IT is All Unraveling for Obama now!!

Change the channel- you're listening to hysterical RW propaganda. It's the new transparency that's getting this longtime problem in the open- just like IRS conferences, gun-walking, NSA, etc etc. Relax lol...

The "new transparency"?

God you are a moron franco.
I think we need at least three more topics about Jay Carney leaving. Four in as many hours just isn't enough.

And Jay Carney leaving is a signal that Obama is unraveling? Gosh, you mean it isn't NORMAL for the President's press secretary to leave after two or three years?

Those with COD (Compulsive Obama Denigrating) watch for anything that could provide their strange hatred a straw to grasp at.:D
IT is All Unraveling for Obama now!!==Jay Carney=Obama spokesman and head man at the VA=Shinseki resigned today. POOR CLUELESS obama =lost in the fog=JUST CLUELESS!! now it looks like the liberal dems will try to elect old Billary the old hag bimbo. ROFLMAO!!! NO WAY!!!
IT is All Unraveling for Obama now!!==Jay Carney=Obama spokesman and head man at the VA=Shinseki resigned today. POOR CLUELESS obama =lost in the fog=JUST CLUELESS!! now it looks like the liberal dems will try to elect old Billary the old hag bimbo. ROFLMAO!!! NO WAY!!!

I seriously doubt they'll be able to pause their war on women long enough to nominate her. But, maybe in a moment of weakness? No, I think the nomination will go to Michelle Obama. She can brag of actually having been President for eight years since the sock-puppet is what is.
IT is All Unraveling for Obama now!!==Jay Carney=Obama spokesman and head man at the VA resign today. POOR CLUELESS obama =lost in the fog=JUST CLUELESS!!

IT is all unraveling for Obama? Doesn't he have a computer guy for that?
Omg. A press secretary that didn't last for more than 3 years. That happens......all the time. But since it's Obama's press secretary, it surely spells the end of his presidency.
Please be kind to Mr. Carney. He might just be in the running for a much more remunerative government position; the new face of Pajama Boy for the next Obamacare propaganda spots!

Carney is a carnie.

He's been standing in front of the greatest freak show humanity has ever created and sold tickets to the biggest idiots on the planet.

due to all his lies he was forced to tell and repeat has caused him so much brain damage he must now go into a rehab center for a few months before he writes that book of more lies, if there is any exposing of "truth" it will be purely accidental.

every time i saw him on TV i expected his nose to fall off.., that is what i was told when a mere child, "your nose will fall off if you lie", :lmao:
Too early to say it's all unraveling but it's sure shinning a spotlight on Barry's utter lack of leadership skills, something not surprising to many of us given his complete lack of management experience on his onionskin thin resume.

He's good at reading a speech, very good, and that's it.. But that was more than enough for the scads of low information dopes and dimocrat party hacks to help usher him into arguably the toughest job on the planet.

Think how Hillary must feel about not being able to knock his sorry ass out of contention during the primaries. She lost to an empty suit nothing.

Imagine how Romney feels if that is the case...:badgrin:
Omg. A press secretary that didn't last for more than 3 years. That happens......all the time. But since it's Obama's press secretary, it surely spells the end of his presidency.

Scott McClellan; talk about someone who could no loner stomach the Administration's culture...

It's like shooting fish in a barrel and we're running out of fish.
Too early to say it's all unraveling but it's sure shinning a spotlight on Barry's utter lack of leadership skills, something not surprising to many of us given his complete lack of management experience on his onionskin thin resume.

He's good at reading a speech, very good, and that's it.. But that was more than enough for the scads of low information dopes and dimocrat party hacks to help usher him into arguably the toughest job on the planet.

Think how Hillary must feel about not being able to knock his sorry ass out of contention during the primaries. She lost to an empty suit nothing.

Imagine how Romney feels if that is the case...:badgrin:

Or the 4,884 dead from Bush's War..................................
Obama is the worst POTUS of all time.

Lost our gains in Iraq.

Losing Afghanistan.

Economy getting worse.

Debt getting worse.

The medical care in the US getting worse.

Illegal invasion getting worse.

Support to Islamic terrorism by Obama in Nigeria, Libya, Afghanistan, etc.

Russia taking advantage of weak ass strategy in Europe.

China taking advantage of weak ass strategy in Asia.

The world laughs at the US and its buffoon.
Obama is the worst POTUS of all time.

Lost our gains in Iraq.

Losing Afghanistan.

Economy getting worse.

Debt getting worse.

The medical care in the US getting worse.

Illegal invasion getting worse.

Support to Islamic terrorism by Obama in Nigeria, Libya, Afghanistan, etc.

Russia taking advantage of weak ass strategy in Europe.

China taking advantage of weak ass strategy in Asia.

The world laughs at the US and its buffoon.

Ok, big deal. So what is there for liberals NOT to like?

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