It reeeeally is all about the money


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
An interesting report from the website Environmental that shows the underlying motivation for the legislation that is designed to take your money away from you and give it to the super wealthy. I found this paragraph very revealing...

"The statement was signed by 259 investors from North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Latin America and Africa with collective assets totaling over $15 trillion--more than one-quarter of global capitalization. Signatories included Allianz, HSBC, APG and a dozen U.S. public pension funds and state treasurers. It is the largest-ever group of investors to call for government action on climate change."

Amazing how one quarter of the worlds wealth is not enough..they want your too!

Investors representing over $15 trillion call for U.S., international action on climate change on Environmental Expert
Owens Corning makes fiberglass, profiting from global warming. One company making millions, hundreds of millions of dollars selling fiberglass to Wind Turbine manufacturers overseas. All government mandated and paid for with money from my pocket. -- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio

Fiberglass reinforces Owens Corning earnings in quarter
OC net rises to $31M, sales rise to $1.6B

Strong overseas demand for fiberglass from makers of windmills, bridges, and other products helped insulate quarterly financial results at Owens Corning from turmoil in the housing market.

To help meet growing world demand for fiberglass, executives said they will double capacity at a Gous-Khrustalny, Russia, plant.

"I am pleased with our second-quarter performance," Mike Thaman, chairman and chief executive officer, said in a written statement.

Profit rose to $31 million, or 24 cents a share, in the three-month period ended June 30. That was up from $29 million, or 22 cents a share, at the same time last year. The average of five analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg News Service was for earnings of 21 cents a share
Wind Turbines using a rare element, very limited supply, we are not discovering more Boron deposits. The "peak" of Boron supply is here, now. Where is the concern.

The owners of the Boron mine does not care, he is getting rich.

Growth of boron industry is driven by Chinese demand | Market/ Commodities/ Forex | CPI Financial

Growth of boron industry is driven by Chinese demand

By: Contributor Print this article

World production of natural and refined borates remains highly concentrated in Turkey and the US, with Rio Tinto Minerals and Eti Mine accounting for around 75 per cent of supply.

The gap between China's domestic production and demand (and the relatively low-grade of locally mined borates) has been, and will continue to be, the main factor driving capacity expansions worldwide.

Global demand for boron, an essential component in the manufacture of fibreglass and borosilicate glass, grew strongly in the three years to 2008. Products containing boron in the form of borates or boric acid pervade every part of everyday life from borosilicate glass in LCD screens to composites used in car body panels to glass wool for loft insulation.

Growth has been driven by an expansion of demand from China, where consumption rose by 15 per cent a year from 2000 to 2008. The increase in market share held by Asian countries reflects the shift in production of textile-grade fibreglass, borosilicate glass and ceramics away from North America and Europe to countries with lower production costs
Just wait till coastal areas whine for trillions to build dikes with.

I suggest you read this page from WUWT and see for yourself how the sea level has risen around Boston and how the city has grown in spite of the oceans sea level increase. It amazes me how you folks are allways doing the chicken little routine and you never, ever, bother to think about how man can cope with your little trivialities. There is very little that man can not cope with (a cold Earth is one of them, warm no problem! cold watch out the misery is oming) yet you people allways cry about the falling sky...that never falls.

The rubbish is coming! One if by land, two if by sea | Watts Up With That?
Just wait till coastal areas whine for trillions to build dikes with.

New Orleans dykes cost us trillions, good thing most of the bluffs in California are 15' high. Even the alarmist dont state the level of the Ocean will rise that much.

If all the ice melted tomorrow the level of the sea will not raise an inch. There was never that much ice, I know of no coastal area anyone has ever pointed to and stated, "look, thats were the Ocean was when all the Ice melted in the Cambrian period.
The usual suspects and the continueing line of bullshit. The money trail of denial leads straight to the energy corperations and their toadies, of whom we have a surplus on this board.
The usual suspects and the continueing line of bullshit. The money trail of denial leads straight to the energy corperations and their toadies, of whom we have a surplus on this board.

What does "continueing" mean? I am not familiar with that word.
It isn't change that we need to worry about.

Its too much change happening more quickly than we can cope with.

Whether the climate is getting hotter or cold it's the same problem.

Does the change happen faster than we can cope?
The usual suspects and the continueing line of bullshit. The money trail of denial leads straight to the energy corperations and their toadies, of whom we have a surplus on this board.

olfraud you are the definition of disingenuous fool. The energy companies that you claim we work for are poised to make tens of billions if not trillions of dollars off of your "clean" energy scams. If ANYBODY is a tool of the oil companies it is you, Chris and konrad who collectively know nothing about what you speak yet constantly support the economic enslavenment of this country to fraudsters like Goldman Sachs and the oil companies.

Here's a statement for ya. Chevron is one of the most vile companies on the planet. They lobbied the California Air Resources Board to use MTBE as an oxygenate in the gasoline used in California. This when it was KNOWN that MTBE was a carcinogen.

Fortunately they did not know that it was also highly caustic and it was able to destroy enough fuel systems and inground gasoline storage tanks fast enough that even a brain dead group like CARB was forced to remove it from gasoline. Thus the overall damage was minimised. However, thousands of water wells were poisoned all over the state because of it and will remain so for hundreds of years.

Yet another example of ignorant environmentalists causing far more damage than the problem they intended to cure...a common issue with scientifically illiterate imbeciles such as yourself.

So there, I've publicly declared a oil company as a gross polluter of the state I used to reside in, a criminal organization as far as I am concerned with the MTBE issue. I think that settles yours and Chrisypoos assertion that I am a shill for the oil companies.

Now how about you coming out and making a public declaration about how your company Evraz needs to embark ona major pollution control program at all of its plants worldwide.

Or is that level of honesty too much for you?
It isn't change that we need to worry about.

Its too much change happening more quickly than we can cope with.

Whether the climate is getting hotter or cold it's the same problem.

Does the change happen faster than we can cope?

No, it doesn't. There is ample historical evidence that says mankind has done extremely well regardless of the weather...unless it was cold. Cold weather kills and causes wars, pestilence and famine. Which of course kill even more. No matter where you look in the historical record this is a true statement. Isuggest you look at this link to WUWT as well and look at how the city of Boston has grown in spite of the sea level rise. There is a very well done time lapse sequence that shows the environs through two centuries. It is accurate and clearly demonstrates mans ability to keep ahead of the 2.63 mm per year of ocean rise that NOAA has monitered over the last century.

Even the "rapid rise" in temperature that olffraud is constantly whining about is according to all evidence we have...not a big issue. In fact, during the PETM that he loves to trot out as a "oh my god we're going to die" factoid, the evidence shows worldwide proliferation of life. The PETM was witness to one of the most explosive rates of flora and fauna increase the world has ever seen. Many of the critters we have today evolved during the PETM so clearly the warmth was a good thing then and it would be a good thing now.

In the historical and paleontological record warmth has never been shown to be bad, it is the opposite. Cold on the other hand IS the killer you should be concerned about.

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