Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

The Greatest Insult


Incorrect. Your link in this post goes to a website that is collecting money.
My link shows where the material I am using came from. It's free to be used providing it isn't sold. Why are you so worried about the Gospel being preached, Ravi? This thread has over 10,000 views on it. Others are interested in reading the tracts even if you are not. Before you go make sure and watch this video though. It's about the occult.

Another pastor confirms what Jack Chick, Avro Manhattan, Alexander Hislop, Dr. Alberto Rivera, and many others reveal about Catholicism is the truth.

Watch this!
By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
Hebrews 13:15
God bless Jack Chick! Over 1 billion tracts have been distributed throughout the world and many more have been read on the internet and by you tube. We need more men of God like Jack Chick!
If I had to think of one person whose testimony Jack Chick published that is life changing to those who read it - it would be the testimony of ex - Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera who exposed the Vatican - the true motive of the Jesuits - and how it all fits into the One World Order they have worked from the beginning to form. If there is one testimony you seek to learn about let that be the one because what he has to say is unfolding before our very eyes in this day and hour.
You may be the only witness they ever meet!

Give Chick tracts to:

Your neighbors, waitresses, cab drivers, hotel employees, fast food employees (carry tracts in your car and in your purse or pocket) Leave them in restrooms, gas pumps, at rest areas, in restaurants, on ATM Machines, on dressers at hotels / motels during your summer vacation travel time - leave on ice machines - put them inside Gideon bibles at your hotel, put them in plane pocket seats, inside magazines at your doctors office / waiting rooms / terminals and lounges, luggage pick up area picnic tables, laundromats, supply stores, game rooms, libraries, share them at church for others to hand out!
You may be the only witness they ever meet!

Give Chick tracts to:

Your neighbors, waitresses, cab drivers, hotel employees, fast food employees (carry tracts in your car and in your purse or pocket) Leave them in restrooms, gas pumps, at rest areas, in restaurants, on ATM Machines, on dressers at hotels / motels during your summer vacation travel time - leave on ice machines - put them inside Gideon bibles at your hotel, put them in plane pocket seats, inside magazines at your doctors office / waiting rooms / terminals and lounges, luggage pick up area picnic tables, laundromats, supply stores, game rooms, libraries, share them at church for others to hand out!

Yes they are always good for a good belly laugh
I hear the jesuits have been spotted making their way to upstate south carolina , last seen near greenville :ack-1:

Do not ever forget the Jesuits dressed in SS Nazi uniforms and led the way in torturing your people, raping your women, doing satanic experiments on your children - yes - your Jewish Brethren - and that Hitler so highly regarded them he used their blueprint to annihilate 6 1/2 million Jews - in fact - Mein Kampf was written by a Jesuit priest and then handed to Hitler - how are you liking those Jesuits now, Guno? Hitler praised the Jesuits by name - even telling the Jesuit - Himmler that he was his very own Ignatius Loyola!

Still cheering them on and laughing about it or no?

If you are - shame on you - I'll stand in your place in standing up for the six and one half million Jews that were slaughtered by them - and you can in your utter ignorance - keep cheering on your brethrens' executioners, Guno.

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