even though they're not backyard projects. We still spend $1/4 trillion ? on our own infrastructure every year... just counting the physical infrastructure. There's reason to believe we be would probably be worse off by abandoning international relations $ if only to spend that it on construction projects.

Is that what you're proposing?
I know the routine. Palestinians start murdering innocent Israeli citizens - Israelis defend themselves - the left accuses Israel of murdering Palestinians. I ain't buyin' it.
That's because you don't have the balls to.

It takes a lot of courage to go against the Israeli hasbara myth.
You're so blinded by your hate you think Jews are not justified in defending themselves as they're being murdered.
Presenting inconvenient facts indicates a hatred for Jews? On the other hand, your posts indicate you a racist that has hatred for the Christian and Muslim Palestinians.
Funny, I don't recall you bitching about sending money to Islamic countries. If I missed it, please post an example.

We pay taxes to better America not other countries. I am against spending billions of dollars on foreign countries. That $50B dollar going to Israel will be better spent right here in the U.S. I find it bizarre that low IQ people like yourself complain about building high speed rail even thought it will benefit America but they have no problem sending billions of dollars to Israel.
No complaints about sending money to other countries then? Just Israel? That's what I thought.

Learn to read and then come back to participate more effectively :)
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Your priorities are not straight. You think we should not spend money on improving our infrastructure such as building high speed rail but you think it will be a perfectly good idea to blow money on Israel and other foreign countries.

What good is a high speed rail line if there is no passengers or freight to use it ?
What exact concern is being addressed by giving $50B to Israel?
The Suez Canal is more significant "American" infrastructure than any set of bridges round here. Domestically and internationally. This is one interest in that region.

The Suez Canal is in Egypt.
I've seen it.
Nevertheless, this is the purpose for propping up Israel out there all this time.

Are you suggesting, we should drop military aid to Egypt and increase military aid to Israel so that Israel can invade Egypt and secure Suez Canal as America's "most important" infrastructure?

If not then what you have posted so far simply justifies military aid to Egypt not Israel.
First Suez is secure just how it is.. for decades.. so we should continue to hose Egypt and Israel down with money. I wont go as far as saying Suez is our most important infrastructure. Maybe in that part of the world, but there are a lot of oil and industry interests to balance against that. We get to share that interest with many other actors, too. Israel is the most significant part of the US-Suez balancing act for obvious reasons. One could look at their/US/Egyptian/Russian history in the Sinai to appreciate why.

You may also consider how aid to Axis and Allies made peace in Europe and even prosperity here. This is very influential in US international relations strategy.

I'm suggesting that there are interests that we throw money at and which have some justifiable cause, even though they're not backyard projects. We still spend $1/4 trillion ? on our own infrastructure every year... just counting the physical infrastructure. There's reason to believe we be would probably be worse off by abandoning international relations $ if only to spend that it on construction projects.

Is that what you're proposing?

The quoted post of yours is nothing but an inflated version of your previous posts. You still have not explained why you think Israel should be given $50B to secure Suez Canal when Suez Canal is actually located in Egypt. Get to the point. Stop being vague.
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defense aid to increase to as much as $5 billion when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

Israel wants $5 billion per year in military aid for 10 years, for a total of $50 billion, the congressional aides said. It has been signaling that it wants more money to counter threats it says will arise as a result of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, which Israel’s government has staunchly opposed.

Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News
Not only do we need to stop all weapons shipments to that country, we should freeze all Israeli assets in US banks.

Under what grounds, as that is what the Nazi's did in the 1930's. What next build death camps in Canada and Mexico and ship all the Jews, crack heads, mental defectives, intellectuals and anyone else who is "different" to them for the solution. Your Nazism is shining as bright as your Jew hatred and you cant see it.......................
We pay taxes to better America not other countries. I am against spending billions of dollars on foreign countries. That $50B dollar going to Israel will be better spent right here in the U.S. I find it bizarre that low IQ people like yourself complain about building high speed rail even thought it will benefit America but they have no problem sending billions of dollars to Israel.
No complaints about sending money to other countries then? Just Israel? That's what I thought.

Learn to read and then come back to participate more effectively :)
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Your priorities are not straight. You think we should not spend money on improving our infrastructure such as building high speed rail but you think it will be a perfectly good idea to blow money on Israel and other foreign countries.

What good is a high speed rail line if there is no passengers or freight to use it ?

Build it and they will come.

What good is blowing money on Israel is a better question?
Presenting inconvenient facts indicates a hatred for Jews? On the other hand, your posts indicate you a racist that has hatred for the Christian and Muslim Palestinians.

You cant be racist towards a religion dumbo

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