Israel's Legal Right To Exist

On the other hand:

The Arabs in Palestine | Jewish Virtual Library

A Population Boom
As Hussein foresaw, the regeneration of Palestine, and the growth of its population, came only after Jews returned in massive numbers. The Jewish population increased by 470,000 between World War I and World War II while the non-Jewish population rose by 588,000. In fact, the permanent Arab population increased 120 percent between 1922 and 1947.

This rapid growth was a result of several factors. One was immigration from neighboring states — constituting 37 percent of the total immigration to pre-state Israel — by Arabs who wanted to take advantage of the higher standard of living the Jews had made possible. The Arab population also grew because of the improved living conditions created by the Jews as they drained malarial swamps and brought improved sanitation and health care to the region. Thus, for example, the Muslim infant mortality rate fell from 201 per thousand in 1925 to 94 per thousand in 1945 and life expectancy rose from 37 years in 1926 to 49 in 1943.

The Arab population increased the most in cities with large Jewish populations that had created new economic opportunities. From 19221947, the non-Jewish population increased 290 percent in Haifa, 131 percent in Jerusalem and 158 percent in Jaffa. The growth in Arab towns was more modest: 42 percent in Nablus, 78 percent in Jenin and 37 percent in Bethlehem.

Quite clearly, the Arab-Islamist invaders had an agenda.

Jewish Virtual Library fantasy and propaganda versus official census data. You are a hoot Hollie. Don't you realize that you are making a fool of yourself?

You mean like this official census data


"...Present condition of the City: (1907 edition)

Jerusalem (El Quds) is the capital of a sanjak and the seat of a mutasarrif directly dependent on the Sublime Porte. In the administration of the sanjak the mutasarrif is assisted by a council called majlis ida ra; the city has a municipal government (majlis baladiye) presided over by a mayor. The total population is estimated at 66,000. The Turkish census of 1905, which counts only Ottoman subjects, gives these figures:
Jews, 45,000; Moslems, 8,000; Orthodox Christians, 6000;
Latins, 2500; Armenians, 950; Protestants, 800; Melkites, 250; Copts, 150; Abyssinians, 100; Jacobites, 100; Catholic Syrians, 50. During the Nineteenth century large suburbs to the north and east have grown up, chiefly for the use of the Jewish colony. These suburbs contain nearly Half the present population...""

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Growth of Jerusalem 1838-Present

....... Jews Muslims Christians Total
1838 6,000 5,000 3,000 14,000
1844 7,120 5,760 3,390 16,270 ..... ..The First Official Ottoman Census
1876 12,000 7,560 5,470 25,030 .... .....Second """"""""""
1905 40,000 8,000 10,900 58,900 ....... Third/last, detailed in CathEncyc above
1948 99,320 36,680 31,300 167,300
1990 353,200 124,200 14,000 491,400
1992 385,000 150,000 15,000 550,000

Shows that the Jews were in the majority in most of palestine from 1838 to 1948 according to the Ottoman census

I'm going to assume you are responding to me here.

No. Try to keep up. I am most certainly not claiming that conquest and invasion and ethnic cleansing gives rise to rights over territory.

I am pointing out the moral failure of those who believe that conquest and invasion and ethnic cleansing gives superior rights to the conquerors, the invaders and the cleansers over the original inhabitants. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy.
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!By your obsequious statements that is exactly what your saying

Look, I know this is a little hard for you to follow. But try. Please.

The Jewish people have rights in the territory in question because they are the oldest, surviving culture which originated on that land and have lived on that land for 3000 years as a recognizable Jewish culture. As such, they have the right to self-determination on that land. Part of that self-determination is the return of the diaspora Jews.

ALL those who came after -- the Babylonians, the Romans, the Arabs, the Ottomans stole the land from the Jewish people and forcibly removed them from the land.

It is hypocrisy to say that it was legit for the Babylonians, the Romans, and the Arabs to steal that land from the Jewish people while saying it is not legit for the Jewish people to return to their land.

My argument is, and has always been, that the Jewish people have rights to the land. My argument is, and has always been, that the Palestinian Arab Christians and Muslims due to their extreme length of residence in the land (you can't unbreak that egg) ALSO have rights to the land.

Now, you, and a number of your Team Palestine keep saying to me, when I press you, that Israel has a right to exist. If you believe this to be true -- for the love of all that is sacred in this world -- stop arguing against Israel's right to exist on a thread entitled "Israel's right to exist".
So according to you as Native Americans WE demand all of North America Back because we first settled there........We according to you have the right to the Land and can kick out,murder etc., anyone there because......that is what the Jews did!!!!!!!!!!!!!Susha,....REALLY...steve

And where is your evidence of this murder then, you keep bringing it up yet never provide any concrete evidence. All you have is what you get from the hate sites as shown by your few links that go straight to them
On the other hand:

The Arabs in Palestine | Jewish Virtual Library

A Population Boom
As Hussein foresaw, the regeneration of Palestine, and the growth of its population, came only after Jews returned in massive numbers. The Jewish population increased by 470,000 between World War I and World War II while the non-Jewish population rose by 588,000. In fact, the permanent Arab population increased 120 percent between 1922 and 1947.

This rapid growth was a result of several factors. One was immigration from neighboring states — constituting 37 percent of the total immigration to pre-state Israel — by Arabs who wanted to take advantage of the higher standard of living the Jews had made possible. The Arab population also grew because of the improved living conditions created by the Jews as they drained malarial swamps and brought improved sanitation and health care to the region. Thus, for example, the Muslim infant mortality rate fell from 201 per thousand in 1925 to 94 per thousand in 1945 and life expectancy rose from 37 years in 1926 to 49 in 1943.

The Arab population increased the most in cities with large Jewish populations that had created new economic opportunities. From 19221947, the non-Jewish population increased 290 percent in Haifa, 131 percent in Jerusalem and 158 percent in Jaffa. The growth in Arab towns was more modest: 42 percent in Nablus, 78 percent in Jenin and 37 percent in Bethlehem.

Quite clearly, the Arab-Islamist invaders had an agenda.

Jewish Virtual Library fantasy and propaganda versus official census data. You are a hoot Hollie. Don't you realize that you are making a fool of yourself?

How predictable. Monty gets infuriated when his claims are refuted and has no recourse but to launch himself into one of his typical, saliva-slinging tirades.

What a hoot.

They are not claims at all. They are official census data. You are so silly, it is embarrassing.

No they are claims by a committee that this is what they believe the census data says, the reality is the actual census data does not match your cut and paste from a work of fiction
No, they are official survey data compiled by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in 1946 you idiot.

And once again monte goes into immature spoilt brat mode because his claims have been disproven and destroyed every time he posts them. At this rate he will end up talking to himself because so few people will be on his not banned list.

The official ottoman census tells a different story and he cant bring himself to admit his version is flawed

I'm going to assume you are responding to me here.

No. Try to keep up. I am most certainly not claiming that conquest and invasion and ethnic cleansing gives rise to rights over territory.

I am pointing out the moral failure of those who believe that conquest and invasion and ethnic cleansing gives superior rights to the conquerors, the invaders and the cleansers over the original inhabitants. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy.
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!By your obsequious statements that is exactly what your saying

Look, I know this is a little hard for you to follow. But try. Please.

The Jewish people have rights in the territory in question because they are the oldest, surviving culture which originated on that land and have lived on that land for 3000 years as a recognizable Jewish culture. As such, they have the right to self-determination on that land. Part of that self-determination is the return of the diaspora Jews.

ALL those who came after -- the Babylonians, the Romans, the Arabs, the Ottomans stole the land from the Jewish people and forcibly removed them from the land.

It is hypocrisy to say that it was legit for the Babylonians, the Romans, and the Arabs to steal that land from the Jewish people while saying it is not legit for the Jewish people to return to their land.

My argument is, and has always been, that the Jewish people have rights to the land. My argument is, and has always been, that the Palestinian Arab Christians and Muslims due to their extreme length of residence in the land (you can't unbreak that egg) ALSO have rights to the land.

Now, you, and a number of your Team Palestine keep saying to me, when I press you, that Israel has a right to exist. If you believe this to be true -- for the love of all that is sacred in this world -- stop arguing against Israel's right to exist on a thread entitled "Israel's right to exist".
So according to you as Native Americans WE demand all of North America Back because we first settled there........We according to you have the right to the Land and can kick out,murder etc., anyone there because......that is what the Jews did!!!!!!!!!!!!!Susha,....REALLY...steve

And where is your evidence of this murder then, you keep bringing it up yet never provide any concrete evidence. All you have is what you get from the hate sites as shown by your few links that go straight to them
Plenty of EVIDENCE of how the Zionists Murdered Palestinians Pheo Go look it up steve
P F Tinmore, et al,
... The Palestine Mandate is of a very special character. While it follows the main lines laid down by the Covenant for "A" Mandates, it also contains a number of provisions designed to apply the policy defined by the "Balfour Declaration" of November 2nd, 1917. By this declaration, the British Government had announced its intention to encourage the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people ...
Notice, the English were happy to promise land to the Jews for a home as long as it was not in England.
Now how do you know that, Eloy? BTW, do you think the British people these days are happy with so many Muslims in their midst. No doubt this never crosses your mind since there are no Jews involved.
I know that the English promised land which was not theirs to the Jews and as far away from England the better. Antisemitism among the English ruling class is endemic. History proves me right. As for Muslims, the English have voted to leave the European Union in large part due to their xenophobia and racism.

It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.

So when did you last criticise Israel for an action that was not covered by international law and the Geneva conventions. When did you last accept that international laws also work in the Jews favour and support their actions defending against war crimes, acts of war, violence, terrorism and belligerence.
The difference is when posters criticise America or the POTUS they do so with facts and not made up propaganda and libels. They dont get the simplest of facts wrong like blaming the English when they were but a small part of a much larger whole. They dont deliberately omit facts like illegal immigration, mass murders, enlarged death tolls and incursions across borders contrary to the Geneva conventions and the UN charter. They dont forget that the arab muslims started the wars by firing illegal weapons in large numbers at Israeli children. To you these did not happen and it was Israel firing at arab muslims trying to make a living, when even your own links show they were engaged in terrorist activities.

The new anti semitism is anti Zionism and you haters believe you have found away to be clear of the law, well we anti nazi's are fighting back and you will find it wont work

So feel free to criticise Israel all you want, but dont step over that mark that tuns your citicism into out and out nazi Jew hatred by using blood libels, propaganda and lies that you believe because of your brainwashing.

Start by ignoring the made up stories about targetting of civilians when the truth is the civilians are forced to act as human shields
And your great grandparents are rolling in their graves.
Nuh......they were like me,MAGNIFICENT
Statistically unlikely...3rd generation self hating Jews usually convert to another religion, let alone 4th generation self hating Jews. ancestors could be Jewish for all I know,what I do know is that our family unlike yours probably are not haters to anyone,as for myself I am not anti-semetic because I love Shepardic Jews and Palestinians,for they are the only Semetic Peoples on Earth......What I despise(and this is where you and others err) is the Terrorist Organization The Zionists.....a mixture of Ashkenazi and God knows who else....These SYNTHETIC JEWS mainly are part of this Organization that were CREATED back in the late 1880's by an Athiest Jew called Hertzel,moreover this Organization The Zionists collaborated with the Nazis,sending Jews to their DEATH,May they Rest In Peace.

When You start SPEWING about me and my Ancestors you want to Watch Your Mouth,because you are a two bit LIAR,like the rest of your Horde....It is people like You who have diminished other Jews,and You give Jews a Bad name........Your HYPOCRICY knows NO BOUNDS,you just think you can come on here and Smear anyone who disagrees with your rampant Zionist NON SENSE.

I realize you have no sembalence sic of Jewish history or other peoples history......yet you believe in that pin-brain of yours you can say what you have pruefrock in your head.I THE MAGNIFICENT keep you honest.

Still waiting for your evidence to support your LIES that Zionists are terrorists. Not one piece of evidence as you know they all trace back to the hate sites you frequent.

How can Turks, pakistanis and afghani's be semitic ?
Only A Fool Would Lean Upon,Lean Upon His Own Misunderstandings....................Only theliq Brought The Truth,Brought The Truth,In Due Season

Plenty of sites to view ZIONIST TERRORISM...just type in Zionist Terrorism,if you have the desire because you can take your pick,buggered if I'm going to keep doing it for you,time and time again.

As for the Turkic(Not Turks from Turkey,you moron) Tribes and others from Central Asia who converted to be Jews(who invariably also become Zionists) Can NEVER BE SEMITIC,but they are Synthetic Jews.........Where in my prose did I mention Turks,Pakistanis and Afghans?????Methinks you are loopy


You make the claim then it is up to you to produce the evidence. The reason you dont is because all your evidence goes back to the hate sites,

I don't give a rat's ass what Ben-Gurion believed. I was discussing YOUR beliefs. Specifically, your demoniziation of the Jewish people for wanting the exact same thing that the Palestinians want. Care to address that, instead of throwing red herrings at us?
Shusha ,will you please refrain from PLAGIARIZING (RED herrings IN THIS INSTANCE)
Nuh......they were like me,MAGNIFICENT
Statistically unlikely...3rd generation self hating Jews usually convert to another religion, let alone 4th generation self hating Jews. ancestors could be Jewish for all I know,what I do know is that our family unlike yours probably are not haters to anyone,as for myself I am not anti-semetic because I love Shepardic Jews and Palestinians,for they are the only Semetic Peoples on Earth......What I despise(and this is where you and others err) is the Terrorist Organization The Zionists.....a mixture of Ashkenazi and God knows who else....These SYNTHETIC JEWS mainly are part of this Organization that were CREATED back in the late 1880's by an Athiest Jew called Hertzel,moreover this Organization The Zionists collaborated with the Nazis,sending Jews to their DEATH,May they Rest In Peace.

When You start SPEWING about me and my Ancestors you want to Watch Your Mouth,because you are a two bit LIAR,like the rest of your Horde....It is people like You who have diminished other Jews,and You give Jews a Bad name........Your HYPOCRICY knows NO BOUNDS,you just think you can come on here and Smear anyone who disagrees with your rampant Zionist NON SENSE.

I realize you have no sembalence sic of Jewish history or other peoples history......yet you believe in that pin-brain of yours you can say what you have pruefrock in your head.I THE MAGNIFICENT keep you honest.

Still waiting for your evidence to support your LIES that Zionists are terrorists. Not one piece of evidence as you know they all trace back to the hate sites you frequent.

How can Turks, pakistanis and afghani's be semitic ?
Only A Fool Would Lean Upon,Lean Upon His Own Misunderstandings....................Only theliq Brought The Truth,Brought The Truth,In Due Season

Plenty of sites to view ZIONIST TERRORISM...just type in Zionist Terrorism,if you have the desire because you can take your pick,buggered if I'm going to keep doing it for you,time and time again.

As for the Turkic(Not Turks from Turkey,you moron) Tribes and others from Central Asia who converted to be Jews(who invariably also become Zionists) Can NEVER BE SEMITIC,but they are Synthetic Jews.........Where in my prose did I mention Turks,Pakistanis and Afghans?????Methinks you are loopy


You make the claim then it is up to you to produce the evidence. The reason you dont is because all your evidence goes back to the hate sites,

montelatici, et al,

Yes, yes, only you know the truth... I've seen that syndrome before.

Had the clown read some of Lord Kichener writings before posting his usual bullshit he would not have made the usual fool of himself.

The U.S. saw it the same way, as stated in this congressional hearing:

Lord Kichener, who was killed some months died before the Balfour Declaration was even written and two years prior to the Mudros Armistice, was just one of many aristocrats that expressed opinions on the subject. Just about every Britain understood that the Suez Canal (a British Engineering investment and venture to expand trade and commerce) was of a strategic and vital interest to the Empire and central Europe; and had been so for more than half a century. So, when the Middle East was spoke of, in those days its principle features were that of the Suez Canal and The Dardanelles giving entrance to the Sea of Marmara.

Lord Kichener was a very senior Colonial Administrator. It was not uncommon for such Political-Military Officers to link all foreign strategic interests in terms of elements within the Empire. While at the time of Lord Kichener death the Middle East was just becoming an area of concern, the British Empire had control of Egypt; but the Ottoman Empire had control of the opposite bank of the Suez. And in the eyes of the British Empire, the Ottoman influence of the Suez was danger; both politically and commercially.

At the conclusion of Hostilities in the Great War, the British Empire's financial resources were spread across vast areas in the world. The British saw an opportunity to better finance the repair and maintenance to the infrastructure of the Palestine General Area Jewish Economic Investment.

Using Jewish economic Power and engineering organization turned out to be a double-edged sword. This brough a gradual increase in the Jewish Community's influence over the British Administration and an ever increasing friction between Jewish Financial Brokers and the British Military. (This is a discussion for another time.)

Lord Kichener's observations were valid pre-war observations --- but not policy by any stretch of the imagination.

Most Respectfully,
Now how do you know that, Eloy? BTW, do you think the British people these days are happy with so many Muslims in their midst. No doubt this never crosses your mind since there are no Jews involved.
I know that the English promised land which was not theirs to the Jews and as far away from England the better. Antisemitism among the English ruling class is endemic. History proves me right. As for Muslims, the English have voted to leave the European Union in large part due to their xenophobia and racism.

It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve

Now how do you know that, Eloy? BTW, do you think the British people these days are happy with so many Muslims in their midst. No doubt this never crosses your mind since there are no Jews involved.
I know that the English promised land which was not theirs to the Jews and as far away from England the better. Antisemitism among the English ruling class is endemic. History proves me right. As for Muslims, the English have voted to leave the European Union in large part due to their xenophobia and racism.

It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
You defend the indefensible Hoss...and shamefully Critisize others of whom you disagree.....this is not dialogue at all,just throwing red-herrings around to disguise the facts..............not good enough Hossie...steve

I'm going to assume you are responding to me here.

No. Try to keep up. I am most certainly not claiming that conquest and invasion and ethnic cleansing gives rise to rights over territory.

I am pointing out the moral failure of those who believe that conquest and invasion and ethnic cleansing gives superior rights to the conquerors, the invaders and the cleansers over the original inhabitants. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy.
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!By your obsequious statements that is exactly what your saying

Look, I know this is a little hard for you to follow. But try. Please.

The Jewish people have rights in the territory in question because they are the oldest, surviving culture which originated on that land and have lived on that land for 3000 years as a recognizable Jewish culture. As such, they have the right to self-determination on that land. Part of that self-determination is the return of the diaspora Jews.

ALL those who came after -- the Babylonians, the Romans, the Arabs, the Ottomans stole the land from the Jewish people and forcibly removed them from the land.

It is hypocrisy to say that it was legit for the Babylonians, the Romans, and the Arabs to steal that land from the Jewish people while saying it is not legit for the Jewish people to return to their land.

My argument is, and has always been, that the Jewish people have rights to the land. My argument is, and has always been, that the Palestinian Arab Christians and Muslims due to their extreme length of residence in the land (you can't unbreak that egg) ALSO have rights to the land.

Now, you, and a number of your Team Palestine keep saying to me, when I press you, that Israel has a right to exist. If you believe this to be true -- for the love of all that is sacred in this world -- stop arguing against Israel's right to exist on a thread entitled "Israel's right to exist".
So according to you as Native Americans WE demand all of North America Back because we first settled there........We according to you have the right to the Land and can kick out,murder etc., anyone there because......that is what the Jews did!!!!!!!!!!!!!Susha,....REALLY...steve

And where is your evidence of this murder then, you keep bringing it up yet never provide any concrete evidence. All you have is what you get from the hate sites as shown by your few links that go straight to them
Plenty of EVIDENCE of how the Zionists Murdered Palestinians Pheo Go look it up steve

You make the claim you provide the evidence. Looks like it is another of your hate site lies that you cant find any evidence for, so you deflect, derail and manipulate to cover your tracks.

Once again you are caught lying and soon we will get the childish tantrums and foul language
Statistically unlikely...3rd generation self hating Jews usually convert to another religion, let alone 4th generation self hating Jews. ancestors could be Jewish for all I know,what I do know is that our family unlike yours probably are not haters to anyone,as for myself I am not anti-semetic because I love Shepardic Jews and Palestinians,for they are the only Semetic Peoples on Earth......What I despise(and this is where you and others err) is the Terrorist Organization The Zionists.....a mixture of Ashkenazi and God knows who else....These SYNTHETIC JEWS mainly are part of this Organization that were CREATED back in the late 1880's by an Athiest Jew called Hertzel,moreover this Organization The Zionists collaborated with the Nazis,sending Jews to their DEATH,May they Rest In Peace.

When You start SPEWING about me and my Ancestors you want to Watch Your Mouth,because you are a two bit LIAR,like the rest of your Horde....It is people like You who have diminished other Jews,and You give Jews a Bad name........Your HYPOCRICY knows NO BOUNDS,you just think you can come on here and Smear anyone who disagrees with your rampant Zionist NON SENSE.

I realize you have no sembalence sic of Jewish history or other peoples history......yet you believe in that pin-brain of yours you can say what you have pruefrock in your head.I THE MAGNIFICENT keep you honest.

Still waiting for your evidence to support your LIES that Zionists are terrorists. Not one piece of evidence as you know they all trace back to the hate sites you frequent.

How can Turks, pakistanis and afghani's be semitic ?
Only A Fool Would Lean Upon,Lean Upon His Own Misunderstandings....................Only theliq Brought The Truth,Brought The Truth,In Due Season

Plenty of sites to view ZIONIST TERRORISM...just type in Zionist Terrorism,if you have the desire because you can take your pick,buggered if I'm going to keep doing it for you,time and time again.

As for the Turkic(Not Turks from Turkey,you moron) Tribes and others from Central Asia who converted to be Jews(who invariably also become Zionists) Can NEVER BE SEMITIC,but they are Synthetic Jews.........Where in my prose did I mention Turks,Pakistanis and Afghans?????Methinks you are loopy


You make the claim then it is up to you to produce the evidence. The reason you dont is because all your evidence goes back to the hate sites,


I have traced your very own words back to hate sites and posted the results on here. The words were verbatim as in no changes to those posted on the hate sites, making you a LIAR and a 3 time loser. You are nothing to me other than a loud mouth uneducated lying POS racist nazi that does not have the guts to do what he tells others to do. The world would be a better place if you and your ilk were euthanised so we did not have to put up with your hatred and mental faillings
montelatici, et al,

Yes, yes, only you know the truth... I've seen that syndrome before.

Had the clown read some of Lord Kichener writings before posting his usual bullshit he would not have made the usual fool of himself.

The U.S. saw it the same way, as stated in this congressional hearing:

Lord Kichener, who was killed some months died before the Balfour Declaration was even written and two years prior to the Mudros Armistice, was just one of many aristocrats that expressed opinions on the subject. Just about every Britain understood that the Suez Canal (a British Engineering investment and venture to expand trade and commerce) was of a strategic and vital interest to the Empire and central Europe; and had been so for more than half a century. So, when the Middle East was spoke of, in those days its principle features were that of the Suez Canal and The Dardanelles giving entrance to the Sea of Marmara.

Lord Kichener was a very senior Colonial Administrator. It was not uncommon for such Political-Military Officers to link all foreign strategic interests in terms of elements within the Empire. While at the time of Lord Kichener death the Middle East was just becoming an area of concern, the British Empire had control of Egypt; but the Ottoman Empire had control of the opposite bank of the Suez. And in the eyes of the British Empire, the Ottoman influence of the Suez was danger; both politically and commercially.

At the conclusion of Hostilities in the Great War, the British Empire's financial resources were spread across vast areas in the world. The British saw an opportunity to better finance the repair and maintenance to the infrastructure of the Palestine General Area Jewish Economic Investment.

Using Jewish economic Power and engineering organization turned out to be a double-edged sword. This brough a gradual increase in the Jewish Community's influence over the British Administration and an ever increasing friction between Jewish Financial Brokers and the British Military. (This is a discussion for another time.)

Lord Kichener's observations were valid pre-war observations --- but not policy by any stretch of the imagination.

Most Respectfully,

I wonder if monte understands what a thesis is, or if he thinks it is a legal proceeding set in stone. It is just one persons views and findings of a particular event, and nothing else. He will use any means at his didposal to try and make claims that do not exist and then claim in his usual childish manner that only he is right.

As you say they were observations and not policy or factual
No, they are official survey data compiled by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in 1946 you idiot.
Oh, yes. I somehow missed your whining in reference to your so-called "official" data. "Offical".... because I say so.

Such an angry, Monty.

What a hoot.

Not angry at all, just enjoying watching you try to present propaganda as fact while denying official census data. You just don't get it. Official census data as complied by the Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry archived in the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, is fact. Note, it is a Jewish archive you idiot.

And where is your actual official census data, not the abridged copy from your work of fiction you pass of as being real. The Anglo-American commission did not conduct any census, they just sent out arab muslims to gather details and then collated them for publication in a work of fiction. The actual ottoman census shows the real numbers, and this is ignored by you as it puts the Jews in the majority
It is pretty obvious that these subhumans who try to deny the right of self-determination for Jewish people do not apply the same standards to any other group.

Israel is a tiny little sliver of land on the world stage, surrounded by an enormous expanse of land controlled by those who persecute them.

I can only hope that these subhumans who join in their persecution are reincarnated as cockroaches, because that is all they deserve.
Classic Moronic Prose,written and signed by a you see what I mean about these wretches.steve

No cold hard facts that hit home and show that anti zionism is the new anti semitism.

How many times have you denied the Jews the rights under International laws they are allowed. The right to a homeland, the right to live in peace, the right to defend against attack, the right to protect themselves. And claimed that you only mean the Zionists which is another breach of the Jews rights as they have the right to follow what ever political ideology they want.

Zionism a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

Just so you will understand what zionism means to all but the hate sites

No, they are official survey data compiled by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in 1946 you idiot.
Oh, yes. I somehow missed your whining in reference to your so-called "official" data. "Offical".... because I say so.

Such an angry, Monty.

What a hoot.

Not angry at all, just enjoying watching you try to present propaganda as fact while denying official census data. You just don't get it. Official census data as complied by the Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry archived in the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, is fact. Note, it is a Jewish archive you idiot.
Oh, my. You're infuriated. Your claim to "official" data is always a hoot when you are the one adding the "official'ness" slogan. Obviously you're unable to address the facts I gave you regarding the arab invasion of what you believe to be the "country of Pal'istan", so you are left to your usual retreat of stomping your feet like a petulant child. Note, I gave you a reference to a Jewish archive.
Yet another Zionist inspired crock of are not fit to lick Montes feet...........FULL STOP...theliq Viva Palestine,Viva Israel

Zionism a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

Just so you will understand what zionism means to all but the hate sites
I know that the English promised land which was not theirs to the Jews and as far away from England the better. Antisemitism among the English ruling class is endemic. History proves me right. As for Muslims, the English have voted to leave the European Union in large part due to their xenophobia and racism.

It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve
Haven't you been keeping up? Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. You will find posters constantly criticizing Israel, but there is not a peep out of them as to what is happening in other Middle East countries where people are treated terribly as well as Middle East countries where people are being murdered on an enormous scale.


Not even a peep when it is shown that Jordan a palestinian nation had in one month mass murdered 50,000 unarmed palestinians locked in concentration camps. No cries of apartheid or genocide when this took place, and when brought up is completely ignored because it puts the whole situation in a different light.
It is quite apparent, Eloy, that anti-Semitism is quite endemic among many posters on these various forums. They are too interested in posting negatively about the Jews and Israel instead of concentrating on what is happening in other areas of the huge Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions have been displaced. As for England, do you really think the English like having "no go" areas in their country where even the police and fire department are afraid to go? BYW, Eloy, could you prove to us that the English wanted the Jews as far away from them as possible?

I certainly hope that Eloy has sent in his contribution to one of the relief organizations helping the Muslims who have been displaced in the Middle East even though they haven't been displaced because of the Jews.. This is one of the worst calamities since World War II with so many displaced people, and yet the anti-Semites don't want to recognize this, but only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East.
The charge of antisemitism directed against posters by you and a couple of others is made against anyone who criticizes Israel. I see many posts which criticize the United States President and the US government made almost exclusively by Americans, I suspect. Yet these posters are not tarred with being anti-American. Criticizing the government and politicians is normal in western democracies but to criticize the state of Israel which boasts of being a democracy will incur the accusation of being antisemitic. It is called "the new antisemitism" in order to silence criticism. You and a couple of others need to understand that the criticism of a country's policies and its politicians is normal in a free society and a free message board such as this one.
Yowsuh, boss. Criticism is normal and healthy but jew-hate just ain't kosher.
Funny how the Clods on here assume wrongly that criticism of Zionists is Anti-Semitic,it is not but it is a Critique of Zionist Terrorism Only,...nothing to do with Anti-Semitism..steve
Haven't you been keeping up? Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism. You will find posters constantly criticizing Israel, but there is not a peep out of them as to what is happening in other Middle East countries where people are treated terribly as well as Middle East countries where people are being murdered on an enormous scale.
Failure to mention other Middle East countries does not invalidate criticism of Israel.

It does when the other M.E. nations are the ones that are in breach of the law and not Israel. It is not Israel that fires illegal weapons from schools, hospitals, mosques and civilian areas yet they are blamed for the deaths of the few civilians that are forced to act as human shields. It is not Israel that uses illegal chemical/biological agents against a purely civilian population yet they are blamed for the deaths of a few extremists caught up in accidents with the weapons. Now you will trot out the usual excuses from the hate sites because you know you dont have a leg to stand on in regards to your hatred

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