It Is Outrageous that Supporting Trump Is Dangerous


What has our country come to when a bumper sticker or hat causes so much rage by those who disagree?

What happened to the concept of respect for another’s views, person, or property?

My car, which has a “Trump/Pence” bumper sticker, was keyed. While pumping gas, a motorist seemed impressed by my courage to have a Trump bumper sticker. People have told me they are afraid to wear a MAGA cap or have a Trump sign on their lawn.

Having to feel so afraid to express our political views is outrageous. Democrats and fake news media have so twisted the meaning of “MAGA” and generated such hatred for Trump that citizens are afraid to publicly support the president of the United States. This is still America. Thugs who physically attack us for expressing our First Amendment right to free speech must be prosecuted.

Very much more @

Liberal Activist Tries To Ruin Elderly Maga Supporter’s Life, Ruins Her Own Instead @ Liberal Activist Tries To Ruin Elderly Maga Supporter's Life, Ruins Her Own Instead


People got fed up and forced her employer to give her the heave-ho.
Many things that are stupid are also dangerous.

Like Liberals....
Are you sure about that?
Sounds like your

Some elections are won and lost by the narrowest of margins. Comments such as yours push some Hispanics, who might otherwise vote with us, instead vote with the Democrats. It's counter-productive. You give the rest of us a bad name.

The legal ones are of the same mind as Trump supporters.
They dont want illegals who will eventually be given amnesty competing for their jobs any more than Americans do.
The rage is due to the fact that Donald Trump campaigns not on peace but on bigotry and hate. Practically every word in his rallies drips with hate for minorities, immigrants, gays, and anyone who disagrees with him. And that is exactly what his supporters love about him. A vote for Donald Trump is certainly not a vote for peace.

The incredible irony of one of you Stalinist democrats posting such shit is beyond the pale.

The only thing you are about is unbridled hatred. There is NOTHING to the left but hate.

Tell me ONE THING POSITIVE you fucking pigs promote? Strip people of their wealth, their pride and their lives? That isn't positive comrade.

You are the enemy of America, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of civil rights, the enemy of civil society. You are a cancer intent on the utter destruction of the nation and the concept of self-government.
Congratulations. You carry the Trump vision of hate and division quite well.


Tell me anything positive you Stalinists promote?

Show me ANYTHING but hate from the left?
All that hate is on Fox noise and Rush. We hate the lies you believe not you dumbass. The GOP has obstructed progress from the Democrats for 50 years. We have fallen behind the rest of the world in benefits of citizenship and healthy middle class. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility of any. And no Health Care daycare cheap training etc etc 5 week vacations. Socialism sounds horrible doesn't it?

HOLY shit, you really are an idiot. You have no clue as to how this fiat currency system works and you believe that by stealing from others that you can somehow create this socialist utopia. You are beyond "stupid". Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity, dumb you even understand the repercussions of it? Of course you don't...because you are an uneducated moron with a low I.Q score. Sucks to be you......
They do it in every other modern country and without our natural resources.
The incredible irony of one of you Stalinist democrats posting such shit is beyond the pale.

The only thing you are about is unbridled hatred. There is NOTHING to the left but hate.

Tell me ONE THING POSITIVE you fucking pigs promote? Strip people of their wealth, their pride and their lives? That isn't positive comrade.

You are the enemy of America, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of civil rights, the enemy of civil society. You are a cancer intent on the utter destruction of the nation and the concept of self-government.
Congratulations. You carry the Trump vision of hate and division quite well.


Tell me anything positive you Stalinists promote?

Show me ANYTHING but hate from the left?
All that hate is on Fox noise and Rush. We hate the lies you believe not you dumbass. The GOP has obstructed progress from the Democrats for 50 years. We have fallen behind the rest of the world in benefits of citizenship and healthy middle class. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility of any. And no Health Care daycare cheap training etc etc 5 week vacations. Socialism sounds horrible doesn't it?

HOLY shit, you really are an idiot. You have no clue as to how this fiat currency system works and you believe that by stealing from others that you can somehow create this socialist utopia. You are beyond "stupid". Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity, dumb you even understand the repercussions of it? Of course you don't...because you are an uneducated moron with a low I.Q score. Sucks to be you......
They do it in every other modern country and without our natural resources.

BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And the serfs are dependent on "gubermint" because the vast majority of their meager earnings are confiscated and the debt to the international bankers that control the monetary system STILL grows exponentially. You are fucking CLUELESS.
Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, how DID that Mueller Report turn out for the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies...such as yourself???

Since no one has gotten to read it yet, we don't know, do we? I find it amusing that you see Government Conspiracies under every bed, but you are totally taking the government's word on this one.

Do you think if the Russians DID rig our election, the government would admit it?

ROTFLMAO! The DNC server wasn't hacked by anyone. E-mails were downloaded by an insider and if you knew or understood ANYTHING about firewalls and the data download time of those outside it? You would know that. What cracks me up is that you are not pissed about the revelations of the DNC hack but rather you are pissed that they saw the light of day.......that speaks volumes about your lack of character and integrity.
Gotta you live in a border state?


Do you think it's productive to the conservative movement to refer to Mexicans as "wetbacks"? How about homosexuals? Is it productive to refer to them as "faggots"? How about black Americans? Is it productive to refer to them as *******?

If you don't mind seeing Bernie or Kamala elected, then go for it.
They dont want illegals who will eventually be given amnesty competing for their jobs any more than Americans do.

That's true and my wife is Mexican and our children are bilingual Hispanics. One wouldn't know that they are of Hispanic descent unless they pick it up from their brown eyes. They're as white as that fake Indian. Our youngest is too young to be political. Our high school aged son is very pro-Trump.

How should he feel when he sees other conservatives calling him, his mother and his sister "wetbacks"?

It's wrong, it's dumb and it's counterproductive. Imagine that someone on the fence (so to speak) decides to vote against us than with us only because they feel that the right is bigoted. For each one that we lost, that's a two-vote swing against us. Yea, DUMB.
Gotta you live in a border state?


Do you think it's productive to the conservative movement to refer to Mexicans as "wetbacks"? How about homosexuals? Is it productive to refer to them as "faggots"? How about black Americans? Is it productive to refer to them as *******?

If you don't mind seeing Bernie or Kamala elected, then go for it.

Meh....what liberals have done over the last 8 years doesn't garner any support from me.
They've played hardball and they shouldnt expect different.
They dont want illegals who will eventually be given amnesty competing for their jobs any more than Americans do.

That's true and my wife is Mexican and our children are bilingual Hispanics. One wouldn't know that they are of Hispanic descent unless they pick it up from their brown eyes. They're as white as that fake Indian. Our youngest is too young to be political. Our high school aged son is very pro-Trump.

How should he feel when he sees other conservatives calling him, his mother and his sister "wetbacks"?

It's wrong, it's dumb and it's counterproductive. Imagine that someone on the fence (so to speak) decides to vote against us than with us only because they feel that the right is bigoted. For each one that we lost, that's a two-vote swing against us. Yea, DUMB.

Why do you think it's "conservatives" who would call you wetbacks? I've seen it to my Mexican kids from those who are clearly leftist oriented.

And, who do you think call illegals pollos?
What a fucking retard.

Tell me scumbag, when was the last time anyone ripped the pink pussy hat from a woman's head? When was the last time an estrogen soaked eunuch like you was assaulted for wearing one?

Which represents hate, you fucking idiot?

Okay, let's look at that.

Pussy hat - treat women decently.

MAGA Hat- Round up all them brown people and deport them!

okay, which one of those philosophies NEEDS an ass whupping?
ROTFLMAO! The DNC server wasn't hacked by anyone. E-mails were downloaded by an insider and if you knew or understood ANYTHING about firewalls and the data download time of those outside it? You would know that. What cracks me up is that you are not pissed about the revelations of the DNC hack but rather you are pissed that they saw the light of day.......that speaks volumes about your lack of character and integrity.

well, actually, yeah, I'm not worried about what was in the emails because they weren't that big of a deal. Nothing said in those emails that people weren't saying pretty much out in the open.

What bothers me, of course, is that Russia had a vested interest in electing Trump. so did Julian Assange, who also hates America.
Why do you think it's "conservatives" who would call you wetbacks? I've seen it to my Mexican kids from those who are clearly leftist oriented.

And, who do you think call illegals pollos?

I see folks on here and elsewhere argue on conservative ideals and then see them make derogatory remarks about Latinos, blacks, gays, etc. So, I know some do. I also know that there are white nationalists who love Bernie. So, yea, they're on both sides of the political aisle, but I believe more so from the right, unfortunately.

From a moral standpoint, it's wrong to use pejoratives to denigrate others. From an American political standpoint, it's blatantly stupid.
well, actually, yeah, I'm not worried about what was in the emails because they weren't that big of a deal. Nothing said in those emails that people weren't saying pretty much out in the open.

What bothers me, of course, is that Russia had a vested interest in electing Trump. so did Julian Assange, who also hates America.

Hearing the truth about the corruption within the DNC was quite upsetting for you to hear, I'm sure. After all, your loyalty to them is unparalleled. You put the party over the people just like Benito Mussolini commanded the Italian people to do. Mussolini loved suckers like you.
We all have a right to like or not like our current politicians. No one has a right to harm a neighbor over a bumper sticker or a hat with a slogan. That's absolutely nuts.

What has our country come to when a bumper sticker or hat causes so much rage by those who disagree?

What happened to the concept of respect for another’s views, person, or property?

My car, which has a “Trump/Pence” bumper sticker, was keyed. While pumping gas, a motorist seemed impressed by my courage to have a Trump bumper sticker. People have told me they are afraid to wear a MAGA cap or have a Trump sign on their lawn.

Having to feel so afraid to express our political views is outrageous. Democrats and fake news media have so twisted the meaning of “MAGA” and generated such hatred for Trump that citizens are afraid to publicly support the president of the United States. This is still America. Thugs who physically attack us for expressing our First Amendment right to free speech must be prosecuted.

Very much more @

Liberal Activist Tries To Ruin Elderly Maga Supporter’s Life, Ruins Her Own Instead @ Liberal Activist Tries To Ruin Elderly Maga Supporter's Life, Ruins Her Own Instead


People got fed up and forced her employer to give her the heave-ho.
The rage is due to the fact that Donald Trump campaigns not on peace but on bigotry and hate. Practically every word in his rallies drips with hate for minorities, immigrants, gays, and anyone who disagrees with him. And that is exactly what his supporters love about him. A vote for Donald Trump is certainly not a vote for peace.

The incredible irony of one of you Stalinist democrats posting such shit is beyond the pale.

The only thing you are about is unbridled hatred. There is NOTHING to the left but hate.

Tell me ONE THING POSITIVE you fucking pigs promote? Strip people of their wealth, their pride and their lives? That isn't positive comrade.

You are the enemy of America, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of civil rights, the enemy of civil society. You are a cancer intent on the utter destruction of the nation and the concept of self-government.
Congratulations. You carry the Trump vision of hate and division quite well.


Tell me anything positive you Stalinists promote?

Show me ANYTHING but hate from the left?
All that hate is on Fox noise and Rush. We hate the lies you believe not you dumbass. The GOP has obstructed progress from the Democrats for 50 years. We have fallen behind the rest of the world in benefits of citizenship and healthy middle class. We have the worst inequality and upward mobility of any. And no Health Care daycare cheap training etc etc 5 week vacations. Socialism sounds horrible doesn't it?


So you got nothing then?
Gotta you live in a border state?


Do you think it's productive to the conservative movement to refer to Mexicans as "wetbacks"? How about homosexuals? Is it productive to refer to them as "faggots"? How about black Americans? Is it productive to refer to them as *******?

If you don't mind seeing Bernie or Kamala elected, then go for it.

Do you think it's productive for government to regulate speech? How about thought? Are children the property of the state? Are parents just "care takers" who must follow the guidelines established by the true owners, the state?

If you don't mind seeing Donald Trump reelected then keep it up.

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