It Is Outrageous that Supporting Trump Is Dangerous

Supporting Trump is dangerous for our country.

Nope. Supporting Trump has been damned good for this country.

The economy is doing great and UE is the lowest its been since 69. There are jobs, jobs and more jobs all across the country.

I'd say supporting Trump is a winner.
Yes. Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time.

I've been posting here since long before Trump's rise. I've known many of these RW nutbags to be wrong on many issues, dishonest and lacking integrity. But, I honestly didn't think they'd abandon their vocal support for the rule of law and their desire to impose limits on executive branch authority as they have with this fucker.

I mean, I knew their holier-than-thou shit pool was shallow...but I didn't know it was empty.

What has our country come to when a bumper sticker or hat causes so much rage by those who disagree?

What happened to the concept of respect for another’s views, person, or property?

My car, which has a “Trump/Pence” bumper sticker, was keyed. While pumping gas, a motorist seemed impressed by my courage to have a Trump bumper sticker. People have told me they are afraid to wear a MAGA cap or have a Trump sign on their lawn.

Having to feel so afraid to express our political views is outrageous. Democrats and fake news media have so twisted the meaning of “MAGA” and generated such hatred for Trump that citizens are afraid to publicly support the president of the United States. This is still America. Thugs who physically attack us for expressing our First Amendment right to free speech must be prosecuted.

Very much more @

Liberal Activist Tries To Ruin Elderly Maga Supporter’s Life, Ruins Her Own Instead @ Liberal Activist Tries To Ruin Elderly Maga Supporter's Life, Ruins Her Own Instead


People got fed up and forced her employer to give her the heave-ho.
People who care about this Country instead of being a cult follower have had it up the here with Trump's bullshit. Don't like it? Tough shit, snowflake.
Supporting Trump is dangerous for our country.

Nope. Supporting Trump has been damned good for this country.

The economy is doing great and UE is the lowest its been since 69. There are jobs, jobs and more jobs all across the country.

I'd say supporting Trump is a winner.
Yes. Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time.

I've been posting here since long before Trump's rise. I've known many of these RW nutbags to be wrong on many issues, dishonest and lacking integrity. But, I honestly didn't think they'd abandon their vocal support for the rule of law and their desire to impose limits on executive branch authority as they have with this fucker.

I mean, I knew their holier-than-thou shit pool was shallow...but I didn't know it was empty.
As much as it pains me to do so, I find myself agreeing with you entirely on that one... :cool:
Supporting Trump is dangerous for our country.

Nope. Supporting Trump has been damned good for this country.

The economy is doing great and UE is the lowest its been since 69. There are jobs, jobs and more jobs all across the country.

I'd say supporting Trump is a winner.
Yes. Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time.

I've been posting here since long before Trump's rise. I've known many of these RW nutbags to be wrong on many issues, dishonest and lacking integrity. But, I honestly didn't think they'd abandon their vocal support for the rule of law and their desire to impose limits on executive branch authority as they have with this fucker.

I mean, I knew their holier-than-thou shit pool was shallow...but I didn't know it was empty.
As much as it pains me to do so, I find myself agreeing with you entirely on that one... :cool:
Rabid lefties like LL can’t see that they are no different than the rabid righties who criticized Big Ears. They are all merely propagandized dupes.

What has our country come to when a bumper sticker or hat causes so much rage by those who disagree?

What happened to the concept of respect for another’s views, person, or property?

My car, which has a “Trump/Pence” bumper sticker, was keyed. While pumping gas, a motorist seemed impressed by my courage to have a Trump bumper sticker. People have told me they are afraid to wear a MAGA cap or have a Trump sign on their lawn.

Having to feel so afraid to express our political views is outrageous. Democrats and fake news media have so twisted the meaning of “MAGA” and generated such hatred for Trump that citizens are afraid to publicly support the president of the United States. This is still America. Thugs who physically attack us for expressing our First Amendment right to free speech must be prosecuted.

Very much more @

Liberal Activist Tries To Ruin Elderly Maga Supporter’s Life, Ruins Her Own Instead @ Liberal Activist Tries To Ruin Elderly Maga Supporter's Life, Ruins Her Own Instead


People got fed up and forced her employer to give her the heave-ho.

Have you noticed that every left-winger is always ridiculously ugly, and every MAGA hat is like a farmer that is just feeding his family, and keeping ugly city people fed?

Have you noticed how the rabid right keeps trying to portray liberals as dangerous, even as conservatives are gunning people down in their churches, synagogues and mosques?

Silly ploy, you go off topic with the “what about...? So you believe this woman had a right to harass this man just because he expressed his personal beliefs with a hat?

Maybe you need to start a thread condemning the actions of those that murder for political beliefs, I’ll be the first to condemn them. Too bad you are jaded and can’t condemn this woman’s actions.
Supporting Trump is dangerous for our country.

Nope. Supporting Trump has been damned good for this country.

The economy is doing great and UE is the lowest its been since 69. There are jobs, jobs and more jobs all across the country.

I'd say supporting Trump is a winner.
Yes. Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time.

I've been posting here since long before Trump's rise. I've known many of these RW nutbags to be wrong on many issues, dishonest and lacking integrity. But, I honestly didn't think they'd abandon their vocal support for the rule of law and their desire to impose limits on executive branch authority as they have with this fucker.

I mean, I knew their holier-than-thou shit pool was shallow...but I didn't know it was empty.
As much as it pains me to do so, I find myself agreeing with you entirely on that one... :cool:
Rabid lefties like LL can’t see that they are no different than the rabid righties who criticized Big Ears. They are all merely propagandized dupes.

Yeah. I'm rabid. You know your shit.
Nope. Supporting Trump has been damned good for this country.

The economy is doing great and UE is the lowest its been since 69. There are jobs, jobs and more jobs all across the country.

I'd say supporting Trump is a winner.
Yes. Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time.

I've been posting here since long before Trump's rise. I've known many of these RW nutbags to be wrong on many issues, dishonest and lacking integrity. But, I honestly didn't think they'd abandon their vocal support for the rule of law and their desire to impose limits on executive branch authority as they have with this fucker.

I mean, I knew their holier-than-thou shit pool was shallow...but I didn't know it was empty.
As much as it pains me to do so, I find myself agreeing with you entirely on that one... :cool:
Rabid lefties like LL can’t see that they are no different than the rabid righties who criticized Big Ears. They are all merely propagandized dupes.

Yeah. I'm rabid. You know your shit.
I'm glad we can agree.
Yes. Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time.

I've been posting here since long before Trump's rise. I've known many of these RW nutbags to be wrong on many issues, dishonest and lacking integrity. But, I honestly didn't think they'd abandon their vocal support for the rule of law and their desire to impose limits on executive branch authority as they have with this fucker.

I mean, I knew their holier-than-thou shit pool was shallow...but I didn't know it was empty.
As much as it pains me to do so, I find myself agreeing with you entirely on that one... :cool:
Rabid lefties like LL can’t see that they are no different than the rabid righties who criticized Big Ears. They are all merely propagandized dupes.

Yeah. I'm rabid. You know your shit.
I'm glad we can agree.

Who wouldn't agree with you? You're a deep thinker who knows all the things.
I've been posting here since long before Trump's rise. I've known many of these RW nutbags to be wrong on many issues, dishonest and lacking integrity. But, I honestly didn't think they'd abandon their vocal support for the rule of law and their desire to impose limits on executive branch authority as they have with this fucker.

I mean, I knew their holier-than-thou shit pool was shallow...but I didn't know it was empty.
As much as it pains me to do so, I find myself agreeing with you entirely on that one... :cool:
Rabid lefties like LL can’t see that they are no different than the rabid righties who criticized Big Ears. They are all merely propagandized dupes.

Yeah. I'm rabid. You know your shit.
I'm glad we can agree.

Who wouldn't agree with you? You're a deep thinker who knows all the things.
You're so kind.
...^ The problem is people like this ^...
Incorrect. Insistence upon transparency, on the part of high elected officials, is a prized American tradition.

...They hold the utterly anti-American position of "guilty until proven innocent"...
Incorrect. Probable Cause exists in multiple areas of concern. This is merely evidence gathering. Analysis comes later.

Hell... Probable Cause isn't even a prerequisite here, but it's a nice 'bonus'.

...and anyone that disagrees with them is always guilty of something...
Incorrect. But anyone who disagrees with transparency, and the mechanics involved in ensuring same, is to be swept aside.

...They use this presumption to classify all who disagree as non-human...
Incorrect. You're human enough, alright. Enabling veiled autocratic governance, influence peddling, and other corruptions.

...and they are violent...
There is nothing violent about various House committees issuing demands and subpoenas for tax records and other documents.

...And until they are controlled, the violence will continue...
Correct. Until those insisting upon transparency in government are controlled, the demands and subpoenas will continue.

...They will be controlled.
Please try.


Maybe your boy should have kept his promise and released his tax returns?

Maybe your boy should have told the truth about a thousand-and-one aspects of his foreign interactions and meetings?

When you get caught in your thousandth lie, you hit a Liars' Wall, and nobody believes you anymore.

That gets them into a frame of mind in which they insist upon objective facts rather than a Liar's Word.

Or the summary of a vastly more detailed investigative analysis prepared by the hand-picked servant of the Liar.

Objective fact, and raw data, are required, for Congress to execute its Constitutional responsibility to monitor the Executive.

To get at those objective facts, various documentation is required.

And, of course, when the law permits - even demands - such disclosures - with or without Probable Cause - the rest becomes automatic.

Your boy brought this down on his own head, through his actions, lies and arrogant posturing.

For the first time ever, I find myself agreeing with the Sorry-Assed Socialist Wunderkind AOC...

"We didn't ask you" ...for your tax returns, Mr. President; the law gives us the absolute power to demand them; you're out of the decision-loop.

This is gonna be fun.

You said it best! My thanks.
I've seen exactly one person wearing a MAGA hat outside of a Trump rally or political event of some kind. He was about 85 years old and riding a scooter in a Target super store.

People who support the asshole do so with massive reservations. Very few people think of wearing that hat as a real show of support for the president.

It's more of a statement of defiance and provocation at this point. Like the losers who have said they wear them every day here, people who wear them out to everyday activities are looking for negative attention.

When they get it, they whine like bitches.
So people who wear a MAGA hat deserve a beating? Is that really what you're saying? And you think people are reluctant to wear them because they don't support Trump? Perhaps they don't want to receive a beating from some mentally unstable Trump hater like you?

How about people who wear pussy hats? Do they deserve a beating?
Have you noticed how the rabid right keeps trying to portray liberals as dangerous, even as conservatives are gunning people down in their churches, synagogues and mosques?

...^ The problem is people like this ^...
Incorrect. Insistence upon transparency, on the part of high elected officials, is a prized American tradition.

...They hold the utterly anti-American position of "guilty until proven innocent"...
Incorrect. Probable Cause exists in multiple areas of concern. This is merely evidence gathering. Analysis comes later.

Hell... Probable Cause isn't even a prerequisite here, but it's a nice 'bonus'.

...and anyone that disagrees with them is always guilty of something...
Incorrect. But anyone who disagrees with transparency, and the mechanics involved in ensuring same, is to be swept aside.

...They use this presumption to classify all who disagree as non-human...
Incorrect. You're human enough, alright. Enabling veiled autocratic governance, influence peddling, and other corruptions.

...and they are violent...
There is nothing violent about various House committees issuing demands and subpoenas for tax records and other documents.

...And until they are controlled, the violence will continue...
Correct. Until those insisting upon transparency in government are controlled, the demands and subpoenas will continue.

...They will be controlled.
Please try.


Maybe your boy should have kept his promise and released his tax returns?

Maybe your boy should have told the truth about a thousand-and-one aspects of his foreign interactions and meetings?

When you get caught in your thousandth lie, you hit a Liars' Wall, and nobody believes you anymore.

That gets them into a frame of mind in which they insist upon objective facts rather than a Liar's Word.

Or the summary of a vastly more detailed investigative analysis prepared by the hand-picked servant of the Liar.

Objective fact, and raw data, are required, for Congress to execute its Constitutional responsibility to monitor the Executive.

To get at those objective facts, various documentation is required.

And, of course, when the law permits - even demands - such disclosures - with or without Probable Cause - the rest becomes automatic.

Your boy brought this down on his own head, through his actions, lies and arrogant posturing.

For the first time ever, I find myself agreeing with the Sorry-Assed Socialist Wunderkind AOC...

"We didn't ask you" ...for your tax returns, Mr. President; the law gives us the absolute power to demand them; you're out of the decision-loop.

This is gonna be fun.

Congratulations on what is the longest, most deranged TDS tirade I have seen to date. Your "automatically guilty" and "no probable cause required" position is blatantly anti-American, and your intent to "sweep aside" all who disagree with you is disturbing.

Make no mistake, you are clearly a violent and troubled person. If you continue this path and your friends (if any) do not intervene, you will likely be incarcerated soon. I think it's time you took a much-needed break!
sending the 9/11 people the saudis, more nuke capabilities afraid to show his taxes because he's a lying crook, getting paid off by russia,, can't show his grades cause that'd prove what an af he truly is ...ptbw is blind
sending the 9/11 people the saudis, more nuke capabilities afraid to show his taxes because he's a lying crook, getting paid off by russia,, can't show his grades cause that'd prove what an af he truly is ...ptbw is blind
Pardon moi.....I left out giving security clearances to AH son and daughter after being told they are SECURITY RISKS
Much depends upon whether Drumpf-and-minions are ultimately cleared of wrongdoing against the national interest.
And, of course, such research is still underway, and extensive; rather like lifting a rotting log.
If they're cleared ( House, Southern District of New York, full Mueller Report, etc. ), then, that's the end of it.
If they're not cleared, well.. I'm sure that Benedict Arnold managed to hang onto a few followers, too.
^ The problem is people like this ^

They hold the utterly anti-American position of "guilty until proven innocent", and anyone that disagrees with them is always guilty of something. They use this presumption to classify all who disagree as non-human, and they are violent. And until they are controlled, the violence will continue.

They will be controlled.

Yeah, it's amazing how many jumped on the Clinton was cleared of any crime, when he was not.... and you never saw a right-winger running around saying "it is against the national interest" as an excuse to convict him, even if he was innocent.

Yet with Trump, the left doesn't care whether crimes are proven or not... it's in the countries interests.

That kind of mentality is exactly how people who promoted Stalin to power in Russia, ended up killed in his purges. When you justify evil, in the name of 'national interest', it's just a matter of time before your own head ends up on the chopping block.
Much depends upon whether Drumpf-and-minions are ultimately cleared of wrongdoing against the national interest.
And, of course, such research is still underway, and extensive; rather like lifting a rotting log.
If they're cleared ( House, Southern District of New York, full Mueller Report, etc. ), then, that's the end of it.
If they're not cleared, well.. I'm sure that Benedict Arnold managed to hang onto a few followers, too.
^ The problem is people like this ^

They hold the utterly anti-American position of "guilty until proven innocent", and anyone that disagrees with them is always guilty of something. They use this presumption to classify all who disagree as non-human, and they are violent. And until they are controlled, the violence will continue.

They will be controlled.

Yeah, it's amazing how many jumped on the Clinton was cleared of any crime, when he was not.... and you never saw a right-winger running around saying "it is against the national interest" as an excuse to convict him, even if he was innocent.

Yet with Trump, the left doesn't care whether crimes are proven or not... it's in the countries interests.

That kind of mentality is exactly how people who promoted Stalin to power in Russia, ended up killed in his purges. When you justify evil, in the name of 'national interest', it's just a matter of time before your own head ends up on the chopping block.
Trump is fn bonkers

Leslie Chasse
2 hrs ·


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