Zone1 It's so weird that the left has demonized "traditional" values

Also to your point just because something is new doesn’t make it good. There are terrible things going on in the modern era that in the past were rightfully condemned. Like this idea that a child can get a sex change operation. Or the idea that a white homeless person is privileged.

The point made by the poster I quoted was one of l trolling. For example, he talks about slavery, as if it was only a white man’s thing. The guy talks about segregation like it was only a white man’s thing. He’s talking about it from a Americans perspective. When those issues were all worldwide issues.

Also beating one’s wife is not a traditional thing to do. It’s a crime now and was then. Beating one’s wife in the 1950s was frowned upon and a man that did that was a disgrace. So the poster who brought that up is simply trolling and making things up.
What do you think the first two letters of this website's name represent? What other people do in other countries has no bearing on the United States. And one of the weakest arguments you can make is pointing to others and saying "they did it too" or "they did worse".

Joe is not a troll and from I've seen is pretty knowledgeable of what he speaks. We don't agree all of the time but we do enough for me to have a general understanding of where he's coming from.

I'm not sure why you keep bringing up a white homeless guy in an attempt to prove that there is no such thing as white privilege when it has been explained to you, more than once, that being born into the white race doesn't shield you from the hardships of life but it does shield you from the laws and consequences, residual though they may be, crafted specifically to criminalize, oppress and diminish the lives of Black Americans.
But it was based on the value that there should be separation of the races with white supremcy... that's the whole point.

But it wasn't always. In fact, did you know that they didn't remove the first marital rape law from the books until 1973, and there were still some on the books until 1993.

Yet those things were considered part of the values of "Faith and family", until they weren't

Actually, not true. Most countries had a much shorter intrevel between independence and emancipation. For instance, Brazil became independent from Portugal in 1822 and abolished slavery in 1888. And they didn't have to murder a bunch of people to do it.

View attachment 995673

We were the first country in the Americas to become independent and one of the last to abolish slavery.
Joe, thanks for mentioning marital rape, I started to post something about it but would have had to research first for the dates & states which is not easy to do on my phone.

For the others, until just a couple of decades ago in some states a man could not be convicted of raping his wife, even if separated and no matter how violent. This was due to the premise that a woman grants "irrevocable consent" for sexual relations her husband upon entering into the marriage.

This was legal aka "traditional". I don't know anyone who thinks this should ever have been.
Wife-beating is a crime.

The Temperance Movement was largely a womens' movement against family violence. The country eventually passed Prohibition because of wife beating and other domestic violence. It was never an acceptable 'tradition' in WASP culture like the commies and deviants claim. These vermin have never read history, they just parrot what they're told. They don;t actually care about women and children, it's just some slogans for them for them to hide their agendas behind.

These days black 'culture' generates murders of women at 4 times the rates for white women; violence against women is a highly popular theme in rap and hip hop garbage. Native Americans also love raping and murdering women, they're also up there with 'black culture' in promoting violence. LAtinos on the other hand, note for their 'toxic masculinity' culture, though still higher than among whites, have less than half the rates of violence against women than blacks and indians do, proving that 'toxic masculinity' isn't a major factor.
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Joe, thanks for mentioning marital rape, I started to post something about it but would have had to research first for the dates & states which is not easy to do on my phone.

For the others, until just a couple of decades ago in some states a man could not be convicted of raping his wife, even if separated and no matter how violent. This was due to the premise that a woman grants "irrevocable consent" for sexual relations her husband upon entering into the marriage.

This was legal aka "traditional". I don't know anyone who thinks this should ever have been.

Yes, a lot of minorities got away with domestic violence, which is why its still a major thing in black 'culture'. thanks for helping point that out.
If Trump had not committed the violations they would have been UNABLE to file charges against him. It's his own behavior that put him where he is now. Are you seriously saying the country should just give him a pass?
A “pass” for what?

An alleged rape from 20 years ago by a raving lib woman who has no evidence to back up her story?

No video confirmation, no 3rd party witness, no DNA sample?

Just the woman’s word that trump stuck his finger in her 20 years ago

By your standard any woman can bring down ANY MAN, ANY TIME they feel like it
A “pass” for what?

An alleged rape from 20 years ago by a raving lib woman who has no evidence to back up her story?

No video confirmation, no 3rd party witness, no DNA sample?

Just the woman’s word that trump stuck his finger in her 20 years ago

By your standard any woman can bring down ANY MAN, ANY TIME they feel like it

And of course that's exactly what leftists want, along with exempting themselves from any criminal prosecutions of black and latino crimes.
What do you think the first two letters of this website's name represent? What other people do in other countries has no bearing on the United States. And one of the weakest arguments you can make is pointing to others and saying "they did it too" or "they did worse".

Joe is not a troll and from I've seen is pretty knowledgeable of what he speaks. We don't agree all of the time but we do enough for me to have a general understanding of where he's coming from.

I'm not sure why you keep bringing up a white homeless guy in an attempt to prove that there is no such thing as white privilege when it has been explained to you, more than once, that being born into the white race doesn't shield you from the hardships of life but it does shield you from the laws and consequences, residual though they may be, crafted specifically to criminalize, oppress and diminish the lives of Black Americans.
That’s not how the world works, my friend. The slave trade for example existed because it was a worldwide phenomenon. So this takes away from the racist idea that white person is privileged. It is a deeply offensive and divisive thing to suggest. Kind of thing that tears apart communities. It’s also a relatively new talking point that did not exist even seven years ago. So ask yourself why all of a sudden now are people saying that ….it is because it’s a part of the radical left-wing world viewpoint, which is one of selfishness and racism.

what occurs around the world directly affects our country. For example, think of World War I or World War II , we got involved because they were perceived to directly affect American interests. Your point is simply wrong and misguided.

And we could say the same thing about other countries China, Russia, getting involved in international events because it directly affects them. Or how they bring up how other countries of the past acted and how it affected them.
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I am on your side with regard to the high place of values, especially traditional values.

However, I think the bigger failure is societal and political leaders touting (and more them.
YES, LETS HIRE those who work for America, Not those who work for just the wants of party
, keeping there job,
and the wants of the hidden money who pay for there reelection.
More than the dems, yeah.

tell that to ivana ... oh wait - you can't. she's buried under a bunch of unkept brush at donny's gold club.

or tell marla....

or melania. btw,

Because the more untraditional peoples values the easier it is to control. Especially single mothers and broken families via divorce etc.

i. It's so weird that the left has demonized "traditional" values 240822 {post•214}. NotfooledbyW Aug’22 Viswtt: Using reason to drive the progressive political process instead of the Bible was only a tradition in America during the first four Presidencies. It was when Jefferson’s high wall of Church and State was standing its tallest. nfbw 240822 Viswtt00214

xviii. Separation of Church and State? 240822 {post•903}. NotfooledbyW Aug’24 Vsocas: The Republican Party’s Separation of Mind from Reason as a result of the Rightward Catholic Culture of Saint Ding. ….. continuation of paragraphs. ….
i thru v i nfbw 240820 Vsocas00876
vi thru vii. nfbw 240820 Vsocas00883
viii thru x. nfbw 240821 Vsocas00884
xi. thru xii. nfbw 240821 Vsocas00897
xiii thru xiv nfbw 240821 Vsocas00897
xv thru xviii. nfbw 240822 Vsicas00903

xv. Separation of Church and State? 240820 {post•845}. BackAgain said: The phrase “separation of church and state” doesn’t appear in the Constiturion. bckgn 240820 Ssocas00845

xvi. Separation of Church and State? 240822 {post•903}. NotfooledbyW Aug’24 Vsocas inserted an excerpt on faith and reason: A truly Catholic perception of Thomas Jefferson. by Donald J. D'Elia: Yet, Jefferson's false principles in philosophy and religion, which are essentially those of "modern man" in today's consenting-adult society, and his private scurrilities, must be an affront to real Christians. This truth is beyond opinion, despite Jefferson's transparent sincerity. The man why had "sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man" was himself the victim of the most dangerous tyranny of all: ignorance of the Word of God. For Jefferson could not, and modern Americans cannot, declare themselves independent of God's truth.

The Relevance of Thomas Jefferson​
Library : The Relevance of Thomas Jefferson. by Donald J. D'Elia. Author of Faith & Reason. Christendom College Press, Fall 1977 ….. In this analysis of Thomas Jefferson, Dr. D 'Elia lays the groundwork for a truly Catholic perception of American history in general, in addition to unveiling an accurate portrait of the man. About : Trinity Communications. •¥•. nfbw 240822 Vsicas00903

xvii. America's Christian Heritage 170301 {post•1} ding Mar’17 Sachyz: The second best-selling book in the American colonies was the New England Primer. ••• Many of its selections were drawn from the King James Bible. dvng 170301 Sachyz00001

xviii. Separation of Church and State? 240822 {post•903}. NotfooledbyW Aug’24 Vsocas: I need to draw your attention to paragraph xvii. This is where Saint ding celebrates the triumph of faith in unprovable facts as collected the biblical worldview, over faith in reason by the celebrating the reality that in colonial America children were indoctrinated by the church/state regime of King James

I reckon KJ is probably the monarch most famous for converting a Catholic book into a Protestant one leading to all kinds of wars beheadings, tortures and all the other kinds of abuses that come when a church is aligned with a state.

We can see continued abuses from church/state authoritarianism in the current Russian invasion of Ukraine as well as the suffering of women in America of church/state abortion bans, such has the ban enacted in Texas.

The Catholic Dr. D 'Elia attack on TJ can be read in paragraph xvi. D 'Elia tells us that TJ swore “upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man" with a big target being the Catholic Church in the history of Western Civilization,

It’s too bad President Jefferson is not here to defend our nation against the tyranny of a minority of the Catholic as mind expressed by the Catholic Dr. D 'Elia.

This story is about coming to the defense of Thomas Jefferson and the separation of church and state which is the foundation of our western liberal democracy.

Catholic Americans are split with more than half understanding the concept of separation of church and state with a high wall between them. But the low wall or no wall mindset is represented in the expectations of its most virulent right wing Catholic believers. nfbw 240822 Vsicas00903

nfbw 240822 Viswtt00214
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Slavery was a traditional value.
Segregation was a traditional value.
Wife-beating was a traditional value.
Big Fscking deal,,,,,THOSE 3 ISSUES WILL NEVER EVER BE SOLVED PERIOD. ITS LIKE SAYING WE ARE GOING TO CURE HUNGER,,,,NEVER HAPPEN. These are utopian ideals of naive leftists.

There are more slaves today than 200 years ago.
People Self Segregate
Wife beating still happens except its called spouse abuse.
Big Fscking deal,,,,,THOSE 3 ISSUES WILL NEVER EVER BE SOLVED PERIOD. ITS LIKE SAYING WE ARE GOING TO CURE HUNGER,,,,NEVER HAPPEN. These are utopian ideals of naive leftists.

There are more slaves today than 200 years ago.
People Self Segregate
Wife beating still happens except its called spouse abuse.

Except, we ended slavery, we ended Jim Crow, we now treat spousal abuse like the crime it is.

Because we stopped treated them as "values" and treated them for what they are.

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