It's time to legalize drugs

So a soft drink maker for a brief period. An unproven assertion about hemp. And a pain-relieving pharmaceutical.
That's it? Really?
You haven't proven anything, other than you can't understand a simple post.

Anyone that thinks alcohol was being used by humans before opiates is delusional.

Any proof there? Or are you stoned? Again.

Poppy plants are one of the oldest plants cultivated by primitive cultures in the indus river of the first civilizations. arguing about which one came first is retarded anyways, theyve both been around for thousands of years.

Do you want to know the real reason alcohol is illegal? Because its stronger than most of the other illegal drugs. People have to have their alcohol. Its such a good drug that demand is so high that prohibition would never work.
Hemp was certainly available. So was opium. A few people used laudanum, but mostly as a medicine, not for recreational use.
This bolsters my point. Drugs were not really a traditional part of society, whereas alcohol was. So alcohol is "grandfathered" in.

So basically we go with the old "If I don't like it, ban it". However if I do like it, then well everything is just peachy.

Bit of a stretch to enjoy your maker's mark while denying a person the ability to legally smoke the dried remains of a plant.

Did I use too many big words in my post that you couldn't understand it? Or are you toking up early today?

I bet my understanding of big words far exceeds yours. And no, I only toke up on vacation.

I understand your post just fine. I guess when you don't have a better answer to the actual statement I made, you go to the crappy debater toolbox and unload some snark.

Poor form in general.
So a soft drink maker for a brief period. An unproven assertion about hemp. And a pain-relieving pharmaceutical.
That's it? Really?
You haven't proven anything, other than you can't understand a simple post.

Anyone that thinks alcohol was being used by humans before opiates is delusional.

Any proof there? Or are you stoned? Again.

O. And yes actually. I am.

Considering the last three president smoked weed, Shakespeare smoked weed, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs smoked weed, and a plethora of other influential people smoked weed, I don't think that precludes pot smokers from holding an intelligent conversation.
I think it's time to legalize it, but I recommend Lucid Dreaming over drugs any day, s0nz!
You gotta wonder if the left is crazy or they see a weak administration that they can bully into any stupid left wing scheme. At a time in history when cigarette smoking has been regulated to death they want to legalize a drug which is ten times more harmful.

How is cannabis 10 times more harmful than cigarettes?

Harvard Medical and the Royal British Medical Society have shown the following.......

If you smoke cigarettes only, you are 21 times more likely to contract lung cancer than someone who doesn't smoke.

If you don't smoke anything, you still have a chance of contracting lung cancer.

If you smoke cannabis only? You have a 0.93 percent to 0.73 percent chance of contracting lung cancer than someone who doesn't smoke anything at all.

Oh's been proven to be beneficial for Alzheimer's, as well as chemo patients, helps with glaucoma as well as increases appetite.'s non addictive physically. Cigarettes are physically addictive.

Try again. You fail.

By the way, look up a dude named Anslinger sometime and find out the real reasons he pushed so hard to make marijuana illegal. Wanna know why? Because Blacks and Hispanics were the largest consumers of cannabis, and he wanted to put them all in jail. In order to do that, he created the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act and put a catch 22 in it.

Also explains why the penalties are so high.

Bottom line? If you support keeping cannabis illegal, you're a racist.
Anyone that thinks alcohol was being used by humans before opiates is delusional.

Any proof there? Or are you stoned? Again.

O. And yes actually. I am.

Considering the last three president smoked weed, Shakespeare smoked weed, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs smoked weed, and a plethora of other influential people smoked weed, I don't think that precludes pot smokers from holding an intelligent conversation.

Plenty more than just the last three, those are just the ones known to have, publicly.
You gotta wonder if the left is crazy or they see a weak administration that they can bully into any stupid left wing scheme. At a time in history when cigarette smoking has been regulated to death they want to legalize a drug which is ten times more harmful.

How is cannabis 10 times more harmful than cigarettes?

Harvard Medical and the Royal British Medical Society have shown the following.......

If you smoke cigarettes only, you are 21 times more likely to contract lung cancer than someone who doesn't smoke.

If you don't smoke anything, you still have a chance of contracting lung cancer.

If you smoke cannabis only? You have a 0.93 percent to 0.73 percent chance of contracting lung cancer than someone who doesn't smoke anything at all.

Oh's been proven to be beneficial for Alzheimer's, as well as chemo patients, helps with glaucoma as well as increases appetite.'s non addictive physically. Cigarettes are physically addictive.

Try again. You fail.

By the way, look up a dude named Anslinger sometime and find out the real reasons he pushed so hard to make marijuana illegal. Wanna know why? Because Blacks and Hispanics were the largest consumers of cannabis, and he wanted to put them all in jail. In order to do that, he created the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act and put a catch 22 in it.

Also explains why the penalties are so high.

Bottom line? If you support keeping cannabis illegal, you're a racist.

In terms of the dependence formed by the repeated excitation of the reward pathways of the brain, THC causes less physical dependence than caffeine.

A study just in the last week claims that the CB1 receptor, the main receptor activated by THC, causes rapid aging when its turned off; leading some biologists to suggest stimulating the CB1 receptor through THC might directly slow the aging mechanism.

"In experiments with mice, they switched off the cannabinoid-1 receptor. As a consequence, the animals showed signs of degeneration -- as seen in people with dementia -- much faster."

The cannabinoids in your body slow the aging processing by binding to the CB1 receptor. Why wouldnt artificial stimulus serve much the same function?
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And caffeine more-so effects the heart and cardio-vascular system and is incredibly bad for anxiety.

I also have a giant cock. <--just throwing that in there
From 1885-1929, Coca Cola had small, but significant amounts of cocaine in it. After 1929, they stopped using it.

Cannabis was used since the 1600's... primarily as Hemp... actually, it was required for all communities to grow hemp. It was used medicinally and recreationally from the early 1800's.

Opiates... we all know about opiates... they've been used forever.

So right there are the big three.. Cocaine, Pot, and opiates. they do have a history in our society. Now... am I advocating for legalization for all three of these drugs? No. However, the least harmful of those three is Pot. I'd even venture to say that it is less harmful than alcohol. So i do support the legalization of marijuana.

So a soft drink maker for a brief period. An unproven assertion about hemp. And a pain-relieving pharmaceutical.
That's it? Really?
You haven't proven anything, other than you can't understand a simple post.

Ok... here we go.... I hate it when people just can't admit they were wrong...

Marijuana-marijuana: History of Marijuana Use &mdash;

and damn near 50 years is not a short period of time.

whatever dude... you know you're wrong. You just don't want to admit it.
And caffeine more-so effects the heart and cardio-vascular system and is incredibly bad for anxiety.

I also have a giant cock. <--just throwing that in there

Lol not only that, but it actually has benefits to the respiratory system. It relieves asthma attacks because thc causes the bronchial tubes to expand, while nicotine causes them to harden and contract.

Not that inhaling smoke is good. It just doesnt cause cancer or emphysema and even literally opens your airways.
Bodyguard for the brain: Researchers identify mechanism that seems to protect brain from aging

Quote: "If we switch off the receptor using gene technology, mouse brains age much faster," said Önder Albayram, principal author of the publication and a doctoral student on the team of Professor Dr. Andreas Zimmer from the Institut für Molekulare Psychiatrie at the University of Bonn. "This means that the CB1 signal system has a protective effect for nerve cells."
I quit smoking three years ago.

I headed up at 6am to the Saratoga Race track with some friends to set up for my Friend's 1st half of his batchelor party.

I got a large turbo-ice, from dunkin donuts (light and sweet) and also had smoked.

I had a massive, 4-hour long panic attack. My first ever. I didn't think I was going to make it.

I never smoked again, after doing it for a few years mixed with Music-making and what not.

But - I've had a couple more attacks......induced by large amounts of caffeine on an empty system, on a hangover.

I think caffeine probably played the bigger role that day of the batchelor party, but I haven't had the nuts to go back to Mary.
I think that at first, my brain automatically blamed the weed because society programmed me to automatically think "illegal drug = killer!!"

Meanwhile, Caffeine was the silent culprit. Caffeine is such a douche when it tweaks my anxiety. Other times, it makes me hyper and giddy as fawk and at the peak of my comedic-game.

I quit smoking three years ago.

I headed up at 6am to the Saratoga Race track with some friends to set up for my Friend's 1st half of his batchelor party.

I got a large turbo-ice, from dunkin donuts (light and sweet) and also had smoked.

I had a massive, 4-hour long panic attack. My first ever. I didn't think I was going to make it.

I never smoked again, after doing it for a few years mixed with Music-making and what not.

But - I've had a couple more attacks......induced by large amounts of caffeine on an empty system, on a hangover.

I think caffeine probably played the bigger role that day of the batchelor party, but I haven't had the nuts to go back to Mary.

Caffine causes panic attacks in some people.

When you drink it your body releases adrenaline, the fight or flight drug.

Pot also gives some people panic attacks.

Of course most people who suffer from panic attacks do not smoke pot.

However I would not be surprised to discover that most of them do drink coffee or other caffinated beverages.

Maybe we ought to drive coffee onto the black marekt so we create another criminal cartel and add to the already huge number of human rights violating laws we seem to love so much.

then we can legalize it, and tax the crap out of it.

That'll make everybody happy, won't it?

When it comes to drugs, this society, and especially this society's governments, are plum loco.
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I quit smoking three years ago.

I headed up at 6am to the Saratoga Race track with some friends to set up for my Friend's 1st half of his batchelor party.

I got a large turbo-ice, from dunkin donuts (light and sweet) and also had smoked.

I had a massive, 4-hour long panic attack. My first ever. I didn't think I was going to make it.

I never smoked again, after doing it for a few years mixed with Music-making and what not.

But - I've had a couple more attacks......induced by large amounts of caffeine on an empty system, on a hangover.

I think caffeine probably played the bigger role that day of the batchelor party, but I haven't had the nuts to go back to Mary.

Caffine causes panic attacks in some people.

When you drink it your body releases adrenaline, the fight or flight drug.

Pot also gives some people panic attacks.

Of course most people who suffer from panic attacks do not smoke pot.

However I would not be surprised to discover that most of them do drink coffee or other caffinated beverages.

Maybe we ought to drive coffee onto the black marekt so we create another criminal cartel and add to the already huge number of human rights violating laws we seem to love so much.

then we can legalize it, and tax the crap out of it.

That'll make everybody happy, won't it?

When it comes to drugs, this society, and especially this society's governments, are plum loco.

I just miss Mary, she enhanced my Music experience 1000 fold. : (

I'm askurred
The only reason that cannabis is illegal world wide is because of the racist prick named Anslinger who took his case to the UN.

If bigots in the south didnt hate mexican migrant workers the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 wouldn't have ever been more than a fleeting thought.
I quit smoking three years ago.

I headed up at 6am to the Saratoga Race track with some friends to set up for my Friend's 1st half of his batchelor party.

I got a large turbo-ice, from dunkin donuts (light and sweet) and also had smoked.

I had a massive, 4-hour long panic attack. My first ever. I didn't think I was going to make it.

I never smoked again, after doing it for a few years mixed with Music-making and what not.

But - I've had a couple more attacks......induced by large amounts of caffeine on an empty system, on a hangover.

I think caffeine probably played the bigger role that day of the batchelor party, but I haven't had the nuts to go back to Mary.

Caffine causes panic attacks in some people.

When you drink it your body releases adrenaline, the fight or flight drug.

Pot also gives some people panic attacks.

Of course most people who suffer from panic attacks do not smoke pot.

However I would not be surprised to discover that most of them do drink coffee or other caffinated beverages.

Maybe we ought to drive coffee onto the black marekt so we create another criminal cartel and add to the already huge number of human rights violating laws we seem to love so much.

then we can legalize it, and tax the crap out of it.

That'll make everybody happy, won't it?

When it comes to drugs, this society, and especially this society's governments, are plum loco.

I just miss Mary, she enhanced my Music experience 1000 fold. : (

I'm askurred

Here's a possible solution........

Get some relaxing type of tea that doesn't have caffiene, and then, after drinking the tea for a bit, light up a fatty and see what happens.

Oh yeah.......don't forget to play your favorite relaxing music.
The only reason that cannabis is illegal world wide is because of the racist prick named Anslinger who took his case to the UN.

Next time a chick is asleep in your bed put your balls over her mouth and plug her nose, fwiw.....tbh....imo..

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