Jab News as of 10/17/21


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
54.2% of COVID deaths in Ireland have been vaccinated people.

Israeli Health Ministry may ask newly vaccinated people to avoid exercise for a week due cases of myocarditis.

In the UK report pages 10, 13 and 16. High level of vaccine uptake amongst the older more vulnerable population, more covid cases needing hospitalization in the double vaccinated, by a long shot, and more deaths as well.

How’s that vaccine passport working out in Ontario Canada you ask?

How Ireland compares... far left is fewest, far right is the most....the US is on the far right of the graph.


54.2% of COVID deaths in Ireland have been vaccinated people.

Israeli Health Ministry may ask newly vaccinated people to avoid exercise for a week due cases of myocarditis.

In the UK report pages 10, 13 and 16. High level of vaccine uptake amongst the older more vulnerable population, more covid cases needing hospitalization in the double vaccinated, by a long shot, and more deaths as well.

How’s that vaccine passport working out in Ontario Canada you ask?

Beats dying.
Vaccinated people account for more than 75% of the country, and they are 54.2% of the deaths...hmmm seems being vaccinated is the way to go.
If you really look at the data, being young and healthy is the way to go. Whether vaxxed or not, it's the same narrow demographic of people dying, with a few outliers, of course. This was never a matter of vaxxed and unvaxxed it was always about the pre-existing conditions. We knew that from day one.
And for the first time in history we have a vaccine that is not only forced upon people to get it injected, but those that have had it live in morbid fear of the virus they’ve supposedly been vaccinated against.

I do not agree with the Govt forcing anyone and I do not know anyone that lives in fear, let alone morbid fear of COVID
If you really look at the data, being young and healthy is the way to go. Whether vaxxed or not, it's the same narrow demographic of people dying, with a few outliers, of course. This was never a matter of vaxxed and unvaxxed it was always about the pre-existing conditions. We knew that from day one.

and 60% of our country has at least one pre-existing condition, thus putting a large portion in the "danger" zone.
I do not agree with the Govt forcing anyone and I do not know anyone that lives in fear, let alone morbid fear of COVID
Who’s forcing people to get the jab? Vaccinated people.
Who’s forcing vaccinated people to wear masks?
Vaccinated people.
Who’s forcing unvaccinated people to stay away from vaccinated people?
Vaccinated people.
and 60% of our country has at least one pre-existing condition, thus putting a large portion in the "danger" zone.
And 80% of America has a BMI too high, putting them in high risk groups and a burden upon the healthcare system.

So let’s ban everyone with a high BMI from being able to purchase any groceries except low carb veggies.
The chemical warfare cooked up in Wuhan is not the virus. That was the placebo. No..the real nasty virus is in the vaccine.
You start a pandemic with a bad flu with a few deaths here and there. Keep the fear going, and plan on those you scared to do as you planned....taking a vaccine that WILL do what needs done. A great reset.

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