Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid

66 years. LOL

Isnt that your time frame when you make claims about how much Israel gets in aid from the US

No. Learn to read. Then, read. And, then come back.

I have and monte et al have claimed that Israel has been in receipt of aid from America since 1948, making it 66 years. When the truth is it has been less than half this time.

Monte was replying to S.J.'s claim that India was the highest recipient of U.S. aid. Monte simply pointed out that the number quoted in SJ's article was for last 66 years.

So, learn to read; read and then come back.
66 years. LOL

Isnt that your time frame when you make claims about how much Israel gets in aid from the US

No. Learn to read. Then, read. And, then come back.

I have and monte et al have claimed that Israel has been in receipt of aid from America since 1948, making it 66 years. When the truth is it has been less than half this time.

Monte was replying to S.J.'s claim that India was the highest recipient of U.S. aid. Monte simply pointed out that the number quoted in SJ's article was for last 66 years.

So, learn to read; read and then come back.

I said you would be waiting a VERY long time didn't I :2up:
No complaints about sending money to other countries then? Just Israel? That's what I thought.

Learn to read and then come back to participate more effectively :)
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Your priorities are not straight. You think we should not spend money on improving our infrastructure such as building high speed rail but you think it will be a perfectly good idea to blow money on Israel and other foreign countries.

What good is a high speed rail line if there is no passengers or freight to use it ?

Build it and they will come.

What good is blowing money on Israel is a better question?

Stop the aid to Israel and America will go under as the subsidised workforce will be unemployed. This will impact on all other businesses in the area and will result in 4 times as many lay offs in the very future. I have witnessed 4 thriving towns go down when the workplaces were shut down, the shops lost income and so had to lay off as well. Then the other businesses like builders, plumbers, Joiners, Electricians etc. also went bust as no one had the money to pay for repairs. Then the banks foreclosed on property worth a fraction of what was borrowed on it leaving the people still owing money. So your high speed rail line will be derelict as it will have no traffic and no hope of any traffic, then the US will lose even more of its credit rating and end up like poor old Greece begging in he gutter.
Learn to read and then come back to participate more effectively :)
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Your priorities are not straight. You think we should not spend money on improving our infrastructure such as building high speed rail but you think it will be a perfectly good idea to blow money on Israel and other foreign countries.

What good is a high speed rail line if there is no passengers or freight to use it ?

Build it and they will come.

What good is blowing money on Israel is a better question?

Stop the aid to Israel and America will go under as the subsidised workforce will be unemployed. This will impact on all other businesses in the area and will result in 4 times as many lay offs in the very future. I have witnessed 4 thriving towns go down when the workplaces were shut down, the shops lost income and so had to lay off as well. Then the other businesses like builders, plumbers, Joiners, Electricians etc. also went bust as no one had the money to pay for repairs. Then the banks foreclosed on property worth a fraction of what was borrowed on it leaving the people still owing money. So your high speed rail line will be derelict as it will have no traffic and no hope of any traffic, then the US will lose even more of its credit rating and end up like poor old Greece begging in he gutter.

Utter SHITE!

How do you come to those conclusions Phoney?

Your "4 thriving towns"....

The work places closed because of not giving Israel $5bn a year?

This thread get's funnier with every passing zionut post!
Learn to read and then come back to participate more effectively :)
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Your priorities are not straight. You think we should not spend money on improving our infrastructure such as building high speed rail but you think it will be a perfectly good idea to blow money on Israel and other foreign countries.

What good is a high speed rail line if there is no passengers or freight to use it ?

Build it and they will come.

What good is blowing money on Israel is a better question?

Stop the aid to Israel and America will go under as the subsidised workforce will be unemployed. This will impact on all other businesses in the area and will result in 4 times as many lay offs in the very future. I have witnessed 4 thriving towns go down when the workplaces were shut down, the shops lost income and so had to lay off as well. Then the other businesses like builders, plumbers, Joiners, Electricians etc. also went bust as no one had the money to pay for repairs. Then the banks foreclosed on property worth a fraction of what was borrowed on it leaving the people still owing money. So your high speed rail line will be derelict as it will have no traffic and no hope of any traffic, then the US will lose even more of its credit rating and end up like poor old Greece begging in he gutter.

If subsidizing Israel is good for benefactor then let UK do it. Why don't you write to your MPs asking them to send $50B to Israel! As far as U.S. is concerned, we have plenty of domestic projects that can be subsidized.
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Your priorities are not straight. You think we should not spend money on improving our infrastructure such as building high speed rail but you think it will be a perfectly good idea to blow money on Israel and other foreign countries.

What good is a high speed rail line if there is no passengers or freight to use it ?

Build it and they will come.

What good is blowing money on Israel is a better question?

Stop the aid to Israel and America will go under as the subsidised workforce will be unemployed. This will impact on all other businesses in the area and will result in 4 times as many lay offs in the very future. I have witnessed 4 thriving towns go down when the workplaces were shut down, the shops lost income and so had to lay off as well. Then the other businesses like builders, plumbers, Joiners, Electricians etc. also went bust as no one had the money to pay for repairs. Then the banks foreclosed on property worth a fraction of what was borrowed on it leaving the people still owing money. So your high speed rail line will be derelict as it will have no traffic and no hope of any traffic, then the US will lose even more of its credit rating and end up like poor old Greece begging in he gutter.

Utter SHITE!

How do you come to those conclusions Phoney?

Your "4 thriving towns"....

The work places closed because of not giving Israel $5bn a year?

This thread get's funnier with every passing zionut post!

Did I say that, or is this you reading what isn't there. I saw Consett go just like this, then South Bank, Cargo fleet and North Ormesby. All thriving Steel towns that relied on the steel industry for their existence, you can find Cargo Fleet steel in many of the worlds bridges. All down to subsidised workers losing their subsidies when the EU waved the big stick.

You really need to learn to read English and not keep putting your islamonazi twist on everything.
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Your priorities are not straight. You think we should not spend money on improving our infrastructure such as building high speed rail but you think it will be a perfectly good idea to blow money on Israel and other foreign countries.

What good is a high speed rail line if there is no passengers or freight to use it ?

Build it and they will come.

What good is blowing money on Israel is a better question?

Stop the aid to Israel and America will go under as the subsidised workforce will be unemployed. This will impact on all other businesses in the area and will result in 4 times as many lay offs in the very future. I have witnessed 4 thriving towns go down when the workplaces were shut down, the shops lost income and so had to lay off as well. Then the other businesses like builders, plumbers, Joiners, Electricians etc. also went bust as no one had the money to pay for repairs. Then the banks foreclosed on property worth a fraction of what was borrowed on it leaving the people still owing money. So your high speed rail line will be derelict as it will have no traffic and no hope of any traffic, then the US will lose even more of its credit rating and end up like poor old Greece begging in he gutter.

If subsidizing Israel is good for benefactor then let UK do it. Why don't you write to your MPs asking them to send $50B to Israel! As far as U.S. is concerned, we have plenty of domestic projects that can be subsidized.

They don't have the money, and they don't need the medical goods. But they have just lined the swiss bank accounts of Pakistani politicians while we see kids starving because of the lack of employment.
You cant subsidised them directly as that would breach fair trade laws, leaving the US with piles of unsold goods still on the docksides. They found this out when they slapped import taxes on goods in the 1990's, and then complained when US goods could not sell because they were too highly priced when import taxes were put on them. This led to a trade agreement that stopped all subsidies to make goods cheaper to manufacture. This is why British Steel bought an American steel plant and shipped in the steel from the UK as it was cheaper than buying US steel
No. Learn to read. Then, read. And, then come back.

You will be waiting a VERY long time ;-)

Again with the trolling and no content posts...........................

Trolling Phoney?


No, no not at all.... Simply advising one of the posters here not to hold their breath in others abilities to learn/understand reading and comprehension...

Cannot be considered trolling, simply friendly advice to a fellow member of this board :321:

of course it is trolling as the Americans know it, and the mods are getting heavy on it as far too much is going on. Take this as a word of friendly advise

There were two possibilities:

a. You purposely lied
b. You do not know how to read

We gave you the benefit of doubt by suggesting that you do not know how to read. Would you rather we suggest that you willfully twisted Monte's reply?

Take a pick :)

Your reply is there for all to see, including the moderators.

And you would be wrong either way, wouldn't you. I stick by what monte has posted in the past and he makes the claim of 66 years. Then when he was repeatedly shown to be wrong he put people on ignore so he could not see the humiliation anymore.
The Suez Canal is more significant "American" infrastructure than any set of bridges round here. Domestically and internationally. This is one interest in that region.

The Suez Canal is in Egypt.
I've seen it.
Nevertheless, this is the purpose for propping up Israel out there all this time.

Are you suggesting, we should drop military aid to Egypt and increase military aid to Israel so that Israel can invade Egypt and secure Suez Canal as America's "most important" infrastructure?

If not then what you have posted so far simply justifies military aid to Egypt not Israel.
First Suez is secure just how it is.. for decades.. so we should continue to hose Egypt and Israel down with money. I wont go as far as saying Suez is our most important infrastructure. Maybe in that part of the world, but there are a lot of oil and industry interests to balance against that. We get to share that interest with many other actors, too. Israel is the most significant part of the US-Suez balancing act for obvious reasons. One could look at their/US/Egyptian/Russian history in the Sinai to appreciate why.

You may also consider how aid to Axis and Allies made peace in Europe and even prosperity here. This is very influential in US international relations strategy.

I'm suggesting that there are interests that we throw money at and which have some justifiable cause, even though they're not backyard projects. We still spend $1/4 trillion ? on our own infrastructure every year... just counting the physical infrastructure. There's reason to believe we be would probably be worse off by abandoning international relations $ if only to spend that it on construction projects.

Is that what you're proposing?

The quoted post of yours is nothing but an inflated version of your previous posts. You still have not explained why you think Israel should be given $50B to secure Suez Canal when Suez Canal is actually located in Egypt. Get to the point. Stop being vague.
I'm not being vague, but I thought you may have been familiar with some of the basic regional history, or open to my explanation of it. There's a stalemate where we are supporting our ally and trying to cultivate Egypt as a new ally in the region. They were soviet allies. This is why we pay each. Ally cultivation, foreign policy, international relations and world banking.

By being the facilitator in Egypt and Israel's historical issues in the region, at all this cost, we control that waterway like no other country including Israel or Egypt. Both countries are part of broader US influence in the mideast and africa.

You've proposed this thing about aid to Egypt only and that's not serious. May I suggest that the reason we're not taking that policy and never have is because it's stupid? You didn't research or consider anything other than what country the canal's in. That's not how simple the world is.

Just take things as they are if you don't want to think much.
Did you know that Israel having illegal nuclear weapons violates the American rules on Foreign Aid? 1976 Symington Amendment to the 1961 Foreign Appropriations Act and the Glenn Act forbids the US government from giving financial aid to any nation with nuclear weapons technology, that has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and whom disallow IAEA inspections.” All Aid to Israel is ILLEGAL by US law.
You're so blinded by your hate you think Jews are not justified in defending themselves as they're being murdered.
I didn't say anything about Jews?

Why would I hate them?
You're so blinded by your hate you think Jews are not justified in defending themselves as they're being murdered.
I didn't say anything about Jews?

Why would I hate them?
I think we both know why you won't answer that question?
Only you can answer that question.
Only you can answer that question.
It's not my claim. You're the one stating that.

Are you telling me you can't say why you said what you said?

Are you saying you just think things for no reason whatsoever?
Your hatred of Jews is well known on this forum. Later, when I have more time, I'll dig some of up some of your posts if you'd like.
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News

how much do we give the pals?

the saudis?

piss off.
Only you can answer that question.
It's not my claim. You're the one stating that.

Are you telling me you can't say why you said what you said?

Are you saying you just think things for no reason whatsoever?
Your hatred of Jews is well known on this forum. Later, when I have more time, I'll dig some of up some of your posts if you'd like.

i think you could probably pick pretty much any one of his posts. he and his fellow terrorist supporters are jew-hating pond scum.
Did you know that Israel having illegal nuclear weapons violates the American rules on Foreign Aid? 1976 Symington Amendment to the 1961 Foreign Appropriations Act and the Glenn Act forbids the US government from giving financial aid to any nation with nuclear weapons technology, that has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and whom disallow IAEA inspections.” All Aid to Israel is ILLEGAL by US law.

What illegal nuclear weapons are those then, would they be like pakistans illegal nuclear weapons or Britians illegal nuclear weapons. Which international court has decreed that Israel has illegal nuclear weapons, can we have a link ?

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