It's the economy, stupid!

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Had the orange moron not destroyed our pandemic defenses in 2018, this would not be the case.
Inflation will kill any economic momentum we get from lifting covid restrictions...$80 sheets of plywood....milk at an all time high...gas up nearly 100% since Joe stole the white house from Trump...I did my shopping on Saturday...everything is paper goods soap cleaning products....everything is shipped by truck....trucks use gas....soon rent will go up because your landlord will see his cost rise...I wish you dems would think about this stuff when you vote....

And stop blaming Trump you sound like morons when you do that...besides didn't you all say this was still Obama's economy?....
Biden added an average of 540K Jobs per month since taking office making him the Greatest Jobs President in History!

Trump lost (-306,000) Jobs in his December Recovery!!!

Trump's 3 month recovery average just prior to Biden taking office was only 63,000 monthly jobs!
Inflation will kill any economic momentum we get from lifting covid restrictions...$80 sheets of plywood....milk at an all time high...gas up nearly 100% since Joe stole the white house from Trump...I did my shopping on Saturday...everything is paper goods soap cleaning products....everything is shipped by truck....trucks use gas....soon rent will go up because your landlord will see his cost rise...I wish you dems would think about this stuff when you vote....

And stop blaming Trump you sound like morons when you do that...besides didn't you all say this was still Obama's economy?....
This inflation was easily predictable and will be short lived. During the pandemic the economy nose-dived. Blue collar workers, service workers, saw a hit to their income. But skilled workers, like engineers for instance, were able to work remotely. Their income did not take a hit, and staying at home they ended up banking money. Now that things are opening up they are tapping into those savings and spending, driving up prices in the short term. But give it a year or two and things will level out. If nothing else, this is a great lesson in the Paradox of Thrift.
Let’s see what happens in 2022. That will be the litmus test.

It's the economy, stupid!​

Biden added an average of 540K Jobs per month since taking office making him the Greatest Jobs President in History!
Trump lost (-306,000) Jobs in his December Recovery!!!

By your idiot logic then, crime went UP under GW Bush because of the thousands killed on 9/11 by Osama Bin Laden!

Meantime, most of the job losses in 2020 were due to the DEMOCRAT's refusal to follow the federal plan, instead shutting down their state economies. Then blaming Trump for it. Nice.
Had the orange moron not destroyed our pandemic defenses in 2018, this would not be the case.
View attachment 497307
Before the world wide pandemic shut down our economy...with help from liberal Governors of course...Donald Trump gave us historically good economic numbers!

Joe Biden's jobs numbers are underperforming at an alarming rate BECAUSE of his policies! You'd almost have to TRY not to create jobs to do what Biden has done so far!
Had the orange moron not destroyed our pandemic defenses in 2018, this would not be the case.
View attachment 497307
Before the world wide pandemic shut down our economy...with help from liberal Governors of course...Donald Trump gave us historically good economic numbers!

Joe Biden's jobs numbers are underperforming at an alarming rate BECAUSE of his policies! You'd almost have to TRY not to create jobs to do what Biden has done so far!
People going back to work in hospitality and other occupations shuttered by the idiotic lockdowns, and it's Bifden who is the job creating wizard.

Fuck me running.
If Fauxi were a Republican, Progressives would have already build the scaffolding for his public execution

He'd be labeled the "Greatest Mass Murderer in American History!"
Let’s see what happens in 2022. That will be the litmus test.
I will make a prediction. Regardless of what happens in Washington DC. Companies will ramp up production as demand starts to increase. That will increase wages and lower unemployment. Inflation will spike, I have no doubt. There is an enormous amount of pent up demand that has to be released. But four to five percent is nothing, real income, including wages, will increase at a faster clip.

Gas prices will stabilize, probably somewhere around three bucks a gallon. Russia and Saudi Arabia are already increasing production. And electric vehicles will result in pressure to the downside that will prevent gas from skyrocketing. Food prices will start to trend downward at the end of the year as production increases, barring any weather related anomalies.

Look for mortgage rates to start climbing, if you are thinking of refinancing, do it now. But those climbing mortgage rates will place downward pressure on home prices. That market is already about as rich as it can get. Don't be looking to buy a new home for the next six months. Wait it out. If you are looking to sell, call the realtor today.

Biden is going to look like a hero. Not that he is going to accomplish much, other than the fact that he is not Trump. And if the fat fool isn't in jail and runs again, look for the biggest landslide since Reagan beat Dukakis. Best thing for Trump to do is unload as many of his properties as possible, like yesterday, and pay off his debts. Otherwise, his ass is going to be bankrupt again.

Bookmark this page. You guys just got what I usually charge $250 an hour for. This is what I do, and not to brag, but I am the best. I started this shit when Reagan took office, called everything from lumber futures going through roof with Clinton to buying Bitcoin at six bucks. Sell your Dodgecoin, NOW. And Bitcoin is on the cusp, hold for the moment, but be ready to let it go. If you have artwork, collectible trading cards, post that shit on Ebay TODAY.
Inflation will kill any economic momentum we get from lifting covid restrictions...$80 sheets of plywood....milk at an all time high...gas up nearly 100% since Joe stole the white house from Trump...I did my shopping on Saturday...everything is paper goods soap cleaning products....everything is shipped by truck....trucks use gas....soon rent will go up because your landlord will see his cost rise...I wish you dems would think about this stuff when you vote....

And stop blaming Trump you sound like morons when you do that...besides didn't you all say this was still Obama's economy?....
Add to that the new federal minimum wage and you have more fuel on the fire. Net gain for the people getting the new min. wage? Less than zero, they are worse off than before Biden. But, he won't raise your taxes. BULLSHIT.

It's the economy, stupid!​

Biden added an average of 540K Jobs per month since taking office making him the Greatest Jobs President in History!
Trump lost (-306,000) Jobs in his December Recovery!!!

By your idiot logic then, crime went UP under GW Bush because of the thousands killed on 9/11 by Osama Bin Laden!

Meantime, most of the job losses in 2020 were due to the DEMOCRAT's refusal to follow the federal plan, instead shutting down their state economies. Then blaming Trump for it. Nice.
9/11 happened because GWB failed on purpose to protect US from terrorist so he could use that to launch a massive war. His military also sent anthrax letters to powerful people who opposed the wars he wanted.

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