Israel's Legal Right To Exist

No, they are official survey data compiled by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in 1946 you idiot.
Oh, yes. I somehow missed your whining in reference to your so-called "official" data. "Offical".... because I say so.

Such an angry, Monty.

What a hoot.

Not angry at all, just enjoying watching you try to present propaganda as fact while denying official census data. You just don't get it. Official census data as complied by the Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry archived in the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, is fact. Note, it is a Jewish archive you idiot.
It is pretty obvious that these subhumans who try to deny the right of self-determination for Jewish people do not apply the same standards to any other group.

Israel is a tiny little sliver of land on the world stage, surrounded by an enormous expanse of land controlled by those who persecute them.

I can only hope that these subhumans who join in their persecution are reincarnated as cockroaches, because that is all they deserve.
Classic Moronic Prose,written and signed by a you see what I mean about these wretches.steve
No, they are official survey data compiled by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in 1946 you idiot.
Oh, yes. I somehow missed your whining in reference to your so-called "official" data. "Offical".... because I say so.

Such an angry, Monty.

What a hoot.

Not angry at all, just enjoying watching you try to present propaganda as fact while denying official census data. You just don't get it. Official census data as complied by the Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry archived in the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, is fact. Note, it is a Jewish archive you idiot.
Oh, my. You're infuriated. Your claim to "official" data is always a hoot when you are the one adding the "official'ness" slogan. Obviously you're unable to address the facts I gave you regarding the arab invasion of what you believe to be the "country of Pal'istan", so you are left to your usual retreat of stomping your feet like a petulant child. Note, I gave you a reference to a Jewish archive.
No, they are official survey data compiled by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in 1946 you idiot.
Oh, yes. I somehow missed your whining in reference to your so-called "official" data. "Offical".... because I say so.

Such an angry, Monty.

What a hoot.

Not angry at all, just enjoying watching you try to present propaganda as fact while denying official census data. You just don't get it. Official census data as complied by the Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry archived in the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, is fact. Note, it is a Jewish archive you idiot.
Oh, my. You're infuriated. Your claim to "official" data is always a hoot when you are the one adding the "official'ness" slogan. Obviously you're unable to address the facts I gave you regarding the arab invasion of what you believe to be the "country of Pal'istan", so you are left to your usual retreat of stomping your feet like a petulant child. Note, I gave you a reference to a Jewish archive.
Yet another Zionist inspired crock of are not fit to lick Montes feet...........FULL STOP...theliq Viva Palestine,Viva Israel
Now how do you know that, Eloy? BTW, do you think the British people these days are happy with so many Muslims in their midst. No doubt this never crosses your mind since there are no Jews involved.
I know that the English promised land which was not theirs to the Jews and as far away from England the better. Antisemitism among the English ruling class is endemic. History proves me right. As for Muslims, the English have voted to leave the European Union in large part due to their xenophobia and racism.

It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve
Haven't you been keeping up? Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. You will find posters constantly criticizing Israel, but there is not a peep out of them as to what is happening in other Middle East countries where people are treated terribly as well as Middle East countries where people are being murdered on an enormous scale.

P F Tinmore, et al,
... The Palestine Mandate is of a very special character. While it follows the main lines laid down by the Covenant for "A" Mandates, it also contains a number of provisions designed to apply the policy defined by the "Balfour Declaration" of November 2nd, 1917. By this declaration, the British Government had announced its intention to encourage the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people ...
Notice, the English were happy to promise land to the Jews for a home as long as it was not in England.
Now how do you know that, Eloy? BTW, do you think the British people these days are happy with so many Muslims in their midst. No doubt this never crosses your mind since there are no Jews involved.
I know that the English promised land which was not theirs to the Jews and as far away from England the better. Antisemitism among the English ruling class is endemic. History proves me right. As for Muslims, the English have voted to leave the European Union in large part due to their xenophobia and racism.

It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Since you are a relatively new poster, Eloy, could you tell us what other forums you have been on criticizing what is happening to people in Muslim countries? Seems like you just concentrate in the one country where Jews are involved. After all in many Muslim countries people are treated like dogs if they are non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. Are you even aware of what is going on in these countries, or are you just concerned with Israel because it is the Jews who happen to be governing the land and not Muslims?
I know that the English promised land which was not theirs to the Jews and as far away from England the better. Antisemitism among the English ruling class is endemic. History proves me right. As for Muslims, the English have voted to leave the European Union in large part due to their xenophobia and racism.

It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve
Haven't you been keeping up? Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. You will find posters constantly criticizing Israel, but there is not a peep out of them as to what is happening in other Middle East countries where people are treated terribly as well as Middle East countries where people are being murdered on an enormous scale.
Failure to mention other Middle East countries does not invalidate criticism of Israel.
Oh for the love of all that's Holy, no one objectively criticizes Israel or Israel's government on these threads. They just demonize the Jewish people. Look at the title of this thread. We've spent 29 pages discussing whether or not the State for the Jewish people has a right to exist (have self-determination). Its patently ridiculous.
Oh for the love of all that's Holy, no one objectively criticizes Israel or Israel's government on these threads. They just demonize the Jewish people. Look at the title of this thread. We've spent 29 pages discussing whether or not the State for the Jewish people has a right to exist (have self-determination). Its patently ridiculous.
I have made a few posts in this thread and not one of them demonized the Jewish people. Please stop generalizing and making false statements.
Now how do you know that, Eloy? BTW, do you think the British people these days are happy with so many Muslims in their midst. No doubt this never crosses your mind since there are no Jews involved.
I know that the English promised land which was not theirs to the Jews and as far away from England the better. Antisemitism among the English ruling class is endemic. History proves me right. As for Muslims, the English have voted to leave the European Union in large part due to their xenophobia and racism.

It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
You defend the indefensible Hoss...and shamefully Critisize others of whom you disagree.....this is not dialogue at all,just throwing red-herrings around to disguise the facts..............not good enough Hossie...steve
You lied about your genealogy, thus you are scum.
It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve
Haven't you been keeping up? Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. You will find posters constantly criticizing Israel, but there is not a peep out of them as to what is happening in other Middle East countries where people are treated terribly as well as Middle East countries where people are being murdered on an enormous scale.
Failure to mention other Middle East countries does not invalidate criticism of Israel.

I guess it is really difficult for some people to criticize what is going on in Muslim countries because their main raison de etre is to criticize Israel because it is a Jewish state. The readers of this forum (unless they are anti-Semites themselves) can see right through a poster who only wants to criticize Israel and stays silent on the atrocities happening in Muslim countries.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve
Haven't you been keeping up? Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. You will find posters constantly criticizing Israel, but there is not a peep out of them as to what is happening in other Middle East countries where people are treated terribly as well as Middle East countries where people are being murdered on an enormous scale.
Failure to mention other Middle East countries does not invalidate criticism of Israel.

I guess it is really difficult for some people to criticize what is going on in Muslim countries because their main raison de etre is to criticize Israel because it is a Jewish state. The readers of this forum (unless they are anti-Semites themselves) can see right through a poster who only wants to criticize Israel and stays silent on the atrocities happening in Muslim countries.
Who are "some people", I wonder.
I know that the English promised land which was not theirs to the Jews and as far away from England the better. Antisemitism among the English ruling class is endemic. History proves me right. As for Muslims, the English have voted to leave the European Union in large part due to their xenophobia and racism.

It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
You defend the indefensible Hoss...and shamefully Critisize others of whom you disagree.....this is not dialogue at all,just throwing red-herrings around to disguise the facts..............not good enough Hossie...steve
You lied about your genealogy, thus you are scum.
if THE CAP FIT ........wear it
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve
Haven't you been keeping up? Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. You will find posters constantly criticizing Israel, but there is not a peep out of them as to what is happening in other Middle East countries where people are treated terribly as well as Middle East countries where people are being murdered on an enormous scale.
Failure to mention other Middle East countries does not invalidate criticism of Israel.

I guess it is really difficult for some people to criticize what is going on in Muslim countries because their main raison de etre is to criticize Israel because it is a Jewish state. The readers of this forum (unless they are anti-Semites themselves) can see right through a poster who only wants to criticize Israel and stays silent on the atrocities happening in Muslim countries.
well this is an Is/Pal thread but if you want a response on ISIS etc these Muslim ASSHOLES are beyond REDEMPTION Hoss Syria
Oh for the love of all that's Holy, no one objectively criticizes Israel or Israel's government on these threads. They just demonize the Jewish people. Look at the title of this thread. We've spent 29 pages discussing whether or not the State for the Jewish people has a right to exist (have self-determination). Its patently ridiculous.
I have made a few posts in this thread and not one of them demonized the Jewish people. Please stop generalizing and making false statements.

To say that Jews have no connection to the land in question is NOT a valid criticism of Israel. (Your post #207 in this thread.) It most certainly is a demonization of the Jewish people as it implies a theft of land to which they have no connection.

To invalidate the rights of the Jewish people by claiming that the Jewish people stole land or has no right to exist is a demonization of the Jewish people.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve
Haven't you been keeping up? Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. You will find posters constantly criticizing Israel, but there is not a peep out of them as to what is happening in other Middle East countries where people are treated terribly as well as Middle East countries where people are being murdered on an enormous scale.
Failure to mention other Middle East countries does not invalidate criticism of Israel.

I guess it is really difficult for some people to criticize what is going on in Muslim countries because their main raison de etre is to criticize Israel because it is a Jewish state. The readers of this forum (unless they are anti-Semites themselves) can see right through a poster who only wants to criticize Israel and stays silent on the atrocities happening in Muslim countries.
Who are "some people", I wonder.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve
Haven't you been keeping up? Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. You will find posters constantly criticizing Israel, but there is not a peep out of them as to what is happening in other Middle East countries where people are treated terribly as well as Middle East countries where people are being murdered on an enormous scale.
Failure to mention other Middle East countries does not invalidate criticism of Israel.

I guess it is really difficult for some people to criticize what is going on in Muslim countries because their main raison de etre is to criticize Israel because it is a Jewish state. The readers of this forum (unless they are anti-Semites themselves) can see right through a poster who only wants to criticize Israel and stays silent on the atrocities happening in Muslim countries.
well this is an Is/Pal thread but if you want a response on ISIS etc these Muslim ASSHOLES are beyond REDEMPTION Hoss Syria
Maybe Australia doesn't think the same way you do about those "big, bad Zionists" so let's show how they are getting together with Israel.

Launching a new chapter in Australia–Israel relations | The Strategist?
Oh for the love of all that's Holy, no one objectively criticizes Israel or Israel's government on these threads. They just demonize the Jewish people. Look at the title of this thread. We've spent 29 pages discussing whether or not the State for the Jewish people has a right to exist (have self-determination). Its patently ridiculous.
I have made a few posts in this thread and not one of them demonized the Jewish people. Please stop generalizing and making false statements.

To say that Jews have no connection to the land in question is NOT a valid criticism of Israel. (Your post #207 in this thread.) It most certainly is a demonization of the Jewish people as it implies a theft of land to which they have no connection.

To invalidate the rights of the Jewish people by claiming that the Jewish people stole land or has no right to exist is a demonization of the Jewish people.
David Ben-Gurion said, "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign a contract with Israel. It's normal: We took their land. It's true, that it was promised to us by God, but why should they care?" Goldmann, Nahum: Le Paradoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), p.121
It is facts which demonize some Jews, not me when I quote the Zionist founder of Israel.
Oh for the love of all that's Holy, no one objectively criticizes Israel or Israel's government on these threads. They just demonize the Jewish people. Look at the title of this thread. We've spent 29 pages discussing whether or not the State for the Jewish people has a right to exist (have self-determination). Its patently ridiculous.
I have made a few posts in this thread and not one of them demonized the Jewish people. Please stop generalizing and making false statements.

To say that Jews have no connection to the land in question is NOT a valid criticism of Israel. (Your post #207 in this thread.) It most certainly is a demonization of the Jewish people as it implies a theft of land to which they have no connection.

To invalidate the rights of the Jewish people by claiming that the Jewish people stole land or has no right to exist is a demonization of the Jewish people.
Well prior to 1948 it was not Jewish land.......that the rest of the world wanted to solve the Jewish question,the Jews were offered lots of places in the world prior to taking over parts of Palestine,it was the Zionists that wanted only parts/all of Palestine(which Israel have expanded over the years) So you may not call it theft but others disagree.....Eloy was NOT repeat NOT DEMONIZING Jews at all but stating the facts,what he should have mentioned is the barbaric way towards the Palestinian,the inhumanity of the Zionists have treated and continued to treat the Palestinians......if the boot was on the other foot,no doubt you would be the first to squeal and therein lies your total Hypocricy......Anyway I will give you a scenario,if the Palestinians say with Russia and China decided to ensure the Palestinians get their land back(like Israel and America have done)....would you then think that OK,just doing the same as the Israel/America did ???????thought not.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve
Haven't you been keeping up? Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. You will find posters constantly criticizing Israel, but there is not a peep out of them as to what is happening in other Middle East countries where people are treated terribly as well as Middle East countries where people are being murdered on an enormous scale.
Failure to mention other Middle East countries does not invalidate criticism of Israel.

I guess it is really difficult for some people to criticize what is going on in Muslim countries because their main raison de etre is to criticize Israel because it is a Jewish state. The readers of this forum (unless they are anti-Semites themselves) can see right through a poster who only wants to criticize Israel and stays silent on the atrocities happening in Muslim countries.
well this is an Is/Pal thread but if you want a response on ISIS etc these Muslim ASSHOLES are beyond REDEMPTION Hoss Syria
Maybe Australia doesn't think the same way you do about those "big, bad Zionists" so let's show how they are getting together with Israel.

Launching a new chapter in Australia–Israel relations | The Strategist?
Until the last election Australia supported the Palestinians and Israel as I is only since a year ago approx., that things were reversed,so you got that wrong Hoss....The Jewish/Zionist Lobby here as in America are very powerful....that some ultra conservatives in our Conservative Government are lap dogs to the Zionists that does not represent the Australian people at should note that this reversal was done on the quiet or the sly which is A Typical when Zionists are involved.....the Government only got in with the help of some right wing parties and do not have the balance of power at all in the senate,they need the help of minor parties in that house to get any legislation through,not much gets through and has not for about a year is as they say a hung parliament...steve

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