It Takes Too Long For Capitol Hill To Pass Worthwhile Legislation


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
It’s time to allow voters to be involved. The USA voter wants to be quite active in passing important legislation. It takes too long for capitol hill to pass any worthwhile legislation. Time to pass the baton to the voters. It's all about Democracy. This will require a special vote day which of course is good use of a special vote day……… say March 1 2025.


Put the following on the ballot aka democracy to allow voting taxpayers the right to decide:

= Ban insider trading on capitol hill to include employees and elected officials
= Ban all home loan scams before they become reality aka bring back regulations
= Ban all assault weapons off our city streets,
= Woman's Right To Choose
= Fund Public Education
= PDA Single Payer Health Insurance(excellent use of OUR tax dollars using medicare as a template)
= Vote Out The Electoral College
= Vote Out United We Stand
= Make Social Security Permanent ( Fiscal responsible use of tax dollars
= Lock Up All Fascist Pigs They Are Treasonous Un-Americans(Good-Bye Alec and MAGA)
= Vote to out law Book Bans - Let Parents decide
= Support Planned Parenthood Birth Control
= Make Corporate Control of Government Svcs Illegal
= Clean Up Water Supplies and Remove Air Pollution
= Shut down 600 offshore USA military installations ( leaves 400)
It’s time to allow voters to be involved. The USA voter wants to be quite active in passing important legislation. It takes too long for capitol hill to pass any worthwhile legislation. Time to pass the baton to the voters. It's all about Democracy. This will require a special vote day which of course is good use of a special vote day……… say March 1 2025.


Put the following on the ballot aka democracy to allow voting taxpayers the right to decide:

= Ban insider trading on capitol hill to include employees and elected officials
= Ban all home loan scams before they become reality aka bring back regulations
= Ban all assault weapons off our city streets,
= Woman's Right To Choose
= Fund Public Education
= PDA Single Payer Health Insurance(excellent use of OUR tax dollars using medicare as a template)
= Vote Out The Electoral College
= Vote Out United We Stand
= Make Social Security Permanent ( Fiscal responsible use of tax dollars
= Lock Up All Fascist Pigs They Are Treasonous Un-Americans(Good-Bye Alec and MAGA)
= Vote to out law Book Bans - Let Parents decide
= Support Planned Parenthood Birth Control
= Make Corporate Control of Government Svcs Illegal
= Clean Up Water Supplies and Remove Air Pollution
= Shut down 600 offshore USA military installations ( leaves 400)
Checks and balances inherent in the constitution make our government intentionally run slow.
Checks and balances inherent in the constitution make our government intentionally run slow.
Intentionally so people like him can't lock up the people that HE deems to be dangerous! What the left proposes these days in the name of "democracy" is amazingly undemocratic! But in their minds...anyone they label as a "fascist" (who is anyone who disagrees with their agenda) has no rights!

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