"it's the economy , stupid" how bad is the economy if you can fill up a boat and not use it to haul drugs or immigrants?

My uncle (now deceased) was a boat owner from Panama City. I never asked him that queston. I never even thought of it.
there are many kinds of boat. these "trump boat parades" seem to be the middle class versions of he russian oligarch cruisers.
A boat owner raised his voice at CNN journalist Elle Reeve for noting that he could afford the expensive hobby despite economic complaints.

The confrontation came while Reeve was covering a so-called MAGA boat parade in Panama City, Florida. The interview was replayed over the weekend.

a voice recognotion transcript of the cnn "boat parade" coverage

"What's your most important issue?" Reeve asked the boat owner.

"The economy, getting the interest rates down, getting it to where we can afford to live in America," the man replied. "Right now, it's too expensive."

"Okay, now, let me maybe ask a slightly impolite question, but, you know, if you can afford a boat, you're not hurting so bad, right, because a boat costs a lot of money, and it's a lot of upkeep," Reeve noted.

"Listen, nobody gave me s---!" the man shouted back. "I'm a retired military, retired power plant, and I am successful and retired, with boats, jet skis, because I did it right."

no one asked him shit about that entitlements, merely noted that pleasure boats are not necessities.

The economy is great!!!! The jobs numbers??? Unemployment almost at zero. Anyone who wants to work can find work.

DUDE, how about this very soft landing from the solution to fix inflation? It was going to DRIVE UP the unemployment number. It hasn't, and won't. How about the recession Republicans keep insisting is coming? It's not.

Unless Trump wins. Then unemployment will rise, inflation will increase and a recession will for sure come.
That's not true.
Because someone owns a boat, it does not mean they don't notice the rise in the cost of living. It just means they can survive, even if marginally.
Remember this?

Keep Your Goddamn Government Hands Off My Medicare!​

Senior citizens disrupting town halls are participating in a corporate lobbyist-driven campaign to prevent the rest of us from acquiring the same affordable, reliable public health care they enjoy.

People failing to grasp the contradiction in receiving Medicare benefits while simultaneously shouting nonsense about "government-run health care" is quite simply inexcusable.

President Obama at a town hall meeting last week described a letter he received from a Medicare recipient:

Medicare is paid for by those enrolled in it. Universal medicare would include millions that would not pay a dime toward the program. There is a difference.
That's not true.
Everyone's working. So no shit all the net job growth has gone to immigrants.

Also No, the assumption that all net job growth in the US has gone to immigrants is incorrect, as both US-born and foreign-born employment have increased

Immigration has contributed to job growth in the US, especially since the pandemic. The Hamilton Project estimates that immigration increased payroll job growth by 70,000 jobs per month in 2022 and 100,000 jobs per month in 2023

US-born employment has also increased
Brookings estimates that US-born employment increased by about 740,000 in 2023, which is larger than the 190,000 decline shown in the Current Population Survey

  • The labor market is not zero-sum, and native-born workers are also doing well. For example, demand for workers is so high that even marginal American workers, like teenagers and people with disabilities, are doing well.

Immigrants make up over 19% of the US workforce, and they participate in the labor force at a higher rate than native-born workers. Immigrants are more likely to be working-age than native-born Americans.
He certainly can afford to live and what he is saying is hyperbolic.

The funny thing is, I'm not really arguing with Republicans that the middle class isn't fucked up. I'm arguing that it's Trump who's going to fix it. Right now unions are winning. That means workers are winning. That means the middle class is winning. Kamala supports unions, Trump does not.

Trump is an illegal employer. Wants to play wack a mole with illegals to make racists MAGA's happy but I know he's not serious.

Trump doesn't pay his fair share of taxes. He's the reason the system is broke. Him and the billionaires who pay off Clarence Thomas. Vergogna.

Wages are already up. The feds raised interest rates not too long ago to cool down our economy. Now they are lowering interest. This wasn't nearly as bad as the 1980's inflation. Biden gave us a soft landing. What happened to the recesssion Republcians were sure was coming in 2021, 22, 23, 24. WRONG< WRONG, WRONG every time.

CEO pay and corporations don't pay their fair share.

Trump wants to tariff imports because he doesn't have a business that deals with importing/exporting. That's gonna raise prices people. But again, I'm not against bringing jobs back to America. I like it that Trump's gonna tariff Harley Davidson 200% if they leave. I love it. But Republicans don't love that do they? A politician butting his nose in business' affairs?
Everyone's working. So no shit all the net job growth has gone to immigrants.

Also No, the assumption that all net job growth in the US has gone to immigrants is incorrect, as both US-born and foreign-born employment have increased

Immigration has contributed to job growth in the US, especially since the pandemic. The Hamilton Project estimates that immigration increased payroll job growth by 70,000 jobs per month in 2022 and 100,000 jobs per month in 2023

US-born employment has also increased
Brookings estimates that US-born employment increased by about 740,000 in 2023, which is larger than the 190,000 decline shown in the Current Population Survey

  • The labor market is not zero-sum, and native-born workers are also doing well. For example, demand for workers is so high that even marginal American workers, like teenagers and people with disabilities, are doing well.

Immigrants make up over 19% of the US workforce, and they participate in the labor force at a higher rate than native-born workers. Immigrants are more likely to be working-age than native-born Americans.
Americans would do even better if we rounded up all the criminal aliens, revoked Biden's parole and had round the clock deportations.
Americans would do even better if we rounded up all the criminal aliens, revoked Biden's parole and had round the clock deportations.
You can't round them all up. What you are asking to do is play wack a mole while not solving the problem. If we go after illegal employers like we used to they'll go home or file for citizenship.

Go after the illegal employers then they'll go home and stop coming.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.
"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."
The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation.

Trump never once mentioned illegal employers because he is one.
You can't round them all up. What you are asking to do is play wack a mole while not solving the problem. If we go after illegal employers like we used to they'll go home or file for citizenship.

Go after the illegal employers then they'll go home and stop coming.

The hiring crimes of Illegal Employers are being ignored by the law, and rewarded by the economic systems of the nation.

Trump never once mentioned illegal employers because he is one.
Going after employers won't work the same way it once did. Now criminal aliens can get welfare.and state paid shelter.

Start with the shelters. Stop paying hotels to provide a bed. Empty the hotels into semi trucks. Police the people on the streets. Crack down on squatters. And prosecute those who employ them.
A boat owner raised his voice at CNN journalist Elle Reeve for noting that he could afford the expensive hobby despite economic complaints.

The confrontation came while Reeve was covering a so-called MAGA boat parade in Panama City, Florida. The interview was replayed over the weekend.

a voice recognotion transcript of the cnn "boat parade" coverage

"What's your most important issue?" Reeve asked the boat owner.

"The economy, getting the interest rates down, getting it to where we can afford to live in America," the man replied. "Right now, it's too expensive."

"Okay, now, let me maybe ask a slightly impolite question, but, you know, if you can afford a boat, you're not hurting so bad, right, because a boat costs a lot of money, and it's a lot of upkeep," Reeve noted.

"Listen, nobody gave me s---!" the man shouted back. "I'm a retired military, retired power plant, and I am successful and retired, with boats, jet skis, because I did it right."

no one asked him shit about that entitlements, merely noted that pleasure boats are not necessities.

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