Zone1 It's so weird that the left has demonized "traditional" values

You Repubs hold no traditional or moral ground when you support a cad case such as Trump.
Back up your statement and show why he is a Cad,,,,,,,You cant. This shows that you are brainwashed with Trump hate by the Deep State.

If it werent Trump but another Nationalist like Ron Paul, you would be saying the same exact thing about him.

They will destroy anybody that gets in the way of AGENDA 2030.
Back up your statement and show why he is a Cad,,,,,,,You cant. This shows that you are brainwashed with Trump hate by the Deep State.

If it werent Trump but another Nationalist like Ron Paul, you would be saying the same exact thing about him.

They will destroy anybody that gets in the way of AGENDA 2030.
Ok, he is a serial adulter.
I constantly hear leftists use "traditional" anything as some sort of attack, as if it's bad.

What is "traditional" in society? It's merely something that has proven to have worked and produced positive results. It's applying what we have learned from wisdom and experience.. and basically following the scientific method.

We ought to follow many things that have worked and produced good results. Traditional ideas are largely good ideas, because they nearly always cross cultures and withstand the test of time, even if rabid ideologues on the left hold hatred for it as they chase an unattainable utopia.
So Trump represents "traditional values"?
Except Brown was never her boss.
And there's no evidence that Biden abused anyone.
He had the power to set her up, which he did.

I love how you turn yourself into a pretzel to absolve her of the very things that Trump did.
He had the power to set her up, which he did.

I love how you turn yourself into a pretzel to absolve her of the very things that Trump did.
They screech about Trump having side pieces, while they eagerly tote the water for a literal side piece. :auiqs.jpg:

He had the power to set her up, which he did.

I love how you turn yourself into a pretzel to absolve her of the very things that Trump did.

He recommended her for a couple of committees in addition to the job she already had. That's hardly a career booster.

But here's the thing. Kamala isn't out there claiming to be from the party of family values. She's not telling women they can't have abortions like Trump and his buddy the Black Porn Nazi.
He recommended her for a couple of committees in addition to the job she already had. That's hardly a career booster.

But here's the thing. Kamala isn't out there claiming to be from the party of family values. She's not telling women they can't have abortions like Trump and his buddy the Black Porn Nazi.
She was making over 150k a year with ZERO experience.
Ok, he is a serial adulter.
I don’t think pretty much any people think that’s a great thing.

But if my plumber cheats on his wife, I’m not going to stop using him if he’s good at his job and doesn’t charge a lot.

Same thing with a presidential candidate.
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The Temperance Movement was largely a womens' movement against family violence. The country eventually passed Prohibition because of wife beating and other domestic violence. It was never an acceptable 'tradition' in WASP culture like the commies and deviants claim. These vermin have never read history, they just parrot what they're told. They don;t actually care about women and children, it's just some slogans for them for them to hide their agendas behind.

These days black 'culture' generates murders of women at 4 times the rates for white women; violence against women is a highly popular theme in rap and hip hop garbage. Native Americans also love raping and murdering women, they're also up there with 'black culture' in promoting violence. LAtinos on the other hand, note for their 'toxic masculinity' culture, though still higher than among whites, have less than half the rates of violence against women than blacks and indians do, proving that 'toxic masculinity' isn't a major factor.
Good points.

Cultures are different, and they produce different results in society.

However, the woke won’t discuss the glaring alarming issues in primarily black populations in America. They have 2 pathetic ploys to avoid the basic issue:

1. Blame the crimes on “systemic” boogeymen (avoiding self responsibility and free will)

2. Say that even talking about alarming, factual trends in the black community is mean and racist.

Either one is ridiculous. You have to address the alarming behavior, especially in young black males. They commit 50% of murders in the country while making up like 6% of the population.

Leftists are routinely too cowardly to even reply to that statistic
i. It's so weird that the left has demonized "traditional" values 240822 {post•214}. NotfooledbyW Aug’22 Viswtt: Using reason to drive the progressive political process instead of the Bible was only a tradition in America during the first four Presidencies. It was when Jefferson’s high wall of Church and State was standing its tallest. nfbw 240822 Viswtt00214

xviii. Separation of Church and State? 240822 {post•903}. NotfooledbyW Aug’24 Vsocas: The Republican Party’s Separation of Mind from Reason as a result of the Rightward Catholic Culture of Saint Ding. ….. continuation of paragraphs. ….
i thru v i nfbw 240820 Vsocas00876
vi thru vii. nfbw 240820 Vsocas00883
viii thru x. nfbw 240821 Vsocas00884
xi. thru xii. nfbw 240821 Vsocas00897
xiii thru xiv nfbw 240821 Vsocas00897
xv thru xviii. nfbw 240822 Vsicas00903

xv. Separation of Church and State? 240820 {post•845}. BackAgain said: The phrase “separation of church and state” doesn’t appear in the Constiturion. bckgn 240820 Ssocas00845

xvi. Separation of Church and State? 240822 {post•903}. NotfooledbyW Aug’24 Vsocas inserted an excerpt on faith and reason: A truly Catholic perception of Thomas Jefferson. by Donald J. D'Elia: Yet, Jefferson's false principles in philosophy and religion, which are essentially those of "modern man" in today's consenting-adult society, and his private scurrilities, must be an affront to real Christians. This truth is beyond opinion, despite Jefferson's transparent sincerity. The man why had "sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man" was himself the victim of the most dangerous tyranny of all: ignorance of the Word of God. For Jefferson could not, and modern Americans cannot, declare themselves independent of God's truth.

The Relevance of Thomas Jefferson​
Library : The Relevance of Thomas Jefferson. by Donald J. D'Elia. Author of Faith & Reason. Christendom College Press, Fall 1977 ….. In this analysis of Thomas Jefferson, Dr. D 'Elia lays the groundwork for a truly Catholic perception of American history in general, in addition to unveiling an accurate portrait of the man. About : Trinity Communications. •¥•. nfbw 240822 Vsicas00903

xvii. America's Christian Heritage 170301 {post•1} ding Mar’17 Sachyz: The second best-selling book in the American colonies was the New England Primer. ••• Many of its selections were drawn from the King James Bible. dvng 170301 Sachyz00001

xviii. Separation of Church and State? 240822 {post•903}. NotfooledbyW Aug’24 Vsocas: I need to draw your attention to paragraph xvii. This is where Saint ding celebrates the triumph of faith in unprovable facts as collected the biblical worldview, over faith in reason by the celebrating the reality that in colonial America children were indoctrinated by the church/state regime of King James

I reckon KJ is probably the monarch most famous for converting a Catholic book into a Protestant one leading to all kinds of wars beheadings, tortures and all the other kinds of abuses that come when a church is aligned with a state.

We can see continued abuses from church/state authoritarianism in the current Russian invasion of Ukraine as well as the suffering of women in America of church/state abortion bans, such has the ban enacted in Texas.

The Catholic Dr. D 'Elia attack on TJ can be read in paragraph xvi. D 'Elia tells us that TJ swore “upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man" with a big target being the Catholic Church in the history of Western Civilization,

It’s too bad President Jefferson is not here to defend our nation against the tyranny of a minority of the Catholic as mind expressed by the Catholic Dr. D 'Elia.

This story is about coming to the defense of Thomas Jefferson and the separation of church and state which is the foundation of our western liberal democracy.

Catholic Americans are split with more than half understanding the concept of separation of church and state with a high wall between them. But the low wall or no wall mindset is represented in the expectations of its most virulent right wing Catholic believers. nfbw 240822 Vsicas00903

nfbw 240822 Viswtt00214
The left tries to erroneously use this line all the time… they probably think it IS in the constitution. As you said, it’s not.

And there was no intention of eliminating any mention or influence of society from religion.
I don’t think pretty much any people think that’s a great thing.

But if my plumber cheats on his wife, I’m not going to stop using him if he’s good at his job and doesn’t charge a lot.

Same thing with a presidential candidate.
Funny, you wingnuts didn't have that attitude when Clinton was president.

And we weren't using Freezer Trucks as makeshift morgues when Clinton was in charge.
Or had riots in the streets.
Or double digit unemployment.

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