Zone1 It's so weird that the left has demonized "traditional" values

I don’t think pretty much any people think that’s a great thing.

But if my plumber cheats on his wife, I’m not going to stop using him if he’s good at his job and doesn’t charge a lot.

Same thing with a presidential candidate.
you can pay him to fuck yer wife and think its normal also.
nfbw 240924 Viswtt00244

iv. Separation of Church and State? 240820 {post•845}. BackAgain said: The phrase “separation of church and state” doesn’t appear in the Constiturion. bckgn 240820 Ssocas00845

v. Separation of Church and State? 240820 {post•876}. NotfooledbyW Aug’24 Vsocas: Thomas Jefferson used the phrase in his letter to the Danberry Baptist, who wanted “separation of church and state“ and the disestablishment of state religion. •¥¥• Now we have Christian organizations opposed to disestablishment. •¥¥¥• The founding generation was rather irreligious. Only about one and five of the colonial population belonged to a church. •¥¥¥¥• •¥¥¥¥¥¥•. Further reading Jefferson & The Danbury Baptists. •€• nfbw 240820 Vsocas00876

The Republican Party’s Separation of Mind from Reason continuation of paragraphs:
i •• v. nfbw 240820 Vsocas00876
vi •• vii. nfbw 240820 Vsocas00883
viii •• x. nfbw 240821 Vsocas00884
xi •• xii. nfbw 240821 Vsocas00897
xiii •• xiv nfbw 240821 Vsocas00898
xv •• xviii. nfbw 240822 Vsicas00903
xix •• xxvi. nfbw 240824 Vsocas00967
xxvii •• xxx. nfbw 240825 Socas00980
xxxi •• xxxii. nfbw 240924 Viswtt00244

xxxi. It's so weird that the left has demonized "traditional" values. 240924 {post•236}. Mr. Friscus Sep’24 Siswtt regarding the US Constitution: there was no intention of eliminating any mention or influence of society from religion. mrfrscs 240924 Siswtt00236

xxxii. It's so weird that the left has demonized "traditional" values. 240924 {post•244}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Viswtt: In response to paragraph xxxi. my appeal to reason based on truth, has nothing to do with “eliminating any mention or influence of society from religion”. See paragraph v. above where I point out the truth that it was Thomas Jefferson who used the phrase in his letter to the Danberry Baptists, who wanted “separation of church and state“ and the disestablishment of state religion. It was not Satanic leftists or communists hell bent on creating a godless new world order by abolishing religion.

It was fractured, independent, and commercialized Christianity that had pioneers in leadership who wanted separation of church and state. Separation not only from the federal government but separation from the state’s governments as well.

nfbw 240924 Viswtt00244
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^^^No surprise this gimp relies on tabloids for 'news'. lol

you are invited to produce any facts that none of it is true ...

picaroooooooo.......... but you won't. 'cause you can't.


& as far as gimps relying on tabloids for news???


ask david pecker.
Dems were the guys behind the first two, tearing the nation apart with a Civil War defending slavery. They then implemented segregation, Jim Crow, the KKK.
True ^^^

But those were Southern Confederates, even though they were ONCE (D).
Why do you guys always deny that these things you mention are Conservative Values, even though these people were once (D)..........Years ago.

Southern KKK copy.png

you are invited to produce any facts that none of it is true ...

picaroooooooo.......... but you won't. 'cause you can't.


& as far as gimps relying on tabloids for news???


ask david pecker.

You're invited to eat shit and die. You haven't posted any facts yourself, gossip boi.
I'm 95 years old. So tell me what values I was supposed to adopt. I have followed the laws and paid taxes. What more is it you want? Cuz I'm not going to see it your way.
Hey, those are the swine YOU support.

So it looks like it is YOU who loves assholes like that.

The Truth is the ultimate defense in a slander case sweet cheeks.

Do you think serial adultery is a traditional value? How about shoving the president of Montenegro or persisting with birther lies? Do you consider vulgar and stupid to be "traditional values"?
Do you think serial adultery is a traditional value? How about shoving the president of Montenegro or persisting with birther lies? Do you consider vulgar and stupid to be "traditional values"?
Do think abusing your daughter is a traditional value?

Do you think screwing a married politician for your personal advancement is a traditional value?

You dumbfucks picked the wrong candidates if you want to screech about traditional values, sweetie.
You're invited to eat shit and die.

how mature. you must take yer cues from donny.

You haven't posted any facts yourself, gossip boi.

anyone whose at least 50 years old, especially living in the north east knows who & what donald trump has always been. EVERY single thing he did is documented, trump humper.

3x married ... & FIVE KIDS by THREE baby mamas shirley doesn't scream
traditional OR family values. but thanx for playing the ' i will defend my chosen one no matter what, because i am a MAGAt' game. :113:
how mature. you must take yer cues from donny.

anyone whose at least 50 years old, especially living in the north east knows who & what donald trump has always been. EVERY single thing he did is documented, trump humper.

3x married ... & FIVE KIDS by THREE baby mamas shirley doesn't scream
traditional OR family values. but thanx for playing the ' i will defend my chosen one no matter what, because i am a MAGAt' game. :113:

And you have never had even one consensual heterosexual relationship. No wonder you're whining.

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