It's time to legalize drugs

The CDC has released that 75% of all drug overdoses are for prescription drugs.
Tobacco kills 100 times more Americans a year than crack and meth combined.
Caffine causes panic attacks in some people.

When you drink it your body releases adrenaline, the fight or flight drug.

Pot also gives some people panic attacks.

Of course most people who suffer from panic attacks do not smoke pot.

However I would not be surprised to discover that most of them do drink coffee or other caffinated beverages.

Maybe we ought to drive coffee onto the black marekt so we create another criminal cartel and add to the already huge number of human rights violating laws we seem to love so much.

then we can legalize it, and tax the crap out of it.

That'll make everybody happy, won't it?

When it comes to drugs, this society, and especially this society's governments, are plum loco.

I just miss Mary, she enhanced my Music experience 1000 fold. : (

I'm askurred

Here's a possible solution........

Get some relaxing type of tea that doesn't have caffiene, and then, after drinking the tea for a bit, light up a fatty and see what happens.

Oh yeah.......don't forget to play your favorite relaxing music.
So what, are drugs the source of happiness in your life?
Did I say crack or meth, douch towel? Try no.

Well, crack and meth are illegal. So they must be lesser harmful drugs, according to you.

Do you have any more whoppers to tell us?

I said that lesser harmful drugs than alcohol are illegal, I didn't say that ALL illegal drugs are less harmful than alcohol, dipshit.
Alcohol is more addictive and more harmful than cannabis could ever hope to be.

Yet, alcohol is legal, while cannabis is listed as a Schedule I narcotic, meaning it has no medical beneift. Harvard Medical, as well as many other studies by very respected medical groups have proven this false.

So why is cannabis still illegal?

Oh yeah............I remember was made illegal by Anslinger for racist ideals, and he got Hurst and Dow to go along with him, and took his case to the UN.

Reefer Madness is a propaganda film that doesn't even come close to the effects of marijuana.

Anyone that votes to keep cannabis illegal is a closet racist.
Alcohol is more addictive and more harmful than cannabis could ever hope to be.

Yet, alcohol is legal, while cannabis is listed as a Schedule I narcotic, meaning it has no medical beneift. Harvard Medical, as well as many other studies by very respected medical groups have proven this false.

So why is cannabis still illegal?

Oh yeah............I remember was made illegal by Anslinger for racist ideals, and he got Hurst and Dow to go along with him, and took his case to the UN.

Reefer Madness is a propaganda film that doesn't even come close to the effects of marijuana.

Anyone that votes to keep cannabis illegal is a closet racist.
how you ever manage to tie your shoes in the morning without lacing your feet together is beyond me.
Did I say crack or meth, douch towel? Try no.

Well, crack and meth are illegal. So they must be lesser harmful drugs, according to you.

Do you have any more whoppers to tell us?

I said that lesser harmful drugs than alcohol are illegal, I didn't say that ALL illegal drugs are less harmful than alcohol, dipshit.

Which ones have health benefits similar to alcohol?
Smart people can make distinctions. Stupid people can't.

You obviously can't make distinctions.

Well do tell us what is your reasoning behind killing dealers for the first offense and then drug addicts for their second after they get rehab. Why do they get the death penalty?

Because they obviously cannot be productive members of society. The opposite in fact. They are destructive to society.
[Tune up slippery slope fallacy from Junior in 3...2...1....]

No... it's not a slippery slope... it's a fascist cliff. Congratulation Herr Goebbels, you are a fascist. It's official.
Well do tell us what is your reasoning behind killing dealers for the first offense and then drug addicts for their second after they get rehab. Why do they get the death penalty?

Because they obviously cannot be productive members of society. The opposite in fact. They are destructive to society.
[Tune up slippery slope fallacy from Junior in 3...2...1....]

No... it's not a slippery slope... it's a fascist cliff. Congratulation Herr Goebbels, you are a fascist. It's official.

Coming from the guy who wants crushing taxes and regulation, that's rich.
Because they obviously cannot be productive members of society. The opposite in fact. They are destructive to society.
[Tune up slippery slope fallacy from Junior in 3...2...1....]

No... it's not a slippery slope... it's a fascist cliff. Congratulation Herr Goebbels, you are a fascist. It's official.

Coming from the guy who wants crushing taxes and regulation, that's rich.

oh yeah... Crushing taxes(eliminate loopholes and let the Bush cuts expire<gasp> 4%) and regulating huge conglomerates so that small business can flourish... vs. Killing fellow citizens because you don't like their behavior....

I think I win that one.
Someone should tell Rabid Lie that alcohol is more addictive and dangerous to the body than cannabis ever was.

It's been proven repeatedly.
Someone should tell Rabid Lie that alcohol is more addictive and dangerous to the body than cannabis ever was.

It's been proven repeatedly.

As soon as you get that dick out of your mouth go look up the benefits of alcohol and then find me a study that shows equal benefit to marijuana.
Someone should tell Rabid Lie that alcohol is more addictive and dangerous to the body than cannabis ever was.

It's been proven repeatedly.

As soon as you get that dick out of your mouth go look up the benefits of alcohol and then find me a study that shows equal benefit to marijuana.

Cannabis is not addictive physically. Alcohol is.

Cannabis has no ill effects on any organ system. Alcohol affects ALL of them.

Cannabis has been proven to help with Alzheimer's, nausea due to chemotherapy, glaucoma, etc.

Alcohol hasn't been proven to do any of that.

I say this as a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor who did that for 8 years in the military.
Well do tell us what is your reasoning behind killing dealers for the first offense and then drug addicts for their second after they get rehab. Why do they get the death penalty?

Because they obviously cannot be productive members of society. The opposite in fact. They are destructive to society.
[Tune up slippery slope fallacy from Junior in 3...2...1....]

No... it's not a slippery slope... it's a fascist cliff. Congratulation Herr Goebbels, you are a fascist. It's official.

And a big gub-ment statist too.
Someone should tell Rabid Lie that alcohol is more addictive and dangerous to the body than cannabis ever was.

It's been proven repeatedly.

As soon as you get that dick out of your mouth go look up the benefits of alcohol and then find me a study that shows equal benefit to marijuana.

Cannabis is not addictive physically. Alcohol is.

Cannabis has no ill effects on any organ system. Alcohol affects ALL of them.

Cannabis has been proven to help with Alzheimer's, nausea due to chemotherapy, glaucoma, etc.

Alcohol hasn't been proven to do any of that.

I say this as a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor who did that for 8 years in the military.
well alchohol does lower cholesterol and also inhibits protiens that lead to hardening of the arteries.
Because they obviously cannot be productive members of society. The opposite in fact. They are destructive to society.
[Tune up slippery slope fallacy from Junior in 3...2...1....]

No... it's not a slippery slope... it's a fascist cliff. Congratulation Herr Goebbels, you are a fascist. It's official.

And a big gub-ment statist too.

That's Fucking hilarious... one side is talking about stopping the waste of money time and resources by legalizing a relatively harmless drug... and the other side is too fearful to do so and needs "big gub-ment" to make that decision for them... and then they have the nerve to call the other a statist.

you're not too bright are you?

BTW... you think it's not STATIST to execute people for stupid shit like smoking and selling pot? you're right... it's not statist.. it's beyond statist... it's, as I said before... Fascist.

EDIT: misread your post..... sorry about that... Rabbi... I send this post to you.
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Someone should tell Rabid Lie that alcohol is more addictive and dangerous to the body than cannabis ever was.

It's been proven repeatedly.

As soon as you get that dick out of your mouth go look up the benefits of alcohol and then find me a study that shows equal benefit to marijuana.

Cannabis is not addictive physically. Alcohol is.

Cannabis has no ill effects on any organ system. Alcohol affects ALL of them.

Cannabis has been proven to help with Alzheimer's, nausea due to chemotherapy, glaucoma, etc.

Alcohol hasn't been proven to do any of that.

I say this as a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor who did that for 8 years in the military.

So it has no health benefit for a healthy person.
Alcohol has health benefits for the average person, with increased life expectancy across the board.

It is no wonder our military suffers with health providers like you.
As soon as you get that dick out of your mouth go look up the benefits of alcohol and then find me a study that shows equal benefit to marijuana.

Cannabis is not addictive physically. Alcohol is.

Cannabis has no ill effects on any organ system. Alcohol affects ALL of them.

Cannabis has been proven to help with Alzheimer's, nausea due to chemotherapy, glaucoma, etc.

Alcohol hasn't been proven to do any of that.

I say this as a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor who did that for 8 years in the military.

So it has no health benefit for a healthy person.
Alcohol has health benefits for the average person, with increased life expectancy across the board.

It is no wonder our military suffers with health providers like you.

Aren't there many drugs which are legal yet have no benefit to healthy people?

I'm also curious if it's alcohol which provides benefits or certain types of alcohol. I've heard that red wine can be beneficial, but it is not simply the alcohol content which is the reason. What are the benefits of alcohol that are true for all alcoholic beverages? I'm not saying they don't exist, simply that I'm unaware of what they are.

Of course, the idea that something must benefit society or be illegal is ridiculous, but let's ignore that for the moment.
Cannabis is not addictive physically. Alcohol is.

Cannabis has no ill effects on any organ system. Alcohol affects ALL of them.

Cannabis has been proven to help with Alzheimer's, nausea due to chemotherapy, glaucoma, etc.

Alcohol hasn't been proven to do any of that.

I say this as a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor who did that for 8 years in the military.

So it has no health benefit for a healthy person.
Alcohol has health benefits for the average person, with increased life expectancy across the board.

It is no wonder our military suffers with health providers like you.

Aren't there many drugs which are legal yet have no benefit to healthy people?

I'm also curious if it's alcohol which provides benefits or certain types of alcohol. I've heard that red wine can be beneficial, but it is not simply the alcohol content which is the reason. What are the benefits of alcohol that are true for all alcoholic beverages? I'm not saying they don't exist, simply that I'm unaware of what they are.

Of course, the idea that something must benefit society or be illegal is ridiculous, but let's ignore that for the moment.

What recreational drugs are legal but have no benefit to healthy people??

It seems that while red wine is the winner, many studies simply measure alcohol intake and moderate drinkers have considerably longer lifespans than non drinkers. In fact heavy drinkers have longer life spans than non drinkers, but not as long as moderates.

I am not saying something must be beneficial or be banned. I am saying that alcohol is not remotely comparable to illicit drugs for many many reasons, among them the health benefits.

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